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<p>The day of recompence has now come, in which Saul must account for the blood of the Amalekites which he had sinfully spared, and that of the priests which he had more sinfully spilt; that of David too, which he would have spilt, must come into the account. Now his day has come to fall, as David foresaw, when he should descend into battle and perish, <a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.26.10" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.26.10">1 Sam. 26:10</a>. Come and see the <i>righteous judgments of God</i>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. He sees his soldiers fall about him, <a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.31.1" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.31.1">1 Sam. 31:1</a>. Whether the Philistines were more numerous, better posted, and better led on, or what other advantages they had, we are not told; but it seems they were more vigorous, for they made the onset; they fought against Israel, and the Israelites fled and fell. The best of the troops were put into disorder, and multitudes slain, probably those whom Saul had employed in pursuing David. Thus those who had followed him and served him in his sin went before him in his fall and shared with him in his plagues.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. He sees his sons fall before him. The victorious Philistines pressed most forcibly upon the king of Israel and those about him. His three sons were next him, it is probable, and they were all three slain before his face, to his great grief (for they were the hopes of his family) and to his great terror, for they were now the guard of his person, and he could conclude no other than that his own turn would come next. His sons are named (<a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.31.2" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.31.2">1 Sam. 31:2</a>), and it grieves us to find Jonathan among them: that wise, valiant, good man, who was as much Davids friend as Saul was his enemy, yet falls with the rest. Duty to his father would not permit him to stay at home, or to retire when the armies engaged; and Providence so orders it that he falls in the common fate of his family, though he never involved himself in the guilt of it; so that the observation of Eliphaz does not hold (<a class="bibleref" title="Job.4.7" href="/passage/?search=Job.4.7">Job 4:7</a>), <i>Who ever perished being innocent</i>? For here was one. What shall we say to it? 1. God would hereby complete the vexation of Saul in his dying moments, and the judgment that was to be executed upon his house. If the family must fall, Jonathan, that is one of it, must fall with it. 2. He would hereby make Davids way to the crown the more clear and open. For, though Jonathan himself would have cheerfully resigned all his title and interest to him (we have no reason to suspect any other), yet it is very probable that many of the people would have made use of his name for the support of the house of Saul, or at least would have come in but slowly to David. If Ish-bosheth (who was now left at home as one unfit for action, and so escaped) had so many friends, what would Jonathan have had, who had been the darling of the people and had never forfeited their favour? Those that were so anxious to have a king like the nations would be zealous for the right line, especially if that threw the crown upon such a head as Jonathans. This would have embarrassed David; and, if Jonathan could have prevailed to bring in all his interest to David, then it would have been said that Jonathan had made him king, whereas God was to have all the glory. <i>This is the Lords doing</i>. So that though the death of Jonathan would be a great affliction to David, yet, by making him mindful of his own frailty, as well as by facilitating his accession to the throne, it would be an advantage to him. 3. God would hereby show us that the difference between good and bad is to be made in the other world, not in this. <i>All things come alike to all</i>. We cannot judge of the spiritual or eternal state of any by the manner of their death; for in that <i>there is one event to the righteous and to the wicked</i>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. He himself is sorely wounded by the Philistines and then slain by his own hand. The archers hit him (<a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.31.3" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.31.3">1 Sam. 31:3</a>), so that he could neither fight nor fly, and therefore must inevitably fall into their hands. Thus, to make him the more miserable, destruction comes gradually upon him, and he dies so as to feel himself die. To such an extremity was he now reduced that, 1. He was desirous to die by the hand of his own servant rather than by the hand of the Philistines, lest they should abuse him as they had abused Samson. Miserable man! He finds himself dying, and all his care is to keep his body out of the hands of the Philistines, instead of being solicitous to resign his soul into the hands of God who gave it, <a class="bibleref" title="Eccl.12.7" href="/passage/?search=Eccl.12.7">Eccl. 12:7</a>. As he lived, so he died, proud and jealous, and a terror to himself and all about him. Those who rightly understand the matter think it of small account, in comparison, how it is with them in death, so it may but be well with them after death. Those are in a deplorable condition indeed who, being <i>bitter in soul, long for death, but it cometh not</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Job.3.20,Job.3.21" href="/passage/?search=Job.3.20,Job.3.21"><span class="bibleref" title="Job.3.20">Job 3:20</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Job.3.21">21</span></a>), especially those who, despairing of the mercy of god, like Judas, leap into a hell before them, to escape a hell within them. 2. When he could not obtain that favour he became his own executioner, thinking hereby to avoid shame, but running upon a heinous sin, and with it entailing upon his own name a mark of perpetual infamy, as <i>felo de se—a self-murderer</i>. Jonathan, who received his death-wound from the hand of the Philistines and bravely yielded to the fate of war, died on the bed of honour; but Saul died as a fool dieth, as a coward dieth—a proud fool, a sneaking coward; he died as a man that had neither the fear of God nor hope in God, neither the reason of a man nor the religion of an Israelite, much less the dignity of a prince or the resolution of a soldier. Let us all pray, <i>Lord, lead us not into temptation</i>, this temptation. His armour-bearer would not run him through, and he did well to refuse it; for no mans servant ought to be a slave to his masters lusts or passions of any kind. The reason given is that <i>he was sorely afraid</i>, not of death, for he himself ran wilfully upon that immediately; but, having a profound reverence for the king his master, he could not conquer that so far as to do him any hurt; or perhaps he feared lest his trembling hand should give him but half a blow, and so put him to the greater misery.</p>
<p class="tab-1">IV. His armour-bearer who refused to kill him refused not to die with him, but <i>fell likewise upon his sword</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.31.5" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.31.5">1 Sam. 31:5</a>. This was an aggravating circumstance of the death of Saul, that, by the example of his wickedness in murdering himself, he drew in his servant to be guilty of the same wickedness, and <i>perished not alone in his iniquity</i>. The Jews say that Sauls armour-bearer was Doeg, whom he preferred to that dignity for killing the priests, and, if so, justly does his <i>violent dealing return on his own head</i>. David had foretold concerning him that God would <i>destroy him for ever</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.52.5" href="/passage/?search=Ps.52.5">Ps. 52:5</a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">V. The country was put into such confusion by the rout of Sauls army that the inhabitants of the neighbouring cities (<i>on that side Jordan</i>, as it might be read) quitted them, and the Philistines, for a time, had possession of them, till things were settled in Israel (<a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.31.7" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.31.7">1 Sam. 31:7</a>), to such a sad pass had Saul by his wickedness brought his country, which might have remained in the hands of the uncircumcised if David had not been raised up to repair the breaches of it. See what a king he proved for whom they rejected God and Samuel. They had still done wickedly (it is to be feared) as well as he, and therefore <i>were consumed both they and their king</i>, as the prophet had foretold concerning them, <a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.12.25" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.12.25">1 Sam. 12:25</a>. And to this reference is had long after. <a class="bibleref" title="Hos.13.10,Hos.13.11" href="/passage/?search=Hos.13.10,Hos.13.11"><span class="bibleref" title="Hos.13.10">Hos. 13:10</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Hos.13.11">11</span></a>, “<i>Where are thy saviours in all thy cities, of whom thou saidst, Give me a king and princes? I gave thee a king in my anger, and took him away in my wrath</i>; that is, he was a plague to thee living and dying; thou couldst expect no other.”</p>