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2023-12-17 20:08:46 +00:00
<p>In these verses we have an account of the great wickedness of the people of Israel, especially in worshipping idols, notwithstanding the great favours that God had conferred upon them, by which, one would think, they should have been for ever engaged to him. This wickedness of theirs is here represented by the lewd and scandalous conversation of that beautiful maid which was rescued from ruin, brought up and well provided for by a kind friend and benefactor, that had been in all respects as a father and a husband to her. Their idolatry was the great provoking sin that they were guilty of; it began in the latter end of Solomons time (for from Samuels till then I do not remember that we read any thing of it), and thenceforward continued more or less the crying sin of that nation till the captivity; and, though it now and then met with some check from the reforming kings, yet it was never totally suppressed, and for the most part appeared to a high degree impudent and barefaced. They not only worshipped the true God by images, as the ten tribes by the calves at Dan and Bethel, but they worshipped false gods, Baal and Moloch, and all the senseless rabble of the pagan deities.</p>
<p class="tab-1">This is that which is here all along represented (as often elsewhere) under the similitude of whoredom and adultery, 1. Because it is the violation of a marriage-covenant with God, forsaking him and embracing the bosom of a stranger; it is giving that affection and that service to his rivals which are due to him alone. 2. Because it is the corrupting and defiling of the mind, and the enslaving of the spiritual part of the man, and subjecting it to the power and dominion of sense, as whoredom is. 3. Because it debauches the conscience, sears and hardens it; and those who by their idolatries dishonour the divine nature, and change the truth of God into a lie and his glory into shame, God justly punishes by giving them over to a reprobate mind, to dishonour the human nature with vile affections, <a class="bibleref" title="Rom.1.23" href="/passage/?search=Rom.1.23">Rom. 1:23</a> It is a besotting bewitching sin; and, when men are given up to it, they seldom recover themselves out of the snare. 4. Because it is a shameful scandalous sin for those that have joined themselves to the Lord to join themselves to an idol. Now observe here,</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. What were the causes of this sin. How came the people of God to be drawn away to the service of idols? How came a virgin so well taught, so well educated, to be debauched? Who would have thought it? But, 1. They grew proud (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.16.15" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.16.15">Ezek. 16:15</a>): “<i>Thou trustedst to thy beauty</i>, and didst expect that that should make thee an interest, and didst <i>play the harlot because of thy renown</i>.” They thought, because they were so complimented and admired by their neighbours, that, further to ingratiate themselves with them and return their compliments, they must join with them in their worship and conform to their usages. Solomon admitted idolatry, to gratify his wives and their relations. Note, Abundance of young people are ruined by pride and particularly pride in their beauty. <i>Rara est concordia formae atque pudicitiae—Beauty and chastity are seldom associated</i> 8000 2. They forgot their beginning (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.16.22" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.16.22">Ezek. 16:22</a>) “<i>Thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth</i>, how poor, and mean, and despicable thou wast, and what great things God did for thee and what lasting obligations he laid upon thee thereby.” Note, It should be an effectual check to our pride and sensuality to consider what we are and how much we are beholden to the free grace of God. 3. They were weak in understanding and in resolution (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.16.30" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.16.30">Ezek. 16:30</a>): <i>How weak is thy heart, seeing thou dost all these things</i>. Note, The strength of mens lusts is an evidence of the weakness of their hearts; they have no acquaintance with themselves, nor government of themselves. She is weak, and yet an imperious whorish woman. Note, Those that are most foolish are commonly most imperious, and think themselves fit to manage others when they are far from being able to manage themselves.