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<div2 id="Job.xxxiii" n="xxxiii" next="Job.xxxiv" prev="Job.xxxii" progress="15.88%" title="Chapter XXXII">
<h2 id="Job.xxxiii-p0.1">J O B</h2>
<h3 id="Job.xxxiii-p0.2">CHAP. XXXII.</h3>
<p class="intro" id="Job.xxxiii-p1">The stage is clear, for Job and his three friends
have sat down, and neither he nor they have any thing more to say;
it is therefore very seasonable for a moderator to interpose, and
Elihu is the man. In this chapter we have, I. Some account of him,
his parentage, his presence at this dispute, and his sentiments
concerning it, <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p1.1" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.1-Job.32.5" parsed="|Job|32|1|32|5" passage="Job 32:1-5">ver. 1-5</scripRef>.
II. The apology he made for his bold undertaking to speak to a
question which had been so largely and learnedly argued by his
seniors. He pleads, 1. That, though he had not the experience of an
old man, yet he had the understanding of a man, <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p1.2" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.6-Job.32.10" parsed="|Job|32|6|32|10" passage="Job 32:6-10">ver. 6-10</scripRef>. 2. That he had patiently heard
all they had to say, <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p1.3" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.11-Job.32.13" parsed="|Job|32|11|32|13" passage="Job 32:11-13">ver.
11-13</scripRef>. 3. That he had something new to offer, <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p1.4" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.14-Job.32.17" parsed="|Job|32|14|32|17" passage="Job 32:14-17">ver. 14-17</scripRef>. 4. That his mind was
full of this matter, and it would be a refreshment to him to give
it vent, <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p1.5" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.18-Job.32.20" parsed="|Job|32|18|32|20" passage="Job 32:18-20">ver. 18-20</scripRef>. 5.
That he was resolved to speak impartially, <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p1.6" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.21-Job.32.22" parsed="|Job|32|21|32|22" passage="Job 32:21,22">ver. 21, 22</scripRef>. And he did speak so well to
this matter that Job made no reply to him, and God gave him no
rebuke when he checked both Job himself and his other three
<scripCom id="Job.xxxiii-p1.7" osisRef="Bible:Job.32" parsed="|Job|32|0|0|0" passage="Job 32" type="Commentary"/>
<scripCom id="Job.xxxiii-p1.8" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.1-Job.32.5" parsed="|Job|32|1|32|5" passage="Job 32:1-5" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Job.32.1-Job.32.5">
<h4 id="Job.xxxiii-p1.9">The Address of Elihu. (<span class="smallcaps" id="Job.xxxiii-p1.10">b. c.</span> 1520.)</h4>
<p class="passage" id="Job.xxxiii-p2">1 So these three men ceased to answer Job,
because he <i>was</i> righteous in his own eyes.   2 Then was
kindled the wrath of Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite, of the
kindred of Ram: against Job was his wrath kindled, because he
justified himself rather than God.   3 Also against his three
friends was his wrath kindled, because they had found no answer,
and <i>yet</i> had condemned <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p2.1" osisRef="Bible:Job.4" parsed="|Job|4|0|0|0" passage="Job. 4">Job.   4</scripRef> Now Elihu had waited
till Job had spoken, because they <i>were</i> elder than he.  
5 When Elihu saw that <i>there was</i> no answer in the mouth of
<i>these</i> three men, then his wrath was kindled.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Job.xxxiii-p3">Usually young men are the disputants and
old men the moderators; but here, when old men were the disputants,
as a rebuke to them for their unbecoming heat, a young man is
raised up to be the moderator. Divers of Job's friends were
present, that came to visit him and to receive instruction. Now
here we have,</p>
<p class="indent" id="Job.xxxiii-p4">I. The reason why his three friends were
now silent. They <i>ceased to answer him,</i> and let him have his
saying, <i>because he was righteous in his own eyes.</i> This was
the reason they gave why they said no more, because it was to no
purpose to argue with a man that was so opinionative, <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p4.1" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.1" parsed="|Job|32|1|0|0" passage="Job 32:1"><i>v.</i> 1</scripRef>. Those that are
self-conceited are indeed hard to be wrought upon; there is more
hope of a fool (a fool of God's making) than of those who are fools
of their own making, <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p4.2" osisRef="Bible:Prov.26.12" parsed="|Prov|26|12|0|0" passage="Pr 26:12">Prov. xxvi.
