From 9668da1c30f89814b6d58b6d6c5bbc7fae0cdb0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: boose_magoose Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2023 20:18:27 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] vault backup: 2023-10-22 20:18:27 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Affected files: Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E1 - Questions About the Rapture Pt. Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E10 - Ron Rhodes A Conversation with a Real Prophecy Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E11 - Where is America in Bible Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E12 - Olivier Melnick Global Anti-Semitism and God’s Plan for Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E2 - Jan Markell Globalism, Lawlessness, and Delusional Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E3 - Questions About the Rapture Pt. 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Today, we’re going to talk about many questions about the rapture. We tackled that a little bit in season one, but we’ve gotten so many questions from viewers and listeners that want to know more about the specific details of the rapture and how we can fully understand it based on what the Bible has to say. + +So, what is the big deal with the rapture? Why is it so important? Why is it something we have got to figure out for ourselves? Jeff, welcome to the podcast. I can’t wait to tackle this topic with you today. + +Jeff: Todd, I’m excited about season two here and just the topics we’re going to be covering here. It seems like right now there’s so much in the air about the end times and about the rapture and I’m getting a lot of questions. We’re getting a lot of questions about the rapture, why it’s such a big deal, why should I pay attention to it. I mean, there’s a lot of questions because a lot of confusion that people have about the rapture out there today, and so, I want to go ahead and just tackle some of these questions here. I guess maybe a good starting point would just be simply to say, I mean, are you guys just making a big deal about the rapture just because it’s kind of a sensational topic? + +I mean, it sounds like something people would be interested in and that’s why you’re covering it, or is the rapture really that big of an issue that we should focus time on and aren’t there other things we should be talking about? And, I guess, Todd, my response to that initially, would just be, when you think about the rapture, it’s kind of a game-changer in our history, in our destiny, in the end times because depending on your view on the rapture or depending on when the rapture actually occurs, that will determine whether or not you suffer during the tribulation period. And, Jesus, when He spoke of the tribulation, He launched into this apocalyptic vision we read about Matthew 24, Luke 21 and, of course, in Revelation 6-19, that it’s the most catastrophic, horrific time in the history of mankind, where God Himself is unleashing His wrath.So I guess the bottom line would just be whether or not you’re going to go through God’s wrath is affected by the rapture and the timing on the rapture. So I would say, yeah, it’s a huge game-changer. I mean, do you want the mark of the beast? Do you want the seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments on your head? I mean, that’s a huge deal. So, I think it’s important that we address this. I mean, obviously, not in a caustic way, but just in a scriptural way to say, “I mean, yeah, I mean, Noah, do you really want to get on that ark or is the flood going to be that big of a deal?” kind of thing. So, I think it is a big deal and that’s one of the reasons why we should take time in these podcasts to address it. + +Todd: I agree. And, Jeff, I don’t know about you, but lately, I mean, even like the last year, I get two primary responses whenever I… Like I just recently put out a blog post that just says, “The seven key reasons to believe in the pre-tribulation rapture.” And then I followed it up because I thought of a few more. And then, like you said, every time I turn a page of scripture, I find another reason. + +So, there’s tons of reasons to believe it, but I got push back, and the two types of pushback that I get is one group of people saying it’s a peripheral issue, it’s secondary, it’s a distraction. And I don’t get that too often, but that comment usually comes from people who have never personally studied it for themselves, and they just go to the least common denominator that Jesus is coming back sometime, and that’s all we really need to know. But there’s so much… Why would he give us so much more than that if he didn’t want us to study it? + +And then the other more, honestly, just being real, the more caustic pushback I get are from some folks who push for a post-trib rapture. And, honestly, they’ll come at you pretty hard. Not all of them. I mean, they’re our brothers and sisters in Christ. We center on that, but several times I’ve had to just simply respond to a four-page email and say, “I’m sorry, I don’t have time to address everything you brought up here, but why don’t we spend this time reaching people for Jesus Christ instead of debating with each other? Obviously, we’re on different pages here.” + +So, we want to address some of that. We really want to tackle it head-on. We don’t want to avoid the issue because you and I, Jeff, both believe truth can be known here very clearly, and it’s very important in this day in particular, with COVID-19 and crazy stuff going on in our country. You and I both feel that between now and the election and beyond it’s going to get even crazier. So, believers who have never really studied it before, and