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2023-12-17 20:08:46 +00:00
<p>Here we have, I. The deep impressions which these visions made upon the prophet. God in them put honour upon him, and gave him satisfaction, yet not without a great allay of pain and perplexity (<a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.15" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.15">Dan. 7:15</a>): <i>I Daniel was grieved in my spirit, in the midst of my body</i>. The word here used for the <i>body</i> properly signifies a <i>sheath</i> or <i>scabbard</i>, for the body is no more to the soul; that is the weapon; it is that which we are principally to take care of. The <i>visions of my head troubled me</i>, an again (<a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.28" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.28">Dan. 7:28</a>), <i>my cogitations much troubled me</i>. The manner in which these things were discovered to him quite overwhelmed him, and put his thoughts so much to the stretch that his spirits failed him, and the trance he was in tired him and made him faint. The things themselves that were discovered amazed and astonished him, and put him into a confusion, till by degrees he recollected and conquered himself, and set the comforts of the vision over against the terrors of it.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. His earnest desire to understand the meaning of them (<a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.16" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.16">Dan. 7:16</a>): <i>I came near to one of those that stood by, to</i> one of the angels that appeared attending the <i>Son of man</i> in his glory, and <i>asked him the truth</i> (the true intent and meaning) <i>of all this</i>. Note, It is a very desirable thing to take the right and full sense of what we see and hear from God; and those that would know must ask by faithful and fervent prayer and by <i>accomplishing a diligent search</i>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. The key that was given him, to let him into the understanding of this vision. The angel <i>told him</i>, and told him so plainly that he made him <i>know the interpretation of the thing</i>, and so made him somewhat more easy.</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. <i>The great beasts</i> are great <i>kings</i> and their kingdoms, great monarchs and their monarchies, <i>which shall arise out of the earth</i>, as those beasts did <i>out of the sea</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.17" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.17">Dan. 7:17</a>. They are but <i>terraefilii—from beneath</i>; they savour of the earth, and their foundation is <i>in the dust</i>; they are of the earth earthy, and they are written in the dust, and to the dust they shall return.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. Daniel pretty well understands the first three beasts, but concerning the fourth he desires to be better informed, because it differed so much from the rest, and was <i>exceedingly dreadful</i>, and not only so, but very mischievous, or it <i>devoured and broke in pieces</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.19" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.19">Dan. 7:19</a>. Perhaps it was this that put Daniel into such a fright, and this part of the visions of his head troubled him more than any of the rest. But especially he desired to know what the <i>little horn</i> was, that <i>had eyes</i>, and a <i>mouth that spoke very great things</i>, and whose countenance was more fearless and formidable than that of <i>any of his fellows</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.20" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.20">Dan. 7:20</a>. And this he was most inquisitive about because it was this horn that <i>made war with the saints, and prevailed against them</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.21" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.21">Dan. 7:21</a>. While no more is intimated than that the children of men make war with one another, and prevail against one another, the prophet does not show himself so much concerned (<i>let the potsherds strive with the potsherds of the earth</i>, and be dashed in pieces one against another); but when they <i>make war with the saints</i>, when the <i>precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold</i>, are broken as <i>earthen pitchers</i>, it is time to ask, “What is the meaning of this? Will the Lord cast off his people? Will he suffer their enemies to trample upon them and triumph over them? What is this same horn that shall prevail so far against the saints?” To this his interpreter answers (<a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.23-Dan.7.25" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.23-Dan.7.25">Dan. 7:23-25</a>) that this <i>fourth beast</i> is a <i>fourth kingdom</i>, that <i>shall devour the whole earth</i>, or (as it may be read) <i>the whole land</i>. That the <i>ten horns are ten kings</i>, and the <i>little horn</i> is another king that shall subdue three kings, and shall be very abusive to God and his people, shall act, (1.) Very impiously towards God. He shall <i>speak great words against the Most High</i>, setting him, and his authority and justice, at defiance. (2.) Very imperiously towards the people of God. He shall <i>wear out the saints of the Most High</i>; he will not cut them off at once, but wear them out by long oppressions and a constant course of hardships put upon them, ruining their estates and weakening their families. The design of Satan has been to <i>wear out the saints of the Most High</i>, that they may be no more in remembrance; but the attempt is vain, for while the world stands God will have a church in it. He shall <i>think to change times and laws</i>, to abolish all the ordinances and institutions of religion, and to bring every body to say and do just as he would have them. He shall trample upon laws and customs, human and divine. <i>Diruit, aedificut, mutat quadrata rotundis—He pulls down, he builds, he changes square into round</i>, as if he meant to alter even the ordinances of heaven themselves. And in these daring attempts he shall for a time prosper