In this chapter we have, I. Judgment threatened, which the sinners shall not escape (Amos 9:1-4), which an almighty power shall inflict (Amos 9:5, 6), which the people of Israel have deserved as a sinful people (Amos 9:7, 8); and yet it shall not be the utter ruin of their nation (Amos 9:8), for a remnant of good people shall escape, Amos 9:9. But the wicked ones shall perish, Amos 9:10. II. Mercy promised, which was to be bestowed in the latter days (Amos 9:11-15), as appears by the application of it to the days of the Messiah, Acts 15:16. And with those comfortable promises, after all the foregoing rebukes and threatenings, the book concludes.