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<p>In these words the apostle lays down another argument to prove the truth and reality of the gospel, and intimates that this second proof is more strong and convincing than the former, and more unanswerably makes out that the doctrine of the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is not a mere fable or cunning contrivance of men, but the wise and wonderful counsel of the holy and gracious God. For this is foretold by the prophets and penmen of the Old Testament, who spoke and wrote under the influence and according to the direction of the Spirit of God. Here note,</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. The description that is given of the scriptures of the Old Testament: they are called a <i>more sure word of prophecy</i>. 1. It is a prophetical declaration of the power and coming, the Godhead and incarnation, of our Saviour, which we have in the Old Testament. It is there foretold <i>that the seed of the woman shall bruise the serpents head</i>. His power to destroy the devil and his works, and his being made of a woman, are there foretold; and the great and awful Old Testament name of God, <i>Jehovah</i> (as read by some), signifies only <i>He will be</i>; and that name of God (<a class="bibleref" title="Exod.3.14" href="/passage/?search=Exod.3.14">Exod. 3:14</a>) is rendered by many, <i>I will be that I will be</i>; and, thus understood, they point at Gods being incarnate in order to the redemption and salvation of his people as what was <i>to come</i>. But the New Testament is a history of that whereof the Old Testament is a prophecy. <i>All the prophets and the law prophesied until John</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Matt.11.13" href="/passage/?search=Matt.11.13">Matt. 11:13</a>. And the evangelists and the apostles have written the history of what was before delivered as prophecy. Now the accomplishment of the Old Testament by the New, and the agreeableness of the New Testament to the Old, are a full demonstration of the truth of both. Read the Old Testament as a prophecy of Christ, and with diligence and thankfulness use the New as the best exposition of the Old. 2. <i>The Old Testament is a more sure word of prophecy</i>. It is so to the Jews who received it as the oracles of God. Following prophets confirmed what had been delivered by those who went before, and these prophecies had been written by the express command, and preserved by the special care, and many of them fulfilled by the wonderful providence of God, and therefore were more certain to those who had all along received and read the scriptures than the apostles account of this voice from heaven. <i>Moses and the prophets</i> more powerfully persuade than even miracles themselves, <a class="bibleref" title="Luke.16.31" href="/passage/?search=Luke.16.31">Luke 16:31</a>. How firm and sure should our faith be, who have such a firm and sure word to rest upon! All the prophecies of the Old Testament are more sure and certain to us who have the history of the most exact and minute accomplishment of them.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. The encouragement the apostle gives us to search the scriptures. He tells us, <i>We do well if we take heed to them</i>; that is, apply our minds to understand the sense, and our hearts to believe the truth, of this sure word, yea, bend ourselves to it, that we may be moulded and fashioned by it. The word is that form of doctrine into which we must be cast (<a class="bibleref" title="Rom.6.17" href="/passage/?search=Rom.6.17">Rom. 6:17</a>), <i>that formulary of knowledge</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Rom.2.20" href="/passage/?search=Rom.2.20">Rom. 2:20</a>) by which we are to regulate our thoughts and sentiments, our words and confessions, our whole life and conversation. If we thus apply ourselves to the word of God, we certainly do well in all respects, what is pleasing to God and profitable to ourselves; and this indeed is but paying that regard which is due to the oracles of God. But, in order to this giving heed to the word, the apostle suggests some things that are of singular use to those who would attend to the scriptures to any good purpose. 1. They must account and use the scripture as a light which God hath sent into and set up in the world, to dispel that darkness which is upon the face of the whole earth. The word is a lamp to the feet of those who use it aright; this discovers the way wherein men ought to walk; this is the means whereby we come to know the way of life. 2. They must acknowledge their own darkness. This world is a place of error and ignorance, and every man in the world is naturally without that knowledge which is necessary in order to attain eternal life. 3. If ever men are made wise to salvation, it is by the shining of the word of God into their hearts. Natural notions of God are not sufficient for fallen man, who does at best actually know a great deal less, and yet does absolutely need to know a great deal more, of God than Adam did while he continued innocent. 