and have success; they shall be given into his hand <i>until time, times, and half a time</i> (that is, for three years and a half), that famous prophetical measure of time which we meet with in the Revelation, which is sometimes called forty-two months, sometimes 1260 days, which come all to one. But at the end of that time the <i>judgment shall sit and take away his dominion</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.26" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.26">Dan. 7:26</a>), which he expounds (<a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.11" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.11">Dan. 7:11</a>) of the beast being <i>slain and his body destroyed</i>. And (as Mr. Mede reads <a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.12" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.12">Dan. 7:12</a>) <i>as to the rest of the beast</i>, the ten horns, especially the little <i>ruffling</i> horn (
<p class="tab-1">3. He has a joyful prospect given him of the prevalency of Gods kingdom among men, and its victory over all opposition at last. And it is very observable that in the midst of the predictions of the force and fury of the enemies this is brought in abruptly (<a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.18,Dan.7.22" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.18,Dan.7.22"><span class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.18">Dan. 7:18</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.22">22</span></a>), before it comes, in the course of the vision, to be interpreted, <a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.26,Dan.7.27" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.26,Dan.7.27"><span class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.26">Dan. 7:26</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.27">27</span></a>. And this also refers, (1.) To the prosperous days of the Jewish church, after it had weathered the storm under Antiochus, and the power which the Maccabees obtained over their enemies. (2.) To the setting up of the kingdom of the Messiah in the world by the preaching of his gospel. <i>For judgment Christ comes into this world</i>, to rule by his Spirit, and to make all his saints <i>kings and priests to their God</i>. (3.) To the second coming of Jesus Christ, when the saints shall judge the world, shall sit down with him on his throne and triumph in the complete downfall of the devils kingdom. Let us see what is here foretold. [1.] <i>The Ancient of days shall come</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.22" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.22">Dan. 7:22</a>. God shall judge the world by his Son, to whom he has <i>committed all judgment</i>, and, as an earnest of that, he <i>comes</i> for the deliverance of his oppressed people, comes for the setting up of his kingdom in the world. [2.] <i>The judgment shall sit</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.26" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.26">Dan. 7:26</a>. God will make it appear that he <i>judges in the earth</i>, and will, both in wisdom and in equity, plead his peoples righteous cause. At the great day he will <i>judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he has ordained</i>. [3.] The <i>dominion</i> of the enemy shall be <i>taken away</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.26" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.26">Dan. 7:26</a>. All Christs enemies shall be made his footstool, and shall be <i>consumed and destroyed</i> to the end: these were the apostle uses concerning the man of sin, <a class="bibleref" title="2Thess.2.8" href="/passage/?search=2Thess.2.8">2 Thess. 2:8</a>. He shall be <i>consumed</i> with the <i>spirit of Christs mouth</i> and <i>destroyed with the brightness of his coming</i>. [4.] <i>Judgment is given to the saints of the Most High</i>. The apostles are entrusted with the preaching of a gospel by which the <i>world shall be judged</i>. All the saints by their faith and obedience condemn an unbelieving disobedient world; in Christ their head they shall judge the world, shall <i>judge the twelve tribes of Israel</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Matt.19.28" href="/passage/?search=Matt.19.28">Matt. 19:28</a>. See what reason we have to honour those that fear the Lord; how mean and despicable soever the saints now appear in the eye of the world, and how much contempt soever is poured upon them; they are the <i>saints of the Most High</i>; they are near and dear to God, and he owns them for his, and <i>judgment</i> is <i>given to them</i>. [5.] That which is most insisted upon is that <i>the saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.18" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.18">Dan. 7:18</a>. And again (<a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.22" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.22">Dan. 7:22</a>), The <i>time came that the saints possessed the kingdom</i>. And again (<a class="bibleref" title="Dan.7.27" href="/passage/?search=Dan.7.27">Dan. 7:27</a>), The <i>kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heavens, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High</i>. Far be it from us to infer hence that dominion is founded on gr
<p class="tab-1">Daniel, in the close, when he ends that matter, tells us what impressions this vision made upon him; it overwhelmed his spirits to such a degree that his <i>countenance</i> was <i>changed</i>, and it made him look pale; but he <i>kept the matter in his heart</i>. Note, The heart must be the treasury and store-house of divine things; there we must hide Gods word, as the Virgin Mary kept the sayings of Christ, <a class="bibleref" title="Luke.2.51" href="/passage/?search=Luke.2.51">Luke 2:51</a>. Daniel kept <i>the matter in his heart</i>, with a design, not to keep it from the church, but to keep it for the church, that what he had received from the Lord he might fully and faithfully deliver to the people. Note, It concerns Gods prophets and ministers to treasure up the things of God in their minds, and there to digest them well. If we would have Gods word ready in our mouths when we have occasion for it, we must keep it in our hearts at all times.</p>