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<div2 id="iSam.xx" n="xx" next="iSam.xxi" prev="iSam.xix" progress="33.89%" title="Chapter XIX">
<h2 id="iSam.xx-p0.1">F I R S T   S A M U E L</h2>
<h3 id="iSam.xx-p0.2">CHAP. XIX.</h3>
<p class="intro" id="iSam.xx-p1">Immediately after David's marriage, which one
would have hoped would secure him Saul's affection, we find his
troubles coming upon him faster than ever and Saul's enmity to him
the cause of all. His death was vowed, and four fair escapes of his
from the hurtful sword of Saul we have an account of in this
chapter: the first by the prudent mediation of Jonathan (<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p1.1" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.1-1Sam.19.7" parsed="|1Sam|19|1|19|7" passage="1Sa 19:1-7">ver. 1-7</scripRef>), the second by his own
quickness (<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p1.2" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.8-1Sam.19.10" parsed="|1Sam|19|8|19|10" passage="1Sa 19:8-10">ver. 8-10</scripRef>),
the third by Michal's fidelity (<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p1.3" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.11-1Sam.19.17" parsed="|1Sam|19|11|19|17" passage="1Sa 19:11-17">ver. 11-17</scripRef>), the fourth by Samuel's
protection, and a change, for the present, wrought upon Saul,
<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p1.4" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.18-1Sam.19.24" parsed="|1Sam|19|18|19|24" passage="1Sa 19:18-24">ver. 18-24</scripRef>. Thus God
has many ways of preserving his people. Providence is never at a
<scripCom id="iSam.xx-p0.1_1" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19" parsed="|1Sam|19|0|0|0" passage="1Sa 19" type="Commentary"/>
<scripCom id="iSam.xx-p0.2_1" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.1-1Sam.19.7" parsed="|1Sam|19|1|19|7" passage="1Sa 19:1-7" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:1Sam.19.1-1Sam.19.7">
<h4 id="iSam.xx-p1.7">Saul's Jealousy of David; Jonathan's
Intercession for David. (<span class="smallcaps" id="iSam.xx-p1.8">b. c.</span> 1058.)</h4>
<p class="passage" id="iSam.xx-p2">1 And Saul spake to Jonathan his son, and to all
his servants, that they should kill David.   2 But Jonathan
Saul's son delighted much in David: and Jonathan told David,
saying, Saul my father seeketh to kill thee: now therefore, I pray
thee, take heed to thyself until the morning, and abide in a secret
<i>place,</i> and hide thyself:   3 And I will go out and
stand beside my father in the field where thou <i>art,</i> and I
will commune with my father of thee; and what I see, that I will
tell thee.   4 And Jonathan spake good of David unto Saul his
father, and said unto him, Let not the king sin against his
servant, against David; because he hath not sinned against thee,
and because his works <i>have been</i> to thee-ward very good:
  5 For he did put his life in his hand, and slew the
Philistine, and the <span class="smallcaps" id="iSam.xx-p2.1">Lord</span> wrought a
great salvation for all Israel: thou sawest <i>it,</i> and didst
rejoice: wherefore then wilt thou sin against innocent blood, to
slay David without a cause?   6 And Saul hearkened unto the
voice of Jonathan: and Saul sware, <i>As</i> the <span class="smallcaps" id="iSam.xx-p2.2">Lord</span> liveth, he shall not be slain.   7 And
Jonathan called David, and Jonathan shewed him all those things.
And Jonathan brought David to Saul, and he was in his presence, as
in times past.</p>
<p class="indent" id="iSam.xx-p3">Saul and Jonathan appear here in their
different characters, with reference to David.</p>
<p class="indent" id="iSam.xx-p4">I. Never was enemy so unreasonably cruel as
Saul. He spoke to his son and all his servants <i>that they should
kill David,</i> <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p4.1" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.1" parsed="|1Sam|19|1|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:1"><i>v.</i>
1</scripRef>. His projects to take him off had failed, and
therefore he proclaims him an out-law, and charges all about him,
upon their allegiance, to take the first opportunity to kill David.
