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<TITLE>Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible [Numbers, Chapter XXVIII].</TITLE>
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<center><h1>Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary
on the Whole Bible</h1>
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Matthew Henry<BR><I>Commentary on the Whole Bible</I> (1706)
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<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
Now that the people were numbered, orders given for the dividing of the
land, and a general of the forces nominated and commissioned, one would
have expected that the next chapter should begin the history of the
campaign, or at least should give us an account of the ordinances of
war; no, it contains the ordinances of worship, and provides that now,
as they were on the point of entering Canaan, they should be sure to
take their religion along with them, and not forget this, in the
prosecution of their wars,
<A HREF=",2">ver. 1, 2</A>.
The laws are here repeated and summed up concerning the sacrifices that
were to be offered,
I. Daily,
<A HREF="">ver. 3-8</A>.
II. Weekly,
<A HREF=",10">ver. 9, 10</A>.
III. Monthly,
<A HREF="">ver. 11-15</A>.
IV. Yearly.
1. At the passover,
<A HREF="">ver. 16-25</A>.
2. At pentecost,
<A HREF="">ver. 26-31</A>.
And the
<A HREF="MHC04029.HTM">next chapter</A>
is concerning the annual solemnities of the seventh month.</P>
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<A NAME="Sec1"> </A>
<TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1><I>Laws Concerning Sacrifices.</I></FONT></TD>
<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
<FONT SIZE=+1>1 And the L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT> spake unto Moses, saying,
&nbsp; 2 Command the children of Israel, and say unto them, My
offering, <I>and</I> my bread for my sacrifices made by fire, <I>for</I> a
sweet savour unto me, shall ye observe to offer unto me in their
due season.
&nbsp; 3 And thou shalt say unto them, This <I>is</I> the offering made by
fire which ye shall offer unto the L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT>; two lambs of the first
year without spot day by day, <I>for</I> a continual burnt offering.
&nbsp; 4 The one lamb shalt thou offer in the morning, and the other
lamb shalt thou offer at even;
&nbsp; 5 And a tenth <I>part</I> of an ephah of flour for a meat offering,
mingled with the fourth <I>part</I> of an hin of beaten oil.
&nbsp; 6 <I>It is</I> a continual burnt offering, which was ordained in
mount Sinai for a sweet savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the
&nbsp; 7 And the drink offering thereof <I>shall be</I> the fourth <I>part</I>
of an hin for the one lamb: in the holy <I>place</I> shalt thou cause
the strong wine to be poured unto the L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT> <I>for</I> a drink
&nbsp; 8 And the other lamb shalt thou offer at even: as the meat
offering of the morning, and as the drink offering thereof, thou
shalt offer <I>it,</I> a sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet savour
unto the L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT>.
<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
Here is,
I. A general order given concerning the offerings of the Lord, which
were to be brought in their season,
<A HREF=""><I>v.</I> 2</A>.
These laws are here given afresh, not because the observance of them
was wholly disused during their thirty-eight years' wandering in the
wilderness (we cannot think that they were so long without any public
worship, but that at least the daily lamb was offered morning and
evening, and doubled on the sabbath day; so bishop Patrick
conjectures); but that many of the sacrifices were then omitted is
plainly intimated,
<A HREF="">Amos v. 25</A>,
quoted by Stephen,
<A HREF="">Acts vii. 42</A>.
<I>Did you offer unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness
forty years, O house of Israel?</I> It is implied, "No, you did not."
But, whether the course of sacrifices had been interrupted or no, God
saw fit now to repeat the law of sacrifices,
1. Because this was a new generation of men, that were most of them
unborn when the former laws were given; therefore, that they might be
left without excuse, they have not only these laws written, to be read
to them, but again repeated from God himself, and put into a less
compass and a plainer method.
2. Because they were now entering upon war, and might be tempted to
think that while they were engaged in that they should be excused from
offering sacrifices. <I>Inter arma silent leges--law is little regarded
amidst the clash of arms.</I> No, says God, <I>my bread for my
sacrifices</I> even now <I>shall you observe to offer,</I> and that
<I>in the due season.</I> They were peculiarly concerned to keep their
peace with God when they were at war with their enemies. In the
wilderness they were solitary, and quite separate from all other
people, and therefore there they needed not so much their
distinguishing badges, nor would their omission of sacrifices be so
scandalous as when they came into Canaan, when they mingled with other
3. Because possession was now to be given them of the land of promise,
that land flowing with milk and honey, where they would have plenty of
all good things. "Now" (says God), "When you are feasting yourselves,
forget not to offer the bread of your God." Canaan was given to them
upon this condition, that they should <I>observe God's statutes,</I>
<A HREF=",45">Ps. cv. 44, 45</A>.</P>
<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
II. The particular law of the daily sacrifice, a lamb in the morning
and a lamb in the evening, which, for the constancy of it as duly as
the day came, is called a <I>continual burnt-offering</I>
(<A HREF=""><I>v.</I> 3</A>),
which intimates that when we are bidden to <I>pray always, and to pray
without ceasing,</I> it is intended that at least every morning and
every evening we offer up our solemn prayers and praises to God. This
is said to be <I>ordained in Mount Sinai</I>
(<A HREF=""><I>v.</I> 6</A>),
when the other laws were given. The institution of it we have,
<A HREF="">Exod. xxix. 38</A>.