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. What were the particulars of it. 1. They worshipped all the idols that came in their way, all that they were ever courted to the worship of; they were at the beck of all their neighbours (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.16.15" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.16.15">Ezek. 16:15</a>): <i>Thou pouredst out thy fornications on every one that passed by; his it was</i>. They were ready to close with every temptation of this kind, though ever so absurd. No foreign idol could be imported, no new god invented, but they were ready to catch at it, as a common trumpet that prostitutes herself to all comers and <i>multiplies her whoredoms</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.16.25" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.16.25">Ezek. 16:25</a>. Thus some common drunkards will be company for every one that puts up the finger to them; how weak are the hearts of such! 2. They adorned their idol-temples, and groves, and high places, with the fine rich clothing that God had given them (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.16.16,Ezek.16.18" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.16.16,Ezek.16.18"><span class="bibleref" title="Ezek.16.16">Ezek. 16:16</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Ezek.16.18">18</span></a>): <i>Thou deckedst thy high places with divers colours</i>, with the coats of divers colours, like Josephs, which God had given them as particular marks of his favour, <i>and hast played the harlot</i> (that is, worshipped idols) <i>thereupon</i>. Of this he saith, “<i>The like things shall not come, neither shall it be so</i>; that is, this is a thing by no means to be suffered; I will never endure such practices as these without showing my resentments.” 3. They made images for worship of the jewels which God had given them (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.16.17" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.16.17">Ezek. 16:17</a>): <i>The jewels of my gold and my silver which I had given thee</i>. Note, It is God that gives us our gold and silver; the products of trade, of art and industry, are the gifts of Gods providence to us, as well as the fruits of the earth. And what God gives us the use of he still retains a property in. “It is <i>my silver</i> and <i>my gold</i>, though I have <i>given it to thee</i>.” It is his still, so that we ought to serve and honour him with it, and are accountable to him for the disposal of it. Every penny has Gods image upon it as well as Caesars. Should we make our silver and gold, our plate, money, and jewels, the matter of our pride and contention, our covetousness and prodigality, if we duly considered that they were Gods silver and his gold? The Israelites began betimes to turn their jewels into idols, when Aaron made the golden calf of their earrings. 4. They served their idols with the good things which God gave them for their own use and to serve him with (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.16.18" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.16.18">Ezek. 16:18</a>): “<i>Thou hast set my oil and my incense before the</i>, upon their altars, as perfumes to these dunghill-deities; <i>my meat, and fine flour, and oil</i>, and that honey which Canaan flowed with, and <i>wherewith I fed thee</i>, thou hast regaled them and their hungry priests with, hast made an offering of it to them for <i>a sweet savour</i>, to purify them, and procure acceptance with them: and <i>thus it was, saith the Lord God</i>; it is too plain to be denied, too bad to be excused. <i>These things thou hast done</i>. He that knows all things knows it.” See how fond they were of their idols, that they would part with that which was given them for the necessary subsistence of themselves and their families to honour them with, which may shame our niggardliness and strait-handedness in the service of the true and living God. 5. They had sacrificed their children to their idols. This is insisted upon here, and often elsewhere, as one of the worst instances of their idolatry, as indeed there was none in which the devil triumphed so much over the children of men, both their natural reason and their natural affection, as in this (see <a class="bible
<p class="tab-1">III. What were the aggravations of this sin.</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. They were fond of the idols of those nations which had been their oppressors and persecutors. As, (1.) The Egyptians. They were a people notorious for idolatry, and for the most sottish senseless idolatries; they had of old abused Israel by their barbarous dealings, and of late by their treacherous dealings-were always either cruel or false to them; and yet so infatuated were they that <i>they committed fornication with the Egyptians their neighbours</i>, not only by joining with them in their idolatries, but by entering into leagues and alliances with them, and depending upon them for help in their straits, which was an adulterous departure from God. (2.) The Assyrians. They had also been vexatious to Israel: “And <i>yet thou hast played the whore with them</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.16.28" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.16.28">Ezek. 16:28</a>); though they lived at a greater distance, yet thou hast entertained their idols and their superstitious usages, and so <i>hast multiplied thy fornications unto Chaldea</i>, hast borrowed images of gods, patterns of altars, rites of sacrificing, and one foolery or other of that kind, from that remote country, that enemys country, and hast imported them <i>into the land of Canaan</i>, enfranchised and established them there.” Thus Mr. George Herbert long since foretold, or feared at least,</p>
