In this chapter we have, I. A high charge drawn up against both Israel and Judah for their sins, which were the ground of God’s controversy with them, Hos. 12:1, 2. Particularly the sin of fraud and injustice, which Ephraim is charged with (Hos. 12:7), and justifies himself in, Hos. 12:8. And the sin of idolatry (Hos. 12:11), by which God is provoked to contend with them, Hos. 12:14. II. The aggravations of the sins they are charged with, taken from the honour God put upon their father Jacob (Hos. 12:3-5), the advancement of them into a people from low and mean beginnings (Hos. 12:12, 13), and the provision he had made them of helps for their souls by the prophets he sent them, Hos. 12:10. III. A call to the unconverted to turn to God, Hos. 12:6. IV. An intimation of mercy that God had in store for them, Hos. 12:9.