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2023-12-17 20:08:46 +00:00
<p>Man consisting of body and soul, a body made out of the earth and a rational immortal soul the breath of heaven, we have, in these verses, the provision that was made for the happiness of both; he that made him took care to make him happy, if he could but have kept himself so and known when he was well off. That part of man by which he is allied to the world of sense was made happy; for he was put in the paradise of God: that part by which he is allied to the world of spirits was well provided for; for he was taken into covenant with God. Lord, what is man that he should be thus dignified—man that is a worm! Here we have,</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. A description of the garden of Eden, which was intended for the mansion and demesne of this great lord, the palace of this prince. The inspired penman, in this history, writing for the Jews first, and calculating his narratives for the infant state of the church, describes things by their outward sensible appearances, and leaves us, by further discoveries of the divine light, to be led into the understanding of the mysteries couched under them. Spiritual things were strong meat, which they could not yet bear; but he writes to them as unto carnal, <a class="bibleref" title="1Cor.3.1" href="/passage/?search=1Cor.3.1">1 Cor. 3:1</a>. Therefore he does not so much insist upon the happiness of Adams mind as upon that of his outward state. The Mosaic history, as well as the Mosaic law, has rather the patterns of heavenly things than the heavenly things themselves, <a class="bibleref" title="Heb.9.23" href="/passage/?search=Heb.9.23">Heb. 9:23</a>. Observe,</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. The place appointed for Adams residence was a garden; not an ivory house nor a palace overlaid with gold, but a garden, furnished and adorned by nature, not by art. What little reason have men to be proud of stately and magnificent buildings, when it was the happiness of man in innocency that he needed none! As clothes came in with sin, so did houses. The heaven was the roof of Adams house, and never was any roof so curiously ceiled and painted. The earth was his floor, and never was any floor so richly inlaid. The shadow of the trees was his retirement; under them were his dining-rooms, his lodging-rooms, and never were any rooms so finely hung as these: Solomons, in all their glory, were not arrayed like them. The better we can accommodate ourselves to plain things, and the less we indulge ourselves with those artificial delights which have been invented to gratify mens pride and luxury, the nearer we approach to a state of innocency. Nature is content with a little and that which is most natural, grace with less, but lust with nothing.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. The contrivance and furniture of this garden were the immediate work of Gods wisdom and power. The Lord God planted this garden, that is, he <i>had</i> planted it—upon the third day, when the fruits of the earth were made. We may well suppose to have been the most accomplished place for pleasure and delight that ever the sun saw, when the all-sufficient God himself designed it to be the present happiness of his beloved creature, man, in innocency, and a type and a figure of the happiness of the chosen remnant in glory. No delights can be agreeable nor satisfying to a soul but those that God himself has provided and appointed for it; no true paradise, but of Gods planting. The light of our own fires, and the sparks of our own kindling, will soon leave us in the dark, <a class="bibleref" title="Isa.50.11" href="/passage/?search=Isa.50.11">Isa. 50:11</a>. The whole earth was now a paradise compared with what it is since the fall and since the flood; the finest gardens in the world are a wilderness compared with what the whole face of the ground was before it was cursed for mans sake: yet that was not enough; God planted a garden for Adam. Gods chosen ones shall have distinguishing favours shown them.</p>
<p class="tab-1">3. The situation of this garden was extremely sweet. It was in <i>Eden</i>, which signifies <i>delight</i> and <i>pleasure</i>. The place is here particularly pointed out by such marks and bounds as were sufficient, I suppose, when Moses wrote, to specify the place to those who knew that country; but now, it seems, the curious cannot satisfy themselves concerning it. Let it be our care to make sure a place in the heavenly paradise, and then we need not perplex ourselves with a search after the place of the earthly paradise. It is certain that, wherever it was, it had all desirable conveniences, and (which never any house nor garden on earth was) without any inconvenience. Beautiful for situation, the joy and the glory of the whole earth, was this garden: doubtless it was earth in its highest perfection.</p>