12</scripRef>. But they did not judge fairly concerning Job: he was
really righteous before God, and not righteous in his own eyes
only; so that it was only to save their own credit that they made
this the reason of their silence, as peevish disputants commonly do
when they find themselves run a-ground and are not willing to own
themselves unable to make their part good.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Job.xxxiii-p5">II. The reasons why Elihu, the fourth, now
spoke. His name <i>Elihu</i> signifies <i>My God is he.</i> They
had all tried in vain to convince Job, but <i>my God is he</i> that
can and will do it, and did it at last: he only can open the
understanding. He is said to be a <i>Buzite,</i> from Buz, Nahor's
second son (<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p5.1" osisRef="Bible:Gen.22.21" parsed="|Gen|22|21|0|0" passage="Ge 22:21">Gen. xxii. 21</scripRef>),
and <i>of the kindred of Ram,</i> that is, <i>Aram</i> (so some),
whence the Syrians or Aramites descended and were denominated,
<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p5.2" osisRef="Bible:Gen.22.21" parsed="|Gen|22|21|0|0" passage="Ge 22:21">Gen. xxii. 21</scripRef>. <i>Of the
kindred of Abram;</i> so the Chaldee-paraphrase, supposing him to
be first called <i>Ram—high,</i> then <i>Abram—a high father,</i>
and lastly <i>Abraham—the high father of a multitude.</i> Elihu
was not so well known as the rest, and therefore is more
particularly described thus.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Job.xxxiii-p6">1. Elihu spoke because he was angry and
thought he had good cause to be so. When he had made his
observations upon the dispute he did not go away and calumniate the
disputants, striking them secretly with a malicious censorious
tongue, but what he had to say he would say before their faces,
that they might vindicate themselves if they could. (1.) He was
angry at Job, because he thought he did not speak so reverently of
God as he ought to have done; and that was too true (<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p6.1" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.2" parsed="|Job|32|2|0|0" passage="Job 32:2"><i>v.</i> 2</scripRef>): <i>He justified himself
more than God,</i> that is, took more care and pains to clear
himself from the imputation of unrighteousness in being thus
afflicted than to clear God from the imputation of unrighteousness
in afflicting him, as if he were more concerned for his own honour
than for God's; whereas he should, in the first place, have
justified God and cleared his glory, and then he might well enough
have left his own reputation to shift for itself. Note, A gracious
heart is jealous for the honour of God, and cannot but be angry
when that is neglected or postponed, or when any injury is done it.
Nor is it any breach of the law of meekness to be angry at our
friends when they are offensive to God. <i>Get thee behind me,
Satan,</i> says Christ to Simon. Elihu owned Job to be a good man,
and yet would not say as he said when he thought he said amiss: it
is too great a compliment to our friends not to tell them of their
faults. (2.) He was angry at his friends because he thought they
had not conducted themselves so charitably towards Job as they
ought to have done (<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p6.2" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.3" parsed="|Job|32|3|0|0" passage="Job 32:3"><i>v.</i>
3</scripRef>): <i>They had found no answer, and yet had condemned
Job.</i> They had adjudged him to be a hypocrite, a wicked man, and
would not recede from that sentence concerning him; and yet they
could not prove him so, nor disprove the evidences he produced of
his integrity. They could not make good the premises, and yet held
fast the conclusion. They had no reply to make to his arguments,
and yet they would not yield, but, right or wrong, would run him
down; and this was not fair. Seldom is a quarrel begun, and more
seldom is a quarrel carried on to the length that this was, in
which there is not a fault on both sides. Elihu, as became a
moderator, took part with neither, but was equally displeased with
the mistakes and mismanagement of both. Those that in good earnest
seek for truth must thus be impartial in their judgments concerning
the contenders, and not reject what is true and good on either side
for the sake of what is amiss, nor approve or defend what is amiss
for the sake of what is true and good, but must learn to separate
between the precious and the vile.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Job.xxxiii-p7">2. Elihu spoke because he thought that it
was time to speak, and that now, at length, it had come to his
turn, <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p7.1" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.4-Job.32.5" parsed="|Job|32|4|32|5" passage="Job 32:4,5"><i>v.</i> 4, 5</scripRef>.
