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<div2 id="Ps.cxxiv" n="cxxiv" next="Ps.cxxv" prev="Ps.cxxiii" progress="66.58%" title="Chapter CXXIII">
<h2 id="Ps.cxxiv-p0.1">P S A L M S</h2>
<h3 id="Ps.cxxiv-p0.2">PSALM CXXIII.</h3>
<p class="intro" id="Ps.cxxiv-p1">This psalm was penned at a time when the church of
God was brought low and trampled upon; some think it was when the
Jews were captives in Babylon, though that was not the only time
that they were insulted over by the proud. The psalmist begins as
if he spoke for himself only (<scripRef id="Ps.cxxiv-p1.1" osisRef="Bible:Ps.123.1" parsed="|Ps|123|1|0|0" passage="Ps 123:1">ver.
1</scripRef>), but presently speaks in the name of the church. Here
is, I. Their expectation of mercy from God, <scripRef id="Ps.cxxiv-p1.2" osisRef="Bible:Ps.123.1-Ps.123.2" parsed="|Ps|123|1|123|2" passage="Ps 123:1,2">ver. 1, 2</scripRef>. II. Their plea for mercy with
God,, <scripRef id="Ps.cxxiv-p1.3" osisRef="Bible:Ps.123.3-Ps.123.4" parsed="|Ps|123|3|123|4" passage="Ps 123:3,4">ver. 3, 4</scripRef>. In
singing it we must have our eye up to God's favour with a holy
concern, and then an eye down to men's reproach with a holy
<scripCom id="Ps.cxxiv-p1.4" osisRef="Bible:Ps.123" parsed="|Ps|123|0|0|0" passage="Ps 123" type="Commentary"/>
<scripCom id="Ps.cxxiv-p1.5" osisRef="Bible:Ps.123.1-Ps.123.4" parsed="|Ps|123|1|123|4" passage="Ps 123:1-4" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Ps.123.1-Ps.123.4">
<h4 id="Ps.cxxiv-p1.6">Grateful Acknowledgments.</h4>
<div class="Center" id="Ps.cxxiv-p1.7">
<p id="Ps.cxxiv-p2">A song of degrees.</p>
<p class="passage" id="Ps.cxxiv-p3">1 Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that
dwellest in the heavens.   2 Behold, as the eyes of servants
<i>look</i> unto the hand of their masters, <i>and</i> as the eyes
of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes <i>wait</i>
upon the <span class="smallcaps" id="Ps.cxxiv-p3.1">Lord</span> our God, until that he
have mercy upon us.   3 Have mercy upon us, <span class="smallcaps" id="Ps.cxxiv-p3.2">O Lord</span>, have mercy upon us: for we are
exceedingly filled with contempt.   4 Our soul is exceedingly
filled with the scorning of those that are at ease, <i>and</i> with
the contempt of the proud.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Ps.cxxiv-p4">We have here,</p>
<p class="indent" id="Ps.cxxiv-p5">I. The solemn profession which God's people
make of faith and hope in God, <scripRef id="Ps.cxxiv-p5.1" osisRef="Bible:Ps.123.1-Ps.123.2" parsed="|Ps|123|1|123|2" passage="Ps 123:1,2"><i>v.</i> 1, 2</scripRef>. Observe, 1. The title here
given to God: <i>O thou that dwellest in the heavens.</i> Our Lord
Jesus has taught us, in prayer, to have an eye to God as <i>our
Father in heaven;</i> not that he is confined there, but there
especially he manifests his glory, as the King in his court. Heaven
is a place of prospect and a place of power; he that dwells there
beholds thence all the calamities of his people and thence can send
to save them. Sometimes God seems to have forsaken the earth, and
the enemies of God's people ask, <i>Where is now your God?</i> But
then they can say with comfort, <i>Our God is in the heavens. O
thou that sittest in the heavens</i> (so some), sittest as Judge
there; for <i>the Lord has prepared his throne in the heavens,</i>
and to that throne injured innocency may appeal. 2. The regard here
had to God. The psalmist himself <i>lifted up his eyes</i> to him.