<p class="tab-1">4. The trees with which this garden was planted. (1.) It had all the best and choicest trees in common with the rest of the ground. It was beautiful and adorned with every tree that, for its height or breadth, its make or colour, its leaf or flower, was pleasant to the sight and charmed the eye; it was replenished and enriched with every tree that yielded fruit grateful to the taste and useful to the body, and so good for food. God, as a tender Father, consulted not only Adams profit, but his pleasure; for there is a pleasure consistent with innocency, nay, there is a true and transcendent pleasure in innocency. God delights in the prosperity of his servants, and would have them easy; it is owing to themselves if they be uneasy. When Providence puts us into an Eden of plenty and pleasure, we ought to <i>serve him with joyfulness and gladness of heart</i>, in the abundance of the good things he gives us. But, (2.) It had two extraordinary trees peculiar to itself; on earth there were not their like. [1.] There was the <i>tree of life in the midst of the garden</i>, which was not so much a memorandum to him of the fountain and author of his life, nor perhaps any natural means to preserve or prolong life; but it was chiefly intended to be a sign and seal to Adam, assuring him of the continuance of life and happiness, even to immortality and everlasting bliss, through the grace and favour of his Maker, upon condition of his perseverance in this state of innocency and obedience. Of this he might eat and live. Christ is now to us the tree of life (<a class="bibleref" title="Rev.2.7,Rev.22.2" href="/passage/?search=Rev.2.7,Rev.22.2"><span class="bibleref" title="Rev.2.7">Rev. 2:7</span>; <span class="bibleref" title="Rev.22.2">22:2</span></a>), and the <i>bread of life</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="John.6.48,John.6.53" href="/passage/?search=John.6.48,John.6.53"><span class="bibleref" title="John.6.48">John 6:48</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="John.6.53">53</span></a>. [2.] There was <i>the tree of the knowledge of good and evil</i>, so called, not because it had any virtue in it to beget or increase useful knowledge (surely then it would not have been forbidden), but, <i>First</i>, Because there was an express positive revelation of the will of God concerning this tree, so that by it he might know moral good and evil. What is good? It is good not to eat of this tree. What is evil? It is evil to eat of this tree. The distinction between all other moral good and evil was written in the heart of man by nature; but this, which resulted from a positive law, was written upon this tree. <i>Secondly</i>, Because, in the event, it proved to give Adam an experimental knowledge of good by the loss of it and of evil by the sense of it. As the covenant of grace has in it, not only <i>Believe and be saved</i>, but also, <i>Believe not and be damned</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Mark.16.16" href="/passage/?search=Mark.16.16">Mark 16:16</a>), so the covenant of innocency had in it, not only “Do this and live,” which was sealed and confirmed by the tree of life, but, “Fail and die,” which Adam was assured of by this other tree: “Touch it at your peril;” so that, in these two trees, God set before him <i>good and evil, the blessing and the curse</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Deut.30.19" href="/passage/?search=Deut.30.19">Deut. 30:19</a>. These two trees were as two sacraments.</p>
<p class="tab-1">5. The rivers with which this garden was watered, <a class="bibleref" title="Gen.2.10-Gen.2.14" href="/passage/?search=Gen.2.10-Gen.2.14">Gen. 2:10-14</a>. These four rivers (or one river branched into four streams) contributed much both to the pleasantness and the fruitfulness of this garden. The land of Sodom is said to be <i>well watered every where, as the garden of the Lord</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Gen.13.10" href="/passage/?search=Gen.13.10">Gen. 13:10</a>. Observe, That which God plants he will take care to keep watered. The trees of righteousness are set by the rivers, <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.1.3" href="/passage/?search=Ps.1.3">Ps. 1:3</a>. In the heavenly paradise there is a river infinitely surpassing these; for it is a river of the water of life, not coming out of Eden, as this, but proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb (<a class="bibleref" title="Rev.22.1" href="/passage/?search=Rev.22.1">Rev. 22:1</a>), a river that <i>makes glad the city of our God</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.46.4" href="/passage/?search=Ps.46.4">Ps. 46:4</a>. Hiddekel and Euphrates are rivers of Babylon, which we read of elsewhere. By these the captive Jews sat down and <i>wept, when they remembered Sion</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Ps.137.1" href="/passage/?search=Ps.137.1">Ps. 137:1</a>); but methinks they had much more reason to weep (and so have we) at the remembrance of Eden. Adams paradise was their prison; such wretched work has sin made. Of the land of Havilah it is said (<a class="bibleref" title="Gen.2.12" href="/passage/?search=Gen.2.12">Gen. 2:12</a>), <i>The gold of that land is good</i>, and <i>there is bdellium and the onyx-stone</i>: surely this is mentioned that the wealth of which the land of Havilah boasted might be as foil to that which was the glory of the land of Eden. Havilah had gold, and spices, and precious stones; but Eden had that which was infinitely better, the tree of life, and communion with God. So we may say of the Africans and Indians: “They have the gold, but we have the gospel. The gold of their land is good, but the riches of ours are infinitely better.”