In this chapter we have, I. The ample commission which Christ gave to the seventy disciples to preach the gospel, and to confirm it by miracles; and the full instructions he gave them how to manage themselves in the execution of their commissions, and great encouragements therein, Luke 10:1-16. II. The report which the seventy disciples made to their Master of the success of their negotiation, and his discourse thereupon, Luke 10:17-24. III. Christ’s discourse with a lawyer concerning the way to heaven, and the instructions Christ gave him by a parable to look upon every one as his neighbour whom he had occasion to show kindness to, or receive kindness from, Luke 10:25-37. IV. Christ’s entertainment at Martha’s house, the reproof he gave to her for her care about the world, and his commendation of Mary for her care about her soul, Luke 10:38-42.