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2023-12-17 20:08:46 +00:00
<p>It has been observed concerning those who have pretended to search for the philosophers stone that, though they could never find what they sought for, yet in the search they have hit upon many other useful discoveries and experiments. Thus Solomon, when, in the close of the foregoing chapter, he <i>applied his heart to know the work of God</i>, and took a great deal of pains to search into it, though he despaired of finding it out, yet he found out that which abundantly recompensed him for the search, and gave him some satisfaction, which he here gives us; <i>for</i> therefore <i>he considered all this in his heart</i>, and weighed it deliberately, that he might <i>declare</i> it for the good of others. Note, What we are <i>to declare</i> we should first <i>consider</i>; think twice before we speak once; and what we have <i>considered</i> we should then <i>declare. I believed, therefore have I spoken</i>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">The great difficulty which Solomon met with in studying the book of providence was the little difference that is made between good men and bad in the distribution of comforts and crosses, and the disposal of events. This has perplexed the minds of many wise and contemplative men. Solomon discourses of it in <a class="bibleref" title="Eccl.9.1-Eccl.9.3" href="/passage/?search=Eccl.9.1-Eccl.9.3">Eccl. 9:1-3</a>, and, though he does not undertake to find out this <i>work of God</i>, yet he says that which may prevent its being a stumbling-block to us.</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. Before he describes the temptation in its strength he lays down a great and unquestionable truth, which he resolves to adhere to, and which, if firmly believed, will be sufficient to break the force of the temptation. This has been the way of Gods people in grappling with this difficulty. Job, before he discourses of this matter, lays down the doctrine of Gods omniscience (<a class="bibleref" title="Job.24.1" href="/passage/?search=Job.24.1">Job 24:1</a>), Jeremiah the doctrine of his righteousness (<a class="bibleref" title="Jer.12.1" href="/passage/?search=Jer.12.1">Jer. 12:1</a>), another prophet that of his holiness (<a class="bibleref" title="Hab.1.13" href="/passage/?search=Hab.1.13">Hab. 1:13</a>), the psalmist that of his goodness and peculiar favour to his own people (<a class="bibleref" title="Ps.73.1" href="/passage/?search=Ps.73.1">Ps. 73:1</a>), and that is it which Solomon here fastens upon and resolves to abide by, that, though good and evil seem to be dispensed promiscuously, yet God has a particular care of and concern for his own people: <i>The righteous and the wise, and their works, are in the hand of God</i>, under his special protection and guidance; all their affairs are managed by him for their good; all their wise and righteous actions <i>are in his hand</i>, to be recompensed in the other world, though not in this. They seem as if they were given up <i>into the hand of their enemies</i>, but it is not so. Men have <i>no power against them but what is given them from above</i>. The events that affect them do not come to pass by chance, but all according to the will and counsel of God, which will turn that to be for them which seemed to be most against them. Let this make us easy, whatever happens, that all Gods saints are in his hand, <a class="bibleref" title="Deut.33.3,John.10.29,Ps.31.15" href="/passage/?search=Deut.33.3,John.10.29,Ps.31.15"><span class="bibleref" title="Deut.33.3">Deut. 33:3</span>; <span class="bibleref" title="John.10.29">John 10:29</span>; <span class="bibleref" title="Ps.31.15">Ps. 31:15</span></a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. He lays this down for a rule, that the love and hatred of God are not to be measured and judged of by mens outward condition. If prosperity were a certain sign of Gods love, and affliction of his hatred, then it might justly be an offence to us to see the wicked and godly fare alike. But the matter is not so: <i>No man knows either love or hatred by all that is before him</i> in this world, by those things that are the objects of sense. These we may know by that which is within us; if we love God with all our heart, thereby we may know that he loves us, as we may know likewise that we are under his wrath if we be governed by that carnal mind which is enmity to him. These will be known by that which shall be hereafter, by mens everlasting state; it is certain that men are happy or miserable according as they are under the love or hatred of God, but not according as they are under the smiles or frowns of the world; and therefore if God loves a righteous man (as certainly he does) he is happy, though the world frown upon him; and if he hates a wicked man (as certainly he does) he is miserable, though the world smile upon him. Then the offence of this promiscuous distribution of events has ceased.