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<TITLE>Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible [Preface to Volume II].</TITLE>
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Matthew Henry<BR><I>Commentary on the Whole Bible</I> (1708)
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<BR><FONT SIZE=+2><B>P R E F A C E.</B></FONT>
<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
T<FONT SIZE=-1>HIS</FONT> second volume of methodized and practical
expositions of the inspired writings ventures abroad with fear and
trembling in the same plain and homely dress with the former on the
Pentateuch. <I>Ornari res ipsa negat; contenta doceri--</I>the subject
requires no ornament; to have it apprehended is all. But I trust,
through grace, it proceeds from the same honest design to promote the
knowledge of the scripture, in order to the reforming of men's hearts
and lives. If I may but be instrumental to make my readers wise and
good, wiser and better, more watchful against sin and more careful of
their duty both to God and man, and, in order thereto, more in love
with the word and law of God, I have all I desire, all I aim at. <I>May
he that ministereth seed to the sower multiply the seed sown, by
increasing the fruits of</I> our <I>righteousness,</I>
<A HREF="">2 Cor. ix. 10</A>.
It is the history of the Jewish church and nation that fills this
volume, from their first settlement in the promised land, after their
430 years' bondage in Egypt and their forty years' wandering in the
wilderness, to their re-settlement there after their seventy years'
captivity in Babylon--from Joshua to Nehemiah. The five books of Moses
were taken up more with their laws, institutes, and charters; but all
these books are purely historical, and in this way of writing a great
deal of very valuable learning and wisdom has been conveyed from one
generation to another. The chronology of this history, and the
ascertaining of the times when the several events contained in it
happened, would very much illustrate the history, and add to the
brightness of it; it is therefore well worthy the search of the curious
and ingenious, and they may find both pleasure and profit in perusing
the labours of many learned men who have directed their studies that
way. I confess I could willingly have entertained myself and reader, in
this preface, with a calculation of the times through which this
history passes; but I consider that such a babe in knowledge as I am
could not pretend either to add to or correct what has been done by so
many great writers, much less to decide the controversies that have
been agitated among them. I had indeed some thoughts of consulting my
worthy and ever-honoured friend Mr. Tallents of Shrewsbury, the
learned author of the "View of Universal History," and of begging some
advice and assistance from him in methodizing the contents of this
history; but, in the very week in which I put my last hand to this
part, it pleased God to put an end to his useful life (and useful it
was to the last) and to call him to his rest, in the eighty-ninth year
of his age: so that purpose was broken off, that thought of my heart.
But that elaborate performance of his commonly called his
"Chronological Tables" gives great light to this, as indeed to all
other parts of history. And Dr. Lightfoot's "Chronology of the Old
Testament," and Mr. Cradock's "History of the Old Testament
Methodized," may also be of great use to such readers as I write for.
As to the particular chronological difficulties which occur in the
thread of this history, I have not been large upon them, because many
times I could not satisfy myself, and how then could I satisfy my
reader concerning them? I have not indeed met with any difficulties so
great but that solutions might be given of them sufficient to silence
the atheists and antiscripturists, and roll away from the sacred
records all the reproach of contradiction and inconsistency with
themselves; for, to do that, it is enough to show that the difference
may be accommodated either this way or that, when at the same time one
cannot satisfy one's self which way is the right. But it is well that
these are things about which we may very safely and very comfortably be
ignorant and unresolved. What concerns our salvation is plain enough,
and we need not perplex ourselves about the niceties of chronology,
genealogy, or chorography. At least my undertaking leads me not into
those labyrinths. What is <I>profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, and for instruction in righteousness,</I> is what I intend
to observe, and I would endeavour to open what is dark and hard to be
understood only in order to that. Every author must be taken in his way
of writing; the sacred penman, as they have not left us formal systems,
so they have not left us formal annals, but useful narratives of things
proper for our direction in the way of duty, which some great judges of
common writers have thought to be the most pleasant and profitable
histories, and most likely to answer the end. The word of God
<I>manifestis pascit, obscuris exercet</I> (Aug. in Joh. Tract. 45), as
one of the ancients expresses it, that is, <I>it has enough in it that
is easy to nourish the meanest to life eternal, yet enough that is
difficult to try the industry and humility of the greatest.</I> There
are several things which should recommend this part of sacred writ to
our diligent and constant search.</P>
<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
I. That it is <I>history,</I> and therefore entertaining and very
pleasant, edifying and very serviceable to the conduct of human life.
