#Christmas/2024 #Speaker/Ray # Joy World: When everything in your world is going right you can party. Jesus talking about joy: [[John 15]] Bible: 7 kinds of Happiness: 1. Nature - Derived from Gods Creation 2. Social - From relations 3. Vocational - Satisfaction of work 4. Physical - Especially after coming back from a health scare 5. Humor - God created us with humor 6. ??? 7. Spiritual - When we get to commune with God ![[Luke 2#8..14]] --- ## 1. The announcement of Joy This is not some abstract thing. It was a really thing pointing to God's Grace. --> v11 --> [[2Sam 7#2..13]] ## 2. The Person of Joy We get to go from an enemy of God, children of wrath, to a person of God! Our Savior was born! --> v11 --> [[Matt 1#21]] ## 3. The result of Joy --> v10, v14 Great joy for all people --> The prophecy God told Abraham, will bless all nations, people True joy and peace is only experienced through salvation. ![[Gal 5#22..23]] If you want Joy, you fight for Joy! Another thing that keeps us from joy is sin! Sin is the killer of Joy! Want joy? Read the word! ![[Ps 16#11..11]]