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67 KiB
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67 KiB
<div2 id="Mark.vii" n="vii" next="Mark.viii" prev="Mark.vi" progress="39.39%" title="Chapter VI">
<h2 id="Mark.vii-p0.1">M A R K.</h2>
<h3 id="Mark.vii-p0.2">CHAP. VI.</h3>
<p class="intro" id="Mark.vii-p1">A great variety of observable passages we have, in
this chapter, concerning our Lord Jesus, the substance of all which
we had before in Matthew, but divers circumstances we have, which
we did not there meet with. Here is, I. Christ contemned by his
countrymen, because he was one of them, and they knew, or thought
they knew, his original, <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p1.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.1-Mark.6.6" parsed="|Mark|6|1|6|6" passage="Mk 6:1-6">ver.
1-6</scripRef>. II. The just power he gave his apostles over
unclean spirits, and an account given of their negotiation,
<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p1.2" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.7-Mark.6.13" parsed="|Mark|6|7|6|13" passage="Mk 6:7-13">ver. 7-13</scripRef>. III. A strange
notion which Herod and others had of Christ, upon which occasion we
have the story of the martyrdom of John Baptist, <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p1.3" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.14-Mark.6.29" parsed="|Mark|6|14|6|29" passage="Mk 6:14-29">ver. 14-29</scripRef>. IV. Christ's retirement into a
desert place with his disciples; the crowds that followed him
thither to receive instruction from him; and his feeding five
thousand of them with five loaves and two fishes, <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p1.4" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.30-Mark.6.44" parsed="|Mark|6|30|6|44" passage="Mk 6:30-44">ver. 30-44</scripRef>. V. Christ's walking
upon the sea to his disciples, and the abundance of cures he
wrought on the other side of the water, <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p1.5" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.45-Mark.6.56" parsed="|Mark|6|45|6|56" passage="Mk 6:45-56">ver. 45-56</scripRef>.</p>
<scripCom id="Mark.vii-p1.6" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6" parsed="|Mark|6|0|0|0" passage="Mr 6" type="Commentary"/>
<scripCom id="Mark.vii-p1.7" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.1-Mark.6.6" parsed="|Mark|6|1|6|6" passage="Mr 6:1-6" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Mark.6.1-Mark.6.6">
<h4 id="Mark.vii-p1.8">The Contempt Poured on
<p class="passage" id="Mark.vii-p2">1 And he went out from thence, and came into his
own country; and his disciples follow him. 2 And when the
sabbath day was come, he began to teach in the synagogue: and many
hearing <i>him</i> were astonished, saying, From whence hath this
<i>man</i> these things? and what wisdom <i>is</i> this which is
given unto him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his
hands? 3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the
brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not
his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him. 4
But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in
his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house.
5 And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid
his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed <i>them.</i> 6
And he marvelled because of their unbelief. And he went round about
the villages, teaching.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p3">Here, I. Christ makes a visit to <i>his own
country,</i> the place not of his birth, but of his education; that
was <i>Nazareth;</i> where his relations were. He had been in
danger of his life among them (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p3.1" osisRef="Bible:Luke.4.29" parsed="|Luke|4|29|0|0" passage="Lu 4:29">Luke iv.
29</scripRef>), and yet he came among them again; so strangely doth
he wait to be gracious, and seek the salvation of his enemies.
Whither he went, though it was into danger, <i>his disciples
followed him</i> (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p3.2" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.1" parsed="|Mark|6|1|0|0" passage="Mk 6:1"><i>v.</i>
1</scripRef>); for they had left all, to follow him whithersoever
he went.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p4">II. There he <i>preached</i> in their
<i>synagogue,</i> on the <i>sabbath day,</i> <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p4.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.2" parsed="|Mark|6|2|0|0" passage="Mk 6:2"><i>v.</i> 2</scripRef>. It seems, there was not such
flocking to him there as in other places, so that he had no
opportunity of preaching till they came together on the sabbath
day; and then he expounded a portion of scripture with great
clearness. In religious assemblies, on sabbath days, the word of
God is to be preached according to Christ's example. We <i>give
glory</i> to God by receiving instruction from him.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p5">III. They could not but own that which was
very honourable concerning him. 1. That he spoke with great
<i>wisdom,</i> and that this wisdom was <i>given to him,</i> for
they knew he had no learned education. 2. That he did <i>mighty
works,</i> did them with his own hands, for the confirming of the
doctrine he taught. They acknowledged the two great proofs of the
divine original of his gospel—the <i>divine wisdom</i> that
appeared in the contrivance of it, and the <i>divine power</i> that
was exerted for the ratifying and recommending of it; and yet,
though they could not deny the premises, they would not admit the
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p6">IV. They studied to disparage him, and to
raise prejudices in the minds of people against him,
notwithstanding. All this <i>wisdom,</i> and all these <i>mighty
works,</i> shall be of no account, because he had a home-education,
had never travelled, nor been at any university, or bred up at the
feet of any of their doctors (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p6.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.3" parsed="|Mark|6|3|0|0" passage="Mk 6:3"><i>v.</i>
3</scripRef>); <i>Is not this the Carpenter?</i> In Matthew, they
upbraid him with being the carpenter's son, his supposed father
Joseph being of that trade. But, it seems, they could say further,
<i>Is not this the Carpenter?</i> our Lord Jesus, it is probable,
employing himself in that business with his father, before he
entered upon his public ministry, at least, sometimes in
journey-work. 1. He would thus <i>humble himself,</i> and make
himself of no reputation, as one that had taken upon him the form
of a servant, and came to minister. Thus low did our Redeemer
stoop, when he came to redeem us out of our low estate. 2. He would
thus teach us to <i>abhor idleness,</i> and to find <i>ourselves
something to do</i> in this world; and rather to take up with mean
and laborious employments, and such as no more is to be got by than
a bare livelihood, than indulge ourselves in sloth. Nothing is more
pernicious for young people than to get a <i>habit of
sauntering.</i> The Jews had a good rule for this—that their young
men who were designed for scholars, were yet bred up to some trade,
as Paul was a tent-maker, that they might have some business to
fill up their time with, and, if need were, to get their bread
with. 3. He would thus put an honour upon despised mechanics, and
encourage those who eat the labour of their hands, though great men
look upon them with contempt.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p7">Another thing they upbraided him with, was,
the meanness of his relations; "<i>He is the son of Mary;</i> his
<i>brethren</i> and <i>sisters</i> are here <i>with us;</i> we know
his family and kindred;" and therefore, though they were
<i>astonished</i> at his doctrine (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p7.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.2" parsed="|Mark|6|2|0|0" passage="Mk 6:2"><i>v.</i> 2</scripRef>), yet they were <i>offended</i> at
his person (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p7.2" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.3" parsed="|Mark|6|3|0|0" passage="Mk 6:3"><i>v.</i> 3</scripRef>),
were prejudiced against him, and looked upon him with contempt; and
for that reason would not receive his doctrine, though ever so well
recommended. May we think that if they had not known his pedigree,
but he had dropped among them from the clouds, without father,
without mother, and without descent, they would have entertained
him with any more respect? Truly, no; for in Judea, where this was
not know, that was made an objection against him (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p7.3" osisRef="Bible:John.9.29" parsed="|John|9|29|0|0" passage="Joh 9:29">John ix. 29</scripRef>); <i>As for this fellow,
we know not from whence he is.</i> Obstinate unbelief will never
want excuses.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p8">V. Let us see how Christ bore this
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p9">1. He partly <i>excused it,</i> as a common
