The evangelists, whatever they omit, give us a particular account of the death and resurrection of Christ, because he died for our sins and rose for our justification, this evangelist as fully as any, and with many circumstances and passages added which we had not before. In this chapter we have, I. The plot to take Jesus, and Judas’s coming into it, Luke 22:1-6. II. Christ’s eating the passover with his disciples, Luke 22:7-18. III. The instituting of the Lord’s supper, Luke 22:19, 20. IV. Christ’s discourse with his disciples after supper, upon several heads, Luke 22:21-38. V. His agony in the garden, Luke 22:39-46. VI. The apprehending of him, by the assistance of Judas, Luke 22:47-53. VII. Peter’s denying him, Luke 22:54-62. VIII. The indignities done to Christ by those that had him in custody, and his trial and condemnation in the ecclesiastical court, Luke 22:63-71.