The eyes of a good man are <i>ever towards the Lord,</i> <scripRef id="Ps.cxxiv-p5.2" osisRef="Bible:Ps.25.15" parsed="|Ps|25|15|0|0" passage="Ps 25:15">Ps. xxv. 15</scripRef>. In every prayer we lift
up our soul, the eye of our soul, to God, especially in trouble,
which was the case here. The <i>eyes</i> of the people <i>waited on
the Lord,</i> <scripRef id="Ps.cxxiv-p5.3" osisRef="Bible:Ps.123.2" parsed="|Ps|123|2|0|0" passage="Ps 123:2"><i>v.</i> 2</scripRef>.
We find mercy coming towards a people <i>when the eyes of man, as
of all the tribes of Israel, are towards the Lord,</i> <scripRef id="Ps.cxxiv-p5.4" osisRef="Bible:Zech.9.1" parsed="|Zech|9|1|0|0" passage="Zec 9:1">Zech. ix. 1</scripRef>. The eyes of the body are
heaven-ward. <i>Os homini sublime dedit—To man he gave an erect
mien,</i> to teach us which way to direct the eyes of the mind.
<i>Our eyes wait on the Lord,</i> the eye of desire and prayer, the
begging eye, and the eye of dependence, hope, and expectation, the
longing eye. Our eyes must wait upon God as <i>the Lord,</i> and
<i>our God, until that he have mercy upon us.</i> We desire mercy
from him, we hope he will show us mercy, and we will continue our
attendance on him till the mercy come. This is illustrated
(<scripRef id="Ps.cxxiv-p5.5" osisRef="Bible:Ps.123.2" parsed="|Ps|123|2|0|0" passage="Ps 123:2"><i>v.</i> 2</scripRef>) by a
similitude: Our eyes are to God <i>as the eyes of a servant,</i>
and <i>handmaid, to the hand of their master and mistress.</i> The
eyes of a servant are, (1.) To his master's directing hand,
expecting that he will appoint him his work, and cut it out for
him, and show him how he must do it. <i>Lord, what wilt thou have
me to do?</i> (2.) To his supplying hand. Servants look to their
master, or their mistress, for their portion of meat in due season,
<scripRef id="Ps.cxxiv-p5.6" osisRef="Bible:Prov.31.15" parsed="|Prov|31|15|0|0" passage="Pr 31:15">Prov. xxxi. 15</scripRef>. And to God
must we look for daily bread, for grace sufficient; from him we
must receive it thankfully. (3.) To his assisting hand. If the
servant cannot do his work himself, where must he look for help but
to his master? And in the strength of the Lord God we must go forth
and go on. (4.) To his protecting hand. If the servant meet with
opposition in his work, if he be questioned for what he does, if he
be wronged and injured, who should bear him out and right him, but
his master that set him on work? The people of God, when they are
persecuted, may appeal to their Master, <i>We are thine; save
us.</i> (5.) To his correcting hand. If the servant has provoked
his master to beat him, he does not call for help against his
master, but looks at the hand that strikes him, till it shall say,
"It is enough; I will not contend for ever." The people of God were
now under his rebukes; and whither should they turn but to him that
<i>smote them?</i> <scripRef id="Ps.cxxiv-p5.7" osisRef="Bible:Isa.9.13" parsed="|Isa|9|13|0|0" passage="Isa 9:13">Isa. ix.