It is strange that he was not ashamed thus to avow his malice when
he could give no reason for it, and that knowing all his servants
loved David (for so he had said himself, <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p4.2" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.18.22" parsed="|1Sam|18|22|0|0" passage="1Sa 18:22"><i>ch.</i> xviii. 22</scripRef>), he was not afraid of
provoking them to rebel by this bloody order. Either malice was not
then so politic, or justice was not so corrupted as it has been
since, or else Saul would have had him indicted, and have suborned
witnesses to swear treason against him, and so have had him taken
off, as Naboth was, by colour of law. But there is least danger
from this undisguised malice. It was strange that he who knew how
well Jonathan loved him should expect him to kill him; but he
thought that because he was heir to the crown he must needs be as
envious at David as himself was. And Providence ordered it thus
that he might befriend David's safety.</p>
<p class="indent" id="iSam.xx-p5">II. Never was friend so surprisingly kind
as Jonathan. <i>A friend in need is a friend indeed.</i> Such a one
Jonathan was to David. He not only continued to delight much in
him, though David's glory eclipsed his, but bravely appeared for
him now that the stream ran so strongly against him.</p>
<p class="indent" id="iSam.xx-p6">1. He took care for his present security by
letting him know his danger (<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p6.1" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.2" parsed="|1Sam|19|2|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:2"><i>v.</i>
2</scripRef>): "<i>Take heed to thyself,</i> and keep out of harm's
way." Jonathan knew not but that some of the servants might be
either so obsequious to Saul or so envious at David as to put the
orders in execution which Saul had given, if they could light on
<p class="indent" id="iSam.xx-p7">2. He took pains to pacify his father and
reconcile him to David. The next morning he ventured to commune
with him concerning David (<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p7.1" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.3" parsed="|1Sam|19|3|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:3"><i>v.</i>
3</scripRef>), not that night, perhaps because he observed Saul to
be drunk and not fit to be spoken to, or because he hoped that,
when he had slept upon it, he would himself revoke the order, or
because he could not have an opportunity of speaking to him till
<p class="indent" id="iSam.xx-p8">(1.) His intercession for David was very
prudent. It was managed with a great deal of the meekness of
wisdom; and he showed himself faithful to his friends by speaking
good of him, though he was in danger of incurring his father's
displeasure by it—a rare instance of valuable friendship! He
pleads, [1.] The good services David had done to the public, and
particularly to Saul: <i>His work has been to thee-ward very
good,</i> <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p8.1" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.4" parsed="|1Sam|19|4|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:4"><i>v.</i> 4</scripRef>.
Witness the relief he had given him against his distemper with his
harp, and his bold encounter with Goliath, that memorable action,
which did, in effect, save Saul's life and kingdom. He appeals to
himself concerning this: <i>Thou thyself sawest it, and didst
rejoice.</i> In that and other instances it appeared that David was
a favourite of heaven and a friend to Israel, as well as a good
servant to Saul, for by him <i>the Lord wrought a great salvation
for all Israel;</i> so that to order him to be slain was not only
base ingratitude to so good a servant, but a great affront to God
and a great injury to the public. [2.] He pleads his innocency.
Though he had formerly done many good offices, yet, if he had now
been chargeable with any crimes, it would have been another matter;
but <i>he has not sinned against thee</i> (<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p8.2" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.1" parsed="|1Sam|19|1|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:1"><i>v.</i> 1</scripRef>), his <i>blood is innocent</i>
(<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p8.3" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.5" parsed="|1Sam|19|5|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:5"><i>v.</i> 5</scripRef>), and, if he
be slain, it is without cause. And Jonathan had therefore reason to
protest against it because he could not entail any thing upon his
family more pernicious than the guilt of innocent blood.</p>
<p class="indent" id="iSam.xx-p9">(2.) His intercession, being thus prudent,
was prevalent. God inclined the heart of Saul to hearken to the
voice of Jonathan. Note, We must be willing to hear reason, and to
take all reproofs and good advice even from our inferiors, parents
from their own children. How forcible are right words! Saul was,
for the present, so far convinced of the unreasonableness of his
enmity to David that, [1.] He recalled the bloody warrant for his
