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<p>We have seen one unhappy difference among the brethren, which was of a public nature, brought to a good issue; but here we have a private quarrel between two ministers, no less men than Paul and Barnabas, not compromised indeed, yet ending well.</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. Here is a good proposal Paul made to Barnabas to go and review their work among the Gentiles and renew it, to take a circuit among the churches they had planted, and see what progress the gospel made among them. Antioch was now a safe and quiet harbour for them: they had there no adversary nor evil occurrent; but Paul remembered that they only put in there to refit and refresh themselves, and therefore begins now to think of putting to sea again; and, having been in winter quarters long enough, he is for taking the field again, and making another campaign, in a vigorous prosecution of this holy war against Satans kingdom. Paul remembered that the work appointed him was afar off among the Gentiles, and therefore he is here meditating a second expedition among them to do the same work, though to encounter the same difficulties; and this <i>some days after</i>, for his active spirit could not bear to be long out of work; no, nor his bold and daring spirit to be long out of danger. Observe, 1. To whom he makes this proposal—to Barnabas, his old friend and fellow-labourer; he invites his company and help in this work. We have need one of another, and may be in many ways serviceable one to another; and therefore should be forward both to borrow and lend assistance. Two are better than one. Every soldier has his comrade. 2. For whom the visit is designed: “Let us not presently begin new work, nor break up new ground; but let us take a view of the fields we have sown. <i>Come, and let us get up early to the vineyards, let us see if the vine flourish</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Song.7.12" href="/passage/?search=Song.7.12">Song 7:12</a>. <i>Let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord</i>.” Observe, He calls all the Christians brethren, and not ministers only; for, <i>Have we not all one Father</i>? He has a concern for them in <i>every city</i>, even where the brethren were fewest and poorest, and most persecuted and despised; yet let us visit them. Wherever we have <i>preached the word of the Lord</i>, let us go and water the seed sown. Note, Those that have preached the gospel should visit those to whom them have preached it. As we must look after our praying, and hear what answer God gives to that; so we must look after our preaching, and see what success that has. Faithful ministers cannot but have a particular tender concern for those to whom they have preached the gospel, that they may not bestow upon them labour in vain. See <a class="bibleref" title="1Thess.3.5,1Thess.3.6" href="/passage/?search=1Thess.3.5,1Thess.3.6"><span class="bibleref" title="1Thess.3.5">1 Thess. 3:5</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="1Thess.3.6">6</span></a>. 3. What was intended in this visit: “Let us <i>see how they do</i>,” <b><i>pos echousi</i></b><i>how it is with them</i>. It was not merely a compliment that he designed, nor did he take such a journey with a bare <i>How do you do</i>? No, he would visit them that he might acquaint himself with their case, and impart unto them such spiritual gifts as were suited to it; as the physician visits his recovering patient, that he may prescribe what is proper for the perfecting of his cure, and the preventing of a relapse. Let us see how they do, that is, (1.) What spirit they are of, how they stand affected, and how they behave themselves; it is probable that they frequently heard from them, “But let us go and see them; let us go and see whether they hold fast what we preached to them, and live up to it, that we may endeavour to reduce them if we find them wandering, to confirm them if we find them wavering, and to comfort them if we find them steady.” (2.) What state they are in, whether the churches have rest and liberty, or whether they are not in trouble or distress, that we may rejoice with them if they rejoice, and caution them against security, and may weep with them if they weep, and comfort them under the cross, and may know the better how to pray for them.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. The disagreement between Paul and Barnabas about an assistant; it was convenient to have a young man with them that should attend on them and minister to them, and be a witness of their <i>doctrine, manner of life, and patience</i>, and that should be fitted and trained up for further service, by being occasionally employed in the present service. Now, 1. Barnabas would have his nephew John, whose surname was Mark, to go along with them, <a class="bibleref" title="Acts.15.37" href="/passage/?search=Acts.15.37">Acts 15:37</a>. He determined to take him, because he was his relation, and, it is likely, was brought up under him, and he had a kindness for him, and was solicitous for his welfare. We should suspect ourselves of partiality, and guard against it in preferring our relations. 