#James #Speaker/Ray James 5:13-15 > [!bible]- James 5:13-15 > ![[Jas 5#13..15]] What is repetitive? **Pray** Every verse has the word "pray" in it. This section is no doubt about prayer. Suffering: All kinds! - spiritual - emotional - financial - etc. There is the idea that we need to suffer with patience. (v10) -> how do you suffer with patience , with prayer (v13) Spergian: If you have not prayed then you ... #TODO # v14-15 ![[2Pet 3#16..16]] interestingly there are no parallel scriptures found elsewhere. --- Who is involved? ## Easy ### The church The assumption is that people are apart of the church. God does not want us to live as a lone individual. Look at the whole NT, we are meant to be bear one another's burdens. We are meant to be in community! ### The Elders Who are they? - Ray - Chris/(Raymond?) - Lee Hebrews verse about following the elders and how will give an account ### The Sick - The people who feel overwhelmed. - ~35min get others The def of sick ^ All of us will feel beat down, overwhelmed! We have every right to call on the elders to pray over us! ## What is involved #### Sick It is the sicks responsibility to call the elders! Why? Because James says the sick should call the elders. It is not the job/responsibility of the elders to find the sick. This is not necessarily that this is a public event. This is meant to be a private affair. #### Oil Anointing with oil. The oil is not the "healing" factor. - The oil could be medicinal - The good Samaritan - Sacramental - King David - Symbolic - #transcript All of the above requires faith! V15 -> "offered in faith" ##### Prayer #transcript HOMEWORK: #transcript Let Ray know what our thoughts are about this passage, specifically v14-15 This is a very difficult passage. What is we do this and it fails? ~ Better to try in faith and fail then never believe in the lord #transcript