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<p>I. Here the apostle sums up the argument, and applies this similitude to the church of Christ, concerning which observe,</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. The relation wherein Christians stand to Christ and one another. The church, or whole collective body of Christians, in all ages, is his body. Every Christian is a member of his body, and every other Christian stands related to him as a fellow-member (<a class="bibleref" title="1Cor.12.27" href="/passage/?search=1Cor.12.27">12:27</a>): <i>Now you are the body of Christ, and members in particular</i>, or particular members. Each is a member of the body, not the whole body; each stands related to the body as a part of it, and all have a common relation to one another, dependence upon one another, and should have a mutual care and concern. Thus are the members of the natural body, thus should the members of the mystical body be, disposed. Note, Mutual indifference, and much more contempt, and hatred, and envy, and strife, are very unnatural in Christians. It is like the members of the same body being destitute of all concern for one another, or quarrelling with each other. This is the apostles scope in this argument. He endeavours in it to suppress the proud, vaunting, and contentious spirit, that had prevailed among the Corinthians, by reason of their spiritual gifts.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. The variety of offices instituted by Christ, and gifts or favours dispensed by him (<a class="bibleref" title="1Cor.12.28" href="/passage/?search=1Cor.12.28">12:28</a>): <i>God hath set some in the church; first, apostles</i>, the chief ministers entrusted with all the powers necessary to found a church, and make an entire revelation of Gods will. <i>Secondarily, prophets</i>, or persons enabled by inspiration, as the evangelists did. <i>Thirdly, teachers</i>, those who labour in word and doctrine, whether with pastoral charge or without it. After that, <i>miracles</i>, or miracle-workers. <i>The gifts of healing</i>, or those who had power to heal diseases; <i>helps</i>, or such as had compassion on the sick and weak, and ministered to them; <i>governments</i>, or such as had the disposal of the charitable contributions of the church, and dealt them out to the poor; <i>diversities of tongues</i>, or such as could speak divers languages. Concerning all these observe, (1.) The plenteous variety of these gifts and offices. What a multitude are they! A good God was free in his communications to the primitive church; he was no niggard of his benefits and favours. No, he provided richly for them. They had no want, but a store-all that was necessary, and even more; what was convenient for them too. (2.) Observe the order of these offices and gifts. They are here placed in their proper ranks. Those of most value have the first place. Apostles, prophets, and teachers, were all intended to instruct the people, to inform them well in the things of God, and promote their spiritual edification: without them, neither evangelical knowledge nor holiness could have been promoted. But the rest, however fitted to answer the great intentions of Christianity, had no such immediate regard to religion, strictly so called. Note, God does, and we should, value things according to their real worth: and the use of things is the best criterion of their real worth. Those are most valuable that best answer the highest purposes. Such were apostolical powers, compared with theirs who had only the gift of healing and miracles. What holds the last and lowest rank in this enumeration is diversity of tongues. It is by itself the most useless and insignificant of all these gifts. Healing diseases, relieving the poor, helping the sick, have their use: but how vain a thing is it to speak languages, if a man does it merely to amuse or boast himself! This may indeed raise the admiration, but cannot promote the edification, of the hearers, nor do them any good. And yet it is manifest from <a class="bibleref" title="1Cor.14.1-1Cor.14.23" href="/passage/?search=1Cor.14.1-1Cor.14.23">14:1-23</a> that the Corinthians valued themselves exceedingly on this gift. Note, How proper a method it is to beat down pride to let persons know the true value of what they pride themselves in! It is but too common a thing for men to value themselves most on what is least worth: and it is of great use to bring them to a sober mind by letting them know how much they are mistaken. (3.) The various distribution of these gifts, not all to one, nor to every one alike. All members and officers had not the same rank in the church, nor the same endowments (<a class="bibleref" title="1Cor.12.29,1Cor.12.30" href="/passage/?search=1Cor.12.29,1Cor.12.30"><span class="bibleref" title="1Cor.12.29">12:29</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="1Cor.12.30">30</span></a>): <i>Are all apostles? Are all prophets</i>? This were to make the church a monster: all one as if the body were all ear or all eye. Some are fit for one office and employment, and some for another; and the Spirit distributes to every one as he will. We must be content with our own rank and share, if they be lower and less than those of others. We must not be conceited of ourselves, and despise others, if we are in the higher rank and have greater gifts. Every member of the body is to preserve its own rank, and do its own office; and all are to minister to one another, and promote the good of the body in general, without envying, or despising, or neglecting, or ill-using, any one particular member. How blessed a constitution were the Christian church, if all the members did their duty!</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. He closes this chapter with an advice (as the generality read it) and a hint. 1. An advice to covet the best gifts, <b><i>charismata ta kreittona</i></b><i>dona potiora, praestantiora</i>, either the most valuable in them selves or the most serviceable to others; and these are, in truth, most valuable in themselves, though men may be apt to esteem those most that will raise their fame and esteem highest. Those are truly best by which God will be most honoured and his church edified. Such gifts should be most earnestly coveted. Note, We should desire that most which is best, and most worth. Grace is therefore to be preferred before gifts; and, of gifts, those are to be preferred which are of greatest use. But some read this passage, not as an advice, but a charge: <b><i>zeloute</i></b>, <i>You are envious</i> at each others gifts. In <a class="bibleref" title="1Cor.13.4" href="/passage/?search=1Cor.13.4">13:4</a>; the same word is thus translated. You quarrel and contend about them. This they certainly did. And this behaviour the apostle here reprehends, and labours to rectify. <i>Only of pride cometh contention</i>. These contests in the church of Corinth sprang from this original. It was a quarrel about precedency (as most quarrels among Christians are, with whatever pretences they are gilded over); and it is no wonder that a quarrel about precedence should extinguish charity. When all would stand in the first rank, no wonder if they jostle, or throw down, or thrust back, their brethren. Gifts may be valued for their use, but they are mischievous when made the fuel of pride and contention. This therefore the apostle endeavours to prevent. 2. By giving them the hint of a more excellent way, namely, of charity, of mutual love and good-will. This was the only right way to quiet and cement them, and make their gifts turn to the advantage and edification of the church. This would render them kind to each other, and concerned for each other, and therefore calm their spirits, and put an end to their little piques and contests, their disputes about precedency. Those would appear to be in the foremost rank, according to the apostle, who had most of true Christian love. Note, True charity is greatly to be preferred to the most glorious gifts. To have the heart glow with mutual love is vastly better than to glare with the most pompous titles, offices, or powers.</p>