<TITLE>Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible [Ezekiel IX].</TITLE>
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 Matthew Henry<BR><I>Commentary on the Whole Bible</I> (1712)

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 <BR><FONT SIZE=+3><B>E Z E K I E L.</B></FONT>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 The prophet had, in vision, seen the wickedness that was committed at 
 Jerusalem, in the foregoing chapter, and we may be sure that it was not 
 represented to him worse than really it was; now here follows, of 
 course, a representation of their ruin approaching; for when sin goes 
 before judgments come next. Here is, 

 I. Preparation made of instruments that were to be employed in the
 destruction of the city, 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:1,2">ver. 1, 2</A>.

 II. The removal of the Shechinah from the cherubim to the threshold of
 the temple, 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:3">ver. 3</A>.

 III. Orders given to one of the persons employed, who is distinguished
 from the rest, for the marking of a remnant to be preserved from the
 common destruction, 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:3,4">ver. 3, 4</A>.

 IV. The warrant signed for the execution of those that were not marked,
 and the execution begun accordingly, 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:5-7">ver. 5-7</A>.

 V. The prophet's intercession for the mitigation of the sentence, and a 
 denial of any mitigation, the decree having now gone forth, 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:8-10">ver. 8-10</A>.

 VI. The report made by him that was to mark the pious remnant of what
 he had done in that matter, 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:11">ver. 11</A>.

 And this shows a usual method of Providence in the government of the

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 <A NAME="Eze9_4"> </A>

 <A NAME="Sec1"> </A>
 <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1><I>Preparations to Destroy Jerusalem; The Righteous Marked for Salvation.</I></FONT></TD>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
 <FONT SIZE=+1>1  He cried also in mine ears with a loud voice, saying, Cause
 them that have charge over the city to draw near, even every man
 <I>with</I> his destroying weapon in his hand.
 &nbsp; 2  And, behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate,
 which lieth toward the north, and every man a slaughter weapon in
 his hand; and one man among them <I>was</I> clothed with linen, with a
 writer's inkhorn by his side: and they went in, and stood beside
 the brasen altar.
 &nbsp; 3  And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the
 cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house. And he
 called to the man clothed with linen, which <I>had</I> the writer's
 inkhorn by his side;
 &nbsp; 4  And the L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT> said unto him, Go through the midst of the city,
 through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads
 of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that
 be done in the midst thereof.

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 In these verses we have,</P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 I. The summons given to Jerusalem's destroyers to come forth and give 
 their attendance. He that appeared to the prophet 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+8:2"><I>ch.</I> viii. 2</A>),

 that had brought him to Jerusalem and had shown the wickedness that was
 done there, <I>he cried, Cause those that have charge over the city to 
 draw near</I> 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:1"><I>v.</I> 1</A>),

 or, as it might better be read, and nearer the original, <I>Those that
 have charge over the city are drawing near.</I> He had said

 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+8:18"><I>ch.</I> viii. 18</A>),

 <I>I will deal in fury;</I> now, says he to the prophet, thou shalt see
 who are to be employed as the instruments of my wrath. 
 <I>Appropinquaverunt visitationes civitatis--The visitations</I> (or 
 visitors) <I>of the city are at hand.</I> They would not <I>know the 
 day of their visitations</I> in mercy, and now they are to be visited 
 in wrath. Observe, 

 1. How the notice of this is given to the prophet: <I>He cried it in my
 ears with a loud voice,</I> which intimates the vehemency of him that 
 spoke; when men are highly provoked, and threaten in anger, they speak 
 aloud. Those that regard not the counsels God gives them in a still
 small voice shall be made to hear the threatenings, to hear and 
 tremble. It denotes also the prophet's unwillingness to be told this: 
 he was deaf on that ear, but there is no remedy, their sin will not 
 admit an excuse and therefore their judgment will not admit a delay: 
 "<I>He cried it in my ears with a loud voice;</I> he made me hear it, 
 and I heard it with a sad heart." 