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. Having laid down these principles, he acknowledges that <i>all things come alike to all</i>; so it has been formerly, and therefore we are not to think it strange if it be so now, if it be so with us and our families. Some make this, and all that follows to <a class="bibleref" title="Eccl.9.13" href="/passage/?search=Eccl.9.13">Eccl. 9:13</a>; to be the perverse reasoning of the atheists against the doctrine of Gods providence; but I rather take it to be Solomons concession, which he might the more freely make when he had fixed those truths which are sufficient to guard against any ill use that may be made of what he grants. Observe here (<a class="bibleref" title="Eccl.9.2" href="/passage/?search=Eccl.9.2">Eccl. 9:2</a>),</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. The great difference that there is between the characters of the righteous and the wicked, which, in several instances, are set the one over-against the other, to show that, though <i>all things come alike to all</i>, yet that does not in the least confound the eternal distinction between moral good and evil, but that remains immutable. (1.) The righteous are <i>clean</i>, have <i>clean hands and pure hearts</i>; the wicked are <i>unclean</i>, under the dominion of unclean lusts, <i>pure</i> perhaps <i>in their own eyes</i>, but not <i>cleansed from their filthiness</i>, God will certainly put a difference <i>between the clean and the unclean, the precious and the vile</i>, in the other world, though he does not seem to do so in this. (2.) The righteous <i>sacrifice</i>, that is, they make conscience of worshipping God according to his will, both with inward and outward worship; the wicked <i>sacrifice not</i>, that is, they live in the neglect of Gods worship and grudge to part with any thing for his honour. <i>What is the Almighty, that they should serve him</i>? (3.) The righteous are <i>good</i>, good in Gods sight, they do good in the world; the wicked are <i>sinners</i>, violating the laws of God and man, and provoking to both. (4.) The wicked man <i>swears</i>, has no veneration for the name of God, but profanes it by swearing rashly and falsely; but the righteous man <i>fears an oath</i>, swears not, but is sworn, and then with great reverence; he fears to take an oath, because it is a solemn appeal to God as a witness and judge; he fears, when he has taken a oath, to break it, because God is righteous who takes vengeance.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. The little difference there is between the conditions of the righteous and the wicked in this world: <i>There is one event to</i> both. Isa. David rich? So is Nabal. Isa. Joseph favoured by his prince? So is Haman. Isa. Ahab killed in a battle? So is Josiah. Are the bad figs carried to Babylon? So are the good, <a class="bibleref" title="Jer.24.1" href="/passage/?search=Jer.24.1">Jer. 24:1</a>. There is a vast difference between the original, the design, and the nature, of the same event to the one and to the other; the effects and issues of it are likewise vastly different; the same providence to the one is <i>a savour of life unto life</i>, to the other <i>of death unto death</i>, though, to outward appearance, it is the same.</p>
<p class="tab-1">IV. He owns this to be a very great grievance to those that are wise and good: “<i>This is an evil</i>, the greatest perplexity, <i>among all things that are done under the sun</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Eccl.9.3" href="/passage/?search=Eccl.9.3">Eccl. 9:3</a>); nothing has given me more disturbance than this, <i>that there is one event unto all</i>.” It hardens atheists, and strengthens the hands of evil-doers; for therefore it is that <i>the hearts of the sons of men are full of evil</i> and <i>fully set in them to do evil</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Eccl.8.11" href="/passage/?search=Eccl.8.11">Eccl. 8:11</a>. When they see that <i>there is one event to the righteous and the wicked</i> they wickedly infer thence that it is all one to God whether they are righteous or wicked, and therefore they stick at nothing to gratify their lusts.</p>
<p class="tab-1">V. For the further clearing of this great difficulty, as he began this discourse with the doctrine of the happiness of the righteous (whatever they may suffer, they <i>and their works are in the hands of God</i>, and therefore in good hands, they could not be in better), so he concludes with the doctrine of the misery of the wicked; however they may prosper, <i>madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead</i>. Envy not the prosperity of evil-doers, for, 1. They are now madmen, and all the delights they seem to be blessed with are but like the pleasant dreams and fancies of a distracted man. They are <i>mad upon their idols</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Jer.50.38" href="/passage/?search=Jer.50.38">Jer. 50:38</a>), are mad against Gods people, <a class="bibleref" title="Acts.26.11" href="/passage/?search=Acts.26.11">Acts 26:11</a>. When the prodigal repented, it is said, <i>He came to himself</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Luke.15.17" href="/passage/?search=Luke.15.17">Luke 15:17</a>), which intimates that he had been beside himself before. 2. They will shortly be dead men. They make a mighty noise and bustle <i>while they live</i>, but after awhile, <i>they go to the dead</i>, and there is an end of all their pomp and power; they will then be reckoned with for all their madness and outrage in sin. Though, on this side death, the righteous and the wicked seem alike, on the other side death there will be a vast difference between them.</p>