2. Paul opposed it (<a class="bibleref" title="Acts.15.38" href="/passage/?search=Acts.15.38">Acts 15:38</a>): <i>He thought not good to take him with them</i>, <b><i>ouk exiou</i></b><i>he did not think him worthy</i> of the honour, nor fit for the service, who had <i>departed from them</i>, clandestinely as it should seem, without their knowledge, or wilfully, without their consent, from Pamphylia (<a class="bibleref" title="Acts.13.13" href="/passage/?search=Acts.13.13">Acts 13:13</a>), and <i>went not with them to the work</i>, because he was either lazy and would not take the pains that must be taken, or cowardly and would not run the hazard. He run his colours just as they were going to engage. It is probable that he promised very fair now that he would not do so again. But Paul thought it was not fit he should be thus honoured who had forfeited his reputation, nor thus employed who had betrayed his trust; at least, not till he had been longer tried. If a man deceive me once, it is his fault; but, if twice, it is my own, for trusting him. Solomon saith, <i>Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint</i>, which will hardly be used again, <a class="bibleref" title="Prov.25.19" href="/passage/?search=Prov.25.19">Prov. 25:19</a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. The issue of this disagreement: it came to such a height that they separated upon it. The contention, the <i>paroxysm</i> (so the word is), the fit of passion which this threw them both into, was so sharp that they <i>departed asunder one from the other</i>. Barnabas was peremptory that he would not go with Paul unless they took John Mark with them; Paul was as peremptory that he would not go if John did go with them. Neither would yield, and therefore there is no remedy but they must part. Now here is that which is very humbling, and just matter of lamentation, and yet very instructive. For we see, 1. That the best of men are but men, <i>subject to like passions</i> as we are, as these two good men had expressly owned concerning themselves (<a class="bibleref" title="Acts.14.15" href="/passage/?search=Acts.14.15">Acts 14:15</a>), and now it appeared too true. I doubt there was (as usually there is in such contentions) a <i>fault on both sides</i>; perhaps Paul was too severe upon the young man, and did not allow his fault the extenuation it was capable of, did not consider what a useful woman his mother was in Jerusalem (<a class="bibleref" title="Acts.12.12" href="/passage/?search=Acts.12.12">Acts 12:12</a>), nor make the allowances he might have made to Barnabass natural affection. But it was Barnabass fault that he took this into consideration, in a case wherein the interest of Christs kingdom was concerned, and indulged it too much. And they were certainly both in fault to be hot as to let the contention be sharp (it is to be feared they gave one another some hard words), as also to be so stiff as each to stick resolutely to his opinion, and neither to yield. It is a pity that they did not refer the matter to a third person, or that some friend did not interpose to prevent its coming to an open rupture. Isa. there never a wise man among them to interpose his good offices, and to accommodate the matter, and to put them in mind of the Canaanite and the Perizzite that were <i>now in the land</i>, and that not only Jews and heathens, but the false brethren among themselves, would warm their hands at the flames of the contention between Paul and Barnabas? We must own it was their infirmity, and is recorded for our admonition; not that we must make use of it to excuse our own intemperate heats and passions, or to rebate the edge of our sorrow and shame for them; we must not say, “What if I was in a passion, were not Paul and Barnabas so?” No; but it must check our censures of others, and moderate them. If good men are soon put into a passion, we must make the best of it, it was the infirmity once of two of the best men that ever the world had. Repentance teaches us to be severe in reflections upon ourselves; but charity teaches us to be candid in our reflections upon others. It is only Christs example that is a copy without a blot. 2. That we are not to think it strange if there be differences among wise and good men; we were told before that such offences would come, and here is an instance of it. Even those that are united to one and the same Jesus, and sanctified by one and the same Spirit, have different apprehensions, different opinions, different views, and different sentiments in points of prudence. It will be so while we are in this state of darkness and imperfection; we shall never be all of a mind till we come to heaven, where light and love are perfect. That is <i>charity</i> which <i>never fails</i>. 3. That these differences often prevail so far as to occasion separations. Paul and Barnabas, who were not separated by the persecutions of the unbelieving Jews, nor the impositions of the believing Jews, were yet separated by an unhappy disagreement between themselves. O the mischief that even the poor and weak remainders of pride and passion, that are found even in good men, do in the world, do in the church! Now wonder the consequences are so fatal where they reign.</p>