execution (<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p9.1" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.6" parsed="|1Sam|19|6|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:6"><i>v.</i> 6</scripRef>):
<i>As the Lord liveth, he shall not be slain.</i> Whether Saul
swore here with due solemnity or no does not appear; perhaps he
did, and the matter was of such moment as to deserve it and of such
uncertainty as to need it. But at other times Saul swore rashly and
profanely, which made the sincerity of this oath justly
questionable; for it may be feared that those who can so far jest
with an oath as to make a by-word of it, and prostitute it to a
trifle, have not such a due sense of the obligation of it but that,
to serve a turn, they will prostitute it to a lie. Some suspect
that Saul said and swore this with a malicious design to bring
David within his reach again, intending to take the first
opportunity to slay him. But, as bad as Saul was, we can scarcely
think so ill of him; and therefore we suppose that he spoke as he
thought for the present, but the convictions soon wore off and his
corruptions prevailed and triumphed over them. [2.] He renewed the
grant of his place at court. Jonathan brought him to Saul, and
<i>he was in his presence as in times past</i> (<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p9.2" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.7" parsed="|1Sam|19|7|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:7"><i>v.</i> 7</scripRef>), hoping that now the storm was
over, and that his friend Jonathan would be instrumental to keep
his father always in this good mind.</p>
</div><scripCom id="iSam.xx-p0.3" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.8-1Sam.19.10" parsed="|1Sam|19|8|19|10" passage="1Sa 19:8-10" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:1Sam.19.8-1Sam.19.10">
<h4 id="iSam.xx-p9.4">David Escapes from Saul. (<span class="smallcaps" id="iSam.xx-p9.5">b. c.</span> 1058.)</h4>
<p class="passage" id="iSam.xx-p10">8 And there was war again: and David went out,
and fought with the Philistines, and slew them with a great
slaughter; and they fled from him.   9 And the evil spirit
from the <span class="smallcaps" id="iSam.xx-p10.1">Lord</span> was upon Saul, as he
sat in his house with his javelin in his hand: and David played
with <i>his</i> hand.   10 And Saul sought to smite David even
to the wall with the javelin; but he slipped away out of Saul's
presence, and he smote the javelin into the wall: and David fled,
and escaped that night.</p>
<p class="indent" id="iSam.xx-p11">Here I. David continues his good services
to his king and country. Though Saul had requited him evil for
good, and even his usefulness was the very thing for which Saul
envied him, yet he did not therefore retire in sullenness and
decline public service. Those that are ill paid for doing good, yet
must not be <i>weary of well doing,</i> remembering what a
bountiful benefactor our heavenly Father is, even to the froward
and unthankful. Notwithstanding the many affronts Saul had given to
David, yet we find him, 1. As bold as ever in using his sword for
the service of his country, <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p11.1" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.8" parsed="|1Sam|19|8|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:8"><i>v.</i>
8</scripRef>. The war broke out again with the Philistines, which
gave David occasion again to signalize himself. It was a great deal
of bravery that he charged them; and he came off victorious,
slaying many and putting the rest to flight. 2. As cheerful as ever
in using his harp for the service of the prince. When Saul was
disturbed with his former fits of melancholy <i>David played with
his hand,</i> <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p11.2" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.9" parsed="|1Sam|19|9|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:9"><i>v.</i> 9</scripRef>.
He might have pleaded that this was a piece of service now below
him; but a humble man will think nothing below him by which he may
do good. He might have objected the danger he was in the last time
he performed this service for Saul, <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p11.3" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.18.10" parsed="|1Sam|18|10|0|0" passage="1Sa 18:10"><i>ch.</i> xviii. 10</scripRef>. But he had learned to
render good for evil, and to trust God with his safety in the way
of his duty. See how David was affected when his enemy was sick
(<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p11.4" osisRef="Bible:Ps.35.13-Ps.35.14" parsed="|Ps|35|13|35|14" passage="Ps 35:13,14">Ps. xxxv. 13, 14</scripRef>),
which perhaps refers to Saul's sickness.</p>
<p class="indent" id="iSam.xx-p12">II. Saul continues his malice against
David. He that but the other day had sworn by his Maker that David
<i>should not be slain</i> now endeavors to slay him himself. So
implacable, so incurable, is the enmity of the serpent against that
of the woman, so deceitful and desperately wicked is the heart of
man without the grace of God, <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p12.1" osisRef="Bible:Jer.17.9" parsed="|Jer|17|9|0|0" passage="Jer 17:9">Jer.
