<TITLE>Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible [Psalms LXXVI].</TITLE>
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 Matthew Henry<BR><I>Commentary on the Whole Bible</I> (1710)

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 <BR><FONT SIZE=+3><B>P S A L M S</B></FONT>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 This psalm seems to have been penned upon occasion of some great 
 victory obtained by the church over some threatening enemy or other, 
 and designed to grace the triumph. The LXX. calls it, "A song
 upon the Assyrians," whence many good interpreters conjecture that it 
 was penned when Sennacherib's army, then besieging Jerusalem, was 
 entirely cut off by a destroying angel in Hezekiah's time; and several 
 passages in the psalm are very applicable to that work of wonder: but 
 there was a religious triumph upon occasion of another victory, in 
 Jehoshaphat's time, which might as well be the subject of this psalm 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=2Ch+20:28">2 Chron. xx. 28</A>),

 and it might be called "a song of Asaph" because always sung by the
 sons of Asaph. Or it might be penned by Asaph who lived in David's 
 time, upon occasion of the many triumphs with which God delighted to 
 honour that reign. Upon occasion of this glorious victory, whatever it 

 I. The psalmist congratulates the happiness of the church in having God 
 so nigh, 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+76:1-3">ver. 1-3</A>.

 II. He celebrates the glory of God's power, which this was an
 illustrious instance of, 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+76:4-6">ver. 4-6</A>.

 III. He infers hence what reason all have to fear before him,
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+76:7-9">ver. 7-9</A>.

 IV. What reason his people have to trust in him and to pay their vows
 to him, 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+76:10-12">ver. 10-12</A>.

 It is a psalm proper for a thanksgiving day, upon the account of public 
 successes, and not improper at other times, because it is never out of 
 season to glorify God for the great things he has done for his church 
 formerly, especially for the victories of the Redeemer over the powers 
 of darkness, which all those Old-Testament victories were types of, at 
 least those that are celebrated in the psalms.</P>

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 <A NAME="Ps76_2"> </A>
 <A NAME="Ps76_3"> </A>
 <A NAME="Ps76_4"> </A>
 <A NAME="Ps76_5"> </A>
 <A NAME="Ps76_6"> </A>

 <A NAME="Sec1"> </A>
 <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1><I>Triumph in God.</I></FONT></TD>
 <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT SIZE=-1> <! -- Date --> </FONT></TD></TR>

 <P>To the chief musician on Neginoth. A psalm <I>or</I> song of Asaph.</P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
 <FONT SIZE=+1>1  In Judah <I>is</I> God known: his name <I>is</I> great in Israel.
 &nbsp; 2  In Salem also is his tabernacle, and his dwelling place in
 &nbsp; 3  There brake he the arrows of the bow, the shield, and the
 sword, and the battle. Selah.
 &nbsp; 4  Thou <I>art</I> more glorious <I>and</I> excellent than the mountains
 of prey.
 &nbsp; 5  The stouthearted are spoiled, they have slept their sleep:
 and none of the men of might have found their hands.
 &nbsp; 6  At thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, both the chariot and horse are
 cast into a dead sleep.

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 The church is here triumphant even in the midst of its militant state. 
 The psalmist, in the church's name, triumphs here in God, the centre of 
 all our triumphs.</P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 I. In the revelation God had made of himself to them, 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+76:1"><I>v.</I> 1</A>.

 It is the honour and privilege of Judah and Israel that among them
 <I>God is known,</I> and where he is known <I>his name</I> will be 
 <I>great.</I> God is known as he is pleased to make himself known; and 
 those are happy to whom he discovers himself--happy people that have 
 their land filled with the knowledge of God, happy persons that have 
 their hearts filled with that knowledge. In Judah God was known as he 
 was not known in other nations, which made the favour the greater, 
 inasmuch as it was distinguishing,

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+147:19,20">Ps. cxlvii. 19, 20</A>.</P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 II. In the tokens of God's special presence with them in his 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+76:2"><I>v.</I> 2</A>.