It gratifies the inquisitive with the knowledge of that which the most
intense speculation could not discover any other way. By a retirement
into ourselves, and a serious contemplation of the objects we are
surrounded with, close reasoning may advance many excellent truths
without being beholden to any other. But for the knowledge of past
events we are entirely indebted (and must be so) to the reports and
records of others. A notion or hypothesis of man's own framing may gain
him the reputation of a wit, but a history of man's own framing will
lay him under the reproach of a cheat any further than as it respects
that which he himself is an eye or ear-witness of. How much are we
indebted then to the divine wisdom and goodness for these writings,
which have made things so long since past as familiar to us as any of
the occurrences of the age and place we live in! History is so
edifying that parables and apologues have been invented to make up the
deficiencies of it for our instruction concerning good and evil; and,
whatever may be said of other history, we are sure that in this history
there is no matter of fact recorded but what has its use and will help
either to expound God's providence or guide man's prudence.</P>
<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
II. That it is <I>true</I> history, and what we may rely upon the
credit of, and need not fear being deceived in. That which the heathens
reckoned <I>tempus</I> <B><I>adelon</I></B> (<I>which they knew
nothing at all of</I>) and <I>tempus</I> <B><I>mythikon</I></B>
<I>(the account of which was wholly fabulous)</I> is to us
<I>tempus</I> <B><I>historikon,</I></B> <I>what we have a most
authentic account of.</I> The Greeks were with them the most celebrated
historians, and yet their successors in learning and dominion, the
Romans, put them into no good name for their credibility, witness that
of the poet: <I>Et quicquid Gr&aelig;cia mendax audet in historia--</I>All
that lying Greece has dared to record, Juv. Sat. 10. But the history
which we have before us is of undoubted certainty, and no cunningly
devised fable. To be well assured of this is a great satisfaction,
especially since we meet with so many things in it truly miraculous,
and many more great and marvellous.</P>
<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
III. That it is <I>ancient</I> history, far more ancient than was ever
pretended to come from any other hand. Homer the most ancient genuine
heathen writer now entirely extant, is reckoned to have lived at the
beginning of the Olympiads, near the time when it is computed that the
city of Rome was founded by Romulus, which was but about the reign of
Hezekiah king of Judah. And his writings pretend not to be historical,
but poetical fiction all over: rhapsodies indeed they are, and the very
Alcoran of paganism. The most ancient authentic historians now extant
are Herodotus and Thucydides, who were contemporaries with the latest
of our historians, Ezra and Nehemiah, and could not write with any
certainty of events much before their own time. The obscurity,
deficiency, and uncertainty of all ancient history, except that which
we find in the scripture, is abundantly made out by the learned bishop
Stillingfleet, in that most useful book, his <I>Origines Sacr&aelig;</I>,
lib. i. Let the antiquity of this history not only recommend it to the
curious, but recommend to us all that way of religion it directs us in,
as the good old way, in which if we walk we <I>shall find rest for our
<A HREF="">Jer. vi. 16</A>.</P>
<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
IV. That it is <I>church</I> history, the history of the Jewish church,
that sacred society, incorporated for religion, and the custody of the
oracles and ordinances of God, by a charter under the broad seal of
heaven, a covenant confirmed by miracles. Many great ant mighty
nations there were at this time in the world, celebrated it is likely
for wisdom, and learning, and valour, illustrious men and illustrious
actions; yet the records of them are all lost, either in silence or
fables, while that little inconsiderable people of the Jews that
<I>dwelt alone,</I> and <I>was not reckoned among the nations</I>
(<A HREF="">Num. xxiii. 9</A>),
makes so great a figure in the best known, most ancient, and most
lasting of all histories; and no notice is taken in it of the affairs
of other nations, except only as they fall in with the affairs of the
Jews: <I>for the Lord's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his
<A HREF=",9">Deut. xxxii. 8, 9</A>.
