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<div2 id="Dan.xiii" n="xiii" next="Hos" prev="Dan.xii" progress="73.64%" title="Chapter XII">
<h2 id="Dan.xiii-p0.1">D A N I E L.</h2>
<h3 id="Dan.xiii-p0.2">CHAP. XII.</h3>
<p class="intro" id="Dan.xiii-p1" shownumber="no">After the prediction of the troubles of the Jews
under Antiochus, prefiguring the troubles of the Christian church
under the anti-christian power, we have here, I. Comforts, and very
precious ones, prescribed as cordials for the support of God's
people in those times of trouble; and they are such as may
indifferently serve both for those former times of trouble under
Antiochus and those latter which were prefigured by them, <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p1.1" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.1-Dan.12.4" parsed="|Dan|12|1|12|4" passage="Da 12:1-4">ver. 1-4</scripRef>. II. A conference between
Christ and an angel concerning the time of the continuance of these
events, designed for Daniel's satisfaction, <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p1.2" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.5-Dan.12.7" parsed="|Dan|12|5|12|7" passage="Da 12:5-7">ver. 5-7</scripRef>. III. Daniel's enquiry for his own
satisfaction, <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p1.3" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.8" parsed="|Dan|12|8|0|0" passage="Da 12:8">ver. 8</scripRef>. And
the answer he received to that enquiry, <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p1.4" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.9-Dan.12.12" parsed="|Dan|12|9|12|12" passage="Da 12:9-12">ver. 9-12</scripRef>.</p>
<scripCom id="Dan.xiii-p1.5" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12" parsed="|Dan|12|0|0|0" passage="Da 12" type="Commentary"/>
<scripCom id="Dan.xiii-p1.6" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.1-Dan.12.4" parsed="|Dan|12|1|12|4" passage="Da 12:1-4" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Dan.xiii-p1.7">
<h4 id="Dan.xiii-p1.8">The Promised Appearance of Michael; The
Prophecy Sealed Up. (<span class="smallcaps" id="Dan.xiii-p1.9">b. c.</span> 534.)</h4>
<p class="passage" id="Dan.xiii-p2" shownumber="no">1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the
great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and
there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was
a nation <i>even</i> to that same time: and at that time thy people
shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the
book.   2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth
shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame <i>and</i>
everlasting contempt.   3 And they that be wise shall shine as
the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to
righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.   4 But thou, O
Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, <i>even</i> to the
time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p3" shownumber="no">It is usual with the prophets, when they
foretel the grievances of the church, to furnish it at the same
time with proper antidotes, a remedy for every malady. And no
relief is so sovereign, of such general application, so easily
accommodated to every case, and of such powerful efficacy, as those
that are fetched from Christ and the future state; thence the
comforts here are fetched.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p4" shownumber="no">I. Jesus Christ shall appear his church's
patron and protector: <i>At that time,</i> when the persecution is
at the hottest, <i>Michael shall stand up,</i> <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p4.1" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.1" parsed="|Dan|12|1|0|0" passage="Da 12:1"><i>v.</i> 1</scripRef>. The angel had told Daniel what a
firm friend Michael was to the church, <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p4.2" osisRef="Bible:Dan.10.21" parsed="|Dan|10|21|0|0" passage="Da 10:21"><i>ch.</i> x. 21</scripRef>. He all along showed this
friendship in the upper world; the angels knew it; but now
<i>Michael shall stand</i> up in his providence, and work
deliverance for the Jews, <i>when he sees that their power is
gone,</i> <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p4.3" osisRef="Bible:Deut.32.3" parsed="|Deut|32|3|0|0" passage="De 32:3">Deut. xxxii. 3</scripRef>. 6.
Christ is <i>that great prince,</i> for he is the <i>prince of the
kings of the earth,</i> <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p4.4" osisRef="Bible:Rev.1.5" parsed="|Rev|1|5|0|0" passage="Re 1:5">Rev. i.
5</scripRef>. And, if he stand up for his church, who can be
against it? But this is not all: <i>At that time</i> (that is, soon
after) Michael shall stand up for the working out of our eternal
salvation; the Son of God shall be incarnate, shall be
<i>manifested to destroy the works of the devil.</i> Christ
<i>stood for the children of our people</i> when he was made sin
and a curse for them, stood in their stead as a sacrifice, bore the
cure for them, to bear it from them. He stands for them in the
intercession he ever lives to make within the veil, stands up for
them, and stands their friend. And after the destruction of
antichrist, of whom Antiochus was a type, Christ shall <i>stand at
the latter day upon the earth,</i> shall appear for the complete
redemption of all his.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p5" shownumber="no">II. When Christ appears he will recompense
tribulation to those that trouble his people. There shall <i>be a
time of trouble,</i> threatening to all, but ruining to all the
implacable enemies of God's kingdom among men, such <i>trouble as
never was since there was a nation.</i> This is applicable. 1. To
the destruction of Jerusalem, which Christ calls (perhaps with an
eye to this prediction) such a <i>great tribulation as was not
since the beginning of the world to this time,</i> <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p5.1" osisRef="Bible:Matt.24.21" parsed="|Matt|24|21|0|0" passage="Mt 24:21">Matt. xxiv. 21</scripRef>. This the angel had
spoken much of (<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p5.2" osisRef="Bible:Dan.9.26-Dan.9.27" parsed="|Dan|9|26|9|27" passage="Da 9:26,27"><i>ch.</i> ix. 26,
27</scripRef>); and it happened about the same time that Christ set
up the gospel-kingdom in the world, that Michael our prince
<i>stands up.</i> Or, 2. To the judgment of the great day, that day
that shall <i>burn as an oven,</i> and consume the proud and all
that do wickedly; that will be such a <i>day of trouble</i> as
never was to all those whom Michael our prince stands against.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p6" shownumber="no">III. He will work salvation for his people:
"<i>At that time thy people shall be delivered,</i> delivered from
the mischief and ruin designed them by Antiochus, even all those
that were marked for preservation, that were <i>written among the
living,</i>" <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p6.1" osisRef="Bible:Isa.4.3" parsed="|Isa|4|3|0|0" passage="Isa 4:3">Isa. iv. 3</scripRef>.