 2. What this notice is. There are those <I>that have charge over the
 city</I> to destroy it, not the Chaldean armies, they are to be indeed 
 employed in this work, but they are not the visitors, they are only the 
 servants, or tools rather. God's angels have received a charge now to
 lay that city waste, which they had long had a charge to protect and 
 watch over. They are at hand, as destroying angels, as ministers of 
 wrath, for <I>every man has his destroying weapon in his hand,</I> as 
 the angel that kept the way of the tree of life with a flaming sword.
 Note, Those that have by sin made God their enemy have made the good 
 angels their enemies too. These visitors are called and <I>caused to 
 draw near.</I> Note, God has ministers of wrath always within call, 
 always at command, invisible powers, by whom he accomplishes is 
 purposes. The prophet is made to see this in vision, that he might with 
 the greater assurance in his preaching denounce these judgments. God 
 told it him with a loud voice, <I>taught it him with a strong hand</I> 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Isa+8:11">Isa. viii. 11</A>),

 that it might make the deeper impression upon him and that he might
 thus proclaim it in the people's ears.</P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 II. Their appearance, upon this summons, is recorded. Immediately 
 <I>six men came</I> 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:2"><I>v.</I> 2</A>),

 one for each of the principal gates of Jerusalem. Two destroying angels 
 were sent against Sodom, but six against Jerusalem; for Jerusalem's 
 doom in the judgment will be thrice as heavy as that of Sodom. There is 
 an angel watching at every gate to destroy, to bring in judgments from 
 every quarter, and to take heed that none escape. One angel served to 
 destroy the first-born of Egypt, and the camp of the Assyrians, but 
 here are six. In the Revelation we find seven that were to <I>pour out 
 the vials of God's wrath,</I> 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Re+16:1">Rev. xvi. 1</A>.

 They came with every one <I>a slaughter-weapon in his hand,</I> 
 prepared for the work to which they were called. The nations of which 
 the king of Babylon's army was composed, which some reckon to be six, 
 and the commanders of his army (of whom <I>six</I> are named as 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Jer+39:3">Jer. xxxix. 3</A>),

 may be called <I>the slaughter-weapons</I> in the hands of the angels.
 The angels are thoroughly furnished for every service.

 1. Observe whence they came--<I>from the way of the higher gate, which
 lies towards the north</I>

 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:2"><I>v.</I> 2</A>),

 either because the Chaldeans came from the north 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Jer+1:14">Jer. i. 14</A>,

 <I>Out of the north an evil shall break forth</I>) or because the image 
 of jealousy was set up <I>at the door of the inner gate that looks 
 towards the north,</I>

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+8:3,5"><I>ch.</I> viii. 3, 5</A>.

 At that gate of the temple the destroying angels entered, to show what
 it was that opened the door to them. Note, That way that sin lies 
 judgments may be expected to come. 

 2. Observe where they placed themselves: <I>They went in and stood 
 beside the brazen altar,</I> on which sacrifices were wont to be 
 offered and atonement made. When they acted as destroyers they acted as 
 sacrificers, not from any personal revenge or ill-will, but with a pure 
 and sincere regard to the glory of God; for to his justice all they 
 slew were offered up as victims. <I>They stood by the altar,</I> as it
 were to protect and vindicate that, and plead its righteous cause, and 
 avenge the horrid profanation of it. At the altar they were to receive 
 their commission to destroy, to intimate that the iniquity of 
 Jerusalem, like that of Eli's house, was <I>not to be purged by 

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 III. The notice taken of one among the destroying angels distinguished 
 in his habit from the rest, from whom some favour might be expected; it 
 should seem he was not one of the six, but <I>among them,</I> to see 
 that mercy was mixed with judgment, 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:2"><I>v.</I> 2</A>.

