
Mark 14:12-25

*Seems Brooks took from the same sermon notes from David Guzik*

# Verse 12-16
The unleavened bread, this means they did not have yeast. 

Think Passover much like how we celebrate July 4th, but much longer!

The man carrying the pitcher is odd since women would normally carry liquid in pitchers while men would carry liquids in animal skins.
See David Guzik sermon notes ^

# Verse 17-18
We need to make sure we are clear on the topics that are centered around salvation. While questions like: is Judas in hell or heaven? cause issues with our salvation.

# Verse 19-21

20: The one who dips... is referring to one of your closest friends.

Jesus is in a way begging Judas to repent from his sin. Jesus already knew what was about to go down.

# Verse 22-25
___Take___ - This is an offering, this was not forced. Just like all of us given the opportunity of salvation, we must accept it. It can not be forced upon anyone. 

Communion is so much more than just eating the bread and drinking the wine, It is Christ offering up himself as the sacrificial lamb! It is ___one of___ the most intimate connections we could have with Christ.