<p class="tab-1">That Seine shall swallow Tiber, and the Thames By letting in them both pollute her streams. 2. They had been under the rebukes of Providence for their sins, and yet they persisted in them (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.16.27" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.16.27">Ezek. 16:27</a>): <i>I have stretched out my hand over thee</i>, to threaten and frighten thee. So God did before he <i>laid his hand upon them</i> to ruin and destroy them; and that is his usual method, to try to bring men to repentance first by less judgments. He did so here. Before he brought such a famine upon them as broke the staff of bread he <i>diminished their ordinary food</i>, but them short before he cut them off. When the overplus is abused, it is just with God to diminish that which is for necessity. Before he delivered them to the Chaldeans to be destroyed he delivered them <i>to the daughters of the Philistines</i> to be ridiculed for their idolatries; for they hated them, and, though they were idolaters themselves, yet were ashamed of the lewd way of the Israelites, who had grown more profane in their idolatries than any of their neighbours, who changed their gods, whereas other nations did not change theirs, <a class="bibleref" title="Jer.2.10,Jer.2.11" href="/passage/?search=Jer.2.10,Jer.2.11"><span class="bibleref" title="Jer.2.10">Jer. 2:10</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Jer.2.11">11</span></a>. For this they were justly chastised by the Philistines. Or it may refer to the inroads which the Philistines made upon the south of Judah in the reign of Ahaz, by which it was weakened and impoverished, and which was the beginning of sorrows to them (<a class="bibleref" title="2Chr.28.18" href="/passage/?search=2Chr.28.18">2 Chron. 28:18</a>); but they did not take warning by those judgments, and therefore were justly abandoned to ruin at last. Note, In the account which impenitent sinners shall be called to they will be told not only of the mercies for which they have been ungrateful, but of the afflictions under which they have been incorrigible, <a class="bibleref" title="Amos.4.11" href="/passage/?search=Amos.4.11">Amos 4:11</a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">3. They were insatiable in their spiritual whoredom: Thou <i>couldst not be satisfied</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.16.28,Ezek.16.29" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.16.28,Ezek.16.29"><span class="bibleref" title="Ezek.16.28">Ezek. 16:28</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Ezek.16.29">29</span></a>. When they had multiplied their idols and superstitious usages beyond measure, yet still they were enquiring after new gods and new fashions in worship. Those that in sincerity join themselves to the true God find enough in him for their satisfaction; and, though they still desire more of God, yet they never desire more than God. But those that forsake this living fountain for broken cisterns will find themselves soon surfeited, but never satisfied; they have soon enough of the gods they have, and are still enquiring after more.</p>
<p class="tab-1">4. They were at great expense with their idolatry, and laid out a great deal of wealth in purchasing patterns of images and altars, and hiring priests to attend upon them from other countries. Harlots generally had their hire; but this impudent adulteress, instead of being hired to serve idols, hired idols to protect her and accept her homage. This is much insisted on, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.16.31-Ezek.16.34" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.16.31-Ezek.16.34">Ezek. 16:31-34</a>. “In this respect <i>the contrary is in thee from other women in thy whoredoms</i>: others are courted, but thou makest court to those that do not follow thee, art fond of making leagues and alliances with those heathen nations that despise thee; others have gifts given them, but thou givest thy gifts, the gifts which God had graciously given thee, to thy idols; herein thou art like a wife that commits adultery, not for gain, as harlots do, but entirely for the sins sake.” Note, Spiritual lusts, those of the mind, such as theirs after idols were, are often as strong and impetuous as any carnal lusts are. And it is a great aggravation of sin when men are their own tempters, and, instead of proposing to themselves any worldly advantage by their sin, are at great expense with it; such are <i>transgressors without cause</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Ps.25.3" href="/passage/?search=Ps.25.3">Ps. 25:3</a>), wicked transgressors indeed.</p>
<p class="tab-1">And now is not Jerusalem in all this made to know her abominations? For what greater abominations could she be guilty of than these? Here we may see with wonder and horror what the corrupt nature of men is when God leaves them to themselves, yea, though they have the greatest advantages to be better and do better. And the way of sin is down-hill. <i>Nitimur in vetitum—We incline to what is forbidden</i>.</p>