 This <I>man was clothed with linen,</I> as the priests were, and he had 
 a <I>writer's inkhorn</I> hanging at <I>his side,</I> as anciently 
 attorneys and lawyers' clerks had, which he was to make use of, as the 
 other six were to make use of their <I>destroying weapons.</I> Here the 
 honours of the pen exceeded those of the sword, but he was the Lord of 
 angels that made use of the <I>writer's inkhorn;</I> for it is 
 generally agreed, among the best interpreters, that this man 
 represented Christ as Mediator saving those that are his from the 
 flaming sword of divine justice. He is our <I>high priest,</I> clothed 
 with holiness, for that was signified by the <I>fine linen,</I> 

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Re+19:8">Rev. xix. 8</A>.

 As prophet he wears the <I>writer's inkhorn.</I> The book of life is 
 the Lamb's book. The great things of the law and gospel which God has 
 written to us are of his writing; for it is the Spirit of Christ, in 
 the writers of the scripture, that testifies to us, and the Bible is 
 <I>the revelation of Jesus Christ.</I> Note, It is a matter of great 
 comfort to all good Christians that, in the midst of the destroyers and 
 the destructions that are abroad, there is a Mediator, a great high 
 priest, who has an interest in heaven, and whom saints on earth have an 
 interest in.</P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 IV. The removal of the appearance of the divine glory from over the 
 cherubim. Some think this was that usual display of the divine glory 
 which was between the cherubim over the mercy seat, in the most holy 
 place, that took leave of them now, and never returned; for it is 
 supposed that it was not in the second temple. Others think it was that 
 display of the divine glory which the prophet now saw over the cherubim 
 in vision; and this is more probable, because this is called <I>the 
 glory of the God of Israel</I> 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+8:4"><I>ch.</I> viii. 4</A>),

 and this is it which he had now his eye upon; this was gone <I>to the
 threshold of the house,</I> as it were to call to the servants that 
 attended without the door, to send them on their errand and give them 
 their instructions. And the removal of this, as well as the former, 
 might be significant of God's departure from them, and leaving them 
 their house desolate; and when God goes all good goes, but he goes from 
 none till they first drive him from them. He went at first no further 
 than <I>the threshold,</I> that he might show how loth he was to 
 depart, and might give them both time and encouragement to invite his 
 return to them and his stay with them. Note, God's departures from a
 people are gradual, but gracious souls are soon award of the first step 
 he takes towards a remove. Ezekiel immediately observed that <I>the 
 glory of the god of Israel had gone up from the cherub:</I> and what is 
 a vision of angels if God be gone?</P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 V. The charge given <I>to the man clothed in linen</I> to secure the 
 pious remnant from the general desolation. We do not read that this 
 Saviour was summoned and sent for, as the destroyers were; for he is 
 always ready, <I>appearing in the presence of God for us;</I> and to 
 him, as the most proper person, the care of those that are marked for 
 salvation is committed, 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:4"><I>v.</I> 4</A>.
 Now observe, 

 1. The distinguishing character of this remnant that is to be saved. 
 They are such as <I>sigh and cry,</I> sigh in themselves, as men in 
 pain and distress, cry to God in prayer, as men in earnest, because of 
 <I>all the abominations that</I> are committed in Jerusalem. It was not 
 only the idolatries they were guilty of, but all their other 
 enormities, that were abominations to God. These pious few had 
 witnessed against those abominations and had done what they could in 
 their places to suppress them; but, finding all their attempts for the 
 reformation of manners fruitless, they sat down, and <I>sighted, and 
 cried,</I> wept in secret, and complained to God, because of the 
 dishonour done to his name by their wickedness and the ruin it was 
 bringing upon their church and nation. Note, It is not enough that we 
 do not delight in the sins of others, and that we have not fellowship 
 with them, but we must mourn for them, and lay them to heart; we must 
 grieve for that which we cannot help, as those that hate sin for its 
 own sake, and have a tender concern for the souls of others, as David 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+119:136">Ps. cxix. 136</A>),

 and Lot, who <I>vexed his righteous soul</I> with the wicked
 conversation of his neighbours. The abominations committed in Jerusalem 
 are to be in a special manner lamented, because they are in a 
 particular manner offensive to God.