(1.) He had waited on Job's speeches, had patiently heard him out,
until the words of Job were ended. (2.) He had waited on his
friends' silence, so that, as he would not interrupt him, so he
would not prevent them, not because they were wiser than he, but
because they were older than he, and therefore it was expected by
the company that they should speak first; and Elihu was very
modest, and would by no means offer to abridge them of their
privilege. Some certain rules of precedency must be observed, for
the keeping of order. Though inward real honour will attend true
wisdom and worth, yet, since every man will think himself or his
friend the wisest and worthiest, this can afford no certain rule
for the outward ceremonial honour, which therefore must attend
seniority either of age or office; and this respect the seniors may
the better require because they paid it when they were juniors, and
the juniors may the better pay because they shall have it when they
come to be seniors.</p>
</div><scripCom id="Job.xxxiii-p7.2" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.6-Job.32.14" parsed="|Job|32|6|32|14" passage="Job 32:6-14" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Job.32.6-Job.32.14">
<p class="passage" id="Job.xxxiii-p8">6 And Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite
answered and said, I <i>am</i> young, and ye <i>are</i> very old;
wherefore I was afraid, and durst not show you mine opinion.  
7 I said, Days should speak, and multitude of years should teach
wisdom.   8 But <i>there is</i> a spirit in man: and the
inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.   9
Great men are not <i>always</i> wise: neither do the aged
understand judgment.   10 Therefore I said, Hearken to me; I
also will show mine opinion.   11 Behold, I waited for your
words; I gave ear to your reasons, whilst ye searched out what to
say.   12 Yea, I attended unto you, and, behold, <i>there
was</i> none of you that convinced Job, <i>or</i> that answered his
words:   13 Lest ye should say, We have found out wisdom: God
thrusteth him down, not man.   14 Now he hath not directed
<i>his</i> words against me: neither will I answer him with your
<p class="indent" id="Job.xxxiii-p9">Elihu here appears to have been,</p>
<p class="indent" id="Job.xxxiii-p10">I. A man of great modesty and humility.
Though a young man, and a man of abilities, yet not pert, and
confident, and assuming: his face shone, and, like Moses, he did
not know it, which made it shine so much the brighter. Let it be
observed by all, especially by young people, as worthy their
imitation, 1. What a diffidence he had of himself and of his own
judgment (<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p10.1" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.6" parsed="|Job|32|6|0|0" passage="Job 32:6"><i>v.</i> 6</scripRef>):
"<i>I am young, and therefore I was afraid, and durst not show you
my opinion,</i> for fear I should either prove mistaken or do that
which was unbecoming me." He was so observant of all that passed,
and applied his mind so closely to what he heard, that he had
formed in himself a judgment of it. He neither neglected it as
foreign, nor declined it as intricate; but, how clear soever the
matter was to himself, he was afraid to deliver his mind upon it,
because he differed in his sentiments from those that were older
than he. Note, It becomes us to be suspicious of our own judgment
in matters of doubtful disputation, to be swift to hear the
sentiments of others and slow to speak our own, especially when we
go contrary to the judgment of those for whom, upon the score of
their learning and piety, we justly have a veneration. 2. What a
deference he paid to his seniors, and what great expectations he
had from them, (<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p10.2" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.7" parsed="|Job|32|7|0|0" passage="Job 32:7"><i>v.</i>
7</scripRef>): <i>I said, Days should speak.</i> Note, Age and
experience give a man great advantage in judging of things, both as
they furnish a man with so much the more matter for his thoughts to
work upon and as they ripen and improve the facilities he is to
work with, which is a good reason why old people should take pains
both to learn themselves and to teach others (else the advantages
of their age are a reproach to them), and why young people should
attend on their instructions. It is a good <i>lodging with an old
disciple,</i> <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p10.3" osisRef="Bible:Acts.21.16 Bible:Titus.2.4" parsed="|Acts|21|16|0|0;|Titus|2|4|0|0" passage="Ac 21:16,Tit 2:4">Acts xxi. 16;
Tit. ii. 4</scripRef>. Elihu's modesty appeared in the patient
