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2023-12-17 20:08:46 +00:00
<p>Here we have,</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. The tidings brought to Ezekiel of the burning of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans. The city was burnt in the eleventh year of the captivity and the fifth month, <a class="bibleref" title="Jer.52.12,Jer.52.13" href="/passage/?search=Jer.52.12,Jer.52.13"><span class="bibleref" title="Jer.52.12">Jer. 52:12</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Jer.52.13">13</span></a>. Tidings hereof were brought to the prophet by one that was an eye-witness of the destruction, in the twelfth year, and the tenth month (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.33.21" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.33.21">Ezek. 33:21</a>), which was a year and almost five months after the thing was done; we may well suppose that, there being a constant correspondence at this time more than ever kept up between Jerusalem and Babylon, he had heard the news long before. But this was the first time he had an account of it from a refugee, from one who escaped, who could be particular, and would be pathetic, in the narrative of it. And the sign given him was the coming of such a one to him as had himself narrowly escaped the flames (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.24.26" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.24.26">Ezek. 24:26</a>): <i>He that escapes in that day shall come unto thee</i>, to <i>cause thee to hear it with thy ears</i>, to hear it more distinctly than ever, from one that could say, <i>Quaeque ipse miserrima vidi—These miserable scenes I saw</i>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. The divine impressions and influences he was under, to prepare him for those heavy tidings (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.33.22" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.33.22">Ezek. 33:22</a>): <i>The hand of the Lord was upon me before he came, and had opened my mouth</i> to speak to the house of Israel what we had in the former part of this chapter. And now <i>he was no more dumb</i>; he prophesied now with more freedom and boldness, being by the event proved a true prophet, to the confusion of those that contradicted him. All the prophecies from <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.24.1" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.24.1">Ezek. 24:1</a>-<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.32.32" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.32.32">32:32</a> have relation purely to the nations about, it is probable that the prophet, when he received them from the Lord, did not deliver them by word of mouth, but in writing; for he could not <i>Say to the Ammonites, Say unto Tyrus, Say unto Pharaoh</i>, etc., so and so, but by letters directed to the persons concerned, as Zacharias, when he could not speak, wrote; and herein he was as truly executing his prophetic office as ever. Note, Even silenced ministers may be doing a great deal of good by writing letters and making visits. But now the prophets <i>mouth is opened</i>, that he may <i>speak to the children of his people</i>. It is probable that he had, during these three years, been continually speaking to them as a friend, putting them in mind of what he had formerly delivered to them, but that he never spoke to them as a prophet, by inspiration, till now, when <i>the hand of the Lord came upon him</i>, renewed his commission, gave him fresh instructions, and <i>opened his mouth</i>, furnished him with power to speak to the people <i>as he ought to speak</i>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. The particular message he was entrusted with, relating to these Jews that yet remained in the <i>land of Israel</i>, and <i>inhabited the wastes</i> of that land, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.33.24" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.33.24">Ezek. 33:24</a>. See what work sin had made. <i>The cities of</i> Israel had now become the wastes of Israel, for they lay all in ruins; some few that had escaped the sword and captivity still continued there and began to think of re-settling. This was so long after the destruction of Jerusalem that it was some time before this that Gedaliah (a modest humble man) and his friends were slain; but probably at this time Johanan, and the <i>proud men</i> that joined with him, were at the height (<a class="bibleref" title="Jer.43.2" href="/passage/?search=Jer.43.2">Jer. 43:2</a>); and before they came to a resolution to go into Egypt, wherein Jeremiah opposed them, it is probable that the project was to establish themselves in the wastes of the land of Israel, in which Ezekiel here opposed them, and probably despatched the message away by the person that brought him the news of Jerusalems destruction. Or, perhaps, those here prophesied against might be some other party of Jews, that remained in the land, hoping to take root there and to be sole masters of it, after Johanan and his forces had gone into Egypt. Now here we have,</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. An account of the pride of these remaining Jews, who dwelt in the <i>wastes of the land of</i> Israel. Though the providence of God concerning them had been very humbling, and still was very threatening, yet they were intolerably haughty and secure, and promised themselves peace. He that brought the news to the prophet that Jerusalem was smitten could not tell him (it is likely) what these people said, but God tells him, <i>They say, “The land is given us for inheritance</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.33.24" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.33.24">Ezek. 33:24</a>. Our partners being gone, it is now all our own by survivorship, or, for want of heirs, it comes to us as occupants; we shall now be placed alone in the midst of the earth and have it all to ourselves.” This argues great stupidity under the weighty hand of God, and a reigning selfishness and narrow-spiritedness; they pleased themselves in the ruin of their country as long as they hoped to find their own account in it, cared not though it were <i>all waste</i>, so that they might have the sole property—a poor inheritance to be proud of! They have the impudence to compare their case with Abrahams, glorying in this, <i>We have Abraham to our father</i>. “Abraham,” say they, “<i>was one</i>, one family, and <i>he inherited the land</i>, and lived many years in the peaceable enjoyment of it; <i>but we are many</i>, many families, more numerous than he; <i>the land is given us for inheritance</i>.” (1.) They think they can make out as good a title from God to this land as Abraham could: “If God <i>gave this land</i> to him, who was but one worshipper of him, as a reward of his service, much more will he give it to us, who are many worshippers of him, as the reward of our service.” This shows the great conceit they had of the own merits, as if they were greater than those of Abraham their father, who yet was not justified by works. (2.) They think they can make good the possession of this land against the Chaldeans and all others invaders, as well as Abraham could against those that were competitors with him for it: “If he, who was but one, could hold it, much more shall we, who are many, and have many more at command than his 300 <i>trained servants</i>.” This shows the confidence they had in their own might; they had got possession, and were resolved to keep it.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. A check to this pride. Since Gods providences did neither humble them nor terrify them, he sends them a message sufficient to do both.</p>