When Christ comes into the world he will save his spiritual Israel
from sin and hell, and will, at his second coming, complete their
salvation, even the salvation of as many as were given him, as many
as have <i>their names in the book of life,</i> <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p6.2" osisRef="Bible:Rev.20.15" parsed="|Rev|20|15|0|0" passage="Re 20:15">Rev. xx. 15</scripRef>. They were written there before
the world, and will be <i>found written</i> there at the end of the
world, when the books shall be opened.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p7" shownumber="no">IV. There shall be a distinguishing
resurrection of those that <i>sleep in the dust,</i> <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p7.1" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.2" parsed="|Dan|12|2|0|0" passage="Da 12:2"><i>v.</i> 2</scripRef>. 1. When God works
deliverance for his people from persecution it is a kind of
resurrection; so the Jews' release out of Babylon was represented
in vision (<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p7.2" osisRef="Bible:Ezek.37.1-Ezek.37.28" parsed="|Ezek|37|1|37|28" passage="Eze 37:1-28">Ezek.
xxxvii.</scripRef>) and so the deliverance of the Jews from
Antiochus, and other restorations of the church to outward
prosperity; they were as <i>life from the dead. Many of those</i>
who had long slept in the dust of obscurity and calamity shall then
awake, some to that life, and honour, and comfort which will be
lasting, everlasting; but to others, who, when they return to their
prosperity, will return to their iniquity, it will be a
resurrection to shame and contempt, for the <i>prosperity of
fools</i> will but expose them and destroy them. 2. When, upon the
appearing of Michael our prince, his gospel is preached, many of
those who <i>sleep in the dust,</i> both Jews and Gentiles, shall
be awakened by it to take upon them a profession of religion, and
shall rise out of their heathenism or Judaism; but, since there
will be always a mixture of hypocrites with true saints, it is but
some of those who are <i>raised to life</i> to whom the gospel is a
<i>savour of life unto life,</i> but others will be raised by it
<i>to shame and contempt,</i> to whom the gospel of Christ will be
a <i>savour of death unto death,</i> and Christ himself set for
their fall. The net of the gospel encloses both good and bad. But,
3. It must be meant of the general resurrection at the last day:
<i>The multitude of those that sleep in the dust shall awake,</i>
that is, all, which shall be a great many. Or, <i>Of those that
sleep in the dust</i> many shall arise to life and many to shame.
The Jews themselves understand this of the resurrection of the dead
at the end of time; and Christ seems to have an eye to it when he
speaks of the <i>resurrection of life</i> and the <i>resurrection
of damnation</i> (<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p7.3" osisRef="Bible:John.5.29" parsed="|John|5|29|0|0" passage="Joh 5:29">John v.
29</scripRef>); and upon this the Jews are said by St. Paul to
expect a <i>resurrection of the dead both of the just and of the
unjust,</i> <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p7.4" osisRef="Bible:Acts.24.15" parsed="|Acts|24|15|0|0" passage="Ac 24:15">Acts xxiv. 15</scripRef>.
