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<div2 id="Num.xviii" n="xviii" next="Num.xix" prev="Num.xvii" progress="73.01%" title="Chapter XVII">
<h2 id="Num.xviii-p0.1">N U M B E R S</h2>
<h3 id="Num.xviii-p0.2">CHAP. XVII.</h3>
<p class="intro" id="Num.xviii-p1">Enough had been done in the chapter before to
quash all pretensions of the families of the tribe of Levi that
would set up in competition with Aaron, and to make it appear that
Aaron was the head of the tribe; but it seems, when that matter was
settled, the princes of the rest of the tribes began to murmur. If
the head of a tribe must be a priest, why not the head of some
other tribe than that of Levi? He that searches the heart knew this
thought to be in the breast of some of them, and before it broke
out into any overt act graciously anticipated it, to prevent
bloodshed; and it is done by miracle in this chapter, not a miracle
of wrath, as before, but of grace. I. The matter is put upon trial
by the bringing of twelve rods, one for each prince, before the
Lord, <scripRef id="Num.xviii-p1.1" osisRef="Bible:Num.17.1-Num.17.7" parsed="|Num|17|1|17|7" passage="Nu 17:1-7">ver. 1-7</scripRef>. II. Upon
trial, the matter is determined by the miraculous blossoming of
Aaron's rod, <scripRef id="Num.xviii-p1.2" osisRef="Bible:Num.17.8-Num.17.9" parsed="|Num|17|8|17|9" passage="Nu 17:8,9">ver. 8, 9</scripRef>.
III. The decision of the controversy is registered by the
preservation of the rod, <scripRef id="Num.xviii-p1.3" osisRef="Bible:Num.17.10-Num.17.11" parsed="|Num|17|10|17|11" passage="Nu 17:10,11">ver. 10,
11</scripRef>. IV. The people acquiesce in it with some reluctance,
<scripRef id="Num.xviii-p1.4" osisRef="Bible:Num.17.12-Num.17.13" parsed="|Num|17|12|17|13" passage="Nu 17:12,13">ver. 12, 13</scripRef>.</p>
<scripCom id="Num.xviii-p1.5" osisRef="Bible:Num.17" parsed="|Num|17|0|0|0" passage="Nu 17" type="Commentary"/>
<scripCom id="Num.xviii-p1.6" osisRef="Bible:Num.17.1-Num.17.7" parsed="|Num|17|1|17|7" passage="Nu 17:1-7" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Num.17.1-Num.17.7">
<h4 id="Num.xviii-p1.7">The Blossoming of Aaron's
Rod. (<span class="smallcaps" id="Num.xviii-p1.8">b. c.</span> 1490.)</h4>
<p class="passage" id="Num.xviii-p2">1 And the <span class="smallcaps" id="Num.xviii-p2.1">Lord</span>
spake unto Moses, saying,   2 Speak unto the children of
Israel, and take of every one of them a rod according to the house
of <i>their</i> fathers, of all their princes according to the
house of their fathers twelve rods: write thou every man's name
upon his rod.   3 And thou shalt write Aaron's name upon the
rod of Levi: for one rod <i>shall be</i> for the head of the house
of their fathers.   4 And thou shalt lay them up in the
tabernacle of the congregation before the testimony, where I will
meet with you.   5 And it shall come to pass, <i>that</i> the
man's rod, whom I shall choose, shall blossom: and I will make to
cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, whereby
they murmur against you.   6 And Moses spake unto the children
of Israel, and every one of their princes gave him a rod apiece,
for each prince one, according to their fathers' houses,
<i>even</i> twelve rods: and the rod of Aaron <i>was</i> among
their rods.   7 And Moses laid up the rods before the <span class="smallcaps" id="Num.xviii-p2.2">Lord</span> in the tabernacle of witness.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Num.xviii-p3">Here we have, I. Orders given for the
bringing in of a rod for every tribe (which was peculiarly
significant, for the word here used for a rod sometimes signifies a
tribe, as particularly <scripRef id="Num.xviii-p3.1" osisRef="Bible:Num.34.13" parsed="|Num|34|13|0|0" passage="Nu 34:13"><i>ch.</i>
xxxiv. 13</scripRef>), that God by a miracle, wrought on purpose,
might make it known on whom he had conferred the honour of the
priesthood. 1. It seems then the priesthood was a preferment worth
seeking and striving for, even by the princes of the tribes. It is
an honour to the greatest of men to be employed in the service of
God. Yet perhaps these contended for it rather for the sake of the
profit and power that attended the office than for the sake of that
in it which was divine and sacred. 2. It seems likewise, after all
that had been done to settle this matter, there were those who
would be ready upon any occasion to contest it. They would not
acquiesce in the divine appointment, but would make an interest in
opposition to it. They strive with God for the dominion; and the
question is whose will shall stand. God will rule, but Israel will
not be ruled; and this is the quarrel. 3. It is an instance of the
grace of God that, having wrought divers miracles to punish sin, he
would work one more on purpose to prevent it. God has effectually
provided that the obstinate shall be left inexcusable, and every
mouth shall be stopped. Israel were very prone to murmur both