 In the whole land of Judah and Israel God was known and his name was 
 great; but <I>in Salem, in Zion,</I> were <I>his tabernacle</I> and 
 <I>his dwelling-place.</I> There he kept court; there he received the 
 homage of his people by their sacrifices and entertained them by the 
 feasts upon the sacrifices; thither they came to address themselves to 
 him, and thence by his oracles he issued out his orders; there he 
 recorded his name, and of that place he said, <I>Her will I dwell, for 
 I have desired it.</I> It is the glory and happiness of a people to 
 have God among them by his ordinances; but his dwelling-place is a 
 tabernacle, a movable dwelling. <I>Yet a little while is that light 
 with us.</I></P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 III. In the victories they had obtained over their enemies 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+76:3"><I>v.</I> 3</A>):
 <I>There broke he the arrows of the bow.</I> Observe how threatening
 the danger was. Though Judah and Israel, Salem and Zion, were thus 
 privileged, yet war is raised against them, and the weapons of war are 

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 1. Here are bow and arrows, shield and sword, and all for battle; but 
 all are broken and rendered useless. And it was done there, 

 (1.) In Judah and in Israel, in favour of that people near to God. 
 While the weapons of war were used against other nations they answered 
 their end, but, when turned against that holy nation, they were 
 immediately broken. The Chaldee paraphrases it thus: When the house of 
 Israel did his will he placed his majesty among them, and there he 
 broke the arrows of the bow; while they kept closely to his service 
 they were great and safe, and every thing went well with them. Or, 

 (2.) In the tabernacle and dwelling-place in Zion, there he broke the 
 arrows of the bow; it was done in the field of battle, and yet it is 
 said to be done in the sanctuary, because done in answer to the prayers 
 which God's people there made to him and in the performance of the 
 promises which he there made to them, of both which see that instance,

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=2Ch+20:5,14">2 Chron. xx. 5, 14</A>.

 Public successes are owing as much to what is done in the church as to
 what is done in the camp. Now,</P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 2. This victory redounded very much, 

 (1.) To the immortal honour of Israel's God 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+76:4"><I>v.</I> 4</A>):

 <I>Thou art,</I> and hast manifested thyself to be, <I>more glorious
 and excellent than the mountains of prey.</I>

 [1.] "Than the great and mighty ones of the earth in general, who are 
 high, and think themselves firmly fixed like mountains, but are really 
 mountains of prey, oppressive to all about them. It is their glory to 
 destroy; it is thine to deliver." 

 [2.] "Than our invaders in particular. When they besieged the cities of 
 Judah, they cast up mounts against them, and raised batteries; but thou 
 art more able to protect us than they are to annoy us." Wherein the 
 enemies of the church deal proudly it will appear that God is above 

 (2.) To the perpetual disgrace of the enemies of Israel, 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+76:5,6"><I>v.</I> 5, 6</A>.

 They were <I>stouthearted,</I> men of great courage and resolution,
 flushed with their former victories, enraged against Israel, confident 
 of success; they were <I>men of might,</I> robust and fit for service; 
 they had <I>chariots and horses,</I> which were then greatly valued and 
 trusted to in war,

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+20:7">Ps. xx. 7</A>.

 But all this force was of no avail when it was levelled against

 [1.] <I>The stouthearted have despoiled and disarmed themselves</I> (so 
 some read it); when God pleases he can make his enemies to weaken and 
 destroy themselves. <I>They have slept,</I> not the sleep of the 
 righteous, who sleep in Jesus, but <I>their sleep,</I> the sleep of 
 sinners, that shall awake to everlasting shame and contempt.

 [2.] The men of might can no more <I>find their hands</I> than the 
 stout-hearted can their spirit. As the bold men are cowed, so the 
 strong men are lamed, and cannot so much as find their hands, to save 
 their own heads, much less to hurt their enemies.