thing, and what might be expected, though not reasonably or justly
(<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p9.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.4" parsed="|Mark|6|4|0|0" passage="Mk 6:4"><i>v.</i> 4</scripRef>); <i>A prophet
is not despised any where but in his own country.</i> Some
exceptions there may be to this rule; doubtless many have got over
this prejudice, but ordinarily it holds good, that ministers are
seldom so acceptable and successful in their own country as among
strangers; <i>familiarity</i> in the younger years breeds a
contempt, the advancement of one that was an inferior begets
<i>envy,</i> and men will hardly set those among the guides of
their souls whose fathers they were ready to set with the dogs of
their flock; in such a case therefore it must not be thought hard,
it is common treatment, it was Christ's, and <i>wisdom is
profitable to direct</i> to other soil.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p10">2. He did <i>some good</i> among them,
notwithstanding the slights they put upon him, for he is kind even
to the evil and unthankful; <i>He laid his hands upon a few sick
folks, and healed them.</i> Note, It is generous, and becoming the
followers of Christ, to content themselves with the pleasure and
satisfaction of doing good, though they be unjustly denied the
praise of it.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p11">3. Yet he <i>could there do</i> no such
mighty works, at least not so many, as in other places, because of
the unbelief that prevailed among the people, by reason of the
prejudices which their leaders instilled into them against Christ,
<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p11.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.5" parsed="|Mark|6|5|0|0" passage="Mk 6:5"><i>v.</i> 5</scripRef>. It is a strange
expression, as if unbelief tied the hands of omnipotence itself; he
<i>would have done</i> as many miracles there as he had done
elsewhere, but he could not, because people would not make
application to him, nor sue for his favours; he could have wrought
them, but they forfeited the honour of having them wrought for
them. Note, By unbelief and contempt of Christ men stop the current
of his favours to them, and put a bar in their own door.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p12">4. He <i>marvelled because of their
unbelief,</i> <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p12.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.6" parsed="|Mark|6|6|0|0" passage="Mk 6:6"><i>v.</i> 6</scripRef>. We
never find Christ wondering but at the <i>faith</i> of the Gentiles
that were strangers, as the <i>centurion</i> (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p12.2" osisRef="Bible:Matt.8.10" parsed="|Matt|8|10|0|0" passage="Mt 8:10">Matt. viii. 10</scripRef>), and the woman of Samaria, and
at the unbelief of Jews that were his own countrymen. Note, The
unbelief of those that enjoy the means of grace, is a most amazing
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p13">5. He <i>went round about the village,
teaching.</i> If we cannot do good where we would, we must do it
where we can, and be glad if we may have any opportunity, though
but in the villages, of serving Christ and souls. Sometimes the
gospel of Christ finds better entertainment in the country
villages, where there is less wealth, and pomp, and mirth, and
subtlety, than in the populous cities.</p>
</div><scripCom id="Mark.vii-p13.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.7-Mark.6.13" parsed="|Mark|6|7|6|13" passage="Mr 6:7-13" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Mark.6.7-Mark.6.13">
<h4 id="Mark.vii-p13.2">The Apostolic Commission.</h4>
<p class="passage" id="Mark.vii-p14">7 And he called <i>unto him</i> the twelve, and
began to send them forth by two and two; and gave them power over
unclean spirits; 8 And commanded them that they should take
nothing for <i>their</i> journey, save a staff only; no scrip, no
bread, no money in <i>their</i> purse: 9 But <i>be</i> shod
with sandals; and not put on two coats. 10 And he said unto
them, In what place soever ye enter into an house, there abide till
ye depart from that place. 11 And whosoever shall not
receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the
dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say
unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the
day of judgment, than for that city. 12 And they went out,
and preached that men should repent. 13 And they cast out
many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p15">Here is, I. The commission given to the
twelve apostles, to preach and work miracles; it is the same which
we had more largely, <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p15.1" osisRef="Bible:Matt.10.1-Matt.10.42" parsed="|Matt|10|1|10|42" passage="Mt 10:1-42">Matt.
x</scripRef>. Mark doth not name them here, as Matthew doth,
because he had named them before, when they were first called into
fellowship with him, <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p15.2" osisRef="Bible:Mark.3.16-Mark.3.19" parsed="|Mark|3|16|3|19" passage="Mk 3:16-19"><i>ch.</i> iii.
16-19</scripRef>. Hitherto they had been conversant with Christ,
and had set at his feet, had heard his doctrine, and seen his
miracles; and now he determines to make some use of them; they had
<i>received,</i> that they might <i>give,</i> had <i>learned,</i>
that they might <i>teach;</i> and therefore now he <i>began to send
them forth.</i> They must not always be studying in the academy, to
get knowledge, but they must preach in the country, to do good with
the knowledge they have got. Though they were not as yet so well
accomplished as they were to be, yet, according to their present
ability and capacity, they must be set to work, and make further
improvements afterward. Now observe here,</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p16">1. That Christ sent them forth <i>by two
and two;</i> this Mark takes notice of. They went two and two to a
place, that out of the mouth of two witnesses every word might be
established; and that they might be company for one another when
they were among strangers, and might strengthen the hands, and
encourage the hearts, one of another; might help one another if any
thing should be amiss, and keep one another in countenance. Every
common soldier has his comrade; and it is an approved maxim, <i>Two
are better than one.</i> Christ would thus teach his ministers to
associate, and both lend and borrow help.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p17">2. That he <i>gave them power over unclean
spirits.</i> He commissioned them to attack the devil's kingdom,
and empowered them, as a specimen of their breaking his interest in
the souls of men by their doctrine, to cast him out of the bodies
of those that were possessed. Dr. Lightfoot suggests, that they
cured diseases, and cast out devils, by the Spirit, but preached
that only which they had learned from the mouth of Christ.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p18">3. That he <i>commanded them</i> not to
take provisions along with them, neither <i>victuals</i> nor
<i>money,</i> that they might appear, wherever they came, to be
poor men, men not of this world, and therefore might with the
better grace call people off from it to another world. When
afterward he bid them <i>take purse and scrip</i> (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p18.1" osisRef="Bible:Luke.22.36" parsed="|Luke|22|36|0|0" passage="Lu 22:36">Luke xxii. 36</scripRef>), that did not intimate
(as Dr. Lightfoot observes) that his care of them was abated from
what it had been; but that they should meet with worse times and
worse entertainment than they met with at their first mission. In
Matthew and Luke they are forbidden to <i>take staves</i> with
them, that is, fighting staves; but here in Mark they are bid to
take nothing save a <i>staff only,</i> that is, a walking staff,
such as pilgrims carried. They must not put on <i>shoes,</i> but
<i>sandals</i> only, which were only the soles of shoes tied under
their feet, or like pumps, or slippers; they must go in the
readiest plainest dress they could, and must not so much as have
<i>two coats;</i> for their stay abroad would be short, they must
return before winter, and what they wanted, those they preached to
would cheerfully accommodate them with.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p19">4. He directed them, whatever city they
came to, to make that house their head-quarters, which happened to
be their first quarters (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p19.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.10" parsed="|Mark|6|10|0|0" passage="Mk 6:10"><i>v.</i>
10</scripRef>); "<i>There abide, till ye depart from that
place.</i> And since ye know ye come on an errand sufficient to
make you welcome, have such charity for your friends that first
invited you, as to believe they do not think you burthensome."</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p20">5. He pronounces a very heavy doom upon
those that rejected the gospel they preached (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p20.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.11" parsed="|Mark|6|11|0|0" passage="Mk 6:11"><i>v.</i> 11</scripRef>); "<i>Whosoever shall not receive
