<p>We have here a further account of Job’s prosperity and his piety.</p> <p class="tab-1">I. His great comfort in his children is taken notice of as an instance of his prosperity; for our temporal comforts are borrowed, depend upon others, and are as those about us are. Job himself mentions it as one of the greatest joys of his prosperous estate that his <i>children were about him</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Job.29.5" href="/passage/?search=Job.29.5">Job 29:5</a>. They kept a circular feast at some certain times (<a class="bibleref" title="Job.1.4" href="/passage/?search=Job.1.4">Job 1:4</a>); they <i>went and feasted in their houses</i>. It was a comfort to this good man, 1. To see his children grown up and settled in the world. All his sons were in houses of their own, probably married, and to each of them he had given a competent portion to set up with. Those that had been olive-plants round his table were removed to tables of their own. 2. To see them thrive in their affairs, and able to feast one another, as well as to feed themselves. Good parents desire, promote, and rejoice in, their children’s wealth and prosperity as their own. 3. To see them in health, no sickness in their houses, for that would have spoiled their feasting and turned it into mourning. 4. Especially to see them live in love, and unity, and mutual good affection, no jars or quarrels among them, no strangeness, no shyness one of another, no strait-handedness, but, though every one knew his own, they lived with as much freedom as if they had had all in common. It is comfortable to the hearts of parents, and comely in the eyes of all, to see brethren thus knit together. <i>Behold, how good and how pleasant it is</i>! <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.133.1" href="/passage/?search=Ps.133.1">Ps. 133:1</a>. 5. It added to his comfort to see the brothers so kind to their sisters, that they sent for them to feast with them; for they were so modest that they would not have gone if they had not been sent for. Those brothers that slight their sisters, care not for their company, and have no concern for their comfort, are ill-bred, ill-natured, and very unlike Job’s sons. It seems their feast was so sober and decent that their sisters were good company for them at it. 6. They feasted in their own houses, not in public houses, where they would be more exposed to temptations, and which were not so creditable. We do not find that Job himself feasted with them. Doubtless they invited him, and he would have been the most welcome guest at any of their tables; nor was it from any sourness or moroseness of temper, or for want of natural affection, that he kept away, but he was old and dead to these things, like Barzillai (<a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.19.35" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.19.35">2 Sam. 19:35</a>), and considered that the young people would be more free and pleasant if there were none but themselves. Yet he would not restrain his children from that diversion which he denied himself. Young people may be allowed a youthful liberty, provided they flee youthful lusts.</p> <p class="tab-1">II. His great care about his children is taken notice of as an instance of his piety: for that we are really which we are relatively. Those that are good will be good to their children, and especially do what they can for the good of their souls. Observe (<a class="bibleref" title="Job.1.5" href="/passage/?search=Job.1.5">Job 1:5</a>) Job’s pious concern for the spiritual welfare of his children,</p> <p class="tab-1">1. He was jealous over them with a godly jealousy; and so we ought to be over ourselves and those that are dearest to us, as far as is necessary to our care and endeavour for their good. Job had given his children a good education, had comfort in them and good hope concerning them; and yet he said, “<i>It may be, my sons have sinned</i> in the days of their feasting more than at other times, have been too merry, have taken too great a liberty in eating and drinking, and have <i>cursed God in their hearts</i>,” that is, “have entertained atheistical or profane thoughts in their minds, unworthy notions of God and his providence, and the exercises of religion.” When they were <i>full</i> they were ready to <i>deny God, and to say, Who is the Lord</i>? (<a class="bibleref" title="Prov.30.9" href="/passage/?search=Prov.30.9">Prov. 30:9</a>), ready to <i>forget</i> God and to say, The <i>power of our hand</i> has <i>gotten us this wealth</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Deut.8.12-Deut.8.17" href="/passage/?search=Deut.8.12-Deut.8.17">Deut. 8:12-17</a> Nothing alienates the mind more from God than the indulgence of the flesh.</p> <p class="tab-1">2. As soon as the days of their feasting were over he called them to the solemn exercises of religion. Not while their feasting lasted (let them take their time for that; there is a time for all things), but when it was over, their good father reminded them that they must know when to desist, and not think to fare sumptuously every day; though they had their days of feasting the <i>week</i> round, they must not think to have them the <i>year</i> round; they had something else to do. Note, Those that are merry must find a time to be serious.</p> <p class="tab-1">3. He sent to them to prepare for solemn ordinances, <i>sent and sanctified them</i>, ordered them to examine their own consciences and repent of what they had done amiss in their feasting, to lay aside their vanity and compose themselves for religious exercises. Thus he kept his authority over them for their good, and they submitted to it, though they had got into houses of their own. Still he was the priest of the family, and at his altar they all attended, valuing their share in his prayers more than their share in his estate. Parents cannot give grace to their children (it is God that sanctifies), but they ought by seasonable admonitions and counsels to further their sanctification. In their baptism they were sanctified to God; let it be our desire and endeavour that they may be sanctified for him.</p> <p class="tab-1">4. He offered sacrifice for them, both to atone for the sins he feared they had been guilty of in the days of their feasting and to implore for them mercy to pardon and grace to prevent the debauching of their minds and corrupting of their manners by the liberty they had taken, and to preserve their piety and purity.</p> <p class="tab-1">For he with mournful eyes had often spied, Scattered on Pleasure’s smooth but treacherous tide, The spoils of virtue overpowered by sense, And floating wrecks of ruined innocence.—Sir R. BLACKMORE. Job, like Abraham, had an altar for his family, on which, it is likely, he offered sacrifice daily; but, on this extraordinary occasion, he offered more sacrifices than usual, and with more solemnity, <i>according to the number of them all</i>, one for each child. Parents should be particular in their addresses to God for the several branches of their family. “For this child I prayed, according to its particular temper, genius, and condition,” to which the prayers, as well as the endeavours, must be accommodated. When these sacrifices were to be offered, (1.) He rose early, as one in care that his children might not lie long under guilt and as one whose heart was upon his work and his desire towards it. (2.) He required his children to attend the sacrifice, that they might join with him in the prayers he offered with the sacrifice, that the sight of the killing of the sacrifice might humble them much for their sins, for which they deserved to die, and the sight of the offering of it up might lead them to a Mediator. This serious work would help to make them serious again after the days of their gaiety.</p> <p class="tab-1">5. Thus he did <i>continually</i>, and not merely whenever an occasion of this kind recurred; for <i>he that is washed needs to wash his feet</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="John.13.10" href="/passage/?search=John.13.10">John 13:10</a>. The acts of repentance and faith must be often renewed, because we often repeat our transgressions. All days, every day, he offered up his sacrifices, was constant to his devotions, and did not omit them any day. The occasional exercises of religion will not excuse us from those that are stated. He that serves God uprightly will serve him continually.</p>