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<p>Solomon had 1000 wives and concubines, yet we read but of one son he had to bear up his name, and he a fool. It is said (<a class="bibleref" title="Hos.4.10" href="/passage/?search=Hos.4.10">Hos. 4:10</a>), <i>They shall commit whoredom, and shall not increase</i>. Sin is a bad way of building up a family. Rehoboam was the son of the wisest of men, yet did not inherit his fathers wisdom, and then it stood him in little stead to inherit his fathers throne. Neither wisdom nor grace runs in the blood. Solomon came to the crown very young, yet he was then a wise man. Rehoboam came to the crown at forty years old, when men will be wise if ever they will, yet he was then foolish. Wisdom does not go by age, nor is it the multitude of years nor the advantage of education that reaches it. Solomons court was a mart of wisdom and the rendezvous of learned men, and Rehoboam was the darling of the court; and yet all was not sufficient to make him a wise man. <i>The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong</i>. No dispute is made of Rehoboams succession; upon the death of his father, he was immediately proclaimed. But,</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. The people desired a treaty with him at Shechem, and he condescended to meet them there. 1. Their pretence was to make him king, but the design was to unmake him. They would give him a public inauguration in another place than the city of David, that he might not seem to be king of Judah only. They had ten parts in him, and would have him among themselves for once, that they might recognize his title. 2. The place was ominous: at <i>Shechem</i>, where Abimelech set up himself (<a class="bibleref" title="Judg.9.1-Judg.9.57" href="/passage/?search=Judg.9.1-Judg.9.57">Jdg. 9:1-57</a>); yet it had been famous for the convention of the states there, <a class="bibleref" title="Josh.24.1" href="/passage/?search=Josh.24.1">Josh. 24:1</a>. Rehoboam, we may suppose, knew of the threatening, that the kingdom should be rent from him, and hoped by going to Shechem, and treating there with the ten tribes, to prevent it: yet it proved the most impolitic thing he could do, and hastened the rupture.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. The representatives of the tribes addressed him, praying to be eased of the taxes they were burdened with. The meeting being appointed, they sent for Jeroboam out of Egypt to come and be their speaker. This they needed not to have done: he knew what God had designed him for, and would have come though he had not been sent for, for now was his time to expect the possession of the promised crown. In their address, 1. They complain of the last reign: <i>Thy father made our yoke grievous</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1Kgs.12.4" href="/passage/?search=1Kgs.12.4">1 Kgs. 12:4</a>. They complain not of his fathers idolatry and revolt from God; that which was the greatest grievance of all was none to them, so careless and indifferent were they in the matters of religion, as if God or Moloch were all one, so they might but live at ease and pay no taxes. Yet the complaint was groundless and unjust. Never did people live more at ease than they did, nor in great plenty. Did they pay taxes? It was to advance the strength and magnificence of their kingdom. If Solomons buildings cost them money, they cost them no blood, as war would do. Were many servile hands employed about them? They were not the hands of the Israelites. Were the taxes a burden? How could that be, when Solomon imported bullion in such plenty that silver was, in a manner, as common as the stones? So that they did but render to Solomon the things that were Solomons. Nay, suppose there was some hardship put upon them, were they not told before that this would be the manner of the king and yet they would have one? The best government cannot secure itself from reproach and censure, no, not Solomons. Factious spirits will never want something to complain of. I know nothing in Solomons administration that could make the peoples yoke grievous, unless perhaps the women whom in his latter days he doted on were connived at in oppressing them. 2. They demand relief from him, and on this condition will continue in their allegiance to the house of David. They asked not to be wholly free from paying taxes, but to have the burden made lighter; this was all their care, to save their money, whether their religion was supported and the government protected or no. All seek their own.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. Rehoboam consulted with those about him concerning the answer he should give to this address. It was prudent to take advice, especially having so weak a head of his own; yet, upon this occasion, it was impolitic to take time himself to consider, for thereby he gave time to the disaffected people to ripen things for a revolt, and his deliberating in so plain a case would be improved as an indication of the little concern he had for the peoples ease. They saw what they must expect, and prepared accordingly. Now, 1. The grave experienced men of his council advised him by all means to give the petitioners a kind answer, to give them good words, to promise them fair, and this day, this critical day, to serve them, that is, to tell them that he was their servant, and that he would redress all their grievances and make it his business to please them and make them easy. “Deny thyself (say they) so far as to do this for this once, and they will be <i>thy servants for ever</i>. When the present heat is allayed with a soft answer, and the assembly dismissed, their cooler thoughts will reconcile and fix them to Solomons family still.” Note, The way to rule is to serve, to do good, and stoop to do it, to become all things to all men and so win their hearts. Those who are in power really sit highest, and easiest, and safest, when they take this method. 