It is a turn very new and remarkable which the story of this chapter gives to the Acts of the apostles; hitherto, both at Jerusalem and every where else where the ministers of Christ came, they preached the gospel only to the Jews, or those Greeks that were circumcised and proselyted to the Jews’ religion; but now, “Lo, we turn to the Gentiles;” and to them the door of faith is here opened: good news indeed to us sinners of the Gentiles. The apostle Peter is the man that is first employed to admit uncircumcised Gentiles into the Christian church; and Cornelius, a Roman centurion or colonel, is the first that with his family and friends is so admitted. Now here we are told, I. How Cornelius was directed by a vision to send for Peter, and did send for him accordingly, Acts 10:1-8. II. How Peter was directed by a vision to go to Cornelius, though he was a Gentile, without making any scruple of it, and did go accordingly, Acts 10:9-23. III. The happy interview between Peter and Cornelius at Cesarea, Acts 10:24-33. IV. The sermon Peter preached in the house of Cornelius to him and to his friends, Acts 10:34-43. V. The baptizing of Cornelius and his friends with the Holy Ghost first, and then with water, Acts 10:44-48.