this is the other form of emails I’m getting and comments on YouTube videos and that kind of thing is people that have never really studied it before are really, earnestly, honestly seeking truth, and those are the people that we’re really trying to do this podcast for. It’s not to debate or bash other Christians. There are people that really want to know, is it biblical to study about this? And what does the Bible say about the pre-tribulation rapture? + +Jeff: Yeah, that’s a great point, Todd, and I’m with you on that because when people bring up the issue of, well, it’s a peripheral theme, or peripheral subject, or whatever, I look at the New Testament and I see just the opposite. I see Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2 when he’s telling them about the tribulation period, what’s going to happen there, he says, “Do you not remember that while I was still with you I was telling you these things?” And what that verse says is that the end times prophecy was a part of Paul’s foundational teaching and church-planting strategy because planting a church is not just putting up a sign and gathering a group of people together. As I heard John MacArthur say recently, “Church is not putting on a light and music show followed by a TED Talk,” but it’s the believers coming together to study the Word of God.And as I see what Paul says in 1 Thessalonians about the rapture, 1 Corinthians, we see in 2 Thessalonians, 1 Thessalonians 5:1, all these places, and Jesus in John 14. I mean, we see this issue of the rapture not being peripheral. In fact, if it is the blessed hope, the blessed hope that Titus 2:13 talks about, then it’s a huge thing. In fact, the early church, at the end of 1 Corinthians, Paul said “Maranatha,” which is an Aramaic term, meaning may the Lord come. And so, we believe that’s the way the church greeted one another as they came together, instead of, “Hey, how’s it going?” they said “Maranatha.” So these were always on their lips, always on their minds, is this confident and consistent expectation of the return of the Lord. + +So, without trying to make a mountain out of a molehill, I think scripture just logically balances it out and puts it in sort of the diet of what we should know about and what we should expect in the end times. So yeah, I get that too. I get the post-trib thing and that really does speak to the earlier point that I made about, yes, are we going to go through the tribulation or are we going to be delivered from the tribulation? And, of course, if you’re a post-tribulationist, that means post means after, means that we’re going to be raptured after the tribulation and immediately go to heaven and immediately come back down, which obviously leaves no time for the judgment seat of Christ, and why should we comfort one another with these words, as 1 Thess 4:18 says, if we’re going to go through all the tribulation? Now there’s no comfort there. + +Todd: No comfort at all. I mean, and you hinted at this earlier, but I think a lot of times people think the tribulation just going to be really bad, or especially the first half, oh, that’s just going to be man’s wrath. No, Jesus is the one opening the seals, and if you read carefully in several of the judgments, it even tells you what percentage of the population of earth will die. And by the time you get to the second half of the tribulation, I think it’s over three-quarters of the Earth’s population will have died or something along those lines. It is going to be horrific beyond explanation. Like you cannot even imagine. Matter of fact, if people are living in the tribulation era, I think their mindset is going to be, “I’m probably going to die. I’m probably going to be martyred,” but thank God, many of them will come to Christ during the tribulation period. + +Unfortunately, most of them will be martyred. And then, of course, by the end of the tribulation period, we’ll have the worst holocaust of the Jewish people, unfortunately, that we’ve ever seen. What we’ve already experienced with World War II will pale in comparison, unfortunately. But, at the end, all of the Jewish people who will survive will turn to Christ and accept him. So that’s a beautiful thing. But just piggybacking off what you said, if somebody just goes through the New Testament epistles with a highlighter and highlights everywhere where they’re told to watch, or wait, or wait with expectancy, or keep their candles lit, or stay awake, all of those things show that it was an eminent thing. The early church believed the Lord could literally return at any moment. + +And, we’re setting up where this is going to be a two-part podcast on this topic, so maybe right now, we’re kind of more setting up the groundwork. And then in the second one, we’ll answer some of the kind of peripheral questions, but they’re questions that everyone wants to know. But right now we’re just trying to really push the fact that it… Yes, it’s not a salvation issue, but it is a very, very important issue, and it frames how you view the end times and, honestly, they’re coming at us like a freight train. These are the questions people are asking. Am I going to be taken out of here before the tribulation period starts? And that doesn’t mean it’s not going to get tough before then, but it’s not going to be what we read about in Revelation 6-19 until after we’re out of here. + +Jeff: You’re absolutely right, Todd, because I was just… My mind just went to Matthew 24, talking about this the intensity of the tribulation and verse 21 says, “For then there will be a great tribulation,” speaking to the last three and a half years, “such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall.” And then he says, “Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved, but