<p class="tab-1">(1.) To humble them, he tells them of the wickedness they still persisted in, which rendered them utterly unworthy to possess this land, so that they could not expect God should give it to them. They had been followed with one judgment after another, but they had not profited by those means of grace as might be expected; they were still unreformed, and how could they expect <i>that they should possess the land? “Shall you possess the land</i>? What! such wicked people as you are? <i>How shall I put thee among the children, and give thee a pleasant land</i>? <a class="bibleref" title="Jer.3.19" href="/passage/?search=Jer.3.19">Jer. 3:19</a>. Surely you never reflect upon yourselves, else you would rather wonder that you are in the land of the living than expect to possess this land. For do you now know how bad you are?” [1.] “You make no conscience of forbidden fruit, forbidden food: <i>You eat with the blood</i>,” directly contrary to one of the precepts given to Noah and his sons when God gave them possession of the earth, <a class="bibleref" title="Gen.9.4" href="/passage/?search=Gen.9.4">Gen. 9:4</a>. [2.] “Idolatry, that covenant-breaking sin, that sin which the jealous God has been in a particular manner provoked by to lay your country waste, is still the sin that most easily besets you and which you have a strong inclination to: <i>You lift up your eyes towards your idols</i>, which is a sign that though perhaps you do not bow your knee to them so much as you have done, yet you set your hearts upon them and hanker after them.” [3.] “You are as fierce, and cruel, and barbarous as ever: <i>You shed blood</i>, innocent blood.” [4.] “You confide in your own strength, your own arm, your own bow, and have no dependence on, or regard to, God and his providence: <i>You stand upon your sword</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.33.26" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.33.26">Ezek. 33:26</a>); you think to carry all before you, and make all your own, by force of arms.” How can those expect the inheritance of Isaac (as these did) who are of Ishmaels disposition, that had <i>his hand against every man</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Gen.16.12" href="/passage/?search=Gen.16.12">Gen. 16:12</a>), and Esaus resolution to <i>live by his sword</i>? <a class="bibleref" title="Gen.27.40" href="/passage/?search=Gen.27.40">Gen. 27:40</a>. We met with those (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.32.27" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.32.27">Ezek. 32:27</a>) who, when they died, thought they could not lie easy underground unless they had their swords under their heads. Here we meet with those who, while they live, think they cannot stand firmly above ground unless they have their swords under their feet, as if swords were both the softest pillows and the strongest pillars; though it was sin, it was sin, that first drew the sword. But, blessed be God, there are those who know better, who stand upon the support of the divine power and promise and lay their heads in the bosom of divine love, <i>not trusting in their own sword</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.44.3" href="/passage/?search=Ps.44.3">Ps. 44:3</a>. [5.] “You are guilty of all manner of abominations, and, particularly, <i>you defile every one his neighbours wife</i>, which is an abomination of the first magnitude, <i>and shall you possess the land</i>? What! such vile miscreants as you?” Note, Those cannot expect to <i>possess the land</i>, nor to enjoy any true comfort or happiness here or hereafter, who live in rebellion against the Lord.</p>
<p class="tab-1">(2.) To terrify them, he tells them of the further judgments God had in store for them, which should make them utterly unable to possess this land, so that they could not stand it out against the enemy. Do they say that they shall possess the land? God has said they shall not, he has sworn it, <i>As I live, saith the Lord</i>. Though he has sworn that he delights not <i>in the death of sinners</i>, yet he has sworn also that those who persist in impenitency and unbelief <i>shall not enter into his rest</i>. [1.] Those that are in the cities, here called the <i>wastes</i>, shall <i>fall by the sword</i>, either by the sword of the Chaldeans, who come to avenge the murder of Gedaliah, or by one anothers swords, in their intestine broils. [2.] Those that are in the open field shall be <i>devoured by</i> wild <i>beasts</i>, which swarmed, of course, in the country when it was dispeopled, and there were none to master them and keep them under, <a class="bibleref" title="Exod.23.29" href="/passage/?search=Exod.23.29">Exod. 23:29</a>. When the army of the enemy had quitted the country still there was no safety in it. <i>Noisome beasts</i> constituted one of the four <i>sore judgments</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.14.15" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.14.15">Ezek. 14:15</a>. [3.] Those that are <i>in the forts and in the caves</i>, that think themselves safe in artificial or natural fastnesses, because mens eyes cannot discover them nor mens darts reach them, there the arrows of the Almighty shall find them out; they shall <i>die of the pestilence</i>. [4.] The whole land, even the land of Israel, that had been the glory of all lands, shall be <i>most desolate</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.33.28" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.33.28">Ezek. 33:28</a>. <i>It shall be desolation, desolation</i>, all over as desolate as desolation itself can make it. The <i>mountain of Israel</i>, the fruitful mountains, Zion itself the holy mountain not excepted, <i>shall be desolate</i>, the roads unfrequented, the houses uninhabited, that <i>none shall pass through</i>; as it was threatened (<a class="bibleref" title="Deut.28.62" href="/passage/?search=Deut.28.62">Deut. 28:62</a>), <i>You shall be left few in number</i>. [5.] The <i>pomp of her strength</i>, whatever she glories in as her pomp and trusts to as her strength, shall be made to cease. [6.] The cause of all this was very bad; it is for <i>all their abominations which they have committed</i>. It is sin that does all this mischief, that makes nations desolate; and therefore we ought to call it an abomination. [7.] Yet the effect of all this will be very good: <i>Then shall they know that I am the Lord</i>, am their Lord, and shall return to their allegiance, <i>when I have made the land most desolate</i>. Those are untractable unteachable indeed that are not made to know their dependence upon God when all their creature-comforts fail them and are made desolate.</p>