#Speaker/Raymond #Jonah > [!bible]- Jonah 3 > ![[Jonah 3]] Jonah was the one person that was suppose to listen the first time. **v1 is the verse that can summarize the bible!** # We have a God that deals with us patiently vv 3-9 God will take you back to the place where you said "No" ![[11-19-23#^5bee88]] When we don't understand the seriousness of our sin we can not appreciate the grace that was extend to us. Nineveh has 2 options 1. kick out/kill Jonah 2. Repent How do we respond when we are called out on our sin? Nineveh had hope that God may turn from his anger, our Hope is ***secure*** in Christ! If Nineveh could cry out with all of their strength why do we not? # We have a God delights in saving sinners v 10 Romans 8:32 ![[Rom 8#32]] ![[Lam 3#22..23]]