 2. The distinguishing care taken of them. Orders are given to find 
 those all out that are of such a pious public spirit: "<I>Go through 
 the midst of the city</I> in quest of them, and though they are ever so 
 much dispersed, and ever so closely hid from the fury of their 
 persecutors, yet see that you discover them, <I>and set a mark upon</I> 
 their <I>foreheads,</I>"

 (1.) To signify that God owns them for his, and he will confess them 
 another day. A work of grace in the soul is to God <I>a mark upon the 
 forehead,</I> which he will acknowledge as his mark, and by which <I>he 
 knows those that are his.</I> 

 (2.) To give to them who are thus marked an assurance of God's favour, 
 that they may know it themselves; and the comfort of knowing it will be 
 the most powerful support and cordial in calamitous times. Why should 
 we perplex ourselves about this temporal life if we know by the mark 
 that we have eternal life? 

 (3.) To be a direction to the destroyers whom to pass by, as the blood 
 upon the door-posts was an indication that that was an Israelite's 
 house, and the first-born there must not be slain. Note, Those who keep 
 themselves pure in times of common iniquity God will keep safe in times 
 of common calamity. Those that distinguish themselves shall be 
 distinguished; those that cry for other men's sins shall not need to 
 cry for their own afflictions, for they shall be either delivered from 
 them or comforted under them. God will set a mark upon his mourners, 
 will book their sighs and bottle their tears. The <I>sealing of the 
 servants of God in their foreheads</I> mentioned in

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Re+7:3">Rev. vii. 3</A>

 was the same token of the care God has of his own people with this 
 related here; only this was to secure them from being destroyed, that 
 from being seduced, which is equivalent.</P>

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 <A NAME="Eze9_7"> </A>
 <A NAME="Eze9_8"> </A>
 <A NAME="Eze9_9"> </A>
 <A NAME="Eze9_10"> </A>
 <A NAME="Eze9_11"> </A>

 <A NAME="Sec2"> </A>
 <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1><I>The Righteous Distinguished; The Prophet's Intercession.</I></FONT></TD>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
 <FONT SIZE=+1>5  And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him
 through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have
 ye pity:
 &nbsp; 6  Slay utterly old <I>and</I> young, both maids, and little
 children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom <I>is</I> the
 mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient
 men which <I>were</I> before the house.
 &nbsp; 7  And he said unto them, Defile the house, and fill the courts
 with the slain: go ye forth. And they went forth, and slew in the
 &nbsp; 8  And it came to pass, while they were slaying them, and I was
 left, that I fell upon my face, and cried, and said, Ah Lord G<FONT SIZE=-1><B>OD</B></FONT>!
 wilt thou destroy all the residue of Israel in thy pouring out of
 thy fury upon Jerusalem?
 &nbsp; 9  Then said he unto me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and
 Judah <I>is</I> exceeding great, and the land is full of blood, and
 the city full of perverseness: for they say, The L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT> hath
 forsaken the earth, and the L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT> seeth not.
 &nbsp; 10  And as for me also, mine eye shall not spare, neither will I
 have pity, <I>but</I> I will recompense their way upon their head.
 &nbsp; 11  And, behold, the man clothed with linen, which <I>had</I> the
 inkhorn by his side, reported the matter, saying, I have done as
 thou hast commanded me.

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 In these verses we have,</P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 I. A command given to the destroyers to do execution according to their 
 commission. <I>They stood by the brazen altar,</I> waiting for orders; 
 and orders are here given them to cut off and destroy all that were 
 either guilty of, or accessory to, the abominations of Jerusalem, and 
 that did not <I>sigh and cry</I> for them. Note, When God has 
 <I>gathered his wheat into his garner</I> nothing remains but to 
 <I>burn up the chaff,</I> 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Mt+3:12">Matt. iii. 12</A>.</P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 1. They are ordered to destroy all, 

 (1.) Without exception. They must <I>go through the city, and 
 smite;</I> they must <I>slay utterly,</I> slay to destruction, give 
 them their death's wound. They must make no distinction of age or sex, 
 but cut off <I>old and young;</I> neither the beauty of the virgins, 
 nor the innocency of the babes, shall secure them. This was fulfilled 
 in the death of multitudes by famine and pestilence, especially by the 
 sword of the Chaldeans, as far as the military execution went. 
 Sometimes even such bloody work as this has been God's work. But what 
 an evil thing is sin, then, which provokes the God of infinite mercy to 
 such severity! 