13</scripRef>. To whom should they make supplication but to their
Judge? They will not do as Hagar did, who ran away from her
mistress when she put some hardships upon her (<scripRef id="Ps.cxxiv-p5.8" osisRef="Bible:Gen.16.6" parsed="|Gen|16|6|0|0" passage="Ge 16:6">Gen. xvi. 6</scripRef>), but they submit themselves to
and humble themselves under God's mighty hand. (6.) To his
rewarding hand. The servant expects his wages, his
<i>well-done,</i> from his master. Hypocrites have their eye to the
world's hand; thence <i>they have their reward</i> (<scripRef id="Ps.cxxiv-p5.9" osisRef="Bible:Matt.6.2" parsed="|Matt|6|2|0|0" passage="Mt 6:2">Matt. vi. 2</scripRef>); but true Christians have
their eye to God as their rewarder.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Ps.cxxiv-p6">II. The humble address which God's people
present to him in their calamitous condition (<scripRef id="Ps.cxxiv-p6.1" osisRef="Bible:Ps.123.3-Ps.123.4" parsed="|Ps|123|3|123|4" passage="Ps 123:3,4"><i>v.</i> 3, 4</scripRef>), wherein, 1. They sue for
mercy, not prescribing to God what he shall do for them, nor
pleading any merit of their own why he should do it for them, but,
<i>Have mercy upon us, O Lord! have mercy upon us.</i> We find
little mercy with men; their <i>tender mercies are cruel;</i> there
are <i>cruel mockings.</i> But this is our comfort, that <i>with
the Lord there is mercy</i> and we need desire no more to relieve
us, and make us easy, than the mercy of God. Whatever the troubles
of the church are, God's mercy is a sovereign remedy. 2. They set
forth their grievances: <i>We are exceedingly filled with
contempt.</i> Reproach is the wound, the burden, they complain of.
Observe, (1.) Who were reproached: "We, who have our eyes up to
thee." Those who are owned of God are often despised and trampled
on by the world. Some translate the words which we render, <i>those
that are at ease,</i> and <i>the proud,</i> so as to signify the
persons that are scorned and contemned. "Our soul is troubled to
see how those that are at peace, and the excellent ones, are
scorned and despised." The saints are a peaceable people and yet
are abused (<scripRef id="Ps.cxxiv-p6.2" osisRef="Bible:Ps.35.20" parsed="|Ps|35|20|0|0" passage="Ps 35:20">Ps. xxxv. 20</scripRef>),
the excellent ones of the earth and yet undervalued, <scripRef id="Ps.cxxiv-p6.3" osisRef="Bible:Lam.4.1-Lam.4.2" parsed="|Lam|4|1|4|2" passage="La 4:1,2">Lam. iv. 1, 2</scripRef>. (2.) Who did reproach
them. Taking the words as we read them, they were the epicures who
lived at ease, carnal sensual people, <scripRef id="Ps.cxxiv-p6.4" osisRef="Bible:Job.12.5" parsed="|Job|12|5|0|0" passage="Job 12:5">Job xii. 5</scripRef>. The scoffers are such as walk
after their own lusts and serve their own bellies, and the proud
such as set God himself at defiance and had a high opinion of
themselves; they trampled on God's people, thinking they magnified
themselves by vilifying them. (3.) To what degree they were
reproached: "<i>We are filled,</i> we are surfeited with it. <i>Our
soul is exceedingly filled with it.</i>" The enemies thought they
could never jeer them enough, nor say enough to make them
despicable; and they could not but lay it to heart; it was a sword
in their bones, <scripRef id="Ps.cxxiv-p6.5" osisRef="Bible:Ps.42.10" parsed="|Ps|42|10|0|0" passage="Ps 42:10">Ps. xlii.
10</scripRef>. Note, [1.] Scorning and contempt have been, and are,
and are likely to be, the lot of God's people in this world.
Ishmael mocked Isaac, which is called <i>persecuting</i> him; and
so it is now, <scripRef id="Ps.cxxiv-p6.6" osisRef="Bible:Gal.4.29" parsed="|Gal|4|29|0|0" passage="Ga 4:29">Gal. iv. 29</scripRef>.
[2.] In reference to the scorn and contempt of men it is matter of
comfort that there is mercy with God, mercy to our good names when
they are barbarously used. <i>Hear, O our God! for we are