And nothing could come in more seasonably here, for, under
Antiochus's persecution, some basely betrayed their religion,
others bravely adhered to it. Now it would be a trouble to them
that, when the storm was over, they could neither reward the one
nor punish the other; this therefore would be a satisfaction to
them, that they would both be recompensed according to their works
in the resurrection. And the apostle, speaking of the pious Jews
that suffered martyrdom under Antiochus, tells us that though they
were tortured yet they <i>accepted not deliverance,</i> because
they <i>hoped to obtain this better resurrection,</i> <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p7.5" osisRef="Bible:Heb.11.35" parsed="|Heb|11|35|0|0" passage="Heb 11:35">Heb. xi. 35</scripRef>.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p8" shownumber="no">V. There shall be a glorious reward
conferred on those who, in the day of trouble and distress, being
themselves <i>wise,</i> did <i>instruct many.</i> Such were taken
particular notice of in the prophecy of the persecution (<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p8.1" osisRef="Bible:Dan.11.33" parsed="|Dan|11|33|0|0" passage="Da 11:33"><i>ch.</i> xi. 33</scripRef>), that they should
do eminent service, and yet should <i>fall by the sword and by
flame;</i> now, if there were not another life after this, they
would be <i>of all men most miserable,</i> and therefore we are
here assured that they shall be recompensed <i>in the resurrection
of the just</i> (<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p8.2" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.3" parsed="|Dan|12|3|0|0" passage="Da 12:3"><i>v.</i>
3</scripRef>): <i>Those that are wise</i> (that are
<i>teachers,</i> so some read it, for teachers have need of wisdom,
and those that have wisdom themselves should communicate it to
others) <i>shall shine as the brightness of the firmament,</i>
shall shine in glory, heavenly glory, the glory of the upper world;
and those that by the wisdom they have, and the instructions they
give, are instrumental <i>to turn</i> any, especially to <i>turn
many to righteousness,</i> shall shine <i>as the stars for ever and
ever.</i> Note, 1. There is a glory reserved for all the saints in
the future state, for all that are wise, wise for their souls and
eternity. A man's wisdom now <i>makes his face to shine</i>
(<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p8.3" osisRef="Bible:Eccl.8.1" parsed="|Eccl|8|1|0|0" passage="Ec 8:1">Eccles. viii. 1</scripRef>), but much
more will it do so in that state where its power shall be perfected
and its services rewarded. 2. The more good any do in this world,
especially to the souls of men, the greater will be their glory and
reward in the other world. Those that turn <i>men to
righteousness,</i> that <i>turn sinners from the errors of their
ways</i> and help to <i>save their souls from death</i> (<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p8.4" osisRef="Bible:Jas.5.20" parsed="|Jas|5|20|0|0" passage="Jam 5:20">Jam. v. 20</scripRef>), will share in the glory
of those they have helped to heaven, which will be a great addition
to their own glory. 3. Ministers of Christ, who have obtained mercy
of him to be faithful and successful, and so are made <i>burning
and shining lights</i> in this world, shall shine very brightly in
the other world, shall shine <i>as the stars.</i> Christ is <i>the
sun,</i> the fountain, of the lights both of grace and glory;
ministers, as stars, shine in both, with a light derived from him,
and a diminutive light in comparison of him; yet to those that are
<i>earthen vessels</i> it will be a glory infinitely transcending
their deserts. They shall <i>shine as the stars</i> of different
magnitudes, some in less, others in greater lustre; but, whereas
the day is coming when the stars shall fall from heaven as leaves
in autumn, these stars shall <i>shine for ever and ever,</i> shall
never set, never be eclipsed.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p9" shownumber="no">VI. That this prophecy of those times,
though sealed up now, would be of great use to those that should
live then, <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p9.1" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.4" parsed="|Dan|12|4|0|0" passage="Da 12:4"><i>v.</i> 4</scripRef>.
Daniel must now <i>shut up the words and seal the book</i> because
the <i>time would be long</i> ere these things would be
accomplished: and it was some comfort that the Jewish nation,
though, in the infancy of their return from Babylon, while they
were few and weak, they met with obstructions in their work, were
not persecuted for their religion till a long time after, when they
had grown to some strength and maturity. He must <i>seal the
book</i> because it would not be <i>understood,</i> and therefore
would not be regarded, till the things contained in it were
accomplished; but he must keep it safely, as a treasure of great
value, laid up for the ages to come, to whom it would be of great
service; for <i>many shall then run to and fro, and knowledge shall
be increased.</i> Then this hidden treasure shall be opened, and
many shall search into it, and dig for the knowledge of it, as for
silver. They shall <i>run to and fro,</i> to enquire out copies of
it, shall collate them, and see that they be true and authentic.
They shall read it over and over, shall meditate upon it, and run
it over in their minds; <i>discurrent—they shall discourse</i> of
it, and talk it over among themselves, and compare notes about it,
if by any means they may <i>sift out</i> the meaning of it; and
thus <i>knowledge shall be increased.</i> By consulting this
prophecy on this occasion they shall be led to <i>search</i> other
<i>scriptures,</i> which shall contribute much to their advancement
in useful knowledge; for <i>then shall we know if we follow on to
know the Lord,</i> <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p9.2" osisRef="Bible:Hos.6.3" parsed="|Hos|6|3|0|0" passage="Ho 6:3">Hos. vi.
3</scripRef>. Those that would have their knowledge increased must
take pains, must not sit still in slothfulness and bare wishes but
<i>run to and fro,</i> must make use of all the means of knowledge
and improve all opportunities of getting their mistakes rectified,
their doubts resolved, and their acquaintance with the things of
God improved, to know more and to know better what they do know.
And let us here see reason to hope that, 1. Those things of God
which are now dark and obscure will hereafter be made clear, and
easy to be understood. <i>Truth is the daughter of time.</i>
Scripture prophecies will be expounded by the accomplishment of
them; <i>therefore</i> they are given, and for that explication
they are reserved. <i>Therefore</i> they are <i>told us before,</i>
that, <i>when they do come to pass,</i> we may believe. 2. Those
things of God which are despised and neglected, and thrown by as
useless, shall be brought into reputation, shall be found to be of
great service, and be brought into request; for divine revelation,
however slighted for a time, shall be <i>magnified and made
honourable,</i> and, above all, in the <i>judgment of the great
day,</i> when the books shall be opened, and that book among the
</div><scripCom id="Dan.xiii-p9.3" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.5-Dan.12.13" parsed="|Dan|12|5|12|13" passage="Da 12:5-13" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Dan.xiii-p9.4">
<h4 id="Dan.xiii-p9.5">Daniel's Solicitude to Know the Times;
Period of Prophecy; Daniel Comforted. (<span class="smallcaps" id="Dan.xiii-p9.6">b.