xvii. 9</scripRef>. The fresh honours David had won in this last
war with the Philistines, instead of extinguishing Saul's ill-will
to him, and confirming his reconciliation, revived his envy and
exasperated him yet more. And, when he indulged this wicked
passion, no marvel that <i>the evil spirit came upon him</i>
(<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p12.2" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.9" parsed="|1Sam|19|9|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:9"><i>v.</i> 9</scripRef>), for when we
<i>let the sun go down upon our wrath we give place to the
devil</i> (<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p12.3" osisRef="Bible:Eph.4.26-Eph.4.27" parsed="|Eph|4|26|4|27" passage="Eph 4:26,27">Eph. iv. 26,
27</scripRef>), we make room for him and invite him. Discomposures
of mind, though helped forward by the agency of Satan, commonly owe
their origin to men's own sins and follies. Saul's fear and
jealousy made him a torment to himself, so that he could not sit in
his house without a javelin in his hand, pretending it was for his
preservation, but designing it for David's destruction; for he
endeavored to nail him to the wall, running at him so violently
that he struck the <i>javelin into the wall</i> (<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p12.4" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.10" parsed="|1Sam|19|10|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:10"><i>v.</i> 10</scripRef>), so strong was the devil in
him, so strong his own rage and passion. Perhaps he thought that,
if he killed David now, he would be excusable before God and man,
as being <i>non compos mentis</i><i>not in his right mind,</i>
and that it would be imputed to his distraction. But God cannot be
deceived by pretences, whatever men may be.</p>
<p class="indent" id="iSam.xx-p13">III. God continues his care of David and
still watches over him for good. Saul missed his blow. David was
too quick for him and fled, and by a kind providence escaped that
night. To these preservations, among others, David often refers in
his Psalms, when he speaks of God's being his shield and buckler,
his rock and fortress, and delivering his <i>soul from
</div><scripCom id="iSam.xx-p0.4" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.11-1Sam.19.17" parsed="|1Sam|19|11|19|17" passage="1Sa 19:11-17" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:1Sam.19.11-1Sam.19.17">
<p class="passage" id="iSam.xx-p14">11 Saul also sent messengers unto David's house,
to watch him, and to slay him in the morning: and Michal David's
wife told him, saying, If thou save not thy life to night, to
morrow thou shalt be slain.   12 So Michal let David down
through a window: and he went, and fled, and escaped.   13 And
Michal took an image, and laid <i>it</i> in the bed, and put a
pillow of goats' <i>hair</i> for his bolster, and covered <i>it</i>
with a cloth.   14 And when Saul sent messengers to take
David, she said, He <i>is</i> sick.   15 And Saul sent the
messengers <i>again</i> to see David, saying, Bring him up to me in
the bed, that I may slay him.   16 And when the messengers
were come in, behold, <i>there was</i> an image in the bed, with a
pillow of goats' <i>hair</i> for his bolster.   17 And Saul
said unto Michal, Why hast thou deceived me so, and sent away mine
enemy, that he is escaped? And Michal answered Saul, He said unto
me, Let me go; why should I kill thee?</p>
<p class="indent" id="iSam.xx-p15">Here is, I. Saul's further design of
mischief to David. When David had escaped the javelin, supposing he
went straight to his own house, as indeed he did, Saul sent some of
his guards after him to lay wait at the door of his house, and to
assassinate him in the morning as soon as he stirred out, <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p15.1" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.11" parsed="|1Sam|19|11|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:11"><i>v.</i> 11</scripRef>. Josephus says the
design was to seize him and to hurry him before a court of justice
that was ordered to condemn him and put him to death as a traitor;
but we are here told it was a shorter way they were to take with
him: they were ordered to <i>slay him.</i> Well might David
complain that his enemies were <i>bloody men,</i> as he did in the
psalm which he penned at this time, and upon this occasion
(<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p15.2" osisRef="Bible:Ps.59.1-Ps.59.17" parsed="|Ps|59|1|59|17" passage="Ps 59:1-17">Ps. lix.</scripRef>), when Saul
sent, and they watched the house to kill him. See <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p15.3" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.2-1Sam.19.3 Bible:1Sam.19.7" parsed="|1Sam|19|2|19|3;|1Sam|19|7|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:2,3,7"><i>v.</i> 2, 3, and 7</scripRef>. He
complains that <i>swords were in their lips.</i></p>
<p class="indent" id="iSam.xx-p16">II. David's wonderful deliverance out of
this danger. Michal was the instrument of it, whom Saul gave him to
be a snare to him, but she proved to be his protector and helper.
Often is the devil out-shot with his own bow. How Michal came to
know the danger her husband was in does not appear; perhaps she had
notice sent her from court, or rather was herself aware of the
soldiers about the house, when they were going to bed, though they
kept so still and silent that they said, <i>Who dost hear?</i>
which David takes notice of, <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p16.1" osisRef="Bible:Ps.59.7" parsed="|Ps|59|7|0|0" passage="Ps 59:7">Ps. lix.