Such a concern has God for his church in every age, and so dear have
its interests been to him. Let them therefore be so to us, that we may
be <I>followers of him as dear children.</I></P>
<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
V. That it is a <I>divine</I> history, given by inspiration of God, and
a part of that blessed book which is to be the standing rule of our
faith and practice. And we are not to think it a part of it which might
have been spared, or which we may now pass over or cast a careless eye
upon, as if it were indifferent whether we read it or no; but we are to
read it as a sacred record, preserved for our benefit <I>on whom the
ends of the world have come.</I> 1. This history is of great use for
the understanding of some parts of the Old Testament. The account we
have here of David's life and reign, and especially of his troubles, is
a key to many of his Psalms; and much light is given to most of the
prophecies by these histories. 2. Though we have not altogether so many
types of Christ here as we had in the history and the law of Moses, yet
even here we meet with many who were figures of him that was to come,
such as Joshua, Samson, Solomon, Cyrus, but especially David, whose
kingdom was typical of the kingdom of the Messiah and the covenant of
royalty made with him, a dark representation of the covenant of
redemption made with the eternal Word; nor know we how to call Christ
the son of David unless we be acquainted with this history nor how to
<I>receive</I> the declaration that John Baptist was the <I>Elias that
was to come,</I>
<A HREF="">Mt. xi. 14</A>.
3. The state of the Jewish church which is
here set before us was typical of the gospel church and the state of
that in the days of the Messiah; and as the prophecies which related to
it looked further to the latter days, so did the histories of it; and
still <I>these things happened to them for ensamples,</I>
<A HREF="">1 Cor. x. 11</A>.
By the tenour of this history we are given to understand these three
things concerning the church (for <I>the thing that hath been is that
which shall be,</I>
<A HREF="">Eccl. i. 9</A>):--
(1.) That we are not to expect the perfect purity and unity of the
church in this world, and therefore not to be stumbled, though we are
grieved, at its corruptions, distempers, and divisions; we are not to
think it strange concerning them, as though some strange thing
happened, much less to think the worse of its laws and constitutions
for the sake of them or to despair of its perpetuity. What wretched
stains of idolatry, impiety, and immorality, appear on the Jewish
church, and what a woeful breach was there between Judah and Ephraim!
yet God took them (as I may say) with all their faults, and never
wholly rejected them till they rejected the Messiah. <I>Israel hath
not been forsaken, nor Judah, of their God, though their land was
filled with sin against the Holy One of Israel,</I>
<A HREF="">Jer. li. 5</A>.
(2.) That we are not to expect the constant tranquillity and prosperity
of the church. It was then often oppressed and afflicted from its
youth, had its years of servitude as well as its days of triumph, was
often obscured, diminished, impoverished, and brought low; and yet
still God secured to himself a remnant, <I>a holy seed,</I> which was
<I>the substance thereof,</I>
<A HREF="">Isa. vi. 13</A>.
Let us not then be surprised to see the gospel church sometimes under
hatches, and driven into the wilderness, and the gates of hell
prevailing far against it. (3.) That yet we need not fear the utter
extirpation of it. The gospel church is called the <I>Israel of God</I>
(<A HREF="">Gal. vi. 16</A>),
and the <I>Jerusalem which is above</I>
(<A HREF="">Gal. iv. 26</A>),
the <I>heavenly Jerusalem;</I> for as <I>Israel after the flesh,</I>
and the <I>Jerusalem that then was,</I> by the wonderful care of the
divine Providence, outrode all the storms with which they were tossed
and threatened, and continued in being till they were made to resign
all their honours to the gospel church, which they were the figures of,
so shall that also, notwithstanding all its shocks, be preserved, till
the mystery of God shall be finished, and the kingdom of grace shall
have its perfection in the kingdom of glory. 4. This history is of
great use to us for our direction in the way of our duty; it was
written for our learning, that we may see the evil we should avoid and
be armed against it, and the good we should do and be quickened to it.
Though they are generally judges, and kings, and great men, whose lives
are here written, yet in them even those of the meanest rank may see
the deformity of sin and hate it, and the beauty of holiness and be in
love with it; nay, the greater the person is the more evident are both
these; for, if the great be good, it is their goodness that makes their
greatness honourable; if bad, their greatness does but make their
badness the more shameful. The failings even of good people are also
recorded here for our admonition, that he who thinks he stands may take
heed lest he fall, and that he who has fallen may not despair of
forgiveness if he recover himself by repentance. 5. This history, as
it shows what God requires of us, so it shows what we may expect from
his providence, especially concerning states and kingdoms. By the
dealings of God with the Jewish nation it appears that, as nations are,
so they must expect to fare--that while princes and people serve the
interests of God's kingdom among men he will secure and advance their
interests, but that when they shake off his government, and rebel
against him, they can look for no other than an inundation of
judgments. It was so all along with Israel; while they kept close to
God they prospered; when they forsook him every thing went cross. That
great man archbishop Tillotson (<I>Vol. 1. Serm. 3.</I> on Prov. xiv.