against God and against their governors. "Now," said God, "<i>I
will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of
Israel,</i> <scripRef id="Num.xviii-p3.2" osisRef="Bible:Num.17.5" parsed="|Num|17|5|0|0" passage="Nu 17:5"><i>v.</i> 5</scripRef>. If
any thing will convince them, they shall be convinced; and, if this
will not convince them, nothing will." This was to be to them, as
Christ said the sign of the prophet Jonas (that is, his own
resurrection) should be to the men of that generation, the highest
proof of his mission that should be given them. The directions are,
(1.) That twelve rods or staves should be brought in. It is
probable that they were not now fresh cut out of a tree, for then
the miracle would not have been so great; but that they were the
staves which the princes ordinarily used as ensigns of their
authority (of which we read <scripRef id="Num.xviii-p3.3" osisRef="Bible:Num.21.18" parsed="|Num|21|18|0|0" passage="Nu 21:18"><i>ch.</i>
xxi. 18</scripRef>), old dry staves, that had no sap in them, and
it is probable that they were all made of the almond-tree. It
should seem they were but twelve in all, with Aaron's, for, when
Levi comes into the account, Ephraim and Manasseh make but one,
under the name of Joseph. (2.) That the name of each prince should
be written upon his rod, that every man might know his own, and to
prevent contests. Writing is often a good preservative against
strife, for what is written may be appealed to. (3.) That they
should be laid up in the tabernacle, for one night, before the
testimony, that is, before the ark, which, with its mercy seat, was
a symbol, token, or testimony, of God's presence with them. (4.)
They were to expect, being told it before, that the rod of the
tribe, or prince, whom God chose to the priesthood, should bud and
blossom, <scripRef id="Num.xviii-p3.4" osisRef="Bible:Num.17.5" parsed="|Num|17|5|0|0" passage="Nu 17:5"><i>v.</i> 5</scripRef>. It was
requisite that they should be told of it, that it might appear not
to be casual, but according to the counsel and will of God.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Num.xviii-p4">II. The preparing of the rods accordingly.
The princes brought them in, some of them perhaps fondly expecting
that the choice would fall upon them, and all of them thinking it
honour enough to be competitors with Aaron, and to stand
candidates, even for the priesthood (<scripRef id="Num.xviii-p4.1" osisRef="Bible:Num.17.7" parsed="|Num|17|7|0|0" passage="Nu 17:7"><i>v.</i> 7</scripRef>); and <i>Moses laid them up before
the Lord.</i> He did not object that the matter was sufficiently
settled already, and enough done to convince those that were not
invincibly hardened in their prejudices. He did not undertake to
determine the controversy himself, though it might easily have been
done; nor did he suggest that it would be to no purpose to offer
satisfaction to a people that were willingly blind. But, since God
will have it so, he did his part, and lodged the case before the
Lord, to whom the appeal was made by consent, and left it with
</div><scripCom id="Num.xviii-p4.2" osisRef="Bible:Num.17.8-Num.17.13" parsed="|Num|17|8|17|13" passage="Nu 17:8-13" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Num.17.8-Num.17.13">
<p class="passage" id="Num.xviii-p5">8 And it came to pass, that on the morrow Moses
went into the tabernacle of witness; and, behold, the rod of Aaron
for the house of Levi was budded, and brought forth buds, and
bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds.   9 And Moses brought
out all the rods from before the <span class="smallcaps" id="Num.xviii-p5.1">Lord</span> unto all the children of Israel: and they
looked, and took every man his rod.   10 And the <span class="smallcaps" id="Num.xviii-p5.2">Lord</span> said unto Moses, Bring Aaron's rod again
before the testimony, to be kept for a token against the rebels;
and thou shalt quite take away their murmurings from me, that they
die not.   11 And Moses did <i>so:</i> as the <span class="smallcaps" id="Num.xviii-p5.3">Lord</span> commanded him, so did he.   12 And the
children of Israel spake unto Moses, saying, Behold, we die, we
perish, we all perish.   13 Whosoever cometh any thing near
unto the tabernacle of the <span class="smallcaps" id="Num.xviii-p5.4">Lord</span>
shall die: shall we be consumed with dying?</p>
<p class="indent" id="Num.xviii-p6">Here is, I. The final determination of the
controversy concerning the priesthood by a miracle, <scripRef id="Num.xviii-p6.1" osisRef="Bible:Num.17.8-Num.17.9" parsed="|Num|17|8|17|9" passage="Nu 17:8,9"><i>v.</i> 8, 9</scripRef>. The rods or staves
were brought out from the most holy place where they were laid up,
and publicly produced before the people; and, while all the rest of
the rods remained as they were, Aaron's rod only, of a dry stick,
became a living branch, budded, and blossomed, and yielded almonds.