c.</span> 534.)</h4>
<p class="passage" id="Dan.xiii-p10" shownumber="no">5 Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood
other two, the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the
other on that side of the bank of the river.   6 And
<i>one</i> said to the man clothed in linen, which <i>was</i> upon
the waters of the river, How long <i>shall it be to</i> the end of
these wonders?   7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which
<i>was</i> upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right
hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth
for ever that <i>it shall be</i> for a time, times, and a half; and
when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy
people, all these <i>things</i> shall be finished.   8 And I
heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what <i>shall
be</i> the end of these <i>things?</i>   9 And he said, Go thy
way, Daniel: for the words <i>are</i> closed up and sealed till the
time of the end.   10 Many shall be purified, and made white,
and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked
shall understand; but the wise shall understand.   11 And from
the time <i>that</i> the daily <i>sacrifice</i> shall be taken
away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, <i>there
shall be</i> a thousand two hundred and ninety days.   12
Blessed <i>is</i> he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three
hundred and five and thirty days.   13 But go thou thy way
till the end <i>be:</i> for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot
at the end of the days.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p11" shownumber="no">Daniel had been made to foresee the amazing
revolutions of states and kingdoms, as far as the Israel of God was
concerned in them; in them he foresaw troublous times to the
church, suffering trying times, the prospect of which much affected
him and filled him with concern. Now there were two questions
proper to be asked upon this head:—<i>When</i> shall the <i>end
be?</i> And, <i>What</i> shall the <i>end be?</i> These two
questions are asked and answered here, in the close of the book;
and though the comforts prescribed in the <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p11.1" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.1-Dan.12.4" parsed="|Dan|12|1|12|4" passage="Da 12:1-4">foregoing verses</scripRef>, one would think, were
satisfactory enough, yet, for more abundant satisfaction, this is
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p12" shownumber="no">I. The question, <i>When shall the end
be?</i> is asked by an angel, <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p12.1" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.5-Dan.12.6" parsed="|Dan|12|5|12|6" passage="Da 12:5,6"><i>v.</i> 5, 6</scripRef>. Concerning this we may
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p13" shownumber="no">1. Who it was that asked the question.
Daniel had had a vision of Christ in his glory, the <i>man clothed
in linen,</i> <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p13.1" osisRef="Bible:Dan.10.5" parsed="|Dan|10|5|0|0" passage="Da 10:5"><i>ch.</i> x.
5</scripRef>. But his discourse had been with the angel Gabriel,
and now he <i>looks,</i> and <i>behold other two</i> (<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p13.2" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.5" parsed="|Dan|12|5|0|0" passage="Da 12:5"><i>v.</i> 5</scripRef>), two angels that he had
not seen before, <i>one upon the bank of the river on one side and
the other on the other side,</i> that, the river being between
them, they might not whisper to one another, but what they said
might be heard. Christ stood <i>on the waters of the river,</i>
(<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p13.3" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.6" parsed="|Dan|12|6|0|0" passage="Da 12:6"><i>v.</i> 6</scripRef>), <i>between
the banks of Ulai;</i> it was therefore proper that the angels his
attendants should stand on either bank, that they might be ready to
go, one one way and the other the other way, as he should order
them. These angels appeared, (1.) To adorn the vision, and make it
the more illustrious; and to add to the glory of the Son of man,
<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p13.4" osisRef="Bible:Heb.1.6" parsed="|Heb|1|6|0|0" passage="Heb 1:6">Heb. i. 6</scripRef>. Daniel had not
seen them before, though it is probable that they were there; but
now, when they began to speak, he looked up, and saw them. Note,
The further we look into the things of God, and the more we
converse with them, the more we shall see of those things, and
still new discoveries will be made to us; those that know much, if
they improve it, shall know more. (2.) To confirm the discovery,
that <i>out of the mouth of two or three witnesses the word might
be established.</i> Three angels appeared to Abraham. (3.) To
inform themselves, to hear and ask questions; for the mysteries of
God's kingdom are things which the <i>angels desire to look
into</i> (<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p13.5" osisRef="Bible:1Pet.1.12" parsed="|1Pet|1|12|0|0" passage="1Pe 1:12">1 Pet. i. 12</scripRef>) and
they are <i>known to the church,</i> <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p13.6" osisRef="Bible:Eph.3.10" parsed="|Eph|3|10|0|0" passage="Eph 3:10">Eph. iii. 10</scripRef>. Now one of these two angels
said, <i>When shall the end be?</i> Perhaps they both asked, first
one and then the other, but Daniel heard only one.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p14" shownumber="no">2. To whom this question was put, to the
<i>man clothed in linen,</i> of whom we read before (<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p14.1" osisRef="Bible:Dan.10.5" parsed="|Dan|10|5|0|0" passage="Da 10:5"><i>ch.</i> x. 5</scripRef>), to Christ our great
high priest, <i>who was upon the waters of the river,</i> and whose
spokesman, or interpreter, the angel Gabriel had all this while
been. This river was Hiddekel (<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p14.2" osisRef="Bible:Dan.10.4" parsed="|Dan|10|4|0|0" passage="Da 10:4"><i>ch.</i> x. 4</scripRef>), the same with Tigris, the
place whereabout many of the events prophesied of would happen;
there therefore is the scene laid. Hiddekel was mentioned as one of
the rivers that watered the garden of Eden (<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p14.3" osisRef="Bible:Gen.2.14" parsed="|Gen|2|14|0|0" passage="Ge 2:14">Gen. ii. 14</scripRef>); fitly therefore does Christ
stand upon that river, for by him the trees in the paradise of God
are watered. <i>Waters</i> signify <i>people,</i> and so his
standing upon the waters denotes his dominion over all; he <i>sits
upon the flood</i> (<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p14.4" osisRef="Bible:Ps.29.10" parsed="|Ps|29|10|0|0" passage="Ps 29:10">Ps. xxix.