 (2.) Without compassion: "<I>Let not your eye spare, neither have you 

 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:5"><I>v.</I> 5</A>);

 you must not save any whom God has doomed to destruction, as Saul did 
 Agag and the Amalekites, for that is <I>doing the work of God 

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Jer+48:10">Jer. xlviii. 10</A>.
 None need to be more merciful than God is; and he had said
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+8:18"><I>ch.</I> viii. 18</A>),

 <I>My eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity.</I>" Note, Those
 that live in sin, and hate to be reformed, will perish in sin, and 
 deserve not to be pitied; for they might easily have prevented the 
 ruin, and would not.</P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 2. They are warned not to do the least hurt to those that were marked 
 for salvation: "<I>Come not near any man upon whom is the mark;</I> do 
 not so much as threaten or frighten any of them; it is promised them 
 that there shall no evil come nigh them, and therefore you must keep at 
 a distance from them." The king of Babylon gave particular orders that 
 Jeremiah should be protected. Baruch and Ebed-melech were secured, and, 
 it is likely, others of Jeremiah's friends, for his sake. God had 
 promised that <I>it should go well with his remnant</I> and they 
 <I>should be well treated</I> 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Jer+15:11">Jer. xv. 11</A>);

 and we have reason to think that none of the mourning praying remnant
 fell by the sword of the Chaldeans, but that God found out some way or 
 other to secure them all, as, in the last destruction of Jerusalem by 
 the Romans, the Christians were all secured in a city called 
 <I>Pella,</I> and none of them perished with the unbelieving Jews. 
 Note, None of those shall be lost whom God has marked for life and 
 salvation; for the foundation of God stands sure.</P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 3. They are directed to <I>begin at the sanctuary</I> 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:6"><I>v.</I> 6</A>),

 that sanctuary which, in the chapter before, he had seen the horrid 
 profanation of; they must begin there because there the wickedness 
 began which provoked God to send these judgments. The debaucheries of 
 the priests were the poisoning of the springs, to which all the 
 corruption of the streams was owing. The wickedness of the sanctuary 
 was of all wickedness the most offensive to God, and therefore there 
 the slaughter must begin: "<I>Begin</I> there, to try if the people 
 will take warning by the judgments of God upon their priests, and will 
 repent and reform; <I>begin</I> there, that all the world may see and 
 know that the Lord, whose name is <I>Jealous,</I> is <I>a jealous 
 God,</I> and hates sin most in those that are nearest to him." Note, 
 When judgments are abroad they commonly <I>begin at the house of 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=1Pe+4:17">1 Pet. iv. 17</A>.

 <I>You only have I known, and therefore I will punish you,</I>

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Am+3:2">Amos iii. 2</A>.

 God's temple is a sanctuary, a refuge and protection for penitent 
 sinners, but not for any that <I>go on still in their trespasses;</I> 
 neither the sacredness of the place nor the eminency of their place in 
 it will be their security. It should seem the destroyers made some 
 difficulty of putting men to death in the temple, but God bids them not 
 to hesitate at that, but

 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:7"><I>v.</I> 7</A>),

 <I>Defile the house, and fill the courts with slain.</I> They will not 
 be <I>taken from the altar</I> (as was appointed by the law, 

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ex+21:14">Exod. xxi. 14</A>),

 but think to secure themselves by <I>keeping hold of the horns of</I>
 it, like Joab, and therefore, like him, let them <I>die there,</I> 

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=1Ki+2:30,31">1 Kings ii. 30, 31</A>.

