This psalm is a prayer, the substance of which David offered up to God when he was forced by Saul to take shelter in a cave, and which he afterwards penned in this form. Here is, I. The complaint he makes to God (Ps. 142:1, 2) of the subtlety, strength, and malice, of his enemies (Ps. 142:3, 6), and the coldness and indifference of his friends, Ps. 142:4. II. The comfort he takes in God that he knew his case (Ps. 142:3) and was his refuge, Ps. 142:5. III. His expectation from God that he would hear and deliver him, Ps. 142:6, 7. IV His expectation from the righteous that they would join with him in praises, Ps. 142:7. Those that are troubled in mind, body, or estate, may, in singing this psalm (if they sing it in some measure with David’s spirit), both warrant his complaints and fetch in his comforts.