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<p>Here the apostle states the case; and,</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. Lets them know what was the common or general report concerning them, that one of their community was guilty of fornication, <a class="bibleref" title="1Cor.5.1" href="/passage/?search=1Cor.5.1">1 Cor. 5:1</a>. It was told in all places, to their dishonour, and the reproach of Christians. And it was the more reproachful because it could not be denied. Note, The heinous sins of professed Christians are quickly noted and noised abroad. We should walk circumspectly, for many eyes are upon us, and many mouths will be opened against us if we fall into any scandalous practice. This was not a common instance of fornication, but <i>such as was not so much as named among the Gentiles, that a man should have his fathers wife</i>—either marry her while his father was alive, or keep her as his concubine, either when he was dead or while he was alive. In either of these cases, his criminal conversation with her might be called <i>fornication</i>; but had his father been dead, and he, after his decease, married to her, it had been incest still, but neither fornication nor adultery in the strictest sense. But to marry her, or keep her as a concubine, while his father was alive, though he had repudiated her, or she had deserted him, whether she were his own mother or not, was incestuous fornication: <i>Scelus incredibile</i> (as Cicero calls it), <i>et prater unum in omni vitâ inauditum</i> (Orat. pro Cluent.), when a woman had caused her daughter to be put away, and was married to her husband. <i>Incredible wickedness</i>! says the orator; <i>such I never heard of in all my life besides</i>. Not that there were no such instances of incestuous marriages among the heathens; but, whenever they happened, they gave a shock to every man of virtue and probity among them. They could not think of them without horror, nor mention them without dislike and detestation. Yet such a horrible wickedness was committed by one in the church of Corinth, and, as is probable, a leader of one of the factions among them, a principal man. Note, The best churches are, in this state of imperfection, liable to very great corruptions. Isa. it any wonder when so horrible a practice was tolerated in an apostolical church, a church planted by the great apostle of the Gentiles?</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. He greatly blames them for their own conduct hereupon: <i>They were puffed up</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="1Cor.5.2" href="/passage/?search=1Cor.5.2">1 Cor. 5:2</a>), <i>they gloried</i>, 1. Perhaps on account of this very scandalous person. He might be a man of great eloquence, of deep science, and for this reason very greatly esteemed, and followed, and cried up, by many among them. They were proud that they had such a leader. Instead of mourning for his fall, and their own reproach upon his account, and renouncing him and removing him from the society, they continued to applaud him and pride themselves in him. Note, Pride or self-esteem often lies at the bottom of our immoderate esteem of others, and this makes us as blind to their faults as to our own. It is true humility that will bring a man to a sight and acknowledgement of his errors. The proud man either wholly overlooks or artfully disguises his faults, or endeavours to transform his blemishes into beauties. Those of the Corinthians that were admirers of the incestuous persons gifts could overlook or extenuate his horrid practices. Or else, 2. It may intimate to us that some of the opposite party were puffed up. They were proud of their own standing, and trampled upon him that fell. Note, It is a very wicked thing to glory over the miscarriages and sins of others. We should lay them to heart, and mourn for them, not be puffed up with them. Probably this was one effect of the divisions among them. The opposite party made their advantage of this scandalous lapse, and were glad of the opportunity. Note, It is a sad consequence of divisions among Christians that it makes them apt to rejoice in iniquity. The sins of others should be our sorrow. Nay, churches should mourn for the scandalous behaviour of particular members, and, if they be incorrigible, should remove them. He that had done this wicked deed should have been taken away from among them.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. We have the apostles direction to them how they should now proceed with this scandalous sinner. He would have him excommunicated and delivered to Satan (<a class="bibleref" title="1Cor.5.3-1Cor.5.5" href="/passage/?search=1Cor.5.3-1Cor.5.5">1 Cor. 5:3-5</a>); <i>as absent in body, yet present in spirit, he had judged already as if he had been present</i>; that is, he had, by revelation and the miraculous gift of discerning vouchsafed him by the Spirit, as perfect a knowledge of the case, and had hereupon come to the following determination, not without special authority from the Holy Spirit. He says this to let them know that, though he was at a distance, he did not pass an unrighteous sentence, nor judge without having as full cognizance of the case as if he had been on the spot. Note, Those who would appear righteous judges to the world will take care to inform them that they do not pass sentence without full proof and evidence. The apostle adds, <i>him who hath so done this deed</i>. The fact was not only heinously evil in itself, and horrible to the heathens, but there were some particular circumstances that greatly aggravated the offence. He had so committed the evil as to heighten the guilt by the manner of doing it. Perhaps he was a minister, a teacher, or a principal man among them. By this means the church and their profession were more reproached. Note, In dealing with scandalous sinners, not only are they to be charged with the fact, but the aggravating circumstances of it. Paul had judged that <i>he should be delivered to Satan</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="1Cor.5.5" href="/passage/?search=1Cor.5.5">1 Cor. 5:5</a>), and this was to be done <i>in the name of Christ</i>, with the power of Christ, and in a full assembly, where the apostle would be also present in spirit, or by his spiritual gift of discerning at a distance. Some think that this is to be understood of a mere ordinary excommunication, and that delivering him to Satan for the destruction of the flesh is only meant of disowning him, and casting him out of the church, that by this means he might be brought to repentance, and his flesh might be mortified. Christ and Satan divide the world: and those that live in sin, when they profess relation to Christ, belong to another master, and by excommunication should be delivered up to him; and this in the name of Christ. Note, Church-censures are Christs ordinances, and should be dispensed in his name. It was to be done also <i>when they were gathered together</i>, in full assembly. The more public the more solemn, and the more solemn the more likely to have a good effect on the offender. Note, Church-censures on notorious and incorrigible sinners should be passed with great solemnity. Those who sin in this manner <i>are to be rebuked before all, that all may fear</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1Tim.5.20" href="/passage/?search=1Tim.5.20">1 Tim. 5:20</a>. Others think the apostle is not to be understood of mere excommunication, but of a miraculous power or authority they had of delivering a scandalous sinner into the power of Satan, to have bodily diseases inflicted, and to be tormented by him with bodily pains, which is the meaning of the <i>destruction of the flesh</i>. In this sense the destruction of the flesh has been a happy occasion of the salvation of the spirit. It is probable that this was a mixed case. It was an extraordinary instance: and the church was to proceed against him by just censure; the apostle, when they did so, put forth an act of extraordinary power, and gave him up to Satan, nor for his destruction, but for his deliverance, at least for the destruction of the flesh, that the soul might be saved. Note, The great end of church-censures is the good of those who fall under them, their spiritual and eternal good. It is that their spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus, <a class="bibleref" title="1Cor.5.5" href="/passage/?search=1Cor.5.5">1 Cor. 5:5</a>. Yet it is not merely a regard to their benefit that is to be had in proceeding against them. For,</p>
<p class="tab-1">IV. He hints the danger of contagion from this example: <i>Your glorying is not good. Know you not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump</i>? The bad example of a man in rank and reputation is very mischievous, spreads the contagion far and wide. It did so, probably, in this very church and case: see <a class="bibleref" title="2Cor.12.21" href="/passage/?search=2Cor.12.21">2 Cor. 12:21</a>. They could not be ignorant of this. The experience of the whole world was for it; <i>one scabbed sheep infects a whole flock</i>. A little heaven will quickly spread the ferment through a great lump. Note, Concern for their purity and preservation should engage Christian churches to remove gross and scandalous sinners.</p>