<p>Those to whom Christ preached, and for whose use he gave these instructions to his disciples, were such as in their religion had an eye, 1. To the <i>scriptures</i> of the <i>Old Testament</i> as their rule, and therein Christ here shows them they were in the right: 2. To the scribes and the Pharisees as their <i>example</i>, and therein Christ here shows them they were in the wrong; for,</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. The rule which Christ came to establish exactly agreed with the scriptures of the Old Testament, here called <i>the law</i> and <i>the prophets</i>. The <i>prophets</i> were commentators upon the law, and both together made up that rule of faith and practice which Christ found upon the throne in the Jewish church, and here he keeps it on the throne.</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. He protests against the thought of cancelling and weakening the <i>Old Testament</i>; <i>Think not that I am come to destroy the law and the prophets</i>. (1.) “Let not the pious Jews, who have an affection for the <i>law and the prophets, fear</i> that I come to <i>destroy</i> them.” Let them be not prejudiced against Christ and his doctrine, from a jealousy that this kingdom he came to set up, would derogate from the honour of the scriptures, which they had embraced as coming from God, and of which they had experienced the power and purity; no, let them be satisfied that Christ has no ill design upon the law and the prophets. “Let not the profane Jews, who have a disaffection to the law and the prophets, and are weary of that yoke, hope that I am come to destroy them.” Let not carnal libertines imagine that the Messiah is come to discharge them from the obligation of divine precepts and yet to secure to them divine promises, to make the happy and yet to give them leave to live as they list. Christ commands nothing now which was forbidden either by the law of nature or the moral law, nor forbids any thing which those laws had enjoined; it is a great mistake to think he does, and he here takes care to rectify the mistake; <i>I am not come to destroy</i>. The Saviour of souls is the <i>destroyer</i> of nothing but the <i>works of the devil</i>, of nothing that comes from God, much less of those excellent dictates which we have from Moses and the prophets. No, he came to <i>fulfil</i> them. That is, [1.] To obey the commands of the law, for he was <i>made under the law</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Gal.4.4" href="/passage/?search=Gal.4.4">Gal. 4:4</a>. He in all respects yielded obedience to the law, honoured his parents, sanctified the sabbath, prayed, gave alms, and did that which never any one else did, obeyed perfectly, and never broke the law in any thing. [2.] To make good the promises of the law, and the predictions of the prophets, which did all bear witness to him. The covenant of grace is, for substance, the same now that it was then, and Christ the Mediator of it. [3.] To answer the types of the law; thus (as bishop Tillotson expresses it), he did not make <i>void</i>, but make <i>good</i>, the ceremonial law, and manifested himself to be the Substance of all those shadows. [4.] To fill up the defects of it, and so to complete and perfect it. Thus the word <b><i>plerosai</i></b> properly signifies. If we consider the law as a vessel that had some water in it before, he did not come to pour out the water, but to fill the vessel up to the brim; or, as a picture that is first rough-drawn, displays some outlines only of the piece intended, which are afterwards filled up; so Christ made an improvement of the law and the prophets by his additions and explications. [5.] To carry on the same design; the Christian institutes are so far from thwarting and contradicting that which was the main design of the Jewish religion, that they promote it to the highest degree. The gospel is the <i>time of reformation</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Heb.9.10" href="/passage/?search=Heb.9.10">Heb. 9:10</a>), not the repeal of the law, but the amendment of it, and, consequently, its establishment.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. He asserts the perpetuity of it; that not only he designed not the abrogation of it, but that it never should be abrogated (<a class="bibleref" title="Matt.5.18" href="/passage/?search=Matt.5.18">Matt. 5:18</a>); “<i>Verily I say unto you</i>, I, the <i>Amen</i>, the faithful Witness, solemnly declare it, that <i>till heaven and earth pass</i>, when time shall be no more, and the unchangeable state of recompences shall supersede all laws, <i>one jot, or one tittle</i>, the least and most minute circumstance, <i>shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled</i>;” for what is it that God is doing in all the operations both of providence and grace, but fulfilling the scripture? Heaven and earth shall come together, and all the fulness thereof be wrapped up in ruin and confusion, rather than any word of God shall fall to the ground, or be in vain. <i>The word of the Lord endures for ever</i>, both that of the law, and that of the gospel. Observe, The care of God concerning his law extends itself even to those things that seem to be of least account in it, the iotas and the tittles; for whatever belongs to God, and bears his stamp, be it ever so little, shall be preserved. The laws of men are conscious to themselves of so much imperfection, that they allow it for a maxim, <i>Apices juris non sunt jura—The extreme points of the law are not the law</i>, but God will stand by and maintain every iota and every tittle of his law.</p>