Nothing is here added in the repetition of the law, but that the wine
to be poured out in the drink-offering is ordered to be <I>strong
(<A HREF=""><I>v.</I> 7</A>),
the riches and most generous and best-bodied wine they could get.
Though it was to be poured out upon the altar, and not drunk (they
therefore might be ready to think the worst would serve to be so thrown
away), yet God requires the strongest, to teach us to serve God with
the best we have. The wine must be strong (says Ainsworth) because it
was a figure of the blood of Christ, the memorial of which is still
left to the church in wine, and of the blood of the martyrs, which was
poured out as a drink-offering upon the <I>sacrifice and service of our
<A HREF="">Phil. ii. 17</A>.</P>
<A NAME="Nu28_9"> </A>
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<A NAME="Nu28_13"> </A>
<A NAME="Nu28_14"> </A>
<A NAME="Nu28_15"> </A>
<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
<FONT SIZE=+1>9 And on the sabbath day two lambs of the first year without
spot, and two tenth deals of flour <I>for</I> a meat offering, mingled
with oil, and the drink offering thereof:
&nbsp; 10 <I>This is</I> the burnt offering of every sabbath, beside the
continual burnt offering, and his drink offering.
&nbsp; 11 And in the beginnings of your months ye shall offer a burnt
offering unto the L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT>; two young bullocks, and one ram, seven
lambs of the first year without spot;
&nbsp; 12 And three tenth deals of flour <I>for</I> a meat offering,
mingled with oil, for one bullock; and two tenth deals of flour
<I>for</I> a meat offering, mingled with oil, for one ram;
&nbsp; 13 And a several tenth deal of flour mingled with oil <I>for</I> a
meat offering unto one lamb; <I>for</I> a burnt offering of a sweet
savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT>.
&nbsp; 14 And their drink offerings shall be half an hin of wine unto
a bullock, and the third <I>part</I> of an hin unto a ram, and a
fourth <I>part</I> of an hin unto a lamb: this <I>is</I> the burnt offering
of every month throughout the months of the year.
&nbsp; 15 And one kid of the goats for a sin offering unto the L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT>
shall be offered, beside the continual burnt offering, and his
drink offering.
<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
The new moons and the sabbaths are often spoken of together, as great
solemnities in the Jewish church, very comfortable to the saints then,
and typical of gospel grace. Now we have here the sacrifices appointed,
1. For the sabbaths. Every sabbath day the offering must be doubled;
besides the two lambs offered for the daily burnt-offering, there must
be two more offered, one (it is probable) added to the morning
sacrifice, and the other to the evening,
<A HREF=",10"><I>v.</I> 9, 10</A>.
This teaches us to double our devotions on sabbath days, for so the
duty of the day requires. The sabbath rest is to be observed, in order
to a more close application to the sabbath work, which ought to fill up
sabbath time. In Ezekiel's temple-service, which points at gospel
times, the sabbath offerings were to be six lambs and a ram, with their
meat-offerings, and drink-offerings
(<A HREF=",5">Ezek. xlvi. 4, 5</A>),
to intimate not only the continuance, but the advancement, of sabbath
sanctification in the days of the Messiah. This is <I>the
burnt-offering of the sabbath in his sabbath,</I> so it is in the
<A HREF=""><I>v.</I> 10</A>.
We must do every sabbath day's work in its day, studying to redeem
every minute of sabbath time as those that believe it precious; and not
thinking to put off one sabbath's work to another, for sufficient to
every sabbath is the service thereof.
2. For the new moons. Some suggest that, as the sabbath was kept with
an eye to the creation of the world, so the new moons were sanctified
with an eye to the divine providence, which <I>appoints the moon for
seasons,</I> guiding the revolutions of time by its changes, and
governing sublunary bodies (as many think) by its influences. Though we
observe not any feast of new moons, yet we must not forget to give God
the glory of all the precious things put forth by the moon which he has
<I>established for ever, a faithful witness in heaven,</I>
<A HREF="">Ps. lxxxix. 37</A>.
The offerings in the new moons were very considerable, two bullocks, a
ram, and seven lambs, with the meat-offerings and drink-offerings that
were to attend them
(<A HREF=""><I>v.</I> 11</A>,
&c.), besides a sin-offering,
<A HREF=""><I>v.</I> 15</A>.
For, when we give glory to God by confessing his mercies, we must give
glory to him likewise by confessing our own sins; and, when we rejoice
in the gifts of common providence, we must make the sacrifice of
Christ, that great gift of special grace, the fountain and spring-head
of our joy. Some have questioned whether the new moons were to be
reckoned among their feasts; but why should they not, when, besides the
special sacrifices which were then to be offered, they rested from
servile works
(<A HREF="">Amos viii. 5</A>),
<I>blew the trumpets</I>
(<A HREF=""><I>ch.</I> x. 10</A>),
and went to the prophets <I>to hear the word?</I>
<A HREF="">2 Kings iv. 23</A>.
