<p>These two verses are a comment upon <a class="bibleref" title="Prov.18.4" href="/passage/?search=Prov.18.4">Prov. 18:4</a>; and show, 1. How those that are rich and great are courted and caressed, and have suitors and servants in abundance. The prince that has power in his hand, and preferments at his disposal, has his gate and his ante-chamber thronged with petitioners, that are ready to adore him for what they can get. <i>Many will entreat his favour</i>, and think themselves happy in it. Even great men are humble suppliants to the prince. How earnest then should we be for the favour of God, which is far beyond that of any earthly prince. But, it should seem, liberality will go further than majesty itself to gain respect, for there are many that court the prince, but <i>every man is a friend to him that gives gifts</i>; not only those that have received, or do expect, gifts from him, will, as friends, be ready to serve him, but others also will, as friends, give him their good word. Prodigals, who are foolishly free of what they have, will have many hangers-on who will cry them up as long as it lasts, but will leave them when it is done. Those that are prudently generous make an interest by it which may stand them in good stead; those that are accounted benefactors exercise an authority which may give them an opportunity of doing good, <a class="bibleref" title="Luke.22.25" href="/passage/?search=Luke.22.25">Luke 22:25</a>. 2. How those that are poor and low are slighted and despised. Men may, if they please, court the prince, and the princely, but they may not trample upon the poor and look at them with disdain. Yet so it often is: <i>All the brethren of the poor do hate him</i>; even his own relations are shy of him, because he is needy and craving, and expects something from them, and because they look upon him as a blemish to their family; and then no marvel if others of his friends, that were nothing akin to him, <i>go far from him</i>, to get out of his way. <i>He pursues them with words</i>, hoping to prevail with them by his importunity to be kind to him, but all in vain; they have nothing for him. <i>They pursue him with words</i> (so some understand it), to excuse themselves from giving him any thing; they tell him that he is idle and impertinent, that he has brought himself into poverty, and therefore ought not to be relieved; as Nabal said to David’s messengers: “<i>There are many servants now a days that run away from their masters</i>; and how do I know but that David may be one of them?” Let poor people therefore make God their friend, pursue him with their prayers, and he will not be wanting to them.</p>