 There the blood of one of God's prophets had been shed

 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Mt+23:35">Matt. xxiii. 35</A>)

 and therefore let their blood be shed. Note, If the servants of God's
 house defile it with their idolatries, God will justly suffer the 
 enemies of it to defile it with their violences, 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+79:1">Ps. lxxix. 1</A>.

 But these acts of necessary justice were really, whatever they were
 ceremonially, rather a purification than a pollution of the sanctuary; 
 it was <I>putting away evil from among them.</I>

 4. They are appointed to <I>go forth into the city,</I>

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:6,7"><I>v.</I> 6, 7</A>.

 Note, Wherever sin has gone before judgement will follow after; and, 
 though <I>judgement begins at the house of God,</I> yet it shall not 
 end there. The holy city shall be no more a protection to the wicked 
 people then the holy house was to the wicked priests.</P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 II. Here is execution done accordingly. They observed their orders, 

 1. <I>They began at the</I> elders, <I>the ancient men that were before
 the house,</I> and slew them first, either those seventy ancients who 
 worshipped idols in their chambers

 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+8:12"><I>ch.</I> viii. 12</A>)

 or those twenty-five who <I>worshipped the sun between the porch and
 the altar,</I> who might more properly be said to be <I>before the 
 house.</I> Note, Ringleaders in sin may expect to be first met with by 
 the judgments of God; and the sins of those who are in the most 
 eminent and public stations call for the most exemplary punishments. 

 2. They proceeded to the common people: <I>They went forth and slew in
 the city;</I> for, when the decree has gone forth, there shall be no 
 delay; if God begin, he will make an end.</P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 III. Here is the prophet's intercession for a mitigation of the 
 judgement, and a reprieve for some 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:8"><I>v.</I> 8</A>):

 <I>While they were slaying them, and I was left, I fell upon my 
 face.</I> Observe here, 

 1. How sensible the prophet was of God's mercy to him, in that he was
 spared when so many round about him were cut off. <I>Thousands fell on 
 his right hand, and on his left,</I> and yet <I>the destruction</I> did 
 <I>not come nigh him; only with his eyes did he behold the just reward 
 of the wicked,</I> 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+91:7,8">Ps. xci. 7, 8</A>.

 He speaks as one that narrowly escaped the destruction, attributing it
 to God's goodness, not his own deserts. Note, The best saints must
 acknowledge themselves indebted to sparing mercy that they are not 
 consumed. And when desolating judgments are abroad, and multitudes 
 fall by them, it ought to be accounted a great favor if we have our 
 <I>lives given us for a prey;</I> for we might justly have perished 
 with those that perished.

 2. Observe how he improved this mercy; he looked upon it that 
 <I>therefore</I> he was left that he might stand in the gap to turn 
 away the wrath of God. Note, We must look upon it that for this reason
 we are spared, that we may do good in our places, may do good by our 
 prayers. Ezekiel did not triumph in the slaughter he made, but his 
 <I>flesh trembled for the fear of God,</I> (as David's, 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Ps+119:120">Ps. cxix. 120</A>);
 he <I>fell on</I> his <I>face, and cried,</I> not in fear for himself
 (he was one of those that were marked), but in compassion to his 
 fellow-creatures. Those that sigh and cry for the sins of sinners 
 cannot but sigh and cry for their miseries too; yet the day is coming 
 when all this concern will be entirely swallowed up in a full 
 satisfaction in this, that God is glorified; and those that now <I>fall 
 on their faces, and cry, Ah! Lord God,</I> will lift up their heads, 
 and sing, <I>Hallelujah,</I>

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Re+19:1,3">Rev. xix. 1, 3</A>.

