

The entire crucifixion process was down to a science to purely humiliate and deter others. 

Mark did not include the spear piercing Jesus side. See john 19:34. Usually the leg were broken to speed up the process of death. But when the pharacies requested Jesus legs be broken the centurioun saw that he was already dead. So he showed the crowd that he was dead by piercing Jesus side. See zach 12:10 for the prophecy about the legs not being broken.

Thankfully we in American society are not used to anything close to a public execution. The last one that happened in the US was ~1930.

When the darkness fell it was noon. Not at the end of the day!

The curtain was torn from the top down! Now there is no separation from man and God! Why did a Roman/Gentile say that Christ was the Son of God. This was showing that the very revelation of Jesus is open to us!

There we no named men at the cross. Mark is showing the importance that women were given. 

Joseph was apart of the same council that chose to crucify Jesus.

v47 Joses is one of the brothers or cousins of Jesus!
	Was this one of the times that mark would invoke a different name to show proof and an eyewitness to the events. So later it could be confirmed by others. 


1. Jesus truly bore our sins!
	1. v 34
	2. This was the first time that God the Father was separated from God the Son (Jesus)
		1. Jesus at this moment fully knew what it was like to be a sinner. He had never been separated.
	3. Darkness fell as The Father looked away.
2. Jesus Completed our salvation!
	1. John 19:30
	2. Cry of victory!
	3. The Final requirement for our salvation.