4. When the light of the scripture is darted into the blind mind and dark understanding by the Holy Spirit of God, then the <i>spiritual day dawns and the day-star arises in that soul</i>. This enlightening of a dark benighted mind is like the day-break that improves and advances, spreads and diffuses itself through the whole soul, till it makes perfect day, <a class="bibleref" title="Prov.4.18" href="/passage/?search=Prov.4.18">Prov. 4:18</a>. It is a growing knowledge; those who are this way enlightened never think they know enough, till they come to know as they are known. To give heed to this light must needs be the interest and duty of all; and all who do truth come to this light, while evil-doers keep at a distance from it.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. The apostle lays down one thing as previously necessary in order to our giving heed to, and getting good by, the scriptures, and that is the knowing that all prophecy is of divine origin. Now this important truth he not only asserts, but proves. 1. Observe, No scripture prophecy is of private interpretation (or a mans own proper opinion, an explication of his own mind), but the revelation of the mind of God. This was the difference between the prophets of the Lord and the false prophets who have been in the world. The prophets of the Lord did not speak nor do any thing of their own mind, as Moses, the chief of them, says expressly (<a class="bibleref" title="Num.16.28" href="/passage/?search=Num.16.28">Num. 16:28</a>), <i>I have not done any of the works</i> (nor delivered any of the statutes and ordinances) <i>of my own mind</i>. But false prophets <i>speak a vision of their own heart, not out of the mouth of the Lord</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Jer.23.16" href="/passage/?search=Jer.23.16">Jer. 23:16</a>. The prophets and penmen of the scripture spoke and wrote what was the mind of God; and though, when under the influence and guidance of the Spirit, it may well be supposed that they were willing to reveal and record such thing, yet it is because God would have them spoken and written. But though the scripture be not the effusion of mans own private opinion or inclination, but the revelation of the mind and will of God, yet every private man ought to search it, and come to understand the sense and meaning thereof. 2. This important truth of the divine origin of the scriptures (that what is contained in them is the mind of God and not of man) is to be known and owned by all who will give heed to the sure word of prophecy. That the scriptures are the word of God is not only an article of the true Christians faith, but also a matter of science or knowledge. As a man not barely believes, but knows assuredly that that very person is his particular friend in whom he sees all the proper, peculiar, distinguishing marks and characters of his friend, so the Christian knows that book to be the word of God in and upon which he sees all the proper marks and characters of a divinely inspired book. He tastes a sweetness, and feels a power, and sees a glory, in it truly divine. 3. The divinity of the scriptures must be known and acknowledged in the first place, before men can profitably use them, before they can give good heed to them. To call off our minds from all other writings, and apply them in a peculiar manner to these as the only certain and infallible rule, necessarily requires our being fully persuaded that these are divinely inspired, and contain what is truly the mind and will of God.</p>
<p class="tab-1">IV. Seeing it is so absolutely necessary that persons be fully persuaded of the scriptures divine origin, the apostle (<a class="bibleref" title="2Pet.1.21" href="/passage/?search=2Pet.1.21">2 Pet. 1:21</a>) tells us how the Old Testament came to be compiled, and that, 1. Negatively: <i>It came not by the will of man</i>. Neither the things themselves that are recorded, and make up the several parts of the Old Testament, are the opinions of men, nor was the will of any of the prophets or penmen of the scriptures the rule or reason why any of those things were written which make up the canon of the scripture. 2. Affirmatively: <i>Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost</i>. Observe, (1.) They were holy men of God who were employed about that book which we receive as the word of God. If Balaam and Caiaphas, and others who were destitute of holiness, had any thing of the spirit of prophecy, upon occasion, yet such persons were not employed to write any part of the scriptures for the use of the church of God. All the penmen of the scriptures were holy men of God. (2.) <i>These holy men were moved by the Holy Ghost</i> in what they delivered as the mind and will of God. The Holy Ghost is the supreme agent, the holy men are but instruments. [1.] The Holy Ghost inspired and dictated to them what they were to deliver of the mind of God. [2.] He powerfully excited and effectually engaged them to speak (and write) what he had put into their mouths. [3.] He so wisely and carefully assisted and directed them in the delivery of what they had received from him that they were effectually secured from any the least mistake in expressing what they revealed; so that the very words of scripture are to be accounted the words of the Holy Ghost, and all the plainness and simplicity, all the power and virtue, all the elegance and propriety, of the very words and expressions are to be regarded by us as proceeding from God. Mix faith therefore with what you find in the scriptures; esteem and reverence your Bible as a book written by holy men, inspired, influenced, and assisted by the Holy Ghost.</p>