In some places there were buds, in others blossoms, in others
fruit, at the same time. This was miraculous, and took away all
suspicion of a fraud, as if in the night Moses had taken away
Aaron's rod, and put a living branch of an almond tree in the room
of it; for no ordinary branch would have buds, blossoms, and fruits
upon it, all at once. Now,</p>
<p class="indent" id="Num.xviii-p7">1. This was a plain indication to the
people that Aaron was chosen to the priesthood, and not any other
of the princes of the tribes. Thus he was distinguished from them
and manifested to be under the special blessing of heaven, which
sometimes yields increase where there is neither planting nor
watering by the hand of man. Bishop Hall here observes that
fruitfulness is the best evidence of a divine call, and that the
plants of God's setting, and the boughs cut off from them, will
flourish. See <scripRef id="Num.xviii-p7.1" osisRef="Bible:Ps.92.12-Ps.92.14" parsed="|Ps|92|12|92|14" passage="Ps 92:12-14">Ps. xcii.
12-14</scripRef>. The trees of the Lord, though they seem dry
trees, are full of sap.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Num.xviii-p8">2. It was a very proper sign to represent
the priesthood itself, which was hereby confirmed to Aaron. (1.)
That it should be fruitful and serviceable to the church of God. It
produced not only blossoms, but almonds; for the priesthood was
designed, not only for an honour to Aaron, but for a blessing to
Israel. Thus Christ ordained his apostles and ministers that they
should go and bring forth fruit, and that their <i>fruit should
remain,</i> <scripRef id="Num.xviii-p8.1" osisRef="Bible:John.15.16" parsed="|John|15|16|0|0" passage="Joh 15:16">John xv. 16</scripRef>.
(2.) That there should be a succession of priests. Here were not
only almonds for the present, but buds and blossoms promising more
hereafter. Thus has Christ provided in his church that a seed
should serve him from generation to generation. (3.) That yet this
priesthood should not be perpetual, but in process of time, like
the branches and blossoms of a tree, should fail and wither. The
flourishing of the almond-tree is mentioned as one of the signs of
old age, <scripRef id="Num.xviii-p8.2" osisRef="Bible:Eccl.12.5" parsed="|Eccl|12|5|0|0" passage="Ec 12:5">Eccl. xii. 5</scripRef>. This
character was betimes put upon the Mosaic priesthood, which soon
became old and <i>ready to vanish away,</i> <scripRef id="Num.xviii-p8.3" osisRef="Bible:Heb.8.13" parsed="|Heb|8|13|0|0" passage="Heb 8:13">Heb. viii. 13</scripRef>.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Num.xviii-p9">3. It was a type and figure of Christ and
his priesthood: for he is <i>the man, the branch,</i> that is to be
<i>a priest upon his throne,</i> as it follows (<scripRef id="Num.xviii-p9.1" osisRef="Bible:Zech.6.12" parsed="|Zech|6|12|0|0" passage="Zec 6:12">Zech. vi. 12</scripRef>); and he was to <i>grow up
before God,</i> as this before the ark, <i>like a tender plant, and
a root out of a dry ground,</i> <scripRef id="Num.xviii-p9.2" osisRef="Bible:Isa.53.2" parsed="|Isa|53|2|0|0" passage="Isa 53:2">Isa.
liii. 2</scripRef>.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Num.xviii-p10">II. The record of this determination, by
the preserving of the rod before the testimony, <i>in perpetuam rei
memoriam—that it might be had in perpetual remembrance,</i>
<scripRef id="Num.xviii-p10.1" osisRef="Bible:Num.17.10-Num.17.11" parsed="|Num|17|10|17|11" passage="Nu 17:10,11"><i>v.</i> 10, 11</scripRef>. It is
probable that the buds, and blossoms, and fruit, continued fresh;
the same divine power that produced them in a night preserved them
for ages, at least so long as it was necessary for a token against
the rebels. So it was a standing miracle, and the continuance of it
was an undeniable proof of the truth of it. Even the leaf of God's
trees shall not wither, <scripRef id="Num.xviii-p10.2" osisRef="Bible:Ps.1.3" parsed="|Ps|1|3|0|0" passage="Ps 1:3">Ps. i.