you,</i> or will not so much as <i>hear you, depart thence</i> (if
one will not, another will), and <i>shake off the dust under your
feet, for a testimony against</i> them. Let them know that they
have had a fair offer of life and happiness made them, witness that
dust; but that, since they have refused it, they cannot expect ever
to have another; let them take up with their own dust, for so shall
their doom be." That dust, like the dust of Egypt (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p20.2" osisRef="Bible:Exod.9.9" parsed="|Exod|9|9|0|0" passage="Ex 9:9">Exod. ix. 9</scripRef>), shall turn into a plague
to them; and their condemnation in the great day, will be more
intolerable than <i>that of Sodom:</i> for the angels were sent to
Sodom, and were abused there; yet that would not bring on so great
a guilt and so great a ruin as the contempt and abuse of the
apostles of Christ, who bring with them the offers of gospel
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p21">II. The apostles' conduct in pursuance of
their commission. Though they were conscious to themselves of great
weakness, and expected no secular advantage by it, yet, in
obedience to their Master's order, and in dependence upon his
strength, they <i>went out</i> as Abraham, not knowing whither they
went. Observe here,</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p22">1. The doctrine they preached; <i>They
preached that men should repent</i> (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p22.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.12" parsed="|Mark|6|12|0|0" passage="Mk 6:12"><i>v.</i> 12</scripRef>); that they should change their
minds, and reform their lives, in consideration of the near
approach of the kingdom of the Messiah. Note, The great design of
the gospel preachers, and the great tendency of gospel preaching,
should be, to bring people to repentance, to a <i>new heart</i> and
a <i>new way.</i> They did not amuse people with curious
speculations, but told them that they must repent of their sins,
and turn to God.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p23">2. The miracles they wrought. The power
Christ gave them <i>over unclean spirits,</i> was not ineffectual,
nor did they receive it in vain, but used it, for they <i>cast out
many devils</i> (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p23.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.13" parsed="|Mark|6|13|0|0" passage="Mk 6:13"><i>v.</i>
13</scripRef>); and they <i>anointed with oil many that were sick,
and healed them.</i> Some think this oil was used
<i>medicinally,</i> according to the custom of the Jews; but I
rather think it was used as a <i>sign of miraculous</i> healing, by
the appointment of Christ, though not mentioned; and it was
afterward used by those <i>elders of the church,</i> to whom <i>by
the Spirit</i> was given the <i>gift of healing,</i> <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p23.2" osisRef="Bible:Jas.5.14" parsed="|Jas|5|14|0|0" passage="Jam 5:14">Jam. v. 14</scripRef>. It is certain here, and
therefore probable there, that <i>anointing the sick with oil,</i>
is appropriated to that extraordinary power which has long ceased,
and therefore that sign must cease with it.</p>
</div><scripCom id="Mark.vii-p23.3" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.14-Mark.6.29" parsed="|Mark|6|14|6|29" passage="Mr 6:14-29" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Mark.6.14-Mark.6.29">
<h4 id="Mark.vii-p23.4">The Death of John the
<p class="passage" id="Mark.vii-p24">14 And king Herod heard <i>of him;</i> (for his
name was spread abroad:) and he said, That John the Baptist was
risen from the dead, and therefore mighty works do show forth
themselves in him. 15 Others said, That it is Elias. And
others said, That it is a prophet, or as one of the prophets.
16 But when Herod heard <i>thereof,</i> he said, It is John,
whom I beheaded: he is risen from the dead. 17 For Herod
himself had sent forth and laid hold upon John, and bound him in
prison for Herodias' sake, his brother Philip's wife: for he had
married her. 18 For John had said unto Herod, It is not
lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife. 19 Therefore
Herodias had a quarrel against him, and would have killed him; but
she could not: 20 For Herod feared John, knowing that he was
a just man and an holy, and observed him; and when he heard him, he
did many things, and heard him gladly. 21 And when a
convenient day was come, that Herod on his birthday made a supper
to his lords, high captains, and chief <i>estates</i> of Galilee;
22 And when the daughter of the said Herodias came in, and
danced, and pleased Herod and them that sat with him, the king said
unto the damsel, Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt, and I will give
<i>it</i> thee. 23 And he sware unto her, Whatsoever thou
shalt ask of me, I will give <i>it</i> thee, unto the half of my
kingdom. 24 And she went forth, and said unto her mother,
What shall I ask? And she said, The head of John the Baptist.
25 And she came in straightway with haste unto the king, and
asked, saying, I will that thou give me by and by in a charger the
head of John the Baptist. 26 And the king was exceeding
sorry; <i>yet</i> for his oath's sake, and for their sakes which
sat with him, he would not reject her. 27 And immediately
the king sent an executioner, and commanded his head to be brought:
and he went and beheaded him in the prison, 28 And brought
his head in a charger, and gave it to the damsel: and the damsel
gave it to her mother. 29 And when his disciples heard <i>of
it,</i> they came and took up his corpse, and laid it in a
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p25">Here is, I. The wild notions that the
people had concerning our Lord Jesus, <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p25.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.15" parsed="|Mark|6|15|0|0" passage="Mk 6:15"><i>v.</i> 15</scripRef>. His own countrymen could believe
nothing great concerning him, because they knew his poor kindred;
but others that were not under the power of that prejudice against
him, were yet willing to believe any thing rather than the
truth—that he was the Son of God, and the true Messias: they said,
He is Elias, whom they expected; or, <i>He is a prophet,</i> one of
the Old-Testament prophets raised to life, and returned to this
world; or <i>as one of the prophets,</i> a prophet now newly raised
up, equal to those under the Old Testament.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p26">II. The opinion of Herod concerning him. He
heard of <i>his name</i> and fame, of what he said and what he did;
and he said, "It is certainly John Baptist, <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p26.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.14" parsed="|Mark|6|14|0|0" passage="Mk 6:14"><i>v.</i> 14</scripRef>. As sure as we are here, <i>It is
John, whom I beheaded,</i> <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p26.2" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.16" parsed="|Mark|6|16|0|0" passage="Mk 6:16"><i>v.</i>
16</scripRef>. He is <i>risen from the dead;</i> and though while
he was with us <i>he did no miracle,</i> yet, having removed for
awhile to another world, he is come again with greater power, and
<i>now mighty works do show forth themselves in him.</i>"</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p27">Note, 1. Where there is an <i>idle
faith,</i> there is commonly a <i>working fancy.</i> The people
said, It is a prophet risen from the dead; Herod said, It is
<i>John Baptist risen from the dead.</i> It seems by this, that the
<i>rising of a prophet from the dead,</i> to do <i>mighty
works,</i> was a thing expected, and was thought neither impossible
nor improbable, and it was now readily suspected when it was <i>not
true;</i> but afterward, when <i>it was true</i> concerning Christ,
and a truth undeniably evidenced, yet then it was obstinately
gainsaid and denied. Those who most wilfully disbelieve the truth,
are commonly most credulous of errors and fancies.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p28">2. They who fight against the cause of God,
will find themselves baffled, even when they think themselves
conquerors; they cannot gain their point, for the word of the Lord
endures for ever. They who rejoiced when the witnesses were slain,
fretted as much, when in three or four days they <i>rose again</i>
in their successors, <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p28.1" osisRef="Bible:Rev.11.10-Rev.11.11" parsed="|Rev|11|10|11|11" passage="Re 11:10,11">Rev. xi. 10,
11</scripRef>. The impenitent unreformed sinner, that escapeth the
sword of Jehu, shall Elisha slay.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p29">3. A guilty conscience needs no accuser or
tormentor but itself. Herod charges himself with the murder of
John, which perhaps no one else dare charge him with; <i>I beheaded
him;</i> and the terror of it made him imagine that Christ was John
risen. He feared John while he lived, and now, when he thought he
had got clear of him, fears him ten times worse when he is dead.
