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<p>Here is, I. An embassy sent to Hezekiah by the king of Babylon, to congratulate him on his recovery, <a class="bibleref" title="2Kgs.20.12" href="/passage/?search=2Kgs.20.12">2 Kgs. 20:12</a>. The kings of Babylon had hitherto been only deputies and tributaries to the kings of Assyria, and Nineveh was the royal city. We find Babylon subject to the king of Assyria, <a class="bibleref" title="2Kgs.17.24" href="/passage/?search=2Kgs.17.24">2 Kgs. 17:24</a>. But this king of Babylon began to set up for himself, and by degrees things were so changed that Assyria became subject to the kings of Babylon. This king of Babylon sent to compliment Hezekiah, and ingratiate himself with him upon a double account. 1. Upon the account of religion. The Babylonians worshipped the sun, and, perceiving what honour their god had done to Hezekiah, in going back for his sake, they thought themselves obliged to do honour to him likewise. It is good having those our friends whom we perceive to be the favourites of heaven. 2. Upon the account of civil interest. If the king of Babylon was now mediating a revolt from the king of Assyria, it was policy to get Hezekiah into his interest, in answer to whose prayers, and for whose protection, heaven had given that fatal blow to the king of Assyria. He found himself obliged to Hezekiah, and his God, for the weakening of the Assyrian forces, and had reason to think he could not have a more powerful and valuable ally than one that had so good an interest in the upper world. He therefore made his court to him with all possible respect by ambassadors, letters, and a present.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. The kind entertainment Hezekiah gave to these ambassadors, <a class="bibleref" title="2Kgs.20.13" href="/passage/?search=2Kgs.20.13">2 Kgs. 20:13</a>. It was his duty to be civil to them, and receive them with the respect due to ambassadors; but he exceeded, and was courteous to a fault. 1. He was too fond of them. He <i>hearkened unto them</i>. Though they were idolaters, yet he became intimate with them, was forward to come into a confederacy with the king their master, and granted them all they came for. He was more open and free than he should have been, and stood not so much upon his guard. What reason had he that was in covenant with God so eagerly to catch at an alliance with a heathen prince, or to value himself at all upon his respectful notice? What honour could this embassy add to one whom God had so highly favoured, that he should please himself so much with it? 2. He was too fond of showing them his palace, his treasures, and his magazines, that they might see, and might report to their master, what a great king he was, and how well worthy of the honour their master did him. It is not said that he showed them the temple, the book of the law, and the manner of his worship, that he might proselyte them to the true religion, which he had now a fair opportunity of doing; but in compliment to them, lest he should affront them, he waived that, and showed them the rich furniture of his closet, that house of his precious things, the wealth he had heaped up since the king of Assyria had emptied his coffers, his <i>silver, and gold, and spices</i>. All the valuable things he had he showed them, either himself or by his officers. And what harm was there in this? What is more commonly, and (as we think) more innocently, done, than to show strangers the riches and rarities of a country—to show our friends our houses and their furniture, our gardens, stables, and libraries? But if we do this in the pride of our hearts, as Hezekiah did, to gain applause from men, and not giving praise to God, it turns into sin to us, as it did to him.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. The examination of Hezekiah concerning this matter, <a class="bibleref" title="2Kgs.20.14,2Kgs.20.15" href="/passage/?search=2Kgs.20.14,2Kgs.20.15"><span class="bibleref" title="2Kgs.20.14">2 Kgs. 20:14</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="2Kgs.20.15">15</span></a>. Isaiah, who had often been his comforter, is now his reprover. The blessed Spirit is both, <a class="bibleref" title="John.16.7,John.16.8" href="/passage/?search=John.16.7,John.16.8"><span class="bibleref" title="John.16.7">John 16:7</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="John.16.8">8</span></a>. Ministers must be both, as there is occasion. Isaiah spoke in Gods name, and therefore called him to account as one having authority: “Who are these? Whence come they? What is their business? What have they seen?” Hezekiah not only submitted to the examination (did not ask him, “Why should you concern yourself and question me about this affair?”), but made an ingenuous confession: <i>There is nothing among my treasures that I have not shown them</i>. Why then did he not bring them to Isaiah, and show him to them who was without doubt the best treasure he had in his dominions, and who by his prayers and prophecies had been instrumental in all those wonders which these ambassadors came to enquire into? I hope Hezekiah had the same value for Isaiah now that he had in his distress; but it would have become him to show it by bringing these ambassadors to him in the first place, which might have prevented the false step he took.</p>