10</scripRef>); <i>he treads upon the waters of the sea,</i>
<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p14.5" osisRef="Bible:Job.9.8" parsed="|Job|9|8|0|0" passage="Job 9:8">Job ix. 8</scripRef>. And Christ, to
show that this was he, in the days of his flesh <i>walked upon the
waters,</i> <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p14.6" osisRef="Bible:Matt.14.25" parsed="|Matt|14|25|0|0" passage="Mt 14:25">Matt. xiv. 25</scripRef>.
He was <i>above the waters of the river</i> (so some read it); he
appeared in the air over the river.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p15" shownumber="no">3. What the question was: <i>How long shall
it be to the end of these wonders?</i> Daniel would not ask the
question, because he would not pry into what was hidden, nor seem
inquisitive concerning the times and the seasons, which the Father
has <i>put in his own power,</i> <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p15.1" osisRef="Bible:Acts.1.7" parsed="|Acts|1|7|0|0" passage="Ac 1:7">Acts i.
7</scripRef>. But, that he might have the satisfaction of the
answer, the angel put the question in his hearing. Our Lord Jesus
sometimes answered the questions which his disciples were afraid or
ashamed to ask, <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p15.2" osisRef="Bible:John.16.19" parsed="|John|16|19|0|0" passage="Joh 16:19">John xvi.
19</scripRef>. The angel asked as one concerned, <i>How long shall
it be?</i> What is the time prefixed in the divine counsels for the
<i>end of these wonders,</i> these suffering trying times, that are
to pass over the people of God? Note, (1.) The troubles of the
church are the <i>wonder</i> of angels. They are astonished that
God will suffer his church to be thus afflicted, and are anxious to
know what good he will do his church by its afflictions. (2.) Good
angels know no more of things to come than God is pleased to
discover to them, much less do evil angels. (3.) The holy angels in
heaven are concerned for the church on earth, and lay to heart its
afflictions; how much more then should we, who are more immediately
related to it, and have so much of our peace in its peace?</p>
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p16" shownumber="no">4. What answer was returned to it by him
who is indeed the <i>numberer of secrets,</i> and knows things to
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p17" shownumber="no">(1.) Here is a more general account given
of the continuance of these troubles to the angel that made the
enquiry (<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p17.1" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.7" parsed="|Dan|12|7|0|0" passage="Da 12:7"><i>v.</i> 7</scripRef>), that
they shall continue <i>for a time, times, and a half,</i> that is,
a year, two years, and half a year, as was before intimated
(<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p17.2" osisRef="Bible:Dan.7.25" parsed="|Dan|7|25|0|0" passage="Da 7:25"><i>ch.</i> vii. 25</scripRef>), but
the one half of a prophetical week. Some understand it
indefinitely, a certain time for an uncertain; it shall be <i>for a
time</i> (a considerable time), for <i>times</i> (a longer time
yet, double what it was thought at first that it would be), and yet
indeed it shall be but <i>half a time,</i> or a part of a time;
when it is over it shall seem not half so much as was feared. But
it is rather to be taken for a certain time; we meet with it in the
Revelation, under the title sometimes of three days and a half, put
for three years and a half, sometimes forty-two months, sometimes
1260 days. Now this determination of the time is here [1.]