7</scripRef>. She, knowing her father's great indignation at David,
soon suspected the design, and bestirred herself for her husband's
safety. 1. She got David out of the danger. She told him how
imminent the peril was (<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p16.2" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.11" parsed="|1Sam|19|11|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:11"><i>v.</i>
11</scripRef>): <i>To-morrow thou wilt be slain.</i> As Josephus
paraphrases it, she told him that if the sun saw him there next
morning it would never see him more; and then put him in a way of
escape. David himself was better versed in the art of fighting than
of flying, and had it been lawful it would have been easy for him
to have cleared his house, by dint of sword, from those that
haunted it; but <i>Michal let him down through a window</i>
(<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p16.3" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.12" parsed="|1Sam|19|12|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:12"><i>v.</i> 12</scripRef>), all the
doors being guarded; and so he <i>fled and escaped.</i> And now it
was that, either in his own closet before he went or in the
hiding-place to which he fled, he penned that <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p16.4" osisRef="Bible:Ps.59.1-Ps.59.17" parsed="|Ps|59|1|59|17" passage="Ps 59:1-17">fifty-ninth Psalm</scripRef>, which shows that, in his
fright and hurry, his mind was composed, and, in this great danger,
his faith was strong and fixed on God; and, whereas the plot was to
slay him <i>in the morning,</i> he speaks there with the greatest
assurance (<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p16.5" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.16" parsed="|1Sam|19|16|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:16"><i>v.</i> 16</scripRef>),
<i>I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning.</i> 2. She
practised a deception upon Saul and those whom he employed to be
the instruments of his cruelty. When the doors of the house were
opened in the morning, and David did not appear, the messengers
would search the house for him, and did so. But Michal told them he
was sick in bed (<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p16.6" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.14" parsed="|1Sam|19|14|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:14"><i>v.</i>
14</scripRef>), and, if they would not believe her, they might see,
for (<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p16.7" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.13" parsed="|1Sam|19|13|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:13"><i>v.</i> 13</scripRef>) she had
put a wooden image in the bed, and wrapped it up close and warm as
if it had been David asleep, not in a condition to be spoken to;
the goats' hair about the image was to resemble David's hair, the
better to impose upon them. Michal can by no means be justified in
telling a lie, and covering it thus with a cheat. God's truth
needed not her lie. But she intended hereby to keep Saul in
suspense for a while, that David might have some time to secure
himself, not doubting but those messengers would pursue him if they
found he had gone. The messengers had so much humanity as not to
offer him any disturbance when they heard he was sick; for to those
that are in this misery pity should be shown; but Saul, when he
heard it, gave positive orders that he should be brought to him
sick or well: <i>Bring him to me in the bed, that I may slay
him,</i> <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p16.8" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.15" parsed="|1Sam|19|15|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:15"><i>v.</i> 15</scripRef>. It
was base and barbarous thus to triumph over a sick man; and to vow
the death of one who for aught that he knew was dying by the hand
of nature. So earnestly did he thirst after his blood, and so
greedy was his revenge, that he could not be pleased to see him
dead, unless he himself was the death of him; though awhile ago he
had said, <i>Let not my hand be upon him.</i> Thus when men lay the
reins on the neck of their passions they grow more and more
outrageous. When the messengers were sent again, the cheat was
discovered, <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p16.9" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.16" parsed="|1Sam|19|16|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:16"><i>v.</i> 16</scripRef>.