34) suggests that though, as to particular persons, the providences of
God are promiscuously administered in this world, because there is
another world of rewards and punishments for them, yet it is not so
with nations as such, but national virtues are ordinarily rewarded with
temporal blessings and national sins punished with temporal judgments,
because, as he says, public bodies and communities of men, as such, can
be rewarded and punished only in this world, for in the next they will
all be dissolved. So plainly are God's ways of disposing kingdoms laid
before us in the glass of this history that I could wish Christian
statesmen would think themselves as much concerned as preachers to
acquaint themselves with it; they might fetch as good maxims of state
and rules of policy from this as from the best of the Greek and Roman
historians. We are blessed (as the Jews were) with a divine revelation,
and make a national profession of religion and relation to God, and
therefore are to look upon ourselves as in a peculiar manner under a
divine regimen, so that the things which happened to them were designed
for ensamples to us.</P>
<P> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
I cannot pretend to write for great ones. But if what is here done may
be delightful to any in reading and helpful in understanding and
improving this sacred history, and governing themselves by the dictates
of it, let God have all the glory and let all the rivers return to the
ocean whence they came. When I look back on what is done I see nothing
to boast of, but a great deal to be ashamed of; and, when I look
forward on what is to be done, I see nothing in myself to trust to for
the doing of it. I have no sufficiency of my own; but <I>by the grace
of God I am what I am,</I> and that grace will, I trust, be sufficient
for me. <I>Surely in the Lord have I righteousness and strength.</I>
That blessed <B><I>epichoregia</I></B> which the apostle speaks of
(<A HREF="">Phil. i. 19</A>),
that continual supply or communication <I>of the Spirit of Jesus
Christ,</I> is what we may in faith pray for, and depend upon, to
furnish us for every good word and work. The pleasantness of the study
has drawn me on to the writing of this, and the candour with which my
friends have been pleased to receive my poor endeavours on the
Pentateuch encourages me to publish it; it is done according to the
best of my skill, not without some care and application of mind, in the
same method and manner with that; I wish I could have done it in less
compass, that it might have been more within reach of <I>the poor of
the flock.</I> But then it would not have been so plain and full as I
desire it may be for the benefit of the <I>lambs of the flock. Brevis
esse laboro, obscurus fio--</I>labouring to be concise I become
obscure. With a humble submission to the divine providence and its
disposals, and a humble reliance on the divine grace and its guidance
and operation, I purpose still to proceed, as I have time, in this
work. Two volumes more will, if God permit, conclude the Old Testament;
and then if my friends encourage me, and my God spare me and enable me
for it, I intend to go on to the New Testament. For though <I>many have
taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those</I> parts of
scripture which are yet before us
(<A HREF="">Luke i. 1</A>),
whose works <I>praise them in the gates</I> and are likely to outlive
mine, yet while the subject is really so copious as it is and the
manner of handling it may possibly be so various, and while one book
comes into the hands of some and another into the hands of others, and
all concur in the same design to advance the common interests of
Christ's kingdom, the <I>common faith</I> once delivered to the saints,
and the <I>common salvation</I> of precious souls
(<A HREF=",Jude+1:3">Tit. i. 4; Jude 3</A>),
I hope store of this kind will be thought no sore. I make bold to
mention my purpose to proceed thus publicly in hopes I may have the
advice of my friends in it, and their prayers for me that I may be made
more <I>ready and mighty in the scriptures,</I> that understanding and
utterance may be given to me, and that I may <I>obtain mercy of the
Lord Jesus to be found</I> his <I>faithful</I> servant, who am less
than the least of all that call him <I>Master.</I></P>
<TABLE WIDTH="100%">
<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT SIZE=+1>M. H. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <I>Chester,</I>
<BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <I>June 2, 1708.</I></TD></TR>
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