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<p>In these words the apostle exhorts the Thessalonians to several duties.</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. Towards those who were nearly related one to another. Such should comfort themselves, or exhort one another, and edify one another, <a class="bibleref" title="1Thess.5.11" href="/passage/?search=1Thess.5.11">1 Thess. 5:11</a>. 1. They must comfort or exhort themselves and one another; for the original word may be rendered both these ways. And we may observe, As those are most able and likely to comfort others who can comfort themselves, so the way to have comfort ourselves, or to administer comfort to others, is by compliance with the exhortation of the word. Note, We should not only be careful about our own comfort and welfare, but to promote the comfort and welfare of others also. He was a Cain that said, <i>Amos I my brothers keeper</i>? We <i>must bear one anothers burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ</i>. 2. They must edify one another, by <i>following after those things whereby one may edify another</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Rom.14.19" href="/passage/?search=Rom.14.19">Rom. 14:19</a>. As Christians are lively stones built up together a spiritual house, they should endeavour to promote the good of the whole church by promoting the work of grace in one another. And it is the duty of every one of us to study that which is for the edification of those with whom we converse, <i>to please all men for their</i> real <i>profit</i>. We should communicate our knowledge and experiences one to another. We should join in prayer and praise one with another. We should set a good example one before another. And it is the duty of those especially who live in the same vicinity and family thus to comfort and edify one another; and this is the best neighbourhood, the best means to answer the end of society. Such as are nearly related together and have affection for one another, as they have the greatest opportunity, so they are under the greatest obligation, to do this kindness one to another. This the Thessalonians did (<i>which also you do</i>), and this is what they are exhorted to continue and increase in doing. Note, Those who do that which is good have need of further exhortations to excite them to do good, to do more good, as well as continue in doing what they do.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. He shows them their duty towards their ministers, <a class="bibleref" title="1Thess.5.12,1Thess.5.13" href="/passage/?search=1Thess.5.12,1Thess.5.13"><span class="bibleref" title="1Thess.5.12">1 Thess. 5:12</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="1Thess.5.13">13</span></a>. Though the apostle himself was driven from them, yet they had others who laboured among them, and to whom they owed these duties. The apostle here exhorts them to observe,</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. How the ministers of the gospel are described by the work of their office; and they should rather mind the work and duty they are called to than affect venerable and honourable names that they may be called by. Their work is very weighty, and very honourable and useful. (1.) Ministers must labour among their people, labour with diligence, and unto weariness (so the word in the original imports); <i>they must labour in the word and doctrine</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1Tim.5.17" href="/passage/?search=1Tim.5.17">1 Tim. 5:17</a>. They are called labourers, and should not be loiterers. They must labour with their people, to instruct, comfort, and edify them. And, (2.) Ministers are to rule their people also, so the word is rendered, <a class="bibleref" title="1Tim.5.17" href="/passage/?search=1Tim.5.17">1 Tim. 5:17</a>. They must rule, not with rigour, but with love. They must not exercise dominion as temporal lords; but rule as spiritual guides, by setting a good example to the flock. They are over the people in the Lord, to distinguish them from civil magistrates, and to denote also that they are but ministers under Christ, appointed by him, and must rule the people by Christs laws, and not by laws of their own. This may also intimate the end of their office and all their labour; namely, the service and honour of the Lord. (3.) They must also admonish the people, and that not only publicly, but privately, as there may be occasion. They must instruct them to do well, and should reprove when they do ill. It is their duty not only to give good counsel, but also to give admonition, to give warning to the flock of the dangers they are liable to, and reprove for negligence or what else may be amiss.