The idea which this chapter gives us of Samson is not what one might have expected concerning one who, by the special designation of heaven, was a Nazarite to God and a deliverer of Israel; and yet really he was both. Here is, I. Samson’s courtship of a daughter of the Philistines, and his marriage to her, Jdg. 14:1-5, 7, 8. II. His conquest of a lion, and the prize he found in the carcase of it, Jdg. 14:5, 6, 8, 9. III. Samson’s riddle proposed to his companions (Jdg. 14:10-14) and unriddled by the treachery of his wife, Jdg. 14:15-18. IV. The occasion this gave him to kill thirty of the Philistines (Jdg. 14:19) and to break off his new alliance, Jdg. 14:20.