<p class="tab-1">IV. The good that was brought out of this evil-meat out of the eater, and sweetness out of the strong. It was strange that even the sufferings of the apostles (as <a class="bibleref" title="Phil.1.12" href="/passage/?search=Phil.1.12">Phil. 1:12</a>), but much more strange that even the quarrels of the apostles, should tend to the <i>furtherance of the gospel of Christ</i>; yet so it proved here. God would not permit such things to be, if he knew not how to make them to serve his own purposes. 1. More places are hereby visited. Barnabas went one way; he sailed to Cyprus (<a class="bibleref" title="Acts.15.39" href="/passage/?search=Acts.15.39">Acts 15:39</a>), that famous island where they began their work (<a class="bibleref" title="Acts.13.4" href="/passage/?search=Acts.13.4">Acts 13:4</a>), and which was <i>his own country</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Acts.4.36" href="/passage/?search=Acts.4.36">Acts 4:36</a>. Paul went another way into Cilicia, which was <i>his own country</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Acts.21.39" href="/passage/?search=Acts.21.39">Acts 21:39</a>. Each seems to be influenced by his affection to his native soil, as usual (<i>Nescio quâ natale solum dulcedine cunctos ducit—There is something that attaches us all to our native soil</i>), and yet God served his own purposes by it, for the diffusing of gospel light. 2. More hands are hereby employed in the ministry of the gospel among the Gentiles; for, (1.) John Mark, who had been an unfaithful hand, is not rejected, but is again made use of, against Pauls mind, and, for aught we know, proves a very useful and successful hand, though many think it was not the same with that Mark that wrote the gospel, and founded the church at Alexandria, and whom Peter calls his son, <a class="bibleref" title="1Pet.5.13" href="/passage/?search=1Pet.5.13">1 Pet. 5:13</a>. (2.) Silas who was a new hand, and never yet employed in that work, nor intended to be, but to return to the service of the church at Jerusalem, had not God changed his mind (<a class="bibleref" title="Acts.15.33,Acts.15.34" href="/passage/?search=Acts.15.33,Acts.15.34"><span class="bibleref" title="Acts.15.33">Acts 15:33</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Acts.15.34">34</span></a>), he is brought in, and engaged in that noble work.</p>
<p class="tab-1">V. We may further observe, 1. That the church at Antioch seem to countenance Paul in what he did. Barnabas sailed with his nephew to Cyprus, and no notice was taken of him, nor a <i>bene discessit—a recommendation</i> given him. Note, Those that in their service of the church are swayed by private affections and regards forfeit public honours and respect. But, when Paul departed, he was <i>recommended by the brethren to the grace of God</i>. They thought he was in the right in refusing to make use of John Mark, and could not but blame Barnabas for insisting upon it, though he was one who had deserved well of the church (<a class="bibleref" title="Acts.11.22" href="/passage/?search=Acts.11.22">Acts 11:22</a>) before they knew Paul; and therefore they prayed publicly for Paul, and for the success of his ministry, encouraged him to go on in his work, and, though they could do nothing themselves to further him, they transferred the matter to the grace of God, leaving it to that grace both to work upon him and to work with him. Note, Those are happy at all times, and especially in times of disagreement and contention, who are enabled so to carry themselves as not to forfeit their interest in the love and prayers of good people. 2. That yet Paul afterwards seems to have had, though not upon second thoughts, yet upon further trial, a better opinion of John Mark than now he had; for he writes to Timothy (<a class="bibleref" title="2Tim.4.11" href="/passage/?search=2Tim.4.11">2 Tim. 4:11</a>), <i>Take Mark and bring him with thee, for he is profitable to me for the ministry</i>; and he writes to the Colossians concerning Marcus, sisters son to Barnabas, that <i>if he came to them</i> they should <i>receive him</i>, bid him welcome, and employ him (<a class="bibleref" title="Col.4.10" href="/passage/?search=Col.4.10">Col. 4:10</a>), which teaches us, (1.) That even those whom we justly condemn we should condemn moderately, and with a great deal of temper, because we know not but afterwards we may see cause to think better of them, and both to make use of them and make friendship with them, and we should so regulate our resentments that if it should prove so we may not afterwards be ashamed of them. (2.) That even those whom we have justly condemned, if afterwards they prove more faithful, we should cheerfully receive, forgive and forget, and put a confidence in, and, as there is occasion, give a good word to. 3. That Paul, though he wanted his old friend and companion in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, yet went on cheerfully in his work (<a class="bibleref" title="Acts.15.41" href="/passage/?search=Acts.15.41">Acts 15:41</a>): <i>He went through Syria and Cilicia</i>, countries which lay next to Antioch, <i>confirming the churches</i>. Though we change our colleagues, we do not change our principal president. And observe, Ministers are well employed, and ought to think themselves so, and be satisfied, when they are made use of confirming those that believe, as well as in converting those that believe not.</p>