2. The young men of his council were hot and haughty, and they advised him to return a severe and threatening answer to the peoples demands. It was an instance of Rehoboams weakness, (1.) That he did not prefer aged counsellors, but had a better opinion of the young men that had grown up with him and with whom he was familiar, <a class="bibleref" title="1Kgs.12.8" href="/passage/?search=1Kgs.12.8">1 Kgs. 12:8</a>. Days should speak. It was a folly for him to think that, because they had been his agreeable companions in the sports and pleasures of his youth, they were therefore fit to have the management of the affairs of his kingdom. Great wits have not always the most wisdom; nor are those to be relied on as our best friends that know how to make us merry, for that will not make us happy. It is of great consequence to young people, that are setting out in the world, whom they associate with, accommodate themselves to, and depend upon for advice. If they reckon those that feed their pride, gratify their vanity, and further them in their pleasures, their best friends, they are already marked for ruin. (2.) That he did not prefer moderate counsels, but was pleased with those that put him upon harsh and rigorous methods, and advised him to double the taxes, whether there was occasion for so doing or no, and to tell them in plain terms that he would do so, <a class="bibleref" title="1Kgs.12.10,1Kgs.12.11" href="/passage/?search=1Kgs.12.10,1Kgs.12.11"><span class="bibleref" title="1Kgs.12.10">1 Kgs. 12:10</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="1Kgs.12.11">11</span></a>. These young counsellors thought the old men expressed themselves but dully, <a class="bibleref" title="1Kgs.12.7" href="/passage/?search=1Kgs.12.7">1 Kgs. 12:7</a>. They affect to be witty in their advice, and value themselves on that. The old men did not undertake to put words into Rehoboams mouth, only counselled him to speak good words; but the young men will furnish him with very quaint and pretty phrases, with pointed and pert similitudes: <i>My little finger shall be thicker than my fathers loins</i>, etc. That is not always the best sense that is best worded.</p>
<p class="tab-1">IV. He answered the people according to the counsel of the young men, <a class="bibleref" title="1Kgs.12.14,1Kgs.12.15" href="/passage/?search=1Kgs.12.14,1Kgs.12.15"><span class="bibleref" title="1Kgs.12.14">1 Kgs. 12:14</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="1Kgs.12.15">15</span></a>. He affected to be haughty and imperious, and fancied he could carry all before him with a high hand, and therefore would rather run the risk of losing them than deny himself so far as to give them good words. Note, Many ruin themselves by consulting their humour more than their interest. See,</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. How Rehoboam was infatuated in his counsels. He could not have acted more foolishly and impoliticly. (1.) He owned their reflections upon his fathers government to be true: <i>My father made your yoke heavy</i>; and therein he was unjust to his fathers memory, which he might easily have vindicated from the imputation. (2.) He fancied himself better able to manage them, and impose upon them, than his father was, not considering that he was vastly inferior to him in capacity. Could he think to support the blemishes of his fathers reign who could never pretend to come near the glories of it? (3.) He threatened not only to squeeze them by taxes, but to chastise them by cruel laws and severe executions of them, which should be not as whips only, but as scorpions, whips with rowels in them, that will fetch blood at every lash. In short, he would use them as brute beasts, load them and beat them at his pleasure: not caring whether they loved him or no, he would make them fear him. (4.) He gave this provocation to a people that by long ease and prosperity were made wealthy, and strong, and proud, and would not be trampled upon (as a poor cowed dispirited people may), to a people that were now disposed to revolt, and had one ready to head them. Never, surely, was man so blinded by pride and affectation of arbitrary power, than which nothing is more fatal.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. How Gods counsels were hereby fulfilled. It was <i>from the Lord</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1Kgs.12.15" href="/passage/?search=1Kgs.12.15">1 Kgs. 12:15</a>. He left Rehoboam to his own folly, and <i>hid from his eyes</i> the <i>things which belonged to his peace</i>, that the kingdom might be rent from him. Note, God serves his own wise and righteous purposes by the imprudences and iniquities of men, and snares sinners in the work of their own hands. Those that lose the kingdom of heaven throw it away, as Rehoboam did his, by their own wilfulness and folly.</p>