Confirmed by an oath. The man <i>clothed in linen</i> lifted up
both his hands <i>to heaven, and swore by him that lives for ever
and ever</i> that it should be so. Thus the <i>mighty angel</i>
whom St. John saw is brought in, with a plain reference to this
vision, standing with his <i>right foot on the sea</i> and <i>his
left foot on the earth,</i> and with his hand lifted up to heaven,
swearing <i>that there shall be no longer delay,</i> <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p17.3" osisRef="Bible:Rev.10.5-Rev.10.6" parsed="|Rev|10|5|10|6" passage="Re 10:5,6">Rev. x. 5, 6</scripRef>. This Mighty One that
Daniel saw stood with <i>both feet</i> on the water, and swore with
<i>both hands</i> lifted up. Note, An oath is of use for
confirmation; God only is to be sworn by, for he is the proper
Judge to whom we are to appeal; and lifting up the hand is a very
proper and significant sign to be used in a solemn oath. [2.] It is
illustrated with a reason. God will suffer him to prevail <i>till
he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy
people.</i> God will suffer him to do his worst, and run his utmost
length, and then <i>all these things shall be finished.</i> Note,
God's time to succour and relieve his people is when their affairs
are brought to the last extremity; <i>in the mount of the Lord it
shall be seen</i> that Isaac is saved just when he lies ready to be
sacrificed. Now the event answered the prediction; Josephus says
expressly, in his book of the <i>Wars of the Jews,</i> that
Antiochus, surnamed Epiphanes, surprised Jerusalem by force, <i>and
held it three years and six months,</i> and was then <i>cast out of
the country</i> by the Asmoneans or Maccabees. Christ's public
ministry continued <i>three years and a half,</i> during which time
he endured the contradiction of sinners against himself, and lived
in poverty and disgrace; and then when his power seemed to be quite
scattered at his death, and his enemies triumphed over him, he
obtained the most glorious victory and said, <i>It is
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p18" shownumber="no">(2.) Here is something added more
particularly concerning the time of the continuance of those
troubles, in what is said to Daniel, <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p18.1" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.11-Dan.12.12" parsed="|Dan|12|11|12|12" passage="Da 12:11,12"><i>v.</i> 11, 12</scripRef>, where we have, [1.] The
event fixed from which the time of the trouble is to be dated, from
the <i>taking away of the daily sacrifice</i> by Antiochus, and the
<i>setting up</i> of the image of Jupiter upon the altar, which was
the <i>abomination of desolation.</i> They must reckon their
troubles to begin indeed when they were deprived of the benefit of
public ordinances; that was to them the <i>beginning of
sorrows;</i> that was what they laid most to heart. [2.] The
continuance of their trouble; it shall last 1290 days, <i>three
years</i> and <i>seven months,</i> or (as some reckon) <i>three
years, six months,</i> and <i>fifteen days;</i> and then, it is
probable, the daily sacrifice was restored, and the abomination of
desolation taken away, in remembrance of which the <i>feast of
dedication</i> was observed even to our Saviour's time, <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p18.2" osisRef="Bible:John.10.22" parsed="|John|10|22|0|0" passage="Joh 10:22">John x. 22</scripRef>. Though it does not
appear by the history that it was exactly so long to a day, yet it
appears that the beginning of the trouble was in the 145th year of
the Seleucidæ, and the end of it in the 148th year; and either the
restoring of the sacrifice, and the taking away of the image, were
just so many days after, or some other previous event that was
remarkable, which is not recorded. There are many particular times
fixed in the scripture-prophecies, which it does not appear by any
history, sacred or profane, that the event answered, and yet no
doubt it did punctually; as <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p18.3" osisRef="Bible:Isa.16.14" parsed="|Isa|16|14|0|0" passage="Isa 16:14">Isa. xvi.
14</scripRef>. [3.] The completing of their deliverance, or at
least a further advance towards it, which is here set forty-five
days after the former, and, some think, points at the death of
Antiochus, 1335 days after his profaning the temple. <i>Blessed is
he that waits and comes</i> to that time. It is said (<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p18.4" osisRef="Bible:1Macc.9.28 Bible:1Macc.10.1" parsed="|1Macc|9|28|0|0;|1Macc|10|1|0|0" passage="1 Mac. ix. 28; x. 1">1 Mac. ix.
28; x. 1</scripRef>) that the Maccabees, under a divine conduct,
<i>recovered the temple and the city.</i> Many good interpreters
make these to be prophetical days (that is, so many years), and
date them from the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans; but what
events they then fall upon they are not agreed. Others date them
from the corruption of the gospel-worship by the antichrist, whose
reign is confined in the Apocalypse to 1260 days (that is, years),
at the end of which he shall begin to fall; but thirty years after
he shall be quite fallen, at the end of 1290 days; and whoever
lives forty years longer, to 1335 days, will see glorious times
indeed. Whether it looks so far forward or no I cannot tell; but
this, however, we may learn, <i>First,</i> That there is a time
fixed for the termination of the church's troubles, and the
bringing about of her deliverance, and that this time will be
punctually observed to a day. <i>Secondly,</i> That this time must
be waited for with faith and patience. <i>Thirdly,</i> That, when
it comes, it will abundantly recompense us for our long
expectations of it. <i>Blessed is he</i> who, having waited long,
comes to it at last, for he will then have reason to say, <i>Lo,
this is our God, and we have waited for him.</i></p>
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p19" shownumber="no">II. The question, <i>What shall the end
be?</i> is asked by Daniel, and an answer given to it. Observe,</p>
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p20" shownumber="no">1. Why Daniel asked this question; it was
because, though he <i>heard what was said</i> to the angel, yet he
did not <i>understand</i> it, <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p20.1" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.8" parsed="|Dan|12|8|0|0" passage="Da 12:8"><i>v.</i>
8</scripRef>. Daniel was a very intelligent man, and had been
conversant in visions and prophecies, and yet here he was puzzled;
he did not understand the meaning of the <i>time, times, and the
part of a time,</i> at least not so clearly and with so much
certainty as he wished. Note, The best men are often much at a loss
in their enquiries concerning divine things, and meet with that
which they do not <i>understand.</i> But the better they are the
more sensible they are of their own weaknesses and ignorance, and
the more ready to acknowledge them.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p21" shownumber="no">2. What the question was: <i>O my Lord!
What shall be the end of these things?</i> He directs his enquiry
not to the angel that talked with him, but immediately to Christ,
for to whom else should we go with our enquiries? "What shall be
the final issue of these events? What do they tend to? What will
then end in?" Note, When we take a view of the affairs of this
world, and of the church of God in it, we cannot but think, What
will be the end of these things? We see things move as if they
would end in the utter ruin of God's kingdom among men. When we
observe the prevalence of vice and impiety, the decay of religion,
the sufferings of the righteous, and the triumphs of the ungodly
over them, we may well ask, <i>O my Lord! what will be the end of
these things?</i> But this may satisfy us in general, that all will
end well at last. Great is the truth, and will prevail at long-run.