 [3.] The chariots and horses may be truly said to be <I>cast into a 
 dead sleep</I> when their drivers and their riders were so. God did but 
 speak the word, as the God of Jacob that commands deliverances for 
 Jacob, and, at his rebuke, the chariot and horse were both cast into a 
 dead sleep. When the men were laid dead upon the spot by the destroying 
 angel the chariot and horse were not at all formidable. See the power 
 and efficacy of God's rebukes. With what pleasure may we Christians 
 apply all this to the advantages we enjoy by the Redeemer! It is 
 through him that God is known; it is in him that God's name is great; 
 to him it is owing that God has a tabernacle and a dwelling-place in 
 his church. He it was that vanquished the strong man armed, spoiled 
 principalities and powers, and made a show of them openly.</P>

 <A NAME="Ps76_7"> </A>
 <A NAME="Ps76_8"> </A>
 <A NAME="Ps76_9"> </A>
 <A NAME="Ps76_10"> </A>
 <A NAME="Ps76_11"> </A>
 <A NAME="Ps76_12"> </A>

 <A NAME="Sec2"> </A>
 <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1><I>The Defence and Glory of Israel.</I></FONT></TD>
 <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT SIZE=-1> <! -- Date --> </FONT></TD></TR>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
 <FONT SIZE=+1>7  Thou, <I>even</I> thou, <I>art</I> to be feared: and who may stand in
 thy sight when once thou art angry?
 &nbsp; 8  Thou didst cause judgment to be heard from heaven; the earth
 feared, and was still,
 &nbsp; 9  When God arose to judgment, to save all the meek of the
 earth. Selah.
 &nbsp; 10  Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of
 wrath shalt thou restrain.
 &nbsp; 11  Vow, and pay unto the L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT> your God: let all that be round
 about him bring presents unto him that ought to be feared.
 &nbsp; 12  He shall cut off the spirit of princes: <I>he is</I> terrible to
 the kings of the earth.

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 This glorious victory with which God had graced and blessed his church 
 is here made to speak three things:--</P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 I. Terror to God's enemies 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+76:7-9"><I>v.</I> 7-9</A>):

 "<I>Thou, even thou, art to be feared;</I> thy majesty is to be
 reverenced, thy sovereignty to be submitted to, and thy justice to be 
 dreaded by those that have offended thee." Let all the world learn by 
 this event to stand in awe of the great God.

 1. Let all be afraid of his wrath against the daring impiety of
 sinners: <I>Who may stand in thy sight from the minute that thou art 
 angry?</I> If God be a consuming fire, how can chaff and stubble stand 
 before him, though his <I>anger be kindled but a little?</I>

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+2:12">Ps. ii. 12</A>.
 2. Let all be afraid of his jealousy for oppressed innocency and the
 injured cause of his own people: "<I>Thou didst cause judgment to be 
 heard from heaven,</I> then <I>when thou didst arise to save all the 
 meek of the earth</I> 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+76:8,9"><I>v.</I> 8, 9</A>);

 and then <I>the earth feared and was still,</I> waiting what would be 
 the issue of those glorious appearances of thine." Note,

 (1.) God's people are the <I>meek of the earth</I>

 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Zec+2:3">Zech. ii. 3</A>),

 the <I>quiet in the land</I> 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+35:20">Ps. xxxv. 20</A>),

 that can bear any wrong, but do none. 

 (2.) Though the meek of the earth are by their meekness exposed to 
 injury, yet God will, sooner or later, appear for their salvation, and 
 plead their cause. 

 (3.) When God comes to save <I>all the meek of the earth,</I> he will 
 <I>cause judgment to be heard from heaven;</I> he will make the world 
 know that he is angry at the oppressors of his people, and takes what 
 is done against them as done against himself. The righteous God long
 seems to keep silence, yet, sooner or later, he will make judgment to 
 be heard. 

 (4.) When God is speaking judgment from heaven it is time for the earth 
 to compose itself into an awful and reverent silence: <I>The earth 
 feared and was still,</I> as silence is made by proclamation when the 
 court sits. <I>Be still and know that I am God,</I>

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+46:10">Ps. xlvi. 10</A>.

 <I>Be silent, O all flesh! before the Lord, for he is raised</I> up to

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Zec+2:13">Zech. ii. 13</A>.

 Those that suppose this psalm to have been penned upon the occasion of 
 the routing of Sennacherib's army take it for granted that the descent 
 of the destroying angel, who did the execution, was accompanied with 
 thunder, by which <I>God caused judgment to be heard from heaven,</I> 
 and that the earth feared (that is, there was an earthquake), but it 
 was soon over. But this is altogether uncertain.</P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 II. Comfort to God's people, 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+76:10"><I>v.</I> 10</A>.

