We have here, I. The happy continuance of the goodness of Josiah’s reign, and the progress of the reformation he began, reading the law (2 Kgs. 23:1, 2), renewing the covenant (2 Kgs. 23:3), cleansing the temple (2 Kgs. 23:4), and rooting out idols and idolatry, with all the relics thereof, in all places, as far as his power reached (2 Kgs. 23:5-20), keeping a solemn passover (2 Kgs. 23:21-23), and clearing the country of witches (2 Kgs. 23:24); and in all this acting with extraordinary vigour, 2 Kgs. 23:25 II. The unhappy conclusion of it in his untimely death, as a token of the continuance of God’s wrath against Jerusalem, 2 Kgs. 23:26-30 III. The more unhappy consequences of his death, in the bad reigns of his two sons Jehoahaz and Jehoiakim, that came after him, 2 Kgs. 23:31-37