<p class="tab-1">3. He gives it in charge to his disciples, carefully to preserve the law, and shows them the danger of the neglect and contempt of it (<a class="bibleref" title="Matt.5.19" href="/passage/?search=Matt.5.19">Matt. 5:19</a>); <i>Whosoever therefore shall break one of the least commandments of the law of Moses</i>, much more any of the greater, as the Pharisees did, who neglected the weightier matters of the law, and shall teach men so as they did, who made void the commandment of God with their traditions (<a class="bibleref" title="Matt.15.3" href="/passage/?search=Matt.15.3">Matt. 15:3</a>), <i>he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven</i>. Though the Pharisees be cried up for such teachers as should be, they shall not be employed as teachers in Christ’s kingdom; but <i>whosoever shall do and teach them</i>, as Christ’s disciples would, and thereby prove themselves better friends to the <i>Old Testament</i> than the Pharisees were, they, though despised by men, shall be <i>called great in the kingdom of heaven</i>. Note, (1.) Among the commands of God there are some less than others; none absolutely little, but comparatively so. The Jews reckon the least of the commandments of the law to be that of the bird’s nest (<a class="bibleref" title="Deut.22.6,Deut.22.7" href="/passage/?search=Deut.22.6,Deut.22.7"><span class="bibleref" title="Deut.22.6">Deut. 22:6</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Deut.22.7">7</span></a>); yet even that had a significance and an intention very great and considerable. (2.) It is a dangerous thing, in doctrine or practice, to disannul the least of God’s commands; to break them, that is, to go about either to <i>contract the extent</i>, or <i>weaken the obligation</i> of them; whoever does so, will find it is at his peril. Thus to vacate any of the ten commandments, is too bold a stroke for the jealous God to pass by. It is something more than transgressing the law, it is making void the law, <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.119.126" href="/passage/?search=Ps.119.126">Ps. 119:126</a>. (3.) That the further such corruptions as they spread, the worse they are. It is impudence enough to break the command, but is a greater degree of it to teach men so. This plainly refers to those who at this time sat in Moses’ seat, and by their comments corrupted and perverted the text. Opinions that tend to the destruction of serious godliness and the vitals of religion, by corrupt glosses on the scripture, are bad when they are held, but worse when they are propagated and taught, as the word of God. He that does so, shall be called <i>least in the kingdom of heaven</i>, in the kingdom of glory; he shall never come thither, but be eternally excluded; or, rather, in the kingdom of the gospel-church. He is so far from deserving the dignity of a teacher in it, that he shall not so much as be accounted a member of it. The prophet that teaches these lies shall be the tail in that kingdom (<a class="bibleref" title="Isa.9.15" href="/passage/?search=Isa.9.15">Isa. 9:15</a>); when truth shall appear in its own evidence, such corrupt teachers, though cried up as the Pharisees, shall be of no account with the wise and good. Nothing makes ministers more contemptible and base than corrupting the law, <a class="bibleref" title="Mal.2.8,Mal.2.11" href="/passage/?search=Mal.2.8,Mal.2.11"><span class="bibleref" title="Mal.2.8">Mal. 2:8</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Mal.2.11">11</span></a>. Those who extenuate and encourage sin, and discountenance and put contempt upon strictness in religion and serious devotion, are the dregs of the church. But, on the other hand, Those are truly honourable, and of great account in the church of Christ, who lay out themselves by their life and doctrine to promote the purity and strictness of practical religion; who both do and teach that which is good; for those who do not as they teach, pull down with one hand what they build up with the other, and give themselves the lie, and tempt men to think that all religion is a delusion; but those who speak from experience, who live up to what they preach, are truly great; they honour God, and God will honour them (<a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.2.30" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.2.30">1 Sam. 2:30</a>), and hereafter they shall shine as the <i>stars in the kingdom of our Father</i>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. The righteousness which Christ came to establish by this rule, must exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees, <a class="bibleref" title="Matt.5.20" href="/passage/?search=Matt.5.20">Matt. 5:20</a>. This was strange doctrine to those who looked upon the scribes and Pharisees as having arrived at the highest pitch of religion. The scribes were the most noted teachers of the law, and the Pharisees the most celebrated professors of it, and they both sat in Moses’ chair (<a class="bibleref" title="Matt.23.2" href="/passage/?search=Matt.23.2">Matt. 23:2</a>), and had such a reputation among the people, that they were looked upon as super-conformable to the law, and people did not think themselves obliged to be as good as they; it was therefore a great surprise to them, to hear that they must be better than they, or they should not go to heaven; and therefore Christ here avers it with solemnity; <i>I say unto you</i>, It is so. The scribes and Pharisees were enemies to Christ and his doctrine, and were great oppressors; and yet it must be owned, that there was something commendable in them. They were much in fasting and prayer, and giving of alms; they were punctual in observing the ceremonial appointments, and made it their business to teach others; they had such an interest in the people that they ought, if but two men went to heaven, one would be a Pharisee; and yet our Lord Jesus here tells his disciples, that the religion he came to establish, did not only exclude the badness, but excel the goodness, of the scribes and Pharisees. We must do more than they, and better than they, or we shall come short of heaven. They were <i>partial in the law</i>, and laid most stress upon the ritual part of it; but we must be <i>universal</i>, and not think it enough to give the priest his tithe, but must give God our hearts. They minded only the <i>outside</i>, but we must make conscience of <i>inside</i> godliness. They aimed at the <i>praise</i> and <i>applause of men</i>, but we must aim at <i>acceptance with God</i>: they were <i>proud</i> of what they did in religion, and trusted to it as a <i>righteousness</i>; but we, when we have done all, must <i>deny ourselves</i>, and say, We are <i>unprofitable servants</i>, and trust only to the <i>righteousness of Christ</i>; and thus we may go beyond the scribes and Pharisees.</p>