One might as well be haunted with ghosts and furies, as with the
horrors of an accusing conscience; those therefore who would keep
an undisturbed peace, must keep an undefiled conscience, <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p29.1" osisRef="Bible:Acts.24.16" parsed="|Acts|24|16|0|0" passage="Ac 24:16">Acts xxiv. 16</scripRef>.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p30">4. There may be the terrors of strong
conviction, where there is not the truth of a saving conversion.
This Herod, who had this notion concerning Christ, afterward sought
to kill him (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p30.1" osisRef="Bible:Luke.13.31" parsed="|Luke|13|31|0|0" passage="Lu 13:31">Luke xiii.
31</scripRef>), and did set him at nought (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p30.2" osisRef="Bible:Luke.23.11" parsed="|Luke|23|11|0|0" passage="Lu 23:11">Luke xxiii. 11</scripRef>); so that he will not be
persuaded, though it be <i>by one risen from the dead;</i> no, not
by a John the Baptist risen from the dead.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p31">III. A narrative of Herod's putting John
Baptist to death, which is brought in upon this occasion, as it was
in Matthew. And here we may observe,</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p32">1. The great value and veneration which
Herod had some time had for John Baptist, which is related only by
this evangelist, <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p32.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.20" parsed="|Mark|6|20|0|0" passage="Mk 6:20"><i>v.</i>
20</scripRef>. Here we see what a great way a man may go toward
grace and glory, and yet come short of both, and perish
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p33">(1.) He <i>feared John, knowing that he was
a just man, and a holy.</i> It is possible that a man may have a
great reverence for good men, and especially for good ministers,
yea, and for that in them that is good, and yet himself be a bad
man. Observe, [1.] John was a <i>just man, and a holy;</i> to make
a complete good man, both justice and holiness are necessary;
holiness toward God, and justice toward men. John was mortified to
this world, and so was a good friend both to justice and holiness.
[2.] Herod knew this, not only by common fame, but by personal
acquaintance with him. Those that have but little justice and
holiness themselves, may yet discern it with respect in others.
And, [3.] He therefore <i>feared</i> him, he honoured him. Holiness
and justice command veneration, and many that are not good
themselves, have respect for those that are.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p34">(2.) He <i>observed</i> him; he sheltered
him from the malice of his enemies (so some understand it); or,
rather, he had a regard to his exemplary conversation, and took
notice of that in him that was praiseworthy, and commended it in
the hearing of those about him; he made it appear that he observed
what John said and did.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p35">(3.) He <i>heard him</i> preach; which was
great condescension, considering how mean John's appearance was. To
hear Christ himself preach in our streets will be but a poor plea
in the great day, <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p35.1" osisRef="Bible:Luke.13.26" parsed="|Luke|13|26|0|0" passage="Lu 13:26">Luke xiii.
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p36">(4.) He <i>did many of those things</i>
which John in his preaching taught him. He was not only a <i>hearer
of the word,</i> but in part a <i>doer of the work.</i> Some sins
which John in his preaching reproved, he forsook, and some duties
he bound himself to; but it will not suffice to do <i>many</i>
things, unless we have <i>respect to all</i> the commandments.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p37">(5.) He <i>heard him gladly.</i> He did not
hear him with terror as Felix heard Paul, but heard him with
pleasure. There is a flashy joy, which a hypocrite may have in
hearing the word; Ezekiel was to his hearers as a <i>lovely
song</i> (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p37.1" osisRef="Bible:Ezek.33.32" parsed="|Ezek|33|32|0|0" passage="Eze 33:32">Ezek. xxxiii.
32</scripRef>); and the <i>stony ground received the word with
joy,</i> <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p37.2" osisRef="Bible:Luke.8.13" parsed="|Luke|8|13|0|0" passage="Lu 8:13">Luke viii. 13</scripRef>.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p38">2. John's faithfulness to Herod, in telling
him of his faults. Herod had married his brother Philip's wife,
<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p38.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.17" parsed="|Mark|6|17|0|0" passage="Mk 6:17"><i>v.</i> 17</scripRef>. All the
country, no doubt, cried shame on him for it, and reproached him
for it; but John <i>reproved</i> him, told him plainly, <i>It is
not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife.</i> This was
Herod's own iniquity, which he could not leave, when he did many
things that John taught him; and therefore John tells him of this
particularly. Though he were a king, he would not spare him, any
more than Elijah did Ahab, when he said, <i>Hast thou killed and
also taken possession?</i> Though John had an interest in him, and
he might fear this plain-dealing would destroy his interest, yet he
reproved him; for <i>faithful are the wounds of a friend</i>
(<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p38.2" osisRef="Bible:Prov.27.6" parsed="|Prov|27|6|0|0" passage="Pr 27:6">Prov. xxvii. 6</scripRef>); and though
there are some swine that will <i>turn again, and rend</i> those
that <i>cast pearls</i> before them, yet, ordinarily, <i>he that
rebuketh a man</i> (if the person reproved has any thing of the
understanding of a man), <i>afterwards shall find more favour than
he that flattereth with his tongue,</i> <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p38.3" osisRef="Bible:Prov.28.23" parsed="|Prov|28|23|0|0" passage="Pr 28:23">Prov. xxviii. 23</scripRef>. Though it was dangerous to
offend Herod, and much more to offend Herodias, yet John would run
the hazard rather than be wanting in his duty. Note, Those
ministers that would be found faithful in the work of God, must not
be afraid of the face of man. If we seek to please men, further
than is for their spiritual good, we are not the servants of
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p39">3. The malice which Herodias bore to John
for this (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p39.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.19" parsed="|Mark|6|19|0|0" passage="Mk 6:19"><i>v.</i> 19</scripRef>); She
<i>had a quarrel with him, and would have killed him;</i> but when
she could not obtain that, she got him committed to prison,
<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p39.2" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.17" parsed="|Mark|6|17|0|0" passage="Mk 6:17"><i>v.</i> 17</scripRef>. Herod
respected him, till he touched him in his Herodias. Many that
pretend to honour prophesying, are for smooth things only, and love
good preaching, if it keep far enough from their beloved sin; but
if that be touched, they cannot bear it. No marvel if the world
hate those who testify of it that its works are evil. But it is
better that sinners persecute ministers now for their faithfulness,
than curse them eternally for their unfaithfulness.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p40">4. The plot laid to take off John's head. I
am apt to think that Herod was himself in the plot, notwithstanding
his pretences to be displeased and surprised, and that the thing
was concerted between him and Herodias; for it is said to be
<i>when a convenient day was come</i> (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p40.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.21" parsed="|Mark|6|21|0|0" passage="Mk 6:21"><i>v.</i> 21</scripRef>), fit for such a purpose. (1.)
There must be a ball at court, upon the king's birth-day, and a
supper prepared for <i>his lords, high captains, and chief estates
of Galilee.</i> (2.) To grace the solemnity, the daughter of
Herodias must <i>dance</i> publicly, and Herod must take on him to
be wonderfully charmed with her dancing; and if he be, they that
<i>sit with him</i> cannot but, in compliment to him, be so too.