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. What the duty of the people is towards their ministers. There is a mutual duty between ministers and people. If ministers should labour among the people, then, (1.) The people must know them. As the shepherd should know his flock, so the sheep must know their shepherd. They must know his person, hear his voice, acknowledge him for their pastor, and pay due regard to his teaching, ruling, and admonitions. (2.) They must esteem their ministers highly in love; they should greatly value the office of the ministry, honour and love the persons of their ministers, and show their esteem and affection in all proper ways, and this for their works sake, because their business is to promote the honour of Christ and the welfare of mens souls. Note, Faithful ministers ought to be so far from being lightly esteemed because of their work that they should be highly esteemed on account of it. The work of the ministry is so far from being a disgrace to those who upon other accounts deserve esteem, that it puts an honour upon those who are faithful and diligent, to which otherwise they could lay no claim, and will procure them that esteem and love among good people which otherwise they could not expect.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. He gives divers other exhortations touching the duty Christians owe to one another. 1. To <i>be at peace among themselves</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1Thess.5.13" href="/passage/?search=1Thess.5.13">1 Thess. 5:13</a>. Some understand this exhortation (according to the reading in some copies) as referring to the peoples duty to their ministers, to live peaceably with them, and not raise nor promote dissensions at any time between minister and people, which will certainly prove a hindrance to the success of a ministers work and the edification of the people. This is certain, that ministers and people should avoid every thing that tends to alienate their affections one from another. And the people should be at peace among themselves, doing all they can to hinder any differences from rising or continuing among them, and using all proper means to preserve peace and harmony. 2. <i>To warn the unruly</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1Thess.5.14" href="/passage/?search=1Thess.5.14">1 Thess. 5:14</a>. There will be in all societies some who walk disorderly, who go out of their rank and station; and it is not only the duty of ministers, but of private Christians also, to warn and admonish them. Such should be reproved for their sin, warned of their danger, and told plainly of the injury they do their own souls, and the hurt they may do to others. Such should be put in mind of what they should do, and be reproved for doing otherwise. 3. <i>To comfort the feebleminded</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1Thess.5.14" href="/passage/?search=1Thess.5.14">1 Thess. 5:14</a>. By these are intended the timorous and faint-hearted, or such as are dejected and of a sorrowful spirit. Some are cowardly, afraid of difficulties, and disheartened at the thoughts of hazards, and losses, and afflictions; now such should be encouraged; we should not despise them, but comfort them; and who knows what good a kind and comfortable word may do them? 4. <i>To support the weak</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1Thess.5.14" href="/passage/?search=1Thess.5.14">1 Thess. 5:14</a>. Some are not well able to perform their work, nor bear up under their burdens; we should therefore support them, help their infirmities, and lift at one end of the burden, and so help to bear it. It is the grace of God, indeed, that must strengthen and support such; but we should tell them of that grace, and endeavour to minister of that grace to them. 5. <i>To be patient towards all men</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1Thess.5.14" href="/passage/?search=1Thess.5.14">1 Thess. 5:14</a>. We must bear and forbear. We must be long-suffering, and suppress our anger, if it begin to rise upon the apprehension of affronts or injuries; at least we must not fail to moderate our anger: and this duty must be exercised towards all men, good and bad, high and low. We must not be high in our expectations and demands, nor harsh in our resentments, nor hard in our impositions, but endeavour to make the best we can of every thing, and think the best we can of every body. 6. <i>Not to render evil for evil to any man</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1Thess.5.15" href="/passage/?search=1Thess.5.15">1 Thess. 5:15</a>. This we must look to, and be very careful about, that is, we must by all means forbear to avenge ourselves. If others do us an injury, this will not justify us in returning it, in doing the same, or the like, or any other injury to them. It becomes us to forgive, as those that are, and that hope to be, forgiven of God. 7. <i>Ever to follow that which is good</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1Thess.5.15" href="/passage/?search=1Thess.5.15">1 Thess. 5:15</a>. In general, we must study to do what is our duty, and pleasing to God, in all circumstances, whether men do us good turns or ill turns; whatever men do to us, we must do good to others. We must always endeavour to be beneficent and instrumental to promote the welfare of others, both among ourselves (in the first place to those that <i>are of the household o faith</i>), and then, <i>as we have opportunity, unto all men</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Gal.6.10" href="/passage/?search=Gal.6.10">Gal. 6:10</a>.</p>