<p>One would wonder that Jerusalem, the holy city, where God was known, and his name was great, should be the city of which this black character is here given, that a place which enjoyed such abundance of the means of grace should become so very corrupt and vicious, and that God should permit it to be so; yet so it is, to show that <i>the law made nothing perfect</i>; but if this be the true character of Jerusalem, as no doubt it is (for God’s judgments will make none worse than they are), it is no wonder that the prophet begins with <i>woe to her</i>. For the holy God hates sin in those that are nearest to him, nay, in them he hates it most. A sinful state is, and will be, a woeful state.</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. Here is a very bad character given of the city in general. How has the faithful city become a harlot! 1. She shames herself; she is <i>filthy and polluted</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Zeph.3.1" href="/passage/?search=Zeph.3.1">Zeph. 3:1</a>), has made herself <i>infamous</i> (so some read it), <i>the gluttonous</i> city (so the margin), always cramming, and making provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts of it. Sin is the filthiness and pollution of persons and places, and makes them odious in the sight of the holy God. 2. She wrongs her neighbours and inhabitants; she is <i>the oppressing city</i>. Never any place had <i>statutes and judgments so righteous</i> as this city had, and yet, in the administration of the government, never was more unrighteousness. 3. She is very provoking to her God, and in every respect walks contrary to him, <a class="bibleref" title="Zeph.3.2" href="/passage/?search=Zeph.3.2">Zeph. 3:2</a>. He had given his law, and spoken to her by his servants the prophets, telling her what was the good she should do and what the evil she should avoid; but <i>she obeyed not his voice</i>, nor made conscience of doing as he commanded her, in any thing. He had taken her under an excellent discipline, both of the word and of the rod; but she did not receive the instruction of the one nor the correction of the other, did not submit to God’s will nor answer his end in either. He encouraged her to depend upon him, and his power and promise, for deliverance from evil and supply with good; but she <i>trusted not in the Lord</i>; her confidence was placed in her alliances with the nations more than in her covenant with God. He gave her tokens of his presence, and instituted ordinances of communion for her with himself; but she <i>drew not near to her God</i>, did not meet him where he appointed and where he promised to meet her. She stood at a distance, and <i>said to the Almighty, Depart</i>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. Here is a very bad character of the leading men in it; those that should by their influence suppress vice and profaneness there are the great patterns and patrons of wickedness, and those that should be her physicians are really her worst disease. 1. <i>Her princes are</i> ravenous and barbarous as <i>roaring lions</i> that make a prey of all about them, and they are universally feared and hated; they use their power for destruction, and not for edification. 2. <i>Her judges</i>, who should be the protectors of injured innocence, <i>are evening wolves</i>, rapacious and greedy, and their cruelty and covetousness both insatiable: <i>They gnaw not the bones till the morrow</i>; they take so much delight and pleasure in cruelty and oppression that when they have devoured a good man they reserve the bones, as it were, for a sweet morsel, to be gnawed the next morning, <a class="bibleref" title="Job.31.31" href="/passage/?search=Job.31.31">Job 31:31</a>. 3. <i>Her prophets</i>, who pretend to be special messengers from heaven to them, <i>are light and treacherous persons</i>, fanciful, and of a vain imagination, frothy and airy, and of a loose conversation, men of no consistency with themselves, in whom one can put no confidence. They were so given to bantering that it was hard to say when they were serious. Their pretended prophecies were all a sham, and they secretly laughed at those that were deluded by them. 4. <i>Her priests</i>, who are teachers by office and have the charge of the holy things, are false to their trust and betray it. They were to preserve the purity of the <i>sanctuary</i>, but they did themselves <i>pollute</i> it, and the sacred offices of it, which they were to attend upon—such priests as Hophni and Phinehas, who by their wicked lives <i>made the sacrifices of the Lord to be abhorred</i>. They were to expound and apply <i>the law</i>, and to judge according to it; but, in their explications and applications of it, they <i>did violence to the law</i>; they corrupted the sense of it, and perverted it to the patronising of that which was directly contrary to it. By forced constructions, they made the law to speak what they pleased, to serve a turn, and so, in effect, <i>made void the law</i>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. We have here the aggravations of this general corruption of all orders and degrees of men in Jerusalem.