<p class="tab-1">IV. The sentence passed upon him for his pride and vanity, and the too great relish he had of the things of the world, after that intimate acquaintance he had so lately been admitted into with divine things. The sentence is (<a class="bibleref" title="2Kgs.20.17,2Kgs.20.18" href="/passage/?search=2Kgs.20.17,2Kgs.20.18"><span class="bibleref" title="2Kgs.20.17">2 Kgs. 20:17</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="2Kgs.20.18">18</span></a>), 1. That the treasures he was so proud of should hereafter become a prey, and his family should be robbed of them all. It is just with God to take that from us which we make the matter of our pride and in which we put our confidence. 2. That the king of Babylon, with whom he was so fond of an alliance, should be the enemy that should make a prey of them. Not that it was for this sin that that judgment should be brought upon them: the sins of Manasseh, his idolatries and murders, were the cause of that calamity; but it is now foretold to Hezekiah, to convince him of the folly of his pride and of the value he had for the king of Babylon, and to make him ashamed of it. Hezekiah was fond of assisting the king of Babylon to rise, and to reduce the exorbitant power of the kings of Assyria; but he is told that the snake he is cherishing will ere long sting the bosom that cherishes it, and that his royal seed shall become the king of Babylons slave (which was fulfilled, <a class="bibleref" title="Dan.1.1-Dan.1.7" href="/passage/?search=Dan.1.1-Dan.1.7">Dan. 1:1-7</a>), than which there could not be any thing more mortifying to Hezekiah to think of. Babylon will be the ruin of those that are fond of Babylon. Wise therefore and happy are those that <i>come out from her</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Rev.18.4" href="/passage/?search=Rev.18.4">Rev. 18:4</a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">V. Hezekiahs humble and patient submission to this sentence, <a class="bibleref" title="2Kgs.20.19" href="/passage/?search=2Kgs.20.19">2 Kgs. 20:19</a>. Observe how he argues himself into this submission. 1. He lays it down for a truth that “<i>good is the word of the Lord</i>, even this word, though a threatening; for every word of his is so. It is not only just, but good; for, as he does no wrong to any, so he means no hurt to good men. It is good; for he will bring good out of it, and do me good by the foresight of it.” We should believe this concerning every providence, that it is good, is working for good. 2. He takes notice of that in this word which was good, that he should not live to see this evil, much less to share in it. He makes the best of the bad: “Isa. it not good? Yes, certainly it is, and better than I deserve.” Note, (1.) True penitents, when they are under divine rebukes, call them not only just, but good; not only submit to the punishment of their iniquity, bu f84 t accept of it. So Hezekiah did, and by this it appeared that he was indeed <i>humbled for the pride of his heart</i>. (2.) When at any time we are under dark dispensations, or have dark prospects, public or personal, we must take notice of what is <i>for</i> us as well as what is <i>against</i> us, that we may by thanksgiving honour God, and may in our patience possess our own souls. (3.) As to public affairs, it is good, and we are bound to think it <i>so, if peace and truth be in our days</i>. That is, [1.] Whatever else we want, it is good if we have peace and truth, if we have the true religion professed and protected, Bibles and ministers, and enjoy these in peace, not terrified with the alarms of war or persecution. [2.] Whatever trouble may come when we are gone, it is good if all be well in our days. Not that we should be unconcerned for posterity; it is a grief to foresee evils: but we should own that the deferring of judgments is a great favour in general, and to have them deferred so long as what we may die in peace is a particular favour to us, for charity begins at home. We know not how we shall bear the trial, and therefore have reason to think it well if we may but get safely to heaven before it comes.</p>
<p class="tab-1"><i>Lastly</i>, Here is the conclusion of Hezekiahs life and story, <a class="bibleref" title="2Kgs.20.20,2Kgs.20.21" href="/passage/?search=2Kgs.20.20,2Kgs.20.21"><span class="bibleref" title="2Kgs.20.20">2 Kgs. 20:20</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="2Kgs.20.21">21</span></a>. In <a class="bibleref" title="2Chr.29.1" href="/passage/?search=2Chr.29.1">2 Chron. 29:1</a>-<a class="bibleref" title="2Chr.32.33" href="/passage/?search=2Chr.32.33">32:33</a> much more is recorded of Hezekiahs work of reformation than in this book of Kings; and it seems that in the civil chronicles, not now extant, there were many things recorded of his might and the good offices he did for Jerusalem, particularly his bringing water by pipes into the city. To have water in plenty, without striving for it and without being terrified with the noise of archers in the drawing of it, to have it at hand and convenient for us, is to be reckoned a great mercy; for the want of water would be a great calamity. But here this historian leaves him <i>asleep with his fathers</i>, and a son in his throne that proved very untoward; for parents cannot give grace to their children. Wicked Ahaz was the son of a godly father and the father of a godly son; holy Hezekiah was the son of a wicked father and the father of a wicked son. When the land was not reformed, as it should have been, by a good reign, it was plagued and ripened for ruin by a bad one; yet then tried again with a good one, that it might appear how loth God was to cut off his people.</p>