(3.) The king hereupon must make her an extravagant promise, to
give her <i>whatever she would ask,</i> even to the <i>half of the
kingdom;</i> and yet, that, if rightly understood, would not have
reached the end designed, for John Baptist's head was worth more
than his <i>whole kingdom.</i> This promise is bound with an oath,
that no room might be left to fly off from it; <i>He sware unto
her, Whatsoever thou shalt ask, I will give.</i> I can scarcely
think he would have made such an unlimited promise, but that he
knew what she would ask. (4.) She, being instructed by Herodias her
mother, asked the <i>head of John Baptist;</i> and she must have it
brought her <i>in a charger,</i> as a pretty thing for her to play
with (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p40.2" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.24-Mark.6.25" parsed="|Mark|6|24|6|25" passage="Mk 6:24,25"><i>v.</i> 24, 25</scripRef>);
and there must be no delay, no time lost, she must have it <i>by
and by.</i> (5.) Herod granted it, and the execution was done
immediately while the company were together, which we can scarcely
think the king would have done, if he had not determined the matter
before. But he takes on him, [1.] To be very backward to it, and
that he would not for all the world have done it, if he had not
been surprised into such a promise; The <i>king was exceeding
sorry,</i> that is, he seemed to be so, he said he was so, he
looked as if he had been so; but it was all sham and grimace, he
was really pleased that he had found a pretence to get John out of
the way. <i>Qui nescit dissimulare, nescit regnare—The man who
cannot dissemble, knows not how to reign.</i> And yet he was not
without sorrow for it; he could not do it but with great regret and
reluctancy; natural conscience will not suffer men to sin easily;
the very commission of it is vexatious; what then will the
reflection upon it be? [2.] He takes on him to be very sensible of
the obligation of his oath; whereas if the damsel had asked but a
fourth part of his kingdom, I doubt not but he would have found out
a way to evade his oath. The promise was rashly made, and could not
bind him to do an unrighteous thing. Sinful oaths must be repented
of, and therefore not performed; for repentance is the undoing of
what we have done amiss, as far as is in our power. When Theodosius
the emperor was urged by a suitor with a <i>promise,</i> he
answered, <i>I said it,</i> but did not <i>promise</i> it if it be
unjust. If we may suppose that Herod knew nothing of the design
when he made that rash promise, it is probable that he was hurried
into the doing of it by those about him, only to carry on the
humour; for he did it <i>for their sakes who sat with him,</i>
whose company he was proud of, and therefore would do any thing to
gratify them. Thus do princes make themselves slave to those whose
respect they covet, and both value and secure themselves by. None
of Herod's subjects stood in more awe of him than he did of <i>his
lords, high captains, and chief estates.</i> The king sent an
<i>executioner,</i> a soldier of his guard. Bloody tyrants have
executioners ready to obey their most cruel and unrighteous
decrees. Thus Saul has a <i>Doeg</i> at hand, to <i>fall upon the
priests of the Lord,</i> when his own footmen declined it.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p41">5. The effect of this is, (1.) That Herod's
wicked court is <i>all in triumph,</i> because this prophet
tormented them; the head is made a present of <i>to the damsel,</i>
and by her to her <i>mother,</i> <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p41.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.28" parsed="|Mark|6|28|0|0" passage="Mk 6:28"><i>v.</i> 28</scripRef>. (2.) That John Baptist's sacred
college is <i>all in tears;</i> the disciples of John little
thought of this; but, when they <i>heard of it,</i> they came, and
took up the neglected <i>corpse,</i> and <i>laid it in a tomb;</i>
where Herod, if he had pleased, might have found it, when he
frightened himself with the fancy that John Baptist was <i>risen
from the dead.</i></p>
</div><scripCom id="Mark.vii-p41.2" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.30-Mark.6.44" parsed="|Mark|6|30|6|44" passage="Mr 6:30-44" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Mark.6.30-Mark.6.44">
<h4 id="Mark.vii-p41.3">The Miracle of the Loaves and
<p class="passage" id="Mark.vii-p42">30 And the apostles gathered themselves together
unto Jesus, and told him all things, both what they had done, and
what they had taught. 31 And he said unto them, Come ye
yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there
were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to
eat. 32 And they departed into a desert place by ship
privately. 33 And the people saw them departing, and many
knew him, and ran afoot thither out of all cities, and outwent
them, and came together unto him. 34 And Jesus, when he came
out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them,
because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to
teach them many things. 35 And when the day was now far
spent, his disciples came unto him, and said, This is a desert
place, and now the time <i>is</i> far passed: 36 Send them
away, that they may go into the country round about, and into the
villages, and buy themselves bread: for they have nothing to eat.
37 He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And
they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of
bread, and give them to eat? 38 He saith unto them, How many
loaves have ye? go and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and
two fishes. 39 And he commanded them to make all sit down by
companies upon the green grass. 40 And they sat down in
ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties. 41 And when he had taken
the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and
blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave <i>them</i> to his
disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among
them all. 42 And they did all eat, and were filled.
43 And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of
the fishes. 44 And they that did eat of the loaves were
about five thousand men.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p43">In there verses, we have,</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p44">I. The return to Christ of the apostles
whom he had sent forth (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p44.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.7" parsed="|Mark|6|7|0|0" passage="Mk 6:7"><i>v.</i>
7</scripRef>), to preach, and work miracles. They had dispersed
themselves into several quarters of the country for some time, but
when they had made good their several appointments, by consent they
<i>gathered themselves together,</i> to compare notes, and came to
Jesus, the centre of their unity, to give him an account of what
they had done pursuant to their commission: as the servant that was
sent to invite to the feast, and had received answers from the
guests, came, and <i>showed his Lord all those things,</i> so did
the apostles here; they <i>told him all things,</i> both <i>what
they had done, and what they had taught.</i> Ministers are
accountable both for what they <i>do,</i> and for what they
<i>teach;</i> and must both watch over their own souls, and watch
for the souls of others, as those that must <i>give account,</i>
<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p44.2" osisRef="Bible:Heb.13.17" parsed="|Heb|13|17|0|0" passage="Heb 13:17">Heb. xiii. 17</scripRef>. Let them
not either <i>do</i> any thing, or <i>teach</i> any thing, but what
they are willing should be related and repeated to the Lord Jesus.
It is a comfort to faithful ministers, when they can appeal to
Christ concerning their doctrine and manner of life, both which
perhaps have been misrepresented by men; and he gives them leave to
be free with him, and to lay open their case before him, to <i>tell
him all things,</i> what treatment they have met with, what
success, and what disappointment.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p45">II. The tender care Christ took for their
repose, after the fatigue they had (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p45.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.31" parsed="|Mark|6|31|0|0" passage="Mk 6:31"><i>v.</i> 31</scripRef>); <i>He said unto them,</i>
perceiving them to be almost spent, and out of breath, <i>Come ye
yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest awhile.</i> It
should seem that John's disciples came to Christ with the mournful
tidings of their master's death, much about the same time that his
own disciples came to him with the report of their negotiation.
