As we had much of Christ in the
1 Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. 2 Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. 3 Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. 4 Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people. 5 Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee because of the Lord thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he hath glorified thee.
Here, I. We are all invited to come and
take the benefit of that provision which the grace of God has made
for poor souls in the new covenant, of that which is the
heritage of the servants of the Lord (
1. Who are invited: Ho, every one. Not the Jews only, to whom first the word of salvation was sent, but the Gentiles, the poor and the maimed, the halt and the blind, are called to this marriage supper, whoever can be picked up out of the highways and the hedges. It intimates that in Christ there is enough for all and enough for each, that ministers are to make a general offer of life and salvation to all, that in gospel times the invitation should be more largely made than it had been and should be sent to the Gentiles, and that the gospel covenant excludes none that do not exclude themselves. The invitation is published with an Oyez-Ho, take notice of it. He that has ears to hear let him hear.
2. What is the qualification required in
those that shall be welcome—they must thirst. All shall be welcome
to gospel grace upon those terms only that gospel grace be welcome
to them. Those that are satisfied with the world and its enjoyments
for a portion, and seek not for a happiness in the favour of
God,—those that depend upon the merit of their own works for a
righteousness, and see no need they have of Christ and his
righteousness,—these do not thirst; they have no sense of their
need, are in no pain or uneasiness about their souls, and therefore
will not condescend so far as to be beholden to Christ. But those
that thirst are invited to the waters, as those that labour, and
are heavy-laden, are invited to Christ for rest. Note, Where God
gives grace he first gives a thirsting after it; and, where he has
given a thirsting after it, he will give it,
3. Whither they are invited: Come you to
the waters. Come to the water-side, to the ports, and quays,
and wharfs, on the navigable rivers, into which goods are imported;
thither come and buy, for that is the market-place of foreign
commodities; and to us they would have been for ever foreign if
Christ had not brought in an everlasting righteousness. Come to
Christ; for he is the fountain opened; he is the rock smitten. Come
to holy ordinances, to those streams that make glad the city of our
God; come to them, and though they may seem to you plain and common
things, like waters, yet to those who believe in Christ the things
signified will be as wine and mile, abundantly refreshing. Come to
the healing waters; come to the living waters. Whoever will, let
him come, and partake of the waters of life,
4. What they are invited to do. (1.) Come, and buy. Never did any tradesman court customers that he hoped to get by as Christ courts us to that which we only are to be gainers by. "Come and buy, and we can assure you you shall have a good bargain, which you will never repent of nor lose by. Come and buy; make it your own by an application of the grace of the gospel to yourselves; make it your own upon Christ's terms, nay, your own upon any terms, nor deliberating whether you shall agree to them." (2.) "Come, and eat; make it still more your own, as that which we eat is more our own than that which we only buy." We must buy the truth, not that we may lay it by to be looked at, but that we may feed and feast upon it, and that the spiritual life may be nourished and strengthened by it. We must buy necessary provisions for our souls, be willing to part with any thing, though ever so dear to us, so that we may but have Christ and his graces and comforts. We must part with sin, because it is an opposition to Christ, part with all opinion of our own righteousness, as standing in competition with Christ, and part with life itself, and its most necessary supports, rather than quit our interest in Christ. And, when we have bought what we need, let us not deny ourselves the comfortable use of it, but enjoy it, and eat the labour of our hands: Buy, and eat.
5. What is the provision they are invited
to: "Come, and buy wine and milk, which will not only quench
the thirst" (fair water would do that), "but nourish the body, and
revive the spirits." The world comes short of our expectations. We
promise ourselves, at least, water in it, but we are disappointed
of that, as the troops of Tema,
6. The free communication of this
provision: Buy it without money, and without price. A
strange way of buying, not only without ready money (that is common
enough), but without any money, or the promise of any; yet it seems
not so strange to those who have observed Christ's counsel to
Laodicea, that was wretchedly poor, to come and buy,
II. We are earnestly pressed and persuaded (and O that we would be prevailed with!) to accept this invitation, and make this good bargain for ourselves.
1. That which we are persuaded to is to
hearken to God and to his proposals: "Hearken diligently unto
2. The arguments used to persuade us to this are taken,
(1.) From the unspeakable wrong we do to
ourselves if we neglect and refuse this invitation: "Wherefore
do you spend money for that which is not bread, which will not
yield you, no, not beggar's food, dry bread, when with me you may
have wine and milk without money? Wherefore do you spend your
labour and toil for that which will not be so much as
dry bread to you, for it satisfies not?" See here, [1.] The
vanity of the things of this world. They are not bread, not proper
food for a soul; they afford no suitable nourishment or
refreshment. Bread is the staff of the natural life, but it affords
no support at all to the spiritual life. All the wealth and
pleasure in the world will not make one meal's meat for a soul.