But by this time it was to be hoped that David was safe, and
therefore Michal was not then much concerned at the discovery. Saul
chid her for helping David to escape (<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p16.10" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.17" parsed="|1Sam|19|17|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:17"><i>v.</i> 17</scripRef>): <i>Why hast thou deceived me
so?</i> What a base spirit was Saul of, to expect that, because
Michal was his daughter, she must therefore betray her own husband
to him unjustly. Ought she not to forsake and forget her father and
her father's house, to cleave to her husband? Those that themselves
will be held by no bonds of reason or religion are ready to think
that others should as easily break those bonds. In answer to Saul's
chiding, Michal is not so careful of her husband's reputation as
she had been of his person, when she makes this her excuse: <i>He
said, Let me go, why should I kill thee?</i> As her insinuating
that she would have hindered his flight was false (it was she that
put him upon it and furthered it), so it was an unjust unworthy
reflection upon him to suggest that he threatened to kill her if
she would not let him go, and might confirm Saul in his rage
against him. David was far from being so barbarous a man and so
imperious a husband, so brutish in his resolves and so haughty in
his menaces, as she here represented him. But David suffered both
from friends and foes, and so did the son of David.</p>
</div><scripCom id="iSam.xx-p0.5" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.18-1Sam.19.24" parsed="|1Sam|19|18|19|24" passage="1Sa 19:18-24" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:1Sam.19.18-1Sam.19.24">
<h4 id="iSam.xx-p16.12">Saul Prophesies before
Samuel. (<span class="smallcaps" id="iSam.xx-p16.13">b. c.</span> 1058.)</h4>
<p class="passage" id="iSam.xx-p17">18 So David fled, and escaped, and came to
Samuel to Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to him. And he
and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth.   19 And it was told
Saul, saying, Behold, David <i>is</i> at Naioth in Ramah.   20
And Saul sent messengers to take David: and when they saw the
company of the prophets prophesying, and Samuel standing <i>as</i>
appointed over them, the Spirit of God was upon the messengers of
Saul, and they also prophesied.   21 And when it was told
Saul, he sent other messengers, and they prophesied likewise. And
Saul sent messengers again the third time, and they prophesied
also.   22 Then went he also to Ramah, and came to a great
well that <i>is</i> in Sechu: and he asked and said, Where
<i>are</i> Samuel and David? And <i>one</i> said, Behold, <i>they
be</i> at Naioth in Ramah.   23 And he went thither to Naioth
in Ramah: and the Spirit of God was upon him also, and he went on,
and prophesied, until he came to Naioth in Ramah.   24 And he
stripped off his clothes also, and prophesied before Samuel in like
manner, and lay down naked all that day and all that night.
Wherefore they say, <i>Is</i> Saul also among the prophets?</p>
<p class="indent" id="iSam.xx-p18">Here is, I. David's place of refuge. Having
got away in the night from his own house, he fled not to Bethlehem
to his relations, nor to any of the cities of Israel that had
caressed and cried him up, to make an interest in them for his own
preservation; but he ran straight to Samuel and <i>told him all
that Saul had done to him,</i> <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p18.1" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.18" parsed="|1Sam|19|18|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:18"><i>v.</i> 18</scripRef>. 1. Because Samuel was the man
that had given him assurance of the crown, and his faith in that
assurance now beginning to fail, and he being ready to say in his
haste (or <i>in his flight,</i> as some read it, <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p18.2" osisRef="Bible:Ps.116.11" parsed="|Ps|116|11|0|0" passage="Ps 116:11">Ps. cxvi. 11</scripRef>), <i>All men are liars</i>
("not only Saul that promised me my life, but Samuel himself that
promised me the throne"), whither should he go but to Samuel, for
such encouragements, in this day of distress, as would support his
faith? In flying to Samuel he made God his refuge, trusting in the
<i>shadow of his wings;</i> where else can a good man think himself
safe? 2. Because Samuel, as a prophet, was best able to advise him
what to do in this day of his distress. In the psalm he penned the
night before he had lifted up his prayer to God, and now he takes
the first opportunity of waiting upon Samuel to receive direction
and instruction from God. If we expect answers of peace to our
prayers, we must have our ears open to God's word. 3. Because with
Samuel there was a college of prophets with whom he might join in
praising God, and the pleasure of this exercise would be the
greatest relief imaginable to him in his present distress. He met
with little rest or satisfaction in Saul's court, and therefore
went to seek it in Samuel's church. And, doubtless, what little
pleasure is to be had in this world those have it that live a life
of communion with God; to this David retired in the time of
trouble, <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p18.3" osisRef="Bible:Ps.27.4-Ps.27.6" parsed="|Ps|27|4|27|6" passage="Ps 27:4-6">Ps. xxvii.
<p class="indent" id="iSam.xx-p19">II. David's protection in this place: <i>He
and Samuel went and dwelt</i> (or <i>lodged</i>) <i>in Naioth,</i>
where the school of the prophets was, in Ramah, as in a privileged
place, for the Philistines themselves would not disturb that
meeting, <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p19.1" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.10.10" parsed="|1Sam|10|10|0|0" passage="1Sa 10:10"><i>ch.</i> x. 10</scripRef>.