All opposing rule, principality, and power, will be put down, and
holiness and love will triumph, and be in honour, to eternity. The
end, this end, will come.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p22" shownumber="no">3. What answer is returned to this
question. Besides what refers to the time (<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p22.1" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.11-Dan.12.12" parsed="|Dan|12|11|12|12" passage="Da 12:11,12"><i>v.</i> 11, 12</scripRef>), of which before, here
are some general instructions given to Daniel, with which he is
dismissed from further attendance.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p23" shownumber="no">(1.) He must content himself with the
discoveries that had been made to him, and not enquire any further:
"<i>Go thy way, Daniel;</i> let it suffice thee that thou has been
admitted thus far to the foresight of things to come, but stop
here. <i>Go thy way</i> about the king's business again, <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p23.1" osisRef="Bible:Dan.8.27" parsed="|Dan|8|27|0|0" passage="Da 8:27"><i>ch.</i> viii. 27</scripRef>. <i>Go thy
way,</i> and record what thou hast seen and heard, for the benefit
of posterity, and covet not to see and hear more at present." Note,
Communion with God is not our continual feast in this world; we
sometimes are taken to be witnesses of Christ's glory, and we say,
<i>It is good to be here;</i> but we must go down from the mount,
and have there no continuing city. Those that know much <i>know but
in part,</i> and still see there is a great deal that they are kept
in the dark about, and are likely to be so till the veil is rent;
hitherto their knowledge shall go, but no further. "<i>Go thy way,
Daniel,</i> satisfied with what thou hast."</p>
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p24" shownumber="no">(2.) He must not expect that what had been
said to him would be fully understood till it was accomplished:
<i>The words are closed up and sealed,</i> are involved in
perplexities, and are likely to be so, <i>till the time of the
end,</i> till the end of these things; nay, till the end of all
things. Daniel was ordered to <i>seal the book to the time of the
end,</i> <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p24.1" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.4" parsed="|Dan|12|4|0|0" passage="Da 12:4"><i>v.</i> 4</scripRef>. The
Jews used to say, <i>When Elias comes he will tell us all
things.</i> "They are <i>closed up and sealed,</i> that is, the
discovery designed to be made by them is now fully settled and
completed; nothing is to be added to it nor taken from it, for it
is <i>closed up</i> and <i>sealed;</i> ask not therefore after
more." <i>Nescire velle quæ magister maximus docere non vult
erudita inscitia est—He has learned much who is willing to be
ignorant of those things which the great teacher does not choose to
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p25" shownumber="no">(3.) He must count upon no other than that,
as long as the world stands, there will still be in it such a
mixture as now we see there is of good and bad, <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p25.1" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.10" parsed="|Dan|12|10|0|0" passage="Da 12:10"><i>v.</i> 10</scripRef>. We long to see all wheat and no
tares in God's field, all corn and no chaff in God's floor; but it
will not be till the time of ingathering, till the winnowing day,
comes; both must <i>grow together until the harvest.</i> As it has
been, so it is, and will be, <i>The wicked shall do wickedly,</i>
but <i>the wise shall understand.</i> In this, as in other things,
St. John's Revelation closes as Daniel did. <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p25.2" osisRef="Bible:Rev.22.11" parsed="|Rev|22|11|0|0" passage="Re 22:11">Rev. xxii. 11</scripRef>, <i>He that is filthy, let him
be filthy still; and he that is holy, let him be holy still.</i>
[1.] There is no remedy but that wicked people <i>will do
wickedly;</i> and such people there are and will be in the world to
the end of time. <i>So said the proverb of the ancients, Wickedness
proceeds from the wicked</i> (<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p25.3" osisRef="Bible:1Sam.24.13" parsed="|1Sam|24|13|0|0" passage="1Sa 24:13">1 Sam.
xxiv. 13</scripRef>); and the observation of the moderns says the
same. Bad men will do bad things; and a <i>corrupt tree</i> will
<i>never bring forth good fruit.</i> Do men <i>gather grapes of
thorns,</i> or bring forth good things from an evil treasure in the
heart? No; wicked practices are the natural products of wicked
principles and dispositions. <i>Marvel not at the matter</i> then,
<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p25.4" osisRef="Bible:Eccl.5.8" parsed="|Eccl|5|8|0|0" passage="Ec 5:8">Eccl. v. 8</scripRef>. We are told,
before, that the <i>wicked will do wickedly;</i> we can expect no
better from them: but, which is worse, <i>none of the wicked shall
understand.</i> This is either, <i>First,</i> A part of their sin.
They <i>will not understand;</i> they shut their eyes against the
light, and none so blind as those that will not see.