And the worship performed in the new moons is made typical of gospel
<A HREF="">Isa. lxvi. 23</A>.</P>
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<A NAME="Nu28_30"> </A>
<A NAME="Nu28_31"> </A>
<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
<FONT SIZE=+1>16 And in the fourteenth day of the first month <I>is</I> the
passover of the L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT>.
&nbsp; 17 And in the fifteenth day of this month <I>is</I> the feast: seven
days shall unleavened bread be eaten.
&nbsp; 18 In the first day <I>shall be</I> an holy convocation; ye shall do
no manner of servile work <I>therein:</I>
&nbsp; 19 But ye shall offer a sacrifice made by fire <I>for</I> a burnt
offering unto the L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT>; two young bullocks, and one ram, and
seven lambs of the first year: they shall be unto you without
&nbsp; 20 And their meat offering <I>shall be of</I> flour mingled with
oil: three tenth deals shall ye offer for a bullock, and two
tenth deals for a ram;
&nbsp; 21 A several tenth deal shalt thou offer for every lamb,
throughout the seven lambs:
&nbsp; 22 And one goat <I>for</I> a sin offering, to make an atonement for
&nbsp; 23 Ye shall offer these beside the burnt offering in the
morning, which <I>is</I> for a continual burnt offering.
&nbsp; 24 After this manner ye shall offer daily, throughout the seven
days, the meat of the sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet savour
unto the L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT>: it shall be offered beside the continual burnt
offering, and his drink offering.
&nbsp; 25 And on the seventh day ye shall have an holy convocation; ye
shall do no servile work.
&nbsp; 26 Also in the day of the firstfruits, when ye bring a new meat
offering unto the L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT>, after your weeks <I>be out,</I> ye shall have
an holy convocation; ye shall do no servile work:
&nbsp; 27 But ye shall offer the burnt offering for a sweet savour
unto the L<FONT SIZE=-1><B>ORD</B></FONT>; two young bullocks, one ram, seven lambs of the
first year;
&nbsp; 28 And their meat offering of flour mingled with oil, three
tenth deals unto one bullock, two tenth deals unto one ram,
&nbsp; 29 A several tenth deal unto one lamb, throughout the seven
&nbsp; 30 <I>And</I> one kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you.
&nbsp; 31 Ye shall offer <I>them</I> beside the continual burnt offering,
and his meat offering, (they shall be unto you without blemish)
and their drink offerings.
<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
Here is,
I. The appointment of the pass-over sacrifices; not that which was the
chief, the paschal lamb (sufficient instructions had formerly been
given concerning that), but those which were to be offered upon the
seven days of unleavened bread, which followed it,
<A HREF=""><I>v.</I> 17-25</A>.
The first and last of those seven days were to be sanctified as
sabbaths, by a holy rest and a holy convocation, and on each of the
seven days they were to be liberal in their sacrifices, in token of
their great and constant thankfulness for their deliverance out of
Egypt: <I>Two bullocks, a ram, and seven lambs.</I> A gospel
conversation, in gratitude for <I>Christ our passover</I> who was
sacrificed, is called the <I>keeping of this feast</I>
(<A HREF="">1 Cor. v. 8</A>);
for it is not enough that we purge out the <I>leavened bread</I> of
malice and wickedness, but we must <I>offer the bread of our God, even
the sacrifice of praise, continually,</I> and continue herein unto the
2. The sacrifices are likewise appointed which were to be offered at
the feast of pentecost, here called the <I>day of the first-fruits,</I>
<A HREF=""><I>v.</I> 26</A>.
In the feast of unleavened bread they offered a <I>sheaf of their
first-fruits</I> of barley (which with them was first ripe) to the
(<A HREF="">Lev. xxiii. 10</A>),
as an introduction to the harvest; but now, about seven weeks after,
they were to bring a <I>new meat-offering to the Lord,</I> at the end
of harvest, in thankfulness to God, who had not only given, <I>but
preserved to their use, the kindly fruits of the earth, so as that in
due time they did enjoy them.</I> It was at this feast that <I>the
Spirit was poured out</I>
(<A HREF="">Acts ii. 1</A>,
&c.), and thousands were converted by the preaching of the apostles,
and were presented to Christ, to be <I>a kind of first-fruits of his
creatures.</I> The sacrifice that was to be offered with the loaves of
the first-fruits was appointed,
<A HREF="">Lev. xxiii. 18</A>.
But over and above, besides that and besides the daily offerings, they
were to offer <I>two bullocks, one ram, and seven lambs, with a kid for
a sin-offering,</I>
<A HREF=""><I>v.</I> 27-30</A>.
When God sows plentifully upon us he expects to reap accordingly from
us. Bishop Patrick observes that no <I>peace-offerings</I> are
appointed in this chapter, which were chiefly for the benefit of the
offerers, and therefore in them they were left more to themselves; but
<I>burnt-offerings</I> were purely for the honour of God, were
confessions of his dominion, and typified evangelical piety and
devotion, by which the soul is wholly offered up to God in the flames
of holy love; and <I>sin-offerings</I> were typical of Christ's
sacrifice of himself, <I>by which we and our services are perfected and
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