Eternal truth and eternal good are the only food for a rational and
immortal soul, the life of which consists in reconciliation and
conformity to God, and in union and communion with him, which the
things of the world will not at all befriend. They satisfy
not; they yield not any solid comfort and content to the soul,
nor enable it to say, "Now I have what I would have." Nay, they do
not satisfy even the appetites of the body. The more men have the
more they would have,
(2.) From the unspeakable kindness we do to
ourselves if we accept this invitation and comply with it. [1.]
hereby we secure to ourselves present pleasure and satisfaction:
"If you hearken to Christ, you eat that which is good, which
is both wholesome and pleasant, good in itself and good for you."
God's good word and promise, a good conscience, and the comforts of
God's good Spirit, are a continual feast to those that hearken
diligently and obediently to Christ. Their souls shall delight
themselves in fatness, that is, in the riches and most grateful
delights. Here the invitation is not, "Come, and buy," lest
that should discourage, but, "Come, and eat; come and
entertain yourselves with that which will be abundantly pleasing;
eat, O friends!" It is sad to think that men should need to be
courted thus to their own bliss. [2.] Hereby we secure to ourselves
lasting happiness: "Hear, and your soul shall live; you
shall not only be saved from perishing eternally, but you shall be
eternally blessed:" for less than that cannot be the life of an
immortal soul. The words of Christ are spirit and life, life to
spirits (
III. Jesus Christ is promised for the
making good of all the other promises which we are here invited to
accept of,
IV. The Master of the feast being fixed, it
is next to be furnished with guests, for the provision shall not be
lost, nor made in vain,
6 Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: 7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. 10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: 11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. 12 For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. 13 Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.
We have here a further account of that
covenant of grace which is made with us in Jesus Christ, both what
is required and what is promised in the covenant, and of those
considerations that are sufficient abundantly to confirm our
believing compliance with and reliance on that covenant. This
gracious discovery of God's good-will to the children of men is not
to be confined either to the Jew or to the Gentile, to the Old
Testament or to the New, much less to the captives in Babylon. No,
both the precepts and the promises are here given to all, to
every one that thirsts after happiness,
I. Here is a gracious offer made of pardon,
and peace, and all happiness, to poor sinners, upon gospel terms,
1. Let them pray, and their prayers shall
be heard and answered (
(1.) The duties required. [1.] "Seek the Lord. Seek to him, and enquire of him, as your oracle. Ask the law at his mouth. What wilt thou have me to do? Seek for him, and enquire after him, as your portion and happiness; seek to be reconciled to him and acquainted with him, and to be happy in his favour. Be sorry that you have lost him; be solicitous to find him; take the appointed method of finding him, making use of Christ as your way, the Spirit as your guide, and the word as your rule." [2.] "Call upon him. Pray to him, to be reconciled, and, being reconciled, pray to him for every thing else you have need of."
(2.) The motives made use of to press these
duties upon us: While he may be found—while he is near.
[1.] It is implied that now God is near and will be found, so that
it shall not be in vain to seek him and to call upon him. Now his
patience is waiting on us, his word is calling to us, and his
Spirit striving with us. Let us now improve our advantages and
opportunities; for now is the accepted time. But, [2.] There is a
day coming when he will be afar off, and will not be found, when
the day of his patience is over, and his Spirit will strive no
more. There may come such a time in this life, when the heart is
incurably hardened; it is certain that at death and judgment the
door will be shut,
2. Let them repent and reform, and their
sins shall be pardoned,
(1.) What it is to repent. There are two things involved in repentance:—[1.] It is to turn from sin; it is to forsake it. It is to leave it, and to leave it with loathing and abhorrence, never to return to it again. The wicked must forsake his way, his evil way, as we would forsake a false way that will never bring us to the happiness we aim at, and a dangerous way, that leads to destruction. Let him not take one step more in that way. Nay, there must be not only a change of the way, but a change of the mind; the unrighteous must forsake his thoughts. Repentance, if it be true, strikes at the root, and washes the heart from wickedness. We must alter our judgments concerning persons and things, dislodge the corrupt imaginations and quit the vain pretences under which an unsanctified heart shelters itself. Note, It is not enough to break off from evil practices, but we must enter a caveat against evil thoughts. Yet this is not all: [2.] To repent is to return to the Lord; to return to him as our God, our sovereign Lord, against whom we have rebelled, and to whom we are concerned to reconcile ourselves; it is to return to the Lord as the fountain of life and living waters, which we had forsaken for broken cisterns.
(2.) What encouragement we have thus to
repent. If we do so, [1.] God will have mercy. He will not
deal with us as our sins have deserved, but will have compassion on
us. Misery is the object of mercy. Now both the consequences of
sin, by which we have become truly miserable (
II. Here are encouragements given us to accept this offer and to venture our souls upon it. For, look which way we will, we find enough to confirm us in our belief of its validity and value.
1. If we look up to heaven, we find God's
counsels there high and transcendent, his thoughts and ways
infinitely above ours,
2. If we look down to this earth, we find
God's word there powerful and effectual, and answering all its
great intentions,
3. If we take a special view of the church,
we shall find what great things God has done, and will do, for it