<i>Therefore</i> they are <i>wicked</i> because they <i>will not
understand.</i> If they did but rightly know the truths of God,
they would readily obey the laws of God, <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p25.5" osisRef="Bible:Ps.82.5" parsed="|Ps|82|5|0|0" passage="Ps 82:5">Ps. lxxxii. 5</scripRef>. Wilful sin is the effect of
wilful ignorance; they <i>will not understand</i> because <i>they
are wicked;</i> they <i>hate the light,</i> and come not to the
light, <i>because their deeds are evil,</i> <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p25.6" osisRef="Bible:John.3.19" parsed="|John|3|19|0|0" passage="Joh 3:19">John iii. 19</scripRef>. Or, <i>Secondly,</i> It is a
part of their punishment; they will do wickedly, and therefore God
has given them up to <i>blindness of mind,</i> and has said
concerning them, <i>They shall not understand,</i> nor be
<i>converted and healed,</i> <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p25.7" osisRef="Bible:Matt.13.14-Matt.13.15" parsed="|Matt|13|14|13|15" passage="Mt 13:14,15">Matt.
xiii. 14, 15</scripRef>. God will not <i>give them eyes to see,</i>
because they will do wickedly, <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p25.8" osisRef="Bible:Deut.29.4" parsed="|Deut|29|4|0|0" passage="De 29:4">Deut.
xxix. 4</scripRef>. [2.] Yet, bad as the world is, God will secure
to himself a remnant of good people in it; still there shall be
some, there shall be many, to whom the providences and ordinances
of God shall be <i>a savour of life unto life,</i> while to others
they are <i>a savour of death unto death. First,</i> the
providences of God shall do them good: <i>Many shall be purified,
and made white, and tried,</i> by their troubles (compare <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p25.9" osisRef="Bible:Dan.11.35" parsed="|Dan|11|35|0|0" passage="Da 11:35"><i>ch.</i> xi. 35</scripRef>), by the same
troubles which will but stir up the corruptions of the wicked and
make them do more wickedly. Note, The afflictions of good people
are designed for their trial; but by these trials they are
<i>purified</i> and <i>made white,</i> their corruptions are purged
out, their graces are brightened, and made both more vigorous and
more conspicuous, and are <i>found to praise, and honour, and
glory,</i> <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p25.10" osisRef="Bible:1Pet.1.7" parsed="|1Pet|1|7|0|0" passage="1Pe 1:7">1 Pet. i. 7</scripRef>. To
those who are themselves sanctified and good every event is
sanctified, and works for good, and helps to make them better.
<i>Secondly,</i> The word of God shall do them good. When the
<i>wicked understand not,</i> but stumble at the word, the <i>wise
shall understand.</i> Those who are wise in practice shall
understand doctrine; those who are influenced and governed by the
divine law and love shall be illuminated with a divine light. For
if any man will <i>do his will</i> he shall <i>know the truth,</i>
<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p25.11" osisRef="Bible:John.7.17" parsed="|John|7|17|0|0" passage="Joh 7:17">John vii. 17</scripRef>. <i>Give
instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser.</i></p>
<p class="indent" id="Dan.xiii-p26" shownumber="no">(4.) He must comfort himself with the
pleasing prospect of his own happiness in death, in judgment, and
to eternity, <scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p26.1" osisRef="Bible:Dan.12.13" parsed="|Dan|12|13|0|0" passage="Da 12:13"><i>v.</i> 13</scripRef>.
Daniel was now very old, and had been long engaged both in an
intimate acquaintance with heaven and in a great deal of public
business on this earth. And now he must think of bidding farewell
to this present state: <i>Go thou thy way till the end be.</i> [1.]
It is good for us all to think much of going away from this world;
we are still going, and must be gone shortly, gone the way of all
the earth. That must be our way; but this is our comfort, We shall
not go till God calls for us to another world, and till he has done
with us in this world, till he says, "<i>Go thou thy way;</i> thou
hast finished thy testimony, done thy work, and accomplished as a
hireling thy day, therefore now, <i>Go thy way,</i> and leave it to
others to take thy room." [2.] When a good man goes his way from
this world he enters into rest: "<i>Thou shalt rest</i> from all
thy present toils and agitations, and shalt not see the evils that
are coming on the next generation." Never can a child of God say
more pertinently than in his dying moments, <i>Return unto thy
rest, O my soul!</i> [3.] Time and days will have an end; not only
our time and days will end very shortly, but all times and days
will have an end at length; yet a little while, and time shall be
no more, but all its revolutions will be numbered and finished.
[4.] Our rest in the grave will be but <i>till the end of the
days;</i> and then the peaceful rest will be happily disturbed by a
joyful resurrection. Job foresaw this when he said of the dead,
<i>Till the heavens be no more,</i> they <i>shall not awake, nor be
raised out of their sleep,</i> implying that then they shall,
<scripRef id="Dan.xiii-p26.2" osisRef="Bible:Job.14.12" parsed="|Job|14|12|0|0" passage="Job 14:12">Job xiv. 12</scripRef>. [5.] We must
every one of us <i>stand in our lot at the end of the days.</i> In
the judgment of the great day we must have our allotment according
to what we were, and what we did, in the body, either, <i>Come, you
blessed</i> or, <i>Go, you cursed;</i> and we must <i>stand for
ever in that lot.</i> It was a comfort to Daniel, it is a comfort
to all the saints, that, whatever their lot is in the days of time,
they shall have a happy lot in <i>the end of the days,</i> shall
have their <i>lot among the chosen.</i> And it ought to be the
great care and concern of every one of us to secure a happy lot at
last in the <i>end of the days,</i> and they we may well be content
with our present lot, welcome the will of God. [6.] A believing
hope and prospect of a blessed lot in the heavenly Canaan, at the
end of the days, will be an effectual support to us when we are
going our way out of this world, and will furnish us with living
comforts in dying moments.</p>