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2023-12-17 20:08:46 +00:00
<p>Here, 1. Boaz calls a court immediately. It is probable he was himself one of the elders (or aldermen) of the city; for he was a mighty man of wealth. Perhaps he was father of the city, and sat chief; for he seems here to have gone up to the gate as one having authority, and not as a common person; like Job, <a class="bibleref" title="Job.29.7-Job.29.25" href="/passage/?search=Job.29.7-Job.29.25">Job 29:7-25</a> We cannot suppose him less than a magistrate in his city who was grandson to Nahshon, prince of Judah; and his lying at the end of a heap of corn in the threshing-floor the night before was not at all inconsistent, in those days of plainness, with the honour of his sitting judge in the gate. But why was Boaz so hasty, why so fond of the match? Ruth was not rich, but lived upon alms; not honourable, but a poor stranger. She was never said to be beautiful; if ever she had been so, we may suppose that weeping, and travelling, and gleaning, had withered her lilies and roses. But that which made Boaz in love with her, and solicitous to expedite the affair, was that all her neighbours agreed she was a virtuous woman. This set her price with him <i>far above rubies</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Prov.31.10" href="/passage/?search=Prov.31.10">Prov. 31:10</a>); and therefore he thinks, if by marrying her he might do her a real kindness, he should also do himself a very great kindness. He will therefore bring it to a conclusion immediately. It was not court-day, but he got ten men of the elders of the city to meet him in the town-hall over the gate, where public business used to be transacted, <a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.4.2" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.4.2">Ruth 4:2</a>. So many, it is probable, by the custom of the city, made a full court. Boaz, though a judge, would not be judge in his own cause, but desired the concurrence of other elders. Honest intentions dread not a public cognizance. 2. He summons his rival to come and hear the matter that was to be proposed to him (<a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.4.1" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.4.1">Ruth 4:1</a>): “<i>Ho, such a one</i>, sit down here.” He called him by his name, no doubt, but the divine historian thought not fit to record it, for, because he refused to raise up the name of the dead, he deserved not to have his name preserved to future ages in this history. Providence favoured Boaz in ordering it so that this kinsman should come by thus opportunely, just when the matter was ready to be proposed to him. Great affairs are sometimes much furthered by small circumstances, which facilitate and expedite them. 3. He proposes to the other kinsman the redemption of Naomis land, which, it is probable, had been mortgaged for money to buy bread with when the famine was in the land (<a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.4.3" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.4.3">Ruth 4:3</a>): “<i>Naomi has a parcel of land to sell</i>, namely, the equity of the redemption of it out of the hands of the mortgagee, which she is willing to part with;” or, as some think, it was her jointure for her life, and, wanting money, for a small matter she would sell her interest to the heir at law, who was fittest to be the purchaser. This he gives the kinsman legal notice of (<a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.4.4" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.4.4">Ruth 4:4</a>), that he might have the refusal of it. Whoever had it must pay for it, and Boaz might have said, “My money is as good as my kinsmans; if I have a mind to it, why may not I buy it privately, since I had the first proffer of it, and say nothing to my kinsman?” No, Boaz, though fond enough of the purchase, would not do so mean a thing as to take a bargain over another mans head that was nearer a-kin to it; and we are taught by his example to be not only just and honest, but fair and honourable, in all our dealings, and to do nothing which we are unwilling should see the light, but be above-board. 4. The kinsman seemed forward to redeem the land till he was told that, if he did that, he must marry the widow, and then he flew off. He li