</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. They had the tokens of God’s presence among them, and all the advantages that could be of knowing his will, with the strongest inducements possible to do it, and yet they persisted in their disobedience, <a class="bibleref" title="Zeph.3.5" href="/passage/?search=Zeph.3.5">Zeph. 3:5</a>. (1.) They had the honour and privilege of the Shechinah, God’s dwelling in their land, so as he dwelt not with any other people: “<i>The just Lord is in the midst of thee</i>, to take cognizance of all thou doest amiss and give countenance to all thou doest well; he is in the midst of thee as a holy God, and therefore thy pollutions are the more offensive, <a class="bibleref" title="Deut.23.14" href="/passage/?search=Deut.23.14">Deut. 23:14</a>. He is in the midst of you as a just God, and therefore will punish the affronts you put upon him, and the wrongs and injuries you do to one another.” (2.) They had God’s own example set before them, in the discovery he made of himself to them, that they might conform to it: “<i>He will not do iniquity</i>, and therefore you should not;” for this was the great rule of their institution, “<i>Be you holy, for I am holy</i>. God will be true to you; be not you then false to him.” (3.) He sent to them his prophets, rising up early and sending them: <i>Every morning he brings his judgment to light</i>, as duly as the morning comes; <i>he fails not</i>. He shows them plainly what the good is which he requires of them, and puts them in mind of it; he <i>wakens morning by morning</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Isa.50.4" href="/passage/?search=Isa.50.4">Isa. 50:4</a>), wakens his prophets with the rising sun, to bring to light the things which belong to their peace. So that, upon the whole matter, what more could have been done to his vineyard, to make it fruitful? <a class="bibleref" title="Isa.5.4" href="/passage/?search=Isa.5.4">Isa. 5:4</a>. And yet, after all, <i>the unjust know no shame</i>; those that have been unjust are unjust still, and are not ashamed of their unrighteousness, <i>neither can they blush</i>. If they had any sense of honour, any shame left in them, they would not go so directly contrary to their profession and to the instructions given them. But those that are past shame are past cure.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. God had set before their eyes some remarkable monuments of his justice, which were designed for warning to them (<a class="bibleref" title="Zeph.3.6" href="/passage/?search=Zeph.3.6">Zeph. 3:6</a>): <i>I have cut off the nations</i>, the seven nations of Canaan, which the land spewed out for their wickedness, upon which they had this caution given them, to take heed lest it <i>spew them out also</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Lev.18.28" href="/passage/?search=Lev.18.28">Lev. 18:28</a>. Or it may refer to some of the neighbouring nations that were made desolate for their wickedness, especially to the nations of Israel, the ten tribes. <i>Their towers were desolate</i>, their high towers, their strong towers, their pride and power broken; their <i>streets were wasted</i>, so that none passed along through them; <i>their cities</i> were <i>destroyed</i> and laid in ruins; <i>no man</i> was to be found in them, <i>no inhabitant</i>, all were slain or carried into captivity. The enemies did it, but God avows it: <i>I cut them off</i>, says he. And God designed this for an admonition to Jerusalem (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.23.9,Ezek.23.11" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.23.9,Ezek.23.11"><span class="bibleref" title="Ezek.23.9">Ezek. 23:9</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Ezek.23.11">11</span></a>): “<i>I said, Surely thou wilt fear me</i>; surely these judgments upon others will deter thee from the like wicked practices; <i>surely thou wilt receive instruction</i> by these providences; it ought to be expected that thou wouldst not continue to sin like the nations when thou seest the ruin which their sin brought upon them.” They could not but see their own house in danger when their neighbour’s was on fire; and, when we are frightened, God should be feared.</p>
<p class="tab-1">3. He had set before them life and death, good and evil, both in his word and in his providence. (1.) He had assured them of the continuance of their prosperity if they would fear him and receive instruction, for so <i>their dwelling would not be cut off</i> as their neighbour’s was; if they took the warning given them, and reformed, what was past should be pardoned, and their tranquility lengthened out. (2.) He had made them feel the smart of the rod, though he reprieved them from the sword: <i>Howsoever I punished them</i>, that, being chastened, they might not be condemned. Such various methods did God take with them, to reclaim them, but all in vain; they were not won upon by gentle methods, nor had severe ones any effect, for <i>they rose early, and corrupted all their doings</i>; they were more resolute and eager in their wicked courses than ever, more studious and solicitous in making provision for their lusts, and let slip no opportunity for the gratification of them. God <i>rose up early</i>, to send them his <i>prophets</i>, to reduce and reclaim them, but they were <i>up before him</i>, to shut and bolt the door against them. Their wickedness was universal: <i>All their doings</i> were corrupted; and it was all owing to themselves; they could not lay the blame upon the tempter, but they alone must bear it; they themselves wilfully and designedly <i>corrupted all their doings</i>; for <i>every man is tempted when he is drawn aside of his own lust and enticed</i>.</p>