3</scripRef>. This rod was preserved, as the censers were, to
<i>take away their murmurings, that they die not.</i> Note, 1. The
design of God in all his providences, both mercies and judgments,
and in the memorials of them, is to take away sin, and to prevent
it. These things are done, these things written, <i>that we sin
not,</i> <scripRef id="Num.xviii-p10.3" osisRef="Bible:1John.2.1" parsed="|1John|2|1|0|0" passage="1Jo 2:1">1 John ii. 1</scripRef>.
Christ was <i>manifested to take away sin.</i> 2. What God does for
the taking away of sin is done in real kindness to us, <i>that we
die not.</i> All the bitter potions he gives, and all the sharp
methods he uses with us, are for the cure of a disease which
otherwise would certainly be fatal. Bishop Hall observes here that
the tables of the law, the pot of manna, and Aaron's rod, were
preserved together in or about the ark (the apostle takes notice of
them all three together, <scripRef id="Num.xviii-p10.4" osisRef="Bible:Heb.9.4" parsed="|Heb|9|4|0|0" passage="Heb 9:4">Heb. ix.
4</scripRef>), to show to after-ages how the ancient church was
taught, and fed, and ruled; and he infers how precious the
doctrine, sacraments, and government, of the church are to God and
should be to us. The rod of Moses was used in working many
miracles, yet we do not find that this was preserved, for the
keeping of it would serve only to gratify men's curiosity; but the
rod of Aaron, which carried its miracle along with it, was
carefully preserved, because that would be of standing use to
convince men's consciences, to silence all disputes about the
priesthood, and to confirm the faith of God's Israel in his
institutions. Such is the difference between the sacraments which
Christ has appointed for edification and the relics which men have
devised for superstition.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Num.xviii-p11">III. The outcry of the people hereupon
(<scripRef id="Num.xviii-p11.1" osisRef="Bible:Num.17.12-Num.17.13" parsed="|Num|17|12|17|13" passage="Nu 17:12,13"><i>v.</i> 12, 13</scripRef>):
<i>Behold, we die, we perish, we all perish. Shall we be consumed
with dying?</i> This may be considered as the language either, 1.
Of a repining people quarrelling with the judgments of God, which,
by their own pride and obstinacy, they had brought upon themselves.
They seem to speak despairingly, as if God was a hard Master, that
sought advantage against them, and took all occasions to pick
quarrels with them, so that if they trod every so little awry, if
they stepped ever so little beyond their bounds, they must die,
they must perish, they must all perish, basely insinuating that God
would never be satisfied with their blood and ruin, till he had
made an end of them all and they were consumed with dying. Thus
they seem to be like a <i>wild bull in a net, full of the fury of
the Lord</i> (<scripRef id="Num.xviii-p11.2" osisRef="Bible:Isa.51.20" parsed="|Isa|51|20|0|0" passage="Isa 51:20">Isa. li.
20</scripRef>), fretting that God was too hard for them and that
they were forced to submit, which they did only because they could
not help it. Note, It is a very wicked thing to fret against God
when we are in affliction, and in our distress thus to trespass yet
more. If we die, if we perish, it is owing to ourselves, and the
blame will lie upon our own heads. Or, 2. Of a repenting people.
Many interpreters take it as expressing their submission: "Now we
see that it is the will of God we should keep our distance, and
that it is at our peril if we draw nearer than is appointed. We
submit to the divine will in this appointment; we will not contend
any more, lest we all perish:" and they engage Moses to intercede
for them, that they may not be all consumed with dying. Thus the
point was gained, and in this matter God quite took away their
murmurings, and henceforward they acquiesced. Note, When God judges
he will over come, and, one way or other, will oblige the most
obstinate gainsayers to confess their folly sooner or later, and
that wherein they dealt proudly he was above them. <i>Vicisti
Galilæe—O Galilæan, thou hast conquered!</i></p>