<p>Elihu here addresses himself closely to Job, desiring him to apply what he had hitherto said to himself. He begs that he would hearken to this discourse (<a class="bibleref" title="Job.37.14" href="/passage/?search=Job.37.14">Job 37:14</a>), that he would pause awhile: <i>Stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God</i>. What we hear is not likely to profit us unless we consider it, and we are not likely to consider things fully unless we stand still and compose ourselves to the consideration of them. The works of God, being wondrous, both deserve and need our consideration, and the due consideration of them will help to reconcile us to all his providences. Elihu, for the humbling of Job, shows him,</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. That he had no insight into natural causes, could neither see the springs of them nor foresee the effects of them (<a class="bibleref" title="Job.37.15-Job.37.17" href="/passage/?search=Job.37.15-Job.37.17">Job 37:15-17</a>): <i>Dost thou know</i> this and know that which are <i>the wondrous works of him who is perfect in knowledge</i>? We are here taught, 1. The perfection of God’s knowledge. It is one of the most glorious perfections of God that he is perfect in knowledge; he is omniscient. His knowledge is intuitive: he <i>sees</i>, and does not know by report. It is intimate and entire: he knows things truly, and not by their colours—thoroughly, and not by piecemeal. To his knowledge there is nothing distant, but all near—nothing future, but all present—nothing hid, but all open. We ought to acknowledge this in all his wondrous works, and it is sufficient to satisfy us in those wondrous works which we know not the meaning of that they are the works of one that knows what he does. 2. The imperfection of our knowledge. The greatest philosophers are much in the dark concerning the powers and works of nature. We are a paradox to ourselves, and every thing about us is a mystery. The gravitation of bodies, and the cohesion of the parts of matter, are most certain, and yet unaccountable. It is good for us to be made sensible of our own ignorance. Some have confessed their ignorance, and those that would not do this have betrayed it. But we must all infer from it what incompetent judges we are of the divine politics, when we understand so little even of the divine mechanics. (1.) We know not what orders God has given concerning the clouds, nor what orders he will give, <a class="bibleref" title="Job.37.15" href="/passage/?search=Job.37.15">Job 37:15</a>. That all is done by determination and with design we are sure; but what is determined, and what designed, and when the plan was laid, we know not. God often <i>causes the light of his cloud to shine</i>, in the rainbow (so some), in the lightning (so others); but did we foresee, or could we foretel, when he would to it? If we foresee the change of weather a few hours before, by vulgar observation, or when second causes have begun to work by the weather-glass, yet how little do these show us of the purposes of God by these changes! (2.) We know not how the clouds are poised in the air, the <i>balancing</i> of them, which is one of the wondrous works of God. They are so balanced, so spread, that they never rob us of the benefit of the sun (even the cloudy day is day), so balanced that they do not fall at once, nor burst into cataracts or water-spouts. The rainbow is an intimation of God’s favour in balancing the clouds so as to keep them from drowning the world. Nay, so are they balanced that they impartially distribute their showers on the earth, so that, one time or other, every place has its share. (3.) We know not how the comfortable change comes when the winter is past, <a class="bibleref" title="Job.37.17" href="/passage/?search=Job.37.17">Job 37:17</a>. [1.] How the weather becomes warm after it has been cold. We know how our garment came to be warm upon us, that is, how we come to be warm in our clothes, by reason of the warmth of the air we breathe in. Without God’s blessing we should clothe ourselves, yet not be warm, <a class="bibleref" title="Hag.1.6" href="/passage/?search=Hag.1.6">Hag. 1:6</a>. But, when he so orders it, the clothes are warm upon us, which, in the extremity of cold weather, would not serve to keep us warm. [2.] How it becomes calm after it has been stormy: <i>He quiets the earth by the south wind</i>, when the spring comes. As he has a blustering freezing north wind, so he has a thawing, composing, south wind; the Spirit is compared to both, because he both convinces and comforts, <a class="bibleref" title="Song.4.16" href="/passage/?search=Song.4.16">Song 