We left Paul in his circuit visiting the churches (Acts 18:23), but we have not forgotten, nor has he, the promise he made to his friends at Ephesus, to return to them, and make some stay there; now this chapter shows us his performance of that promise, his coming to Ephesus, and his continuance there two years; we are here told, I. How he laboured there in the word and doctrine, how he taught some weak believers that had gone no further than John’s baptism (Acts 19:1-7), how he taught three months in the synagogue of the Jews (Acts 19:8), and, when he was driven thence, how he taught the Gentiles a long time in a public school (Acts 19:9, 10), and how he confirmed his doctrine by miracles, Acts 19:11, 12. II. What was the fruit of his labour, particularly among the conjurors, the worst of sinners: some were confounded, that did but make use of his name (Acts 19:13-17), but others were converted, that received and embraced his doctrine, Acts 19:18-20. III. What projects he had of further usefulness (Acts 19:21, 22), and what trouble at length he met with at Ephesus from the silversmiths, which forced him thence to pursue the measures he had laid; how a mob was raised by Demetrius to cry up Diana (Acts 19:23-34), and how it was suppressed and dispersed by the town-clerk, Acts 19:35-41.