 The prophet humbly expostulates with God: "<I>Wilt thou destroy all the 
 residue of Israel,</I> and shall there be none left but the few that 
 are marked? Shall the Israel of God be destroyed, utterly destroyed?
 When there are but a few left shall those be cut off, who might have 
 been the seed of another generation? And will the God of Israel be 
 himself their destroyer? Wilt thou now destroy Israel, who wast wont to 
 protect and deliver Israel? Wilt thou so <I>pour out thy fury upon 
 Jerusalem</I> as by the total destruction of the city to ruin the whole 
 country too? Surely thou wilt not!" Note, Though we acknowledge that
 <I>God is righteous,</I> yet we have leave to <I>plead with him 
 concerning his judgments,</I> 
 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Jer+12:1">Jer. xii. 1</A>.</P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 IV. Here is God's denial of the prophet's request for a mitigation of 
 the judgement and his justification of himself in that denial, 

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:9,10"><I>v.</I> 9, 10</A>.

 1. Nothing could be said in extenuation of this sin. God was willing to 
 show mercy as the prophet could desire; he always is so. But here the 
 case will not admit of it; it is such that mercy cannot be granted 
 without wrong to justice; and it is not fit that one attribute of God 
 should be glorified at the expense of another. Is it any pleasure to 
 the Almighty that he should destroy, especially that he should destroy 
 Israel? By no means. But the truth is their crimes are so flagrant that 
 the reprieve of the sinners would be a connivance at the sin: "<I>The 
 iniquity of the house of Judah and Israel is exceedingly great;</I> 
 there is no suffering them to go on at this rate. <I>The land is filled 
 with the innocent blood,</I> and, when the city courts are appealed to 
 for the defence of injured innocency, the remedy is as bad as the 
 disease, for <I>the city is full of perverseness,</I> or <I>wrestling 
 of judgement;</I> and that which they support themselves with in this 
 iniquity is the same atheistical profane principle with which they 
 flattered themselves in their idolatry,

 <A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+8:12"><I>ch.</I> viii. 12</A>.

 <I>The Lord has forsaken the earth,</I> and left it to us to do what we
 will in it; he will not intermeddle in the affairs of it; and, whatever 
 wrong we do, he <I>sees not;</I> he either knows it not, or will not 
 take cognizance of it." Now how can those expect benefit by the mercy 
 of God who thus bid defiance to his justice? No; nothing can be offered 
 by an advocate in excuse of the crimes while the criminal puts in such 
 a plea as this in his own vindication; and therefore. 

 2. Nothing can be done to mitigate the sentence

 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:10"><I>v.</I> 10</A>):

 "Whatever thou thinkest of it, <I>as for me, my eye shall not spare, 
 neither will I have pity;</I> I have borne with them as long as it was 
 fit that such impudent sinners should be borne with; and therefore now 
 <I>I will recompense their way on their head.</I>" Note, Sinners sink 
 and perish under the weight of their own sins; it is their own way, 
 which they deliberately chose rather than the way of God, and which 
 they obstinately persisted in, in contempt of the word of God, that is 
 <I>recompensed on</I> them. Great iniquities justify God in great
 severities; nay, he is ready to justify himself, as he does here to the 
 prophet, for he will be <I>clear when he judges.</I></P>

 <P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

 V. Here is a return made of the writ of protection which was issued out 
 for the securing of those that mourned in Zion 
 (<A HREF="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Eze+9:11"><I>v.</I> 11</A>):

 <I>The man clothed with linen reported the matter,</I> gave an account 
 of what he had done in pursuance of his commission; he had found out 
 all that mourned in secret for the sins of the land, and cried out 
 against them by a public testimony, and had marked them all in the 
 forehead. Lord, <I>I have done as thou hast commanded me.</I> We do not 
 find that those who were commissioned to destroy reported what 
 destruction they had made, but he who was appointed to protect reported 
 his matter; for it would be more pleasing both to God and to the 
 prophet to hear of those that were saved than of those that perished. 
 Or this report was made now because the thing was finished, whereas the 
 destroying work would be a work of time, and when it was brought to an 
 end then the report should be made. See how faithful Christ is to the 
 trust reposed in him. Is he commanded to secure eternal life to the
 chosen remnant? He has done as was commanded him. <I>Of all that thou 
 hast given me I have lost none.</I></P>

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