## God Judges with Equity ###### 1 We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks, For Your name is near; Men recount Your wondrous deeds. ###### 2 "For I select an appointed time, It is I who judge with equity. ###### 3 The earth and all who dwell in it melt; It is I who have firmly set its pillars. Selah. ###### 4 I said to the boastful, 'Do not boast,' And to the wicked, 'Do not raise up the horn; ###### 5 Do not raise up your horn on high, Nor speak with insolent pride.'" ###### 6 For _one's_ rising up does not _come_ from the east, nor from the west, And not from the desert; ###### 7 But God is the Judge; He puts down one and raises up another. ###### 8 For a cup is in the hand of Yahweh, and the wine foams; It is full of _His_ mixture, and He pours from this; Surely all the wicked of the earth must drain _and_ drink down its dregs. ###### 9 But as for me, I will declare _it_ forever; I will sing praises to the God of Jacob. ###### 10 And all the horns of the wicked I will cut off, _But_ the horns of the righteous will be raised up.