attention he gave to what his seniors said, <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p10.4" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.11-Job.32.12" parsed="|Job|32|11|32|12" passage="Job 32:11,12"><i>v.</i> 11, 12</scripRef>. He waited for their
words as one that expected much from them, agreeably to the opinion
he had of these grave men. He gave ear to their reasons, that he
might take their meaning, and fully understand what was the drift
of their discourse and what the force of their arguments. He
attended to them with diligence and care, and this, (1.) Though
they were slow, and took up a great deal of time in searching out
what to say. Though they had often to seek for matter and words,
paused and hesitated, and were unready at their work, yet he
overlooked that, and <i>gave ear to their reasons,</i> which, if
really convincing, he would not think the less so for the
disadvantages of the delivery of them. (2.) Though they trifled and
made nothing of it, though none of them answered Job's words nor
said what was proper to convince him, yet he attended to them, in
hopes they would bring it to some head at last. We must often be
willing to hear what we do not like, else we cannot prove all
things. His patient attendance on their discourses he pleads, [1.]
As that which entitled him to a liberty of speech in his turn and
empowered him to require their attention. <i>Hanc veniam petimusque
damusque vicissim—This liberty we mutually allow and ask.</i>
Those that have heard may speak, and those that have learned may
teach. [2.] As that which enabled him to pass a judgment upon what
they had said. He had observed what they aimed at, and therefore
knew what to say to it. Let us be thoroughly apprized of the
sentiments of our brethren before we censure them; for <i>he that
answers a matter before he hears it,</i> or when he has heard it
only by halves, <i>it is folly and shame to him,</i> and bespeaks
him both impertinent and imperious.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Job.xxxiii-p11">II. A man of great sense and courage, and
one that knew as well when and how to speak as when and how to keep
silence. Though he had so much respect to his friends as not to
interrupt them with his speaking, yet he had so much regard to
truth and justice (his better friends) as not to betray them by his
silence. He boldly pleads,</p>
<p class="indent" id="Job.xxxiii-p12">1. That man is a rational creature, and
therefore that every man has for himself a judgment of discretion
and ought to be allowed a liberty of speech in his turn. He means
the same that Job did (<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p12.1" osisRef="Bible:Job.12.2" parsed="|Job|12|2|0|0" passage="Job 12:2"><i>ch.</i> xii.
3</scripRef>, <i>But I have understanding as well as you</i>) when
he says (<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p12.2" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.8" parsed="|Job|32|8|0|0" passage="Job 32:8"><i>v.</i> 8</scripRef>),
<i>But there is a spirit in man;</i> only he expresses it a little
more modestly, that one man has understanding as well as another,
and no man can pretend to have the monopoly of reason or to engross
all the trade of it. Had he meant <i>I have revelation as well as
you</i> (as some understand it), he must have proved it; but, if he
meant only <i>I have reason as well as you,</i> they cannot deny
it, for it is every man's honour, and it is no presumption to claim
it, nor could they gainsay his inference from it (<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p12.3" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.10" parsed="|Job|32|10|0|0" passage="Job 32:10"><i>v.</i> 10</scripRef>): <i>Therefore hearken
to me.</i> Learn here, (1.) That the soul is a spirit, neither
material itself nor dependent upon matter, but capable of
conversing with things spiritual, which are not the objects of
sense. (2.) It is an understanding spirit. It is able to discover
and receive truth, to discourse and reason upon it, and to direct
and rule accordingly. (3.) This understanding spirit is in every
man; it is the light <i>that lighteth every man,</i> <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p12.4" osisRef="Bible:John.1.9" parsed="|John|1|9|0|0" passage="Joh 1:9">John i. 9</scripRef>. (4.) It is the inspiration
of the Almighty that gives us this understanding spirit; for he is
the Father of spirits and fountain of understanding. See <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p12.5" osisRef="Bible:Gen.2.7 Bible:Eccl.12.7 Bible:Zech.12.1" parsed="|Gen|2|7|0|0;|Eccl|12|7|0|0;|Zech|12|1|0|0" passage="Ge 2:7,Ec 12:7,Zec 12:1">Gen. ii. 7; Eccl. xii. 7; Zech.
