In this chapter we have, I. A sinful people studying to put a slight upon God’s threatenings and to make them appear trivial, confiding in their privileges and pre-eminences above other nations (Amos 6:2, 3), and their power (Amos 6:13), and wholly addicted to their pleasures, Amos 6:4-6. II. A serious prophet studying to put a weight upon God’s threatenings and to make them appear terrible, by setting forth the severity of those judgments that were coming upon these sensualists (Amos 6:7), God’s abhorring them, and abandoning them and theirs to death (Amos 6:8-11), and bringing utter desolation upon them, since they would not be wrought upon by the methods he had taken for their conviction, Amos 6:12-14.