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2023-12-17 20:08:46 +00:00
<p>Here, I. Gideon applies himself with all possible care and industry to do the part of a good general, in leading on the hosts of Israel against the Midianites (<a class="bibleref" title="Judg.7.1" href="/passage/?search=Judg.7.1">Jdg. 7:1</a>): <i>He rose up early</i>, as one whose heart was upon his business, and who was afraid of losing time. Now that he is sure God is with him he is impatient of delay. He pitched near a famous well, that his army might not be distressed for want of water, and gained the higher ground, which possibly might be some advantage to him, for the Midianites <i>were beneath him in the valley</i>. Note, Faith in Gods promises must not slacken, but rather quicken, our endeavours. When we are sure God goes before us, then we must bestir ourselves, <a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.5.24" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.5.24">2 Sam. 5:24</a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. God provides that the praise of the intended victory may be reserved wholly to himself, by appointing 300 men only to be employed in this service.</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. The army consisted of 32,000 men, a small army in comparison with what the Midianites had now brought into the field; Gideon was ready to think them too few, but God comes to him, and tells him they are <i>too many</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Judg.7.2" href="/passage/?search=Judg.7.2">Jdg. 7:2</a>. Not but that those did well who offered themselves willingly to this expedition, but God saw fit not to make use of all that came. We often find God bringing great things to pass by a few hands, but this was the only time that he purposely made them fewer. Had Deborah lately blamed those who <i>came not to the help of the Lord</i>, and yet in the next great action must those be turned off that do come? Yes; (1.) God would hereby show that when he employed suitable instruments in his service he did not need them, but could do his work without them, so that he was not indebted to them for their service, but they to him for employing them. (2.) He would hereby put those to shame for their cowardice who had tamely submitted to the Midianites, and durst not make head against them, because of the disproportion of their numbers. They now saw that, if they had but made sure of the favour of God, one of them might have chased a thousand. (3.) He would hereby silence and exclude boasting. This is the reason here given by him who knows the pride that is in mens hearts: <i>Lest Israel vaunt themselves against me</i>. Justly were those denied the honour of the success. <i>My own hand hath saved me</i> is a word that must never come out of the mouth of such as shall be saved. <i>He that glories must glory in the Lord</i>, and all flesh must be silent before him.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. Two ways God took to lessen their numbers:—(1.) He ordered all that would own themselves timorous and faint-hearted to be dismissed, <a class="bibleref" title="Judg.7.3" href="/passage/?search=Judg.7.3">Jdg. 7:3</a>. They were now encamped on a mountain close to the enemy, called <i>Mount Gilead</i>, from Gilead, the common ancestor of these families of Manasseh, which were seated on this side Jordan (<a class="bibleref" title="Num.26.30" href="/passage/?search=Num.26.30">Num. 26:30</a>), and thence they might see perhaps the vast numbers of the enemy; those therefore who were disheartened at the sight were left to their liberty, to go back if they pleased. There was a law for making such a proclamation as this, <a class="bibleref" title="Deut.20.8" href="/passage/?search=Deut.20.8">Deut. 20:8</a>. But Gideon perhaps thought that concerned only those wars which were undertaken for the enlarging of their coast, not, as this, for their necessary defence against an invader; therefore Gideon would not have proclaimed this if God, who knew how his forces would hereby be diminished, had not commanded him. Cowards would be as likely as any, after the victory, to take the honour of it from God, and therefore God would not do them the honour to employ them in it. One would have thought there would be scarcely one Israelite to be found that against such an enemy as the Midianites, and under such a leader as Gideon, would own himself fearful; yet above two parts of three took advantage of this proclamation, and filed off, when they saw the strength of the enemy and their own weakness, not considering the assurances of the divine presence which their general had received of the Lord, and, it is likely, delivered unto them. Some think the oppression they had been under so long had broken their spirits, others, more probably, that consciousness of their own guilt had deprived them of their courage. Sin stared them in the face, and therefore they durst not look death in the face. Note, Fearful faint-hearted people are not fit to be employed for God; and, among those that are enlisted under the banner of Christ, there are more such than we think there are. (2.) He directed the cashiering of all that remained except 300 men, and he did it by a sign: <i>The people are yet too many</i> for me to make use off, <a class="bibleref" title="Judg.7.4" href="/passage/?search=Judg.7.4">Jdg. 7:4</a>. See how much Gods thoughts and ways are above ours. Gideon himself, it is likely, thought they were too few, though they were as many as Barak encountered Sisera with (<a class="bibleref" title="Judg.4.14" href="/passage/?search=Judg.4.14">Jdg. 4:14</a>); and, had he not forced his way through the discouragement by dint of faith, he himself would have started back from so hazardous an enterprise, and have made the best of his own way back. But God saith, they are <i>too many</i>, and, when diminished to a third part, they are yet <i>too many</i>, which may help us to understand those providences which sometimes seem to weaken the church and its interests: its friends are too many, too mighty, too wise, for God to work deliverance by; God is taking a course to lessen them, that he may be <i>exalted in his own strength</i>. Gideon is ordered to bring his soldiers to the watering, probably to the well of Harod (<a class="bibleref" title="Judg.7.1" href="/passage/?search=Judg.7.1">Jdg. 7:1</a>) and the stream that ran from it; he, or some appointed by him, must observe how they drank. We must suppose they were all thirsty, and were inclined to drink; it is likely he told them they must prepare to enter upon action immediately, and therefore must refresh themselves accordingly, not expecting, after this, to drink any thing else but the blood of their enemies. Now some, and no doubt the most, would kneel down on their knees to drink, and put their mouths to the water as horses do, and so they might get their full draught. Others, it may be, would not make such a formal business of it, but as a dog laps with his tongue, a lap and awa
<p class="tab-1">3. Let us see how this little despicable regiment, on which the stress of the action must lie, was accoutred and fitted out. Had these 300 been double-manned with servants and attendants, and double-armed with swords and spears, we should have thought them the more likely to bring something to pass. But, instead of making them more serviceable by their equipment, they are made less so. For, (1.) Every soldier turns butler: They <i>took victuals in their hands</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Judg.7.8" href="/passage/?search=Judg.7.8">Jdg. 7:8</a>), left their bag and baggage behind, and every man burdened himself with his own provision, which was a trial of their faith, whether they could trust God when they had no more provisions with them than they could carry, and a trial of their diligence, whether they would carry as much as they had occasion for. This was indeed living from hand to mouth. (2.) Every soldier turns trumpeter. The regiments that were cashiered left their trumpets behind them for the use of these 300 men, who were furnished with these instead of weapons of war, as if they had been going rather to a game than to a battle.</p>