xii. 1</scripRef>.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Job.xxxiii-p13">2. That those who are advanced above others
in grandeur and gravity do not always proportionably go beyond them
in knowledge and wisdom (<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p13.1" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.9" parsed="|Job|32|9|0|0" passage="Job 32:9"><i>v.</i>
9</scripRef>): <i>Great men are not always wise;</i> it is a pity
but they were, for then they would never do hurt with their
greatness and would do so much the more good with their wisdom. Men
should be preferred for their wisdom, and those that are in honour
and power have most need of wisdom and have the greatest
opportunity of improving in it; and yet it does not follow that
great men are always wise, and therefore it is folly to subscribe
to the dictates of any with an implicit faith. The aged do not
always understand judgment; even <i>they</i> may be mistaken, and
therefore must not expect to bring every thought into obedience to
them: nay, <i>therefore</i> they must not take it as an affront to
be contradicted, but rather take it as a kindness to be instructed,
by their juniors: <i>Therefore I said, hearken to me,</i> <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p13.2" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.10" parsed="|Job|32|10|0|0" passage="Job 32:10"><i>v.</i> 10</scripRef>. We must be willing to
hear reason from those that are every way inferior to us, and to
yield to it. He that has a good eye can see further upon level
ground than he that is purblind can from the top of the highest
mountain. <i>Better is a poor and wise child then an old and
foolish king,</i> <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p13.3" osisRef="Bible:Eccl.4.13" parsed="|Eccl|4|13|0|0" passage="Ec 4:13">Eccl. iv.
<p class="indent" id="Job.xxxiii-p14">3. That it was requisite for something to
be said, for the setting of this controversy in a true light,
which, by all that had hitherto been said, was but rendered more
intricate and perplexed (<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p14.1" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.13" parsed="|Job|32|13|0|0" passage="Job 32:13"><i>v.</i>
13</scripRef>): "I must speak, <i>lest you should say, We have
found out wisdom,</i> lest you should think your argument against
Job conclusive and irrefragable, and that Job cannot be convinced
and humbled by any other argument than this of yours, <i>That God
casteth him down and not man,</i> that it appears by his
extraordinary afflictions that God is his enemy, and therefore he
is certainly a wicked man. I must show you that this is a false
hypothesis and that Job may be convinced without maintaining it."
Or, "Lest you should think you have found out the wisest way, to
reason no more with him, but leave it to God to thrust him down."
It is time to speak when we hear errors advanced and disputed for,
especially under pretence of supporting the cause of God with them.