 We live in a very angry provoking world; we often feel much, and are
 apt to fear more, from the wrath of man, which seems boundless. But 
 this is a great comfort to us,

 1. That as far as God permits the wrath of man to break forth at any
 time he will make it turn to his praise, will bring honour to himself 
 and serve his own purposes by it: <I>Surely the wrath of man shall 
 praise thee,</I> not only by the checks given to it, when it shall be 
 forced to confess its own impotency, but even by the liberty given to 
 it for a time. The hardships which God's people suffer by the wrath of 
 their enemies are made to redound to the glory of God and his grace; 
 and the more <I>the heathen rage</I> and plot <I>against the Lord and 
 his anointed</I> the more will God be praised for setting <I>his King 
 upon his holy hill of Zion</I> in spite of them,

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+2:1,6">Ps. ii. 1, 6</A>.

 When the heavenly hosts make this the matter of their thanksgiving-song
 that God has <I>taken to himself his great power and has reigned,
 though the nations were angry</I> 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Re+11:17,18">Rev. xi. 17, 18</A>),

 then the wrath of man adds lustre to the praises of God. 

 2. That what will not turn to his praise shall not be suffered to break 
 out: <I>The remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain.</I> Men must never 
 permit sin, because they cannot check it when they will; but God can. 
 He can set bounds to the wrath of man, as he does to the raging sea. 
 <I>Hitherto it shall come and no further; here shall its proud waves be 
 stayed.</I> God restrained the remainder of Sennacherib's rage, for he 
 put <I>a hook in his nose and a bridle in his jaws</I>

 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Isa+37:29">Isa. xxxvii. 29</A>);

 and, though he permitted him to talk big, he restrained him from doing
 what he designed.</P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 III. Duty to all, 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+76:11,12"><I>v.</I> 11, 12</A>.

 Let all submit themselves to this great God and become his loyal
 subjects. Observe,

 1. The duty required of us all, all that are about him, that have any
 dependence upon him or any occasion to approach to him; and who is 
 there that has not? We are therefore every one of us commanded to do 
 our homage to the King of kings: <I>Vow and pay;</I> that is, take an 
 oath of allegiance to him and make conscience of keeping it. Vow to be 
 his, and pay what you vow. Bind your souls with a bond to him (for
 that is the nature of a vow), and then live up to the obligations you 
 have laid upon yourselves; for <I>better it is not to vow than to vow 
 and not to pay.</I> And, having taken him for our King, let us bring 
 presents to him, as subjects to their sovereign,

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=1Sa+10:27">1 Sam. x. 27</A>.

 <I>Send you the lamb to the ruler of the land,</I>

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Isa+16:1">Isa. xvi. 1</A>.

 Not that God needs any present we can bring, or
 can be benefited by it; but thus we must give him honour and own that
 we have our all from him. Our prayers and praises, and especially our
 hearts, are the presents we should bring to the Lord our God. 

 2. The reasons to enforce this duty: <I>Render to all their due, fear 
 to whom fear is due;</I> and is it not due to God? Yes;

 (1.) He ought to be feared: <I>He is the fear</I> (so the word is); his
 name is glorious and fearful,; and he is the proper object of our fear; 
 with him is terrible majesty. The God of Abraham is called <I>the fear 
 of Isaac</I>

 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ge+31:42">Gen. xxxi. 42</A>),

 and we are commanded to <I>make him our fear,</I> 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Isa+8:13">Isa. viii. 13</A>.

 When we bring presents to him we must have an eye to him as greatly to
 be feared; for he is terrible in his holy places. 

 (2.) He will be feared, even by those who think it their own sole 
 prerogative to be feared 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+76:12"><I>v.</I> 12</A>):

 He shall <I>cut off the spirit of princes;</I> he shall slip it off as
 easily as we slip off a flower from the stalk or a bunch of grapes from 
 the vine; so the word signifies. He can dispirit those that are most 
 daring and make them heartless; for he is, or will be, <I>terrible to 
 the kings of the earth;</I> and sooner or later, if they be not so wise 
 as to submit themselves to him, he will force them to call in vain to 
 <I>rocks and mountains to fall on them and hide them from his 

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Re+6:16">Rev. vi. 16</A>.

 Since there is no contending with God, it is as much our wisdom as it
 is our duty to submit to him.</P>

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