But Saul, having notice of it by some of his spies (<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p19.2" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.19" parsed="|1Sam|19|19|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:19"><i>v.</i> 19</scripRef>), sent officers to
seize David, <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p19.3" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.20" parsed="|1Sam|19|20|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:20"><i>v.</i> 20</scripRef>.
When they did not bring him he sent more; when they returned not he
sent the third time (<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p19.4" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.21" parsed="|1Sam|19|21|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:21"><i>v.</i>
21</scripRef>), and, hearing no tidings of these, he went himself,
<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p19.5" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.22" parsed="|1Sam|19|22|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:22"><i>v.</i> 22</scripRef>. So impatient
was he in his thirst after David's blood, so restless to compass
his design against him, that, though baffled by one providence
after another, he could not perceive that David was under the
special protection of Heaven. It was below the king to go himself
on such an errand as this; but persecutors will stoop to any thing,
and stick at nothing, to gratify their malice. Saul lays aside all
public business to hunt David. How was David delivered, now that he
was just ready to fall (like his own lamb formerly) into the mouth
of the lions? Not as he delivered his lamb, by slaying the lion,
or, as Elijah was delivered, by consuming the messengers with
<i>fire from heaven,</i> but by turning the lions for the present
into lambs.</p>
<p class="indent" id="iSam.xx-p20">1. When the messengers came into the
congregation where David was among the prophets <i>the Spirit of
God</i> came upon them, and <i>they prophesied,</i> that is, they
joined with the rest in praising God. Instead of seizing David,
they themselves were seized. And thus, (1.) God secured David; for
either they were put into such an ecstasy by the spirit of prophecy
that they could not think of any thing else, and so forgot their
errand and never minded David, or they were by it put, for the
present, into so good a frame that they could not entertain the
thought of doing so bad a thing. (2.) He put an honour upon the
sons of the prophets and the communion of saints, and showed how he
can, when he pleases, strike an awe upon the worst of men, by the
tokens of his presence in the assemblies of the faithful, and force
them to acknowledge that <i>God is with them of a truth,</i>
<scripRef id="iSam.xx-p20.1" osisRef="Bible:1Cor.14.24-1Cor.14.25" parsed="|1Cor|14|24|14|25" passage="1Co 14:24,25">1 Cor. xiv. 24, 25</scripRef>. See
also the benefit of religious societies, and what good impressions
may be made by them on minds that seemed unapt to receive such
impressions. And where may the influences of the Spirit be expected
but in the congregations of the saints? (3.) He magnified his power
over the spirits of men. He that made the heart and tongue can
manage both to serve his own purposes. Balaam prophesied the
happiness of Israel, whom he would have cursed; and some of the
Jewish writers think these messengers prophesied the advancement of
David to the throne of Israel.</p>
<p class="indent" id="iSam.xx-p21">2. Saul himself was likewise seized with
the spirit of prophecy before he came to the place. One would have
thought that so bad a man as he was in no danger of being turned
into a prophet; yet, when God will take this way of protecting
David, even Saul had no sooner come (as bishop Hall expresses it)
within smell of the smoke of Naioth but he prophesies, as his
messengers did, <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p21.1" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.19.23" parsed="|1Sam|19|23|0|0" passage="1Sa 19:23"><i>v.</i>
23</scripRef>. He stripped off his royal robe and warlike
habiliments, because they were either too fine or too heavy for
this service, and fell into a trance as it should seem, or into a
rapture, which continued all that day and night. The saints at
Damascus were delivered from the rage of the New-Testament Saul by
a change wrought on his spirit, but of another nature from this.
This was only amazing, but that sanctifying—this for a day, that
for ever. Note, Many have great gifts and yet no grace, prophesy in
Christ's name and yet are disowned by him, <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p21.2" osisRef="Bible:Matt.7.22-Matt.7.23" parsed="|Matt|7|22|7|23" passage="Mt 7:22,23">Matt. vii. 22, 23</scripRef>. Now the proverb recurs,
<i>Is Saul among the prophets?</i> See <scripRef id="iSam.xx-p21.3" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.10.12" parsed="|1Sam|10|12|0|0" passage="1Sa 10:12"><i>ch.</i> x. 12</scripRef>. Then it was different from
what it had been, but now <i>contrary.</i> He is rejected of God,
and actuated by an evil spirit, and yet among the prophets.</p>