It is time to speak when God's judgments are vouched for the
patronizing of men's pride and passion and their unjust
uncharitable censures of their brethren; then we must speak on
God's behalf.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Job.xxxiii-p15">4. That he had something new to offer, and
would endeavour to manage the dispute in a better manner than it
had hitherto been managed, <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p15.1" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.14" parsed="|Job|32|14|0|0" passage="Job 32:14"><i>v.</i>
14</scripRef>. He thinks he may expect a favourable hearing; for,
(1.) He will not reply to Job's protestations of his integrity, but
allows the truth of them, and therefore does not interpose as his
enemy: "<i>He hath not directed his words against me.</i> I have
nothing to say against the main scope of his discourse, nor do I
differ from his principles. I have only a gentle reproof to give
him for his passionate expressions." (2.) He will not repeat their
arguments, nor go upon their principles: "<i>Neither will I answer
him with your speeches</i>—not with the same matter, for should I
only say what has been said I might justly be silenced as
impertinent,—nor in the same manner; I will not be guilty of that
peevishness towards him myself which I dislike in you." The
controversy that has already been fully handled a wise man will let
alone, unless he can amend and improve what has been done; why
should he <i>actum agere—do that which has been done
</div><scripCom id="Job.xxxiii-p15.2" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.15-Job.32.22" parsed="|Job|32|15|32|22" passage="Job 32:15-22" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Job.32.15-Job.32.22">
<p class="passage" id="Job.xxxiii-p16">15 They were amazed, they answered no more: they
left off speaking.   16 When I had waited, (for they spake
not, but stood still, <i>and</i> answered no more;)   17 <i>I
said,</i> I will answer also my part, I also will show mine
opinion.   18 For I am full of matter, the spirit within me
constraineth me.   19 Behold, my belly <i>is</i> as wine
<i>which</i> hath no vent; it is ready to burst like new bottles.
  20 I will speak, that I may be refreshed: I will open my
lips and answer.   21 Let me not, I pray you, accept any man's
person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man.   22
For I know not to give flattering titles; <i>in so doing</i> my
maker would soon take me away.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Job.xxxiii-p17">Three things here apologize for Elihu's
interposing as he does in this controversy which had already been
canvassed by such acute and learned disputants:—</p>
<p class="indent" id="Job.xxxiii-p18">1. That the stage was clear, and he did not
break in upon any of the managers on either side: <i>They were
amazed</i> (<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p18.1" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.15" parsed="|Job|32|15|0|0" passage="Job 32:15"><i>v.</i> 15</scripRef>);
<i>they stood still, and answered no more,</i> <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p18.2" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.16" parsed="|Job|32|16|0|0" passage="Job 32:16"><i>v.</i> 16</scripRef>. They not only left off
speaking themselves, but they stood still, to hear if any of the
company would speak their minds, so that (as we say) he had room
and fair play given him. They seemed not fully satisfied themselves
with what they had said, else they would have adjourned the court,
and not have stood still, expecting what might further be offered.
And therefore <i>I said</i> (<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p18.3" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.17" parsed="|Job|32|17|0|0" passage="Job 32:17"><i>v.</i> 17</scripRef>), "<i>I will answer also my
part.</i> I cannot pretend to give a definitive sentence; no, the
judgment is the Lord's, and by him it must be determined who is in
the right and who is in the wrong; but, since you have each of you
shown your opinion, I also will show mine, and let it take its fate
with the rest." When what is offered, even by the meanest, is
offered thus modestly, it is a pity but it should be fairly heard
and considered. I see no inconvenience in supposing that Elihu here
discovers himself to be the penman of this book, and that he here
writes as an historian, relating the matter of fact, that, after he
had bespoken their attention in the foregoing verses, they were
amazed, they left off whispering among themselves, did not gainsay
the liberty of speech he desired, but stood still to hear what he
would say, being much surprised at the admirable mixture of
boldness and modesty that appeared in his preface.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Job.xxxiii-p19">2. That he was uneasy, and even in pain, to
be delivered of his thoughts upon this matter. They must give him
leave to speak, for he cannot forbear; while he is <i>musing the
fire burns</i> (<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p19.1" osisRef="Bible:Ps.39.3" parsed="|Ps|39|3|0|0" passage="Ps 39:3">Ps. xxxix.