4:16</a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. That he had no share at all in the first making of the world (<a class="bibleref" title="Job.37.18" href="/passage/?search=Job.37.18">Job 37:18</a>): “<i>Hast thou with him spread out the sky</i>? Thou canst not pretend to have stretched it out without him, no, nor to have stretched it out in conjunction with him; for he was far from needing any help either in contriving or in working.” The creation of the vast expanse of the visible heavens (<a class="bibleref" title="Gen.1.6-Gen.1.8" href="/passage/?search=Gen.1.6-Gen.1.8">Gen. 1:6-8</a>), which we see in being to this day, is a glorious instance of the divine power, considering, 1. That, though it is fluid, yet it is firm. It <i>is strong</i>, and has its name from its stability. It still is what it was, and suffers no decay, nor shall the ordinances of heaven be altered till the lease expires with time. 2. That, though it is large, it is bright and most curiously fine: It is a <i>molten looking-glass</i>, smooth and polished, and without the least flaw or crack. In this, as in a looking-glass, we may <i>behold the glory of God</i> and the wisdom of <i>his handy work</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.19.1" href="/passage/?search=Ps.19.1">Ps. 19:1</a>. When we look up to heaven above we should remember it is a mirror or looking-glass, not to show us our own faces, but to be a faint representation of the purity, dignity, and brightness of the upper world and its glorious inhabitants.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. That neither he nor they were able to speak of the glory of God in any proportion to the merit of the subject, <a class="bibleref" title="Job.37.19,Job.37.20" href="/passage/?search=Job.37.19,Job.37.20"><span class="bibleref" title="Job.37.19">Job 37:19</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Job.37.20">20</span></a>. 1. He challenges Job to be their director, if he durst undertake the task. He speaks it ironically: “<i>Teach us</i>, if thou canst, <i>what we shall say unto him</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Job.37.19" href="/passage/?search=Job.37.19">Job 37:19</a>. Thou hast a mind to reason with God, and wouldst have us to contend with him on thy behalf; teach us then what we shall say. Canst thou see further into this abyss than we can? If thou canst, favour us with thy discoveries, furnish us with instructions.” 2. He owns his own insufficiency both in speaking to God and in speaking of him: <i>We cannot order our speech by reason of darkness</i>. Note, The best of men are much in the dark concerning the glorious perfections of the divine nature and the administrations of the divine government. Those that through grace know much of God, yet know little, yea, nothing, in comparison with what is to be known, and what will be known, when that which is perfect shall come and the veil shall be rent. When we would speak of God we speak confusedly and with great uncertainly, and are soon at a loss and run aground, not for want of matter, but for want of words. As we must always begin with fear and trembling, lest we speak amiss (<i>Deut. Deo etiam vera dicere periculosum est</i>—<i>Even while affirming what is true concerning God we incur risk</i>), so we must conclude with shame and blushing, for having spoken no better. Elihu himself had, for his part, spoken well on God’s behalf, and yet is so far from expecting a fee, or thinking that God was beholden to him for it, or that he was fit to be standing counsel for him, that (1.) He is even ashamed of what he has said, not of the cause, but of his own management of it: “<i>Shall it be told him that I speak</i>? <a class="bibleref" title="Job.37.20" href="/passage/?search=Job.37.20">Job 37:20</a>. Shall it be reported to him as a meritorious piece of service, worthy his notice? By no means; let it never be spoken of,” for he fears that the subject has suffered by his undertaking it, as a fine face is wronged by a bad painter, and his performance is so far from meriting thanks that it needs pardon. When we have done all we can for God we must acknowledge that we are unprofitable servants and have nothing at all to boast of. He is afraid of saying any more: <i>If a man speak</i>, if he undertake to plead for God, much more if he offer to plead against him, <i>surely he shall be swallowed up</i>. If he speak presumptuously, God’s wrath shall soon consume him; but, if ever so well, he will soon lose himself in the mystery and be over powered by the divine lustre. Astonishment will strike him blind and dumb.</p>