We left Christ newly baptized, and owned by a voice from heaven and the descent of the Holy Ghost upon him. Now, in this chapter, we have, I. A further preparation of him for his public ministry by his being tempted in the wilderness, of which we had the same account before in Matthew as we have here, Luke 4:1-13. II. His entrance upon his public work in Galilee (Luke 4:14, 15), particularly, 1. At Nazareth, the city where he had been bred up (Luke 4:16-30), which we had no account of before in Matthew. 2. At Capernaum, where, having preached to admiration (Luke 4:31-32), he cast the devil out of a man that was possessed (Luke 4:33-37), cured Peter’s mother-in-law of a fever (Luke 4:38, 39), and many others that were sick and possessed (Luke 4:40, 41), and then went and did the same in other cities of Galilee, Luke 4:42-44.