3</scripRef>), <i>shut up in his bones,</i> as the prophet speaks,
<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p19.2" osisRef="Bible:Jer.20.9" parsed="|Jer|20|9|0|0" passage="Jer 20:9">Jer. xx. 9</scripRef>. Never did
nurse, when her breasts were gorged, so long to have them drawn as
Elihu did to deliver his mind concerning Job's case, <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p19.3" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.18-Job.32.20" parsed="|Job|32|18|32|20" passage="Job 32:18-20"><i>v.</i> 18-20</scripRef>. If any of the
disputants had hit that which he thought was the right joint, he
would contentedly have been silent; but, when he thought they all
missed it, he was eager to be trying his hand at it. He pleads,
(1.) That he had a great deal to say: "<i>I am full of matter,</i>
having carefully attended to all that has hitherto been said, and
made my own reflections upon it." When aged men are drawn dry, and
have spent their stock, in discoursing of the divine Providence,
God can raise up others, even young men, and fill them with matter
for the edifying of his church; for it is a subject that can never
be exhausted, though those that speak upon it may. (2.) That he was
under a necessity of saying it: "<i>The spirit within me</i> not
only instructs me what to say, but puts me on to say it; so that if
I have not vent (such a ferment are my thoughts in) I shall
<i>burst like bottles of new wine</i> when it is working,"
<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p19.4" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.19" parsed="|Job|32|19|0|0" passage="Job 32:19"><i>v.</i> 19</scripRef>. See what a
great grief it is to a good minister to be silenced and thrust into
a corner; he is full of matter, full of Christ, full of heaven, and
would speak of these things for the good of others, but he may not.
(3.) That it would be an ease and satisfaction to himself to
deliver his mind (<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p19.5" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.20" parsed="|Job|32|20|0|0" passage="Job 32:20"><i>v.</i>
20</scripRef>): <i>I will speak, that I may be refreshed,</i> not
only that I may be eased of the pain of stifling my thoughts, but
that I may have the pleasure of endeavouring, according to my place
and capacity, to do good. It is a great refreshment to a good man
to have liberty to speak for the glory of God and the edification
of others.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Job.xxxiii-p20">3. That he was resolved to speak, with all
possible freedom and sincerity, what he thought was true, not what
he thought would please (<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p20.1" osisRef="Bible:Job.32.21-Job.32.22" parsed="|Job|32|21|32|22" passage="Job 32:21,22"><i>v.</i>
21, 22</scripRef>): "<i>Let me not accept any man's person,</i> as
partial judges do, that aim to enrich themselves, not to do
justice. I am resolved to flatter no man." He would not speak
otherwise than he thought, either, (1.) In compassion to Job,
because he was poor and in affliction, would not make his case
better than he really took it to be, for fear of increasing his
grief; "but, let him bear it as he can, he shall be told the
truth." Those that are in affliction must not be flattered, but
dealt faithfully with. When trouble is upon any it is foolish pity
to suffer sin upon them too (<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p20.2" osisRef="Bible:Lev.19.17" parsed="|Lev|19|17|0|0" passage="Le 19:17">Lev. xix.
17</scripRef>), for that is the worst addition that can be to their
trouble. Thou shalt not countenance, any more than discountenance,
<i>a poor man in his cause</i> (<scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p20.3" osisRef="Bible:Exod.23.3" parsed="|Exod|23|3|0|0" passage="Ex 23:3">Exod.
xxiii. 3</scripRef>), nor regard a sad look any more than a big
look, so as, for the sake of it, to pervert justice, for that is
accepting persons. Or, (2.) In compliment to Job's friends, because
they were in prosperity and reputation. Let them not expect that he
should say as they said, any further than he was convinced that
they say right, nor applaud their dictates for the sake of their
dignities. No, though Elihu is a young man, and upon his
preferment, he will not dissemble truth to court the favour of
great men. It is a good resolution he has taken up—"<i>I know not
to give flattering titles to men;</i> I never used myself to
flattering language;" and it is a good reason he gives for that
resolution—<i>in so doing my Maker would soon take me away.</i> It
is good to keep ourselves in awe with a holy fear of God's
judgments. He that made us will take us away in his wrath we do
not conduct ourselves as we should. He hates all dissimulation and
flattery, and will soon <i>put lying lips to silence</i> and <i>cut
off flattering lips,</i> <scripRef id="Job.xxxiii-p20.4" osisRef="Bible:Ps.12.3" parsed="|Ps|12|3|0|0" passage="Ps 12:3">Ps. xii.
3</scripRef>. The more closely we eye the majesty of God as our
Maker, and the more we dread his wrath and justice, the less danger
shall we be in of a sinful fearing or flattering of men.</p>