Note, Christ takes cognizance of the <i>frights</i> of some, and
the <i>toils</i> of others, of his disciples, and provides suitable
relief for both, rest for those that are tired, and refuge for
those that are terrified. With what kindness and compassion doth
Christ say to them, <i>Come, and rest!</i> Note, The most active
servants of Christ cannot be always upon the stretch of business,
but have bodies that require some relaxation, some breathing-time;
we shall not be able to serve God without ceasing, day and night,
till we come to heaven, where they <i>never rest</i> from praising
him, <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p45.2" osisRef="Bible:Rev.4.8" parsed="|Rev|4|8|0|0" passage="Re 4:8">Rev. iv. 8</scripRef>. And the Lord
is for the body, considers its frame, and not only allows it time
for rest, but puts it in mind of resting. <i>Come, my people, enter
thou into thy chambers. Return to thy rest.</i> And those that work
diligently and faithfully, may cheerfully retire to rest. <i>The
sleep of the labouring man is sweet.</i> But observe, 1. Christ
calls them to come <i>themselves apart;</i> for, if they had any
body with them, they would have something to say, or something to
do, for their good; if they must <i>rest,</i> they must be
<i>alone.</i> 2. He invites them not to some pleasant country-seat,
where there were fine buildings and fine gardens, but <i>into a
desert place,</i> where the accommodations were very poor, and
which was fitted by nature only, and not by art, for quietness and
rest. But it was of a piece with all the other circumstances he was
in; no wonder that he who had but a ship for his preaching place,
had but a desert for his resting place. 3. He calls them only to
rest <i>awhile;</i> they must not expect to rest <i>long,</i> only
to <i>get breath,</i> and then to go to work again. There is no
<i>remaining rest</i> for the people of God till they come to
heaven. 4. The reason given for this, is, not so much because they
had been in <i>constant work,</i> but because they now were in a
<i>constant hurry;</i> so that they had not their work in any
order; <i>for there were many coming and going, and they had no
leisure so much as to eat.</i> Let but proper time be set, and kept
for every thing, and a great deal of work may be done with a great
deal of ease; but if people be continually coming and going, and no
rule or method be observed, a little work will not be done without
a deal of trouble. 5. They withdrew, accordingly, <i>by ship;</i>
not crossing the water, but making a coasting voyage to the desert
of Bethsaida, <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p45.3" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.32" parsed="|Mark|6|32|0|0" passage="Mk 6:32"><i>v.</i> 32</scripRef>.
Going <i>by water</i> was much less toilsome than going <i>by
land</i> would have been. They went away <i>privately,</i> that
they might be by themselves. The most public persons cannot but
wish to be private sometimes.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p46">III. The diligence of the people to follow
him. It was rude to do so, when he and his disciples were desirous,
for such good reason, to <i>retire;</i> and yet they are not blamed
for it, nor bid to go back, but bid welcome. Note, A failure in
good manners will easily be excused in those who follow Christ, if
it be but made up in a fulness of good affections. They followed
him of their own accord, without being called upon. Here is no time
set, no meeting appointed, no bell tolled; yet they thus fly like a
cloud, and as the doves to their windows. They followed him <i>out
of the cities,</i> quitted their houses and shops, their callings
and affairs, to hear him preach. They followed him <i>afoot,</i>
though he was gone by sea, and so, to try them, seemed to put a
slight upon them, and to endeavour to shake them off; yet they
stuck to him. They <i>ran</i> afoot, and made such haste, that they
<i>out-went</i> the disciples, and <i>came together</i> to him with
an appetite to the word of God. Nay they followed him, though it
was into a <i>desert place,</i> despicable and inconvenient. The
presence of Christ will turn a wilderness into a paradise.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p47">IV. The entertainment Christ gave them
(<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p47.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.34" parsed="|Mark|6|34|0|0" passage="Mk 6:34"><i>v.</i> 34</scripRef>); <i>When he
saw much people,</i> instead of being moved with displeasure,
because they disturbed him when he desired to be private, as many a
man, many a good man, would have been, he was <i>moved with
compassion toward them,</i> and looked upon them with concern,
because <i>they</i> were <i>as sheep having no shepherd,</i> they
seemed to be well-inclined, and manageable as sheep, and willing to
be taught, but they had <i>no shepherd,</i> none to lead and guide
them in the right way, none to feed them with good doctrine: and
therefore, in compassion to them, he not only <i>healed their
sick,</i> as it is in Matthew, but he <i>taught them many
things,</i> and we may be sure that they were all true and good,
and fit for them to learn.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p48">V. The provision he made for them all; all
his hearers he generously made his guests, and treated them at a
<i>splendid</i> entertainment: so it might truly be called, because
a <i>miraculous</i> one.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p49">1. The disciples moved that they should be
<i>sent home.</i> When <i>the day was not far spent,</i> and night
drew on, they said, <i>This is a desert place,</i> and <i>much time
is now past; send them away to buy bread,</i> <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p49.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.35" parsed="|Mark|6|35|0|0" passage="Mk 6:35"><i>v.</i> 35, 36</scripRef>. This the disciples suggested
to Christ; but we do not find that the multitude themselves did.
They did not say, <i>Send us away</i> (though they could not but be
hungry), for they <i>esteemed the words of Christ's mouth more than
their necessary food,</i> and forgot themselves when they were
hearing him; but the disciples thought it would be a kindness to
them to dismiss them. Note, Willing minds will do more, and hold
out longer, in that which is good, than one would expect from
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p50">2. Christ ordered that they should all be
fed (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p50.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.37" parsed="|Mark|6|37|0|0" passage="Mk 6:37"><i>v.</i> 37</scripRef>); <i>Give
ye them to eat.</i> Though their crowding after him and his
disciples hindered them from eating (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p50.2" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.31" parsed="|Mark|6|31|0|0" passage="Mk 6:31"><i>v.</i> 31</scripRef>), yet he would not
<i>therefore,</i> to be even with them, send them away fasting,
but, to teach us to be kind to those who are rude to us, he ordered
provision to be made for them; that bread which Christ and his
disciples took with them into the desert, that they might make a
quiet meal of it for themselves, he will have them to partake of.
Thus was he given to hospitality. They attended on the spiritual
food of his word, and then he took care that they should not want
corporal food. The way of duty, as it is the way of safety, so it
is the way to supply. Let God alone to fill the pools with rain
from heaven, and so to make a well even in the valley of Baca, for
those that are going Zion-ward, from strength to strength,
<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p50.3" osisRef="Bible:Ps.84.6-Ps.84.7" parsed="|Ps|84|6|84|7" passage="Ps 84:6,7">Ps. lxxxiv. 6, 7</scripRef>.
Providence, not <i>tempted,</i> but duly <i>trusted,</i> never yet
failed any of God's faithful servants, but has refreshed many with
seasonable and surprising relief. It has often been seen in the
<i>mount of the Lord, Jehovah-jireh,</i> that <i>the Lord will
provide</i> for those that wait on him.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p51">3. The disciples objected against it as
impracticable; <i>Shall we go, and buy two hundred penny-worth of
bread, and give them to eat?</i> Thus, through the weakness of
their faith, instead of waiting for directions from Christ, they
perplex the cause with projects of their own. It was a question,
whether they had two hundred pence with them, whether the country
would of a sudden afford so much bread if they had, and whether
that would suffice so great a company; but thus Moses objected
(<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p51.1" osisRef="Bible:Num.11.22" parsed="|Num|11|22|0|0" passage="Nu 11:22">Num. xi. 22</scripRef>), <i>Shall the
flocks and the herds be slain for them?</i> Christ would let them
see their folly in forecasting for themselves, that they might put
the greater value upon his provision for them.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p52">4. Christ effected it, to universal
satisfaction. They had brought with them <i>five loaves,</i> for
the victualling of their ship, and <i>two fishes</i> perhaps they
caught as they came along; and that is the bill of fare. This was
but a little for Christ and his disciples, and yet this they must
give away, as the widow her <i>two mites,</i> and as the church of
Macedonia's <i>deep poverty abounded to the riches of their
liberality.</i> We often find Christ entertained at other people's
tables, dining with one friend, and supping with another: but here
we have him supping a great many at his own charge, which shows
that, when others <i>ministered to him of their substance,</i> it
was not because he could not supply himself otherwise (if he was
<i>hungry,</i> he needed not <i>tell them</i>); but it was a piece
of humiliation, that he was pleased to submit to, nor was it
agreeable to the intention of miracles, that he should work them
for himself. Observe,</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p53">(1.) The provision was <i>ordinary.</i>
Here were no rarities, no varieties, though Christ, if he had
pleased, could have furnished his table with them; but thus he
would teach us to be content with food convenient for us, and not
to be desirous of dainties. If we have for necessity, it is no
matter though we have not for delicacy and curiosity. God, in love,
gives <i>meat for our hunger;</i> but, in wrath, gives <i>meat for
our lusts,</i> <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p53.1" osisRef="Bible:Ps.78.18" parsed="|Ps|78|18|0|0" passage="Ps 78:18">Ps. lxxviii.