for the sake of the elect, those days shall be cut short.” And it just speaks to the intensity of God’s wrath as it continues to build and build like birth pangs throughout the tribulation. Of course, we believe Revelation 6 at the beginning of the seal judgments, and that’s when the tribulation begins. It coincides with the peace treaty that Antichrist signs, Daniel 9:27. And that officially starts God’s countdown clock of that seven-year tribulation. + +When Jesus told his Jewish friends about the tribulation period, he told them to look for signs. They ask him, “What are going to be the signs?” So he gave them, he says, “Look for these signs.” But the church is never told to look for signs. We are only told to look for the blessed hope in Titus 2:13. So that’s really one of the basic, to me, one of the fundamental differences between what the church is told to do, we’re told to prepare for the coming of the Lord and the return of Christ to the rapture, but the tribulation saints and the Jews are told to look for these signs and, ultimately, the sign in the heavens in verse 30 of Matthew 24 says the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky. And, of course, that’s the second coming of Christ. + +So, yeah. Not a peripheral issue, going to be an intense time, not something that anyone wants to go through. And also, as you said, people will say, “Well, the rapture is just a doctrine of convenience. It’s just an escape clause.” And my response to that would just simply be, “Well, if it’s an escape clause, then so was Noah and the ark. So was Lot and the angels who delivered him and basically escaped him from Sodom and Gomorrah before God’s judgment fell.” And as you mentioned, Todd, God nowhere says that we will not go through hard times. I mean, Jesus said in John 15, “If they hated me, they’re going to hate you.” I mean, period, paragraph. It’s going to happen. And as we ramp up closer to the time when Satan and gets his man of lawlessness ready for the world, the hatred against Christians is going to grow. + +We’re seeing that right now in many states across our country where they’re trying to shut down churches for worship. I mean, it’s an underground, low-grade hatred that people have for believers, but we’re not exempt from that. But we are exempt from God’s wrath. I mean, Jesus said in John 16 in the world, you’re going to have tribulation, but He says… He didn’t say you’re going to go through the tribulation. So, escape clause, well, yeah, we are going to escape, but it’s a deliverance from the wrath of God. And just from a doctrinal theological standpoint, just real quickly, I mean, I think it’s important for our listeners to know that God’s wrath was satisfied already on Christ at the cross, completely. And that’s why Jesus says, “It is finished,” that tetelestai cry on the cross was an accounting term that meant paid in full. + +And if God has already said, Jesus sacrifice is enough for me to forgive you of your sin, there’s not an ounce of condemnation or wrath left for us for as a judgment from God. That’s what Romans 5:9, Romans 8:1 says, “There’s therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” So, if Jesus has been satisfied, if He’s our propitiation for our sins as 1 John 2:2 says, then we’re okay. And we’re not going to experience the anger and wrath of God. In fact, all we’re going to experience is deliverance, ultimately, as He takes us up to heaven when He does unleash His wrath. So, very important issue and very important to know, from not from an emotional standpoint, Todd, but just from a doctrinal standpoint, because it’s the truth that drives us, not our emotions. So, do I want to get out of the tribulation? You better believe I do. But guess what? Fortunately, God has already said in His word that that’s going to happen. + +Todd: Exactly. That’s a great point. And that’s the pushback sometimes is like you said, isn’t it, is it a rescue clause or an escape clause? And I’ll say, yeah. 1 Thessalonians 1:10 says, “And to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He has raised from the dead, who rescues us from the coming wrath.” And I had someone ask me, “Well, how do we know that’s talking about the time of wrath, the tribulation period versus just God’s eternal wrath?” And, of course, it means both. Salvation rescues us from both of those forms of wrath. But, when you carefully look at scripture, especially all through the Old Testament, but the New Testament too, when it talks about God’s coming wrath or the day of the Lord, or those things, all of it points to a specific time period, Daniel’s 70th week, that it is specifically a time of God’s wrath, the day of the Lord. So yes, there’s a sense in which, of course, God will punish evil eternally, but all throughout the Old Testament and New Testament, it’s pointing to a specific time of God’s wrath on earth that we know as the tribulation period. + +Jeff: Absolutely. Yeah. And Paul’s theme to the Thessalonians, he goes over to chapter 5. I mean, he talks about as to the times and the epics, “You have no need of anything to be written to you, for you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.” Isn’t it interesting that he said to them, “You guys already know this.” + +Todd: You know full well. + +Jeff: You already know this full well. And the whole context of that passage is the day of the Lord, the tribulation period. So when he writes to them in the previous verses, right in chapter 4, the end of that chapter, he talks about the rapture being harpazo, being delivered from the tribulation and the wrath that’s coming, we’ll be caught up to meet the Lord, comfort one anothers, and then he talks about the day of the Lord. So