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<TITLE>Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible [Psalms CXVII].</TITLE>
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Matthew Henry<BR><I>Commentary on the Whole Bible</I> (1710)
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<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
This psalm is short and sweet; I doubt the reason why we sing it so
often as we do is for the shortness of it; but, if we rightly
understood and considered it, we should sing it oftener for the
sweetness of it, especially to us sinners of the Gentiles, on whom it
casts a very favourable eye. Here is,
I. A solemn call to all nations to praise God,
<A HREF="">ver. 1</A>.
II. Proper matter for that praise suggested,
<A HREF="">ver. 2</A>.
We are soon weary indeed of well-doing if, in singing this psalm, we
keep not up those pious and devout affections with which the spiritual
sacrifice of praise ought to be kindled and kept burning.</P>
<A NAME="Ps117_1"> </A>
<A NAME="Ps117_2"> </A>
<A NAME="Sec1"> </A>
<TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1><I>All Nations Admonished to Praise God.</I></FONT></TD>
<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT SIZE=-1> <! -- Date --> </FONT></TD></TR>
<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
<FONT SIZE=+1>1 O praise the L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT>, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people.
&nbsp; 2 For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth
of the L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT> <I>endureth</I> for ever. Praise ye the L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT>.
<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
There is a great deal of gospel in this psalm. The apostle has
furnished us with a key to it
(<A HREF="">Rom. xv. 11</A>),
where he quotes it as a proof that the gospel was to be preached to,
and would be entertained by, the Gentile nations, which yet was so
great a stumbling-block to the Jews. Why should that offend them when
it is said, and they themselves had often sung it, <I>Praise the Lord,
all you Gentiles, and laud him, all you people.</I> Some of the Jewish
writers confess that this psalm refers to the kingdom of the Messiah;
nay, one of them has a fancy that it consists of two verses to signify
that in the days of the Messiah God should be glorified by two sorts of
people, by the Jews, according to the law of Moses, and by the
Gentiles, according to the seven precepts of the sons of Noah, which
yet should make one church, as these two verses make one psalm. We have
<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
I. The vast extent of the gospel church,
<A HREF=""><I>v.</I> 1</A>.
For many ages in Judah only was God known and his name praised. The
sons of Levi and the seed of Israel praised him, but the rest of the
nations <I>praised gods of wood and stone</I>
(<A HREF="">Dan. v. 4</A>),
while there was no devotion at all paid, at least none openly, that we
know of, to the living and true God. But here <I>all nations</I> are
called to praise the Lord, which could not be applied to the
Old-Testament times, both because this call was not then given to any
of the Gentile nations, much less to all, in a language they
understood, and because, unless the people of the land became Jews and
were circumcised, they were not admitted to praise God with them. But
the gospel of Christ is ordered to be preached to all nations, and by
him the partition-wall is taken down, and those that were <I>afar
off</I> are <I>made nigh.</I> This was the mystery which was hidden in
prophecy for many ages, but was at length revealed in the
accomplishment, <I>That the Gentiles should be fellow-heirs,</I>
<A HREF=",6">Eph. iii. 3, 6</A>.
Observe here,
1. Who should be admitted into the church--<I>all nations</I> and
<I>all people.</I> The original words are the same that are used for
the <I>heathen that rage</I> and <I>the people that imagine</I> against
(<A HREF="">Ps. ii. 1</A>);
those that had been enemies to his kingdom should become his willing
subjects. The gospel of the kingdom was to be preached <I>to all the
world, for a witness to all nations,</I>
<A HREF=",Mk+16:15">Matt. xxiv. 14; Mark xvi. 15</A>.
All nations shall be called, and to some of all nations the call shall
be effectual, and they shall be discipled.
2. How their admission into the church is foretold--by a repeated call
to <I>praise him.</I> The tidings of the gospel, being sent to all
nations, should give them cause to praise God; the institution of
gospel-ordinances would give them leave and opportunity to praise God;
and the power of gospel-grace would give them hearts to praise him.
Those are highly favoured whom God invites by his word and inclines by
his Spirit to praise him, and so makes to be to him for a name and a
<A HREF="">Jer. xiii. 11</A>.
<A HREF=",10">Rev. vii. 9, 10</A>.</P>
<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
II. The unsearchable riches of gospel-grace, which are to be the matter
or our praise,
<A HREF=""><I>v.</I> 2</A>.
In the gospel, those celebrated attributes of God, his mercy and his
truth, shine most brightly in themselves and most comfortably to us;
and the apostle, where he quotes this psalm, takes notice of these as
the two great things for which the Gentiles should glorify God
(<A HREF=",9">Rom. xv. 8, 9</A>),
for <I>the truth of God</I> and for <I>his mercy.</I> We that enjoy the
gospel have reason to praise the Lord,
1. For the power of his mercy: <I>His merciful kindness is great
towards us;</I> it is <I>strong</I> (so the word signifies); it is
<I>mighty</I> for the pardon of <I>mighty sins</I>
(<A HREF="">Amos v. 12</A>)
and for the working out of a mighty salvation.
2. For the perpetuity of his truth: <I>The truth of the Lord endures
for ever.</I> It was mercy, mere mercy, to the Gentiles, that the
gospel was sent among them. It was merciful kindness prevailing towards
them above their deserts; and in it the <I>truth of the Lord,</I> of
his promise made unto the fathers, <I>endures for ever;</I> for, though
the Jews were hardened and expelled, yet the promise took its effect in
the believing Gentiles, the spiritual seed of Abraham. God's mercy is
the fountain of all our comforts and his truth the foundation of all
our hopes, and therefore for both we must praise the Lord.</P>
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