18</scripRef>. The promise to them that fear the Lord, is, that
verily they shall be fed; he doth not say, They shall be
<i>feasted.</i> If Christ and his disciples took up with mean
things, surely we may.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p54">(2.) The guests were <i>orderly;</i> for
they <i>sat down by companies on the green grass</i> (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p54.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.39" parsed="|Mark|6|39|0|0" passage="Mk 6:39"><i>v.</i> 39</scripRef>), they <i>sat down in
ranks by hundreds and by fifties</i> (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p54.2" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.40" parsed="|Mark|6|40|0|0" passage="Mk 6:40"><i>v.</i> 40</scripRef>), that the provision might the
more easily and regularly be distributed among them; for God is the
God of order, and not of confusion. Thus care was taken that every
one should have enough, and none be over-looked, nor any have more
than was fitting.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p55">(3.) A blessing was craved upon the meat;
<i>He looked up to heaven, and blessed.</i> Christ did not call one
of his disciples to crave a blessing, but did it himself (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p55.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.41" parsed="|Mark|6|41|0|0" passage="Mk 6:41"><i>v.</i> 41</scripRef>); and by virtue of this
blessing the bread strangely multiplied, and so did the fishes, for
they did <i>all eat, and were filled,</i> though they were to the
number of <i>five thousand,</i> <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p55.2" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.42 Bible:Mark.6.44" parsed="|Mark|6|42|0|0;|Mark|6|44|0|0" passage="Mk 6:42,44"><i>v.</i> 42, 44</scripRef>. This miracle was
significant, and shows that Christ came into the world, to be the
great feeder as well as the great healer; not only to restore, but
to preserve and nourish, spiritual life; and in him there is enough
for all that come to him, enough to fill the soul, to fill the
treasures; none are sent empty away from Christ, but those that
come to him full of themselves.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p56">(4.) Care was taken of the fragments that
remained, with which they filled <i>twelve baskets.</i> Though
Christ had bread enough at command, he would hereby teach us, not
to make waste of any of God's good creatures; remembering how many
there are that do want, and that we know not but we may some time
or other want such fragments as we throw away.</p>
</div><scripCom id="Mark.vii-p56.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.45-Mark.6.56" parsed="|Mark|6|45|6|56" passage="Mr 6:45-56" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Mark.6.45-Mark.6.56">
<h4 id="Mark.vii-p56.2">Christ Walking on the Sea.</h4>
<p class="passage" id="Mark.vii-p57">45 And straightway he constrained his disciples
to get into the ship, and to go to the other side before unto
Bethsaida, while he sent away the people. 46 And when he had
sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray. 47 And
when even was come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and he
alone on the land. 48 And he saw them toiling in rowing; for
the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the
night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have
passed by them. 49 But when they saw him walking upon the
sea, they supposed it had been a spirit, and cried out: 50
For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked
with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not
afraid. 51 And he went up unto them into the ship; and the
wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond
measure, and wondered. 52 For they considered not <i>the
miracle</i> of the loaves: for their heart was hardened. 53
And when they had passed over, they came into the land of
Gennesaret, and drew to the shore. 54 And when they were
come out of the ship, straightway they knew him, 55 And ran
through that whole region round about, and began to carry about in
beds those that were sick, where they heard he was. 56 And
whithersoever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country,
they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might
touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as
touched him were made whole.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p58">This passage of story we had <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p58.1" osisRef="Bible:Matt.14.22" parsed="|Matt|14|22|0|0" passage="Mt 14:22">Matt. xiv. 22</scripRef>, &c., only what was
there related concerning Peter, is omitted here. Here we have,</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p59">I. The dispersing of the assembly; Christ
<i>constrained his disciples</i> to go before by ship to Bethsaida,
intending to follow them, as they supposed, by land. The people
were loth to scatter, so that it cost him some time and pains to
send them away. For now that they had got a good supper, they were
in no haste to leave him. But as long as we are here in this world,
we have no continuing city, no not in communion with Christ. The
everlasting feast is reserved for the future state.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p60">II. Christ departed <i>into a mountain, to
pray.</i> Observe, 1. He <i>prayed;</i> though he had so much
preaching-work upon his hands, yet he was much in prayer; he prayed
often, and prayed long, which is an encouragement to us to depend
upon the intercession he is making for us at the right hand of the
Father, that <i>continual</i> intercession. 2. He went
<i>alone,</i> to pray; though he needed not to retire for the
avoiding either of distraction or of ostentation, yet, to set us an
example, and to encourage us in our <i>secret</i> addresses to God,
he prayed <i>alone,</i> and, for want of a closet, went up into a
mountain, to pray. A good man is never less alone than when alone
with God.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p61">III. The disciples were in distress at sea;
<i>The wind was contrary</i> (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p61.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.48" parsed="|Mark|6|48|0|0" passage="Mk 6:48"><i>v.</i>
48</scripRef>), so that they <i>toiled in rowing,</i> and could not
get forward. This was a specimen of the hardships they were to
expect, when hereafter he should send them abroad to preach the
gospel; it would be like sending them to sea at this time with the
<i>wind in their teeth:</i> they must expect to toil in rowing,
they must work hard to strive against so strong a stream; they must
likewise expect to be tossed with waves, to be persecuted by their
enemies; and by exposing them now he intended to train them up for
such difficulties, that they might learn to <i>endure hardness.</i>
The church is often like a ship at sea, <i>tossed with tempests,
and not comforted</i> we may have Christ for us, and yet wind and
tide against us; but it is a comfort to Christ's disciples in a
storm, that their Master is in the heavenly mount, interceding for
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p62">IV. Christ made them a kind visit upon the
water. He could have checked the winds, where he was, or have sent
an angel to their relief; but he chose to help them in the most
endearing manner possible, and therefore came to them himself.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p63">1. He did not come till the <i>fourth watch
of the night,</i> not till after three o'clock in the morning; but
then he came. Note, If Christ's visits to his people be deferred
long, yet at length he will come; and their extremity is his
opportunity to appear for them so much the more seasonably. Though
the salvation tarry, yet we must wait for it; <i>at the end it
shall speak,</i> in the fourth watch of the night, <i>and not
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p64">2. He came, walking upon the waters. The
sea was now tossed with waves, and yet Christ came, walking upon
it; for though the <i>floods lift up their voice, the Lord on high
is mightier,</i> <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p64.1" osisRef="Bible:Ps.93.3-Ps.93.4" parsed="|Ps|93|3|93|4" passage="Ps 93:3,4">Ps. xciii. 3,
4</scripRef>. No difficulties can obstruct Christ's gracious
appearances for his people, when the set time is come. He will
either find, or force, a way through the most tempestuous sea, for
their deliverance, <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p64.2" osisRef="Bible:Ps.42.7-Ps.42.8" parsed="|Ps|42|7|42|8" passage="Ps 42:7,8">Ps. xlii. 7,
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p65">3. He <i>would have passed by them,</i>
that is, he set his face and steered his course, as if he would
have gone further, and took no notice of them; this he did, to
awaken them to call to him. Note, Providence, when it is acting
designedly and directly for the succour of God's people, yet
sometimes seems as if it were <i>giving them the go-by,</i> and
regarded not their case. They thought that <i>he would,</i> but we
may be sure that he would not, <i>have passed by them.</i></p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p66">4. They were frightened at the sight of
him, supposing him to have been an apparition; <i>They all saw him,
and were troubled</i> (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p66.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.50" parsed="|Mark|6|50|0|0" passage="Mk 6:50"><i>v.</i>
50</scripRef>), thinking it had been some dæmon, or evil genius,
that haunted them, and raised this storm. We often perplex and
frighten ourselves with phantasms, the creatures of our own fancy
and imagination.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p67">5. He encouraged them, and silenced their
fears, by making himself known to them; <i>he talked</i> familiarly
with them, saying, <i>Be of good cheer, it is I; be not afraid.</i>
Note, (1.) We know not Christ till he is pleased to reveal himself
to us. "<i>It is I;</i> I your Master, I your friend, I your
Redeemer and Saviour. <i>It is I,</i> that came to a troublesome
earth, and now to a tempestuous sea, to look after you." (2.) The
knowledge of Christ, as he is in himself, and near to us, is enough
to make the disciples of Christ cheerful even in a storm, and no
longer fearful. <i>If it be so, why am I thus?</i> If it is Christ
that is with thee, <i>be of good cheer, be not afraid.</i> Our
fears are soon satisfied, if our mistakes be but rectified,
especially our mistakes concerning Christ. See <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p67.1" osisRef="Bible:Gen.21.19 Bible:2Kgs.6.15-2Kgs.6.17" parsed="|Gen|21|19|0|0;|2Kgs|6|15|6|17" passage="Ge 21:19,2Ki 6:15-17">Gen. xxi. 19; 2 Kings vi. 15-17</scripRef>.
Christ's presence with us in a stormy day, is enough to make us of
good cheer, though clouds and darkness be round about us. He said,
<i>It is I.</i> He doth not tell them who he was (there was no
occasion), they knew his voice, as the sheep know the voice of
their own shepherd, <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p67.2" osisRef="Bible:John.10.4" parsed="|John|10|4|0|0" passage="Joh 10:4">John x.
4</scripRef>. How readily doth the spouse say, once and again,
<i>It is the voice of my beloved!</i> <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p67.3" osisRef="Bible:Song.2.8 Bible:Song.5.2" parsed="|Song|2|8|0|0;|Song|5|2|0|0" passage="So 2:8,5:2">Cant. ii. 8; v. 2</scripRef>. He said, <b><i>ego
eimi</i></b>—<i>I am he;</i> or <i>I am;</i> it is God's name,
when he comes to deliver Israel, <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p67.4" osisRef="Bible:Exod.3.14" parsed="|Exod|3|14|0|0" passage="Ex 3:14">Exod.
iii. 14</scripRef>. So it is Christ's, now that he comes to deliver
his disciples. When Christ said to those that came to apprehend him
by force, <i>I am he,</i> they were struck down by it, <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p67.5" osisRef="Bible:John.18.6" parsed="|John|18|6|0|0" passage="Joh 18:6">John xviii. 6</scripRef>. When he saith to those
that come to apprehend him by faith, <i>I am he,</i> they are
raised up by it, and comforted.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p68">6. He <i>went up to them into the ship,</i>
embarked in the same bottom with them, and so made them perfectly
easy. Let them but have their Master with them, and all is well.
And as soon as he was come into the ship, <i>the wind ceased.</i>
In the former storm that they were in, it is said, <i>He arose, and
rebuked the winds, and said to the sea, Peace, be still</i>
(<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p68.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.4.39" parsed="|Mark|4|39|0|0" passage="Mk 4:39"><i>ch.</i> iv. 39</scripRef>); but
here we read of no such formal command given, only the wind ceased
all of a sudden. Note, Our Lord Jesus will be sure to do his own
work always effectually, though not always alike solemnly, and with
observation. Though we hear not the command given, yet, if thus the
wind cease, and we have the comfort of a calm, say, It is because
Christ is in the ship, and his decree is gone forth <i>or ever we
are aware,</i> <scripRef id="Mark.vii-p68.2" osisRef="Bible:Song.6.12" parsed="|Song|6|12|0|0" passage="So 6:12">Cant. vi. 12</scripRef>.
When we come with Christ to heaven, the wind ceaseth presently;
there are no storms in the upper region.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p69">7. They were more surprised and astonished
at this miracle than did become them, and there was that at the
bottom of their astonishment, which was really culpable; <i>They
were sore amazed in themselves,</i> were in a perfect ecstasy; as
if it were a new and unaccountable thing, as if Christ had never
done the like before, and they had no reason to expect he should do
it now; they ought to admire the power of Christ, and to be
confirmed hereby in their belief of his being the Son of God: but
why all this confusion about it? It was because they <i>considered
not the miracle of the loaves;</i> had they given that its due
weight, they would not have been so much surprised at this; for his
multiplying the bread was as great an instance of his power as his
walking on the water. They were strangely stupid and unthinking,
and their heart was hardened, or else they would not have thought
it a thing incredible that Christ should command a calm. It is for
want of a right understanding of Christ's former works, that we are
transported at the thought of his present works, as if there never
were the like before.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Mark.vii-p70">V. When they came to the land of
Gennesaret, which lay between Bethsaida and Capernaum, the people
bid them very welcome; <i>The men of that place</i> presently
<i>knew Jesus</i> (<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p70.1" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.54" parsed="|Mark|6|54|0|0" passage="Mk 6:54"><i>v.</i>
54</scripRef>), and knew what mighty works he did wherever he came,
what a universal Healer he was; they knew likewise that he used to
stay but a little while at a place, and therefore they were
concerned to improve the opportunity of this kind visit which he
made them; <i>They ran through that whole region round about,</i>
with all possible expedition, and <i>began to carry about in beds
those that were sick,</i> and not able to go themselves; there was
no danger of their getting cold when they hoped to get a cure,
<scripRef id="Mark.vii-p70.2" osisRef="Bible:Mark.6.55" parsed="|Mark|6|55|0|0" passage="Mk 6:55"><i>v.</i> 55</scripRef>. Let him go
where he would, he was crowded with patients—in towns, in the
cities, in the villages about the cities; they <i>laid the sick in
the streets,</i> to be in his way, and begged leave for them to
touch if it were but <i>the border of his garment,</i> as the woman
with the bloody issue did, by whom, it should seem, this method of
application was first brought in; <i>and as many as touched, were
made whole.</i> We do not find that they were desirous to be taught
by him, only to be healed. If ministers could not cure people's
bodily diseases, what multitudes would attend them! But it is sad
to think how much more concerned the most of men are about their
bodies than about their souls.</p>