</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. The placing of man in this paradise of delight, <a class="bibleref" title="Gen.2.15" href="/passage/?search=Gen.2.15">Gen. 2:15</a>; where observe,</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. How God put him in possession of it: <i>The Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden</i>; so <a class="bibleref" title="Gen.2.8,Gen.2.15" href="/passage/?search=Gen.2.8,Gen.2.15"><span class="bibleref" title="Gen.2.8">Gen. 2:8</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Gen.2.15">15</span></a>. Note here, (1.) Man was made <i>out</i> of paradise; for, after God had formed him, he put him into the garden: he was made of common clay, not of paradise-dust. He lived out of Eden before he lived in it, that he might see that all the comforts of his paradise-state were owing to Gods free grace. He could not plead a tenant-right to the garden, for he was not born upon the premises, nor had any thing but what he received; all boasting was hereby for ever excluded. (2.) The same God that was the author of his being was the author of his bliss; the same hand that made him a living soul planted the tree of life for him, and settled him by it. He that made us is alone able to make us happy; he that is the former of our bodies and the Father of our spirits, he, and none but he, can effectually provide for the felicity of both. (3.) It adds much to the comfort of any condition if we have plainly seen God going before us and putting us into it. If we have not forced providence, but followed it, and taken the hints of direction it has given us, we may hope to find a paradise where otherwise we could not have expected it. See <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.47.4" href="/passage/?search=Ps.47.4">Ps. 47:4</a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. How God appointed him business and employment. He put him there, not like Leviathan into the waters, to play therein, but to dress the garden and to keep it. Paradise itself was not a place of exemption from work. Note, here, (1.) We were none of us sent into the world to be idle. He that made us these souls and bodies has given us something to work with; and he that gave us this earth f 74f1 or our habitation has made us something to work on. If a high extraction, or a great estate, or a large dominion, or perfect innocency, or a genius for pure contemplation, or a small family, could have given a man a writ of ease, Adam would not have been set to work; but he that gave us being has given us business, to serve him and our generation, and to work out our salvation: if we do not mind our business, we are unworthy of our being and maintenance. (2.) Secular employments will vary well consist with a state of innocency and a life of communion with God. The sons and heirs of heaven, while they are here in this world, have something to do about this earth, which must have its share of their time and thoughts; and, if they do it with an eye to God, they are as truly serving him in it as when they are upon their knees. (3.) The husbandmans calling is an ancient and honourable calling; it was needful even in paradise. The garden of Eden, though it needed not to be weeded (for thorns and thistles were not yet a nuisance), yet must be dressed and kept. Nature, even in its primitive state, left room for the improvements of art and industry. It was a calling fit for a state of innocency, making provision for life, not for lust, and giving man an opportunity of admiring the Creator and acknowledging his providence: while his hands were about his trees, his heart might be with his God. (4.) There is a true pleasure in the business which God calls us to, and employs us in. Adams work was so far from being an allay that it was an addition to the pleasures of paradise; he could not have been happy if he had been idle: it is still a law, He that will not work has no right to eat, <a class="bibleref" title="2Thess.3.10,Prov.27.23" href="/passage/?search=2Thess.3.10,Prov.27.23"><span class="bibleref" title="2Thess.3.10">2 Thess. 3:10</span>; <span class="bibleref" title="Prov.27.23">Prov. 27:23</span></a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. The command which God gave to man in innocency, and the covenant he then took him into. Hitherto we have seen God as mans powerful Creator and his bountiful Benefactor; now he appears as his Ruler and Lawgiver. God put him into the garden of Eden, not to live there as he might list, but to be under government. As we are not allowed to be idle in this world, and to do nothing, so we are not allowed to be wilful, and do what we please. When God had given man a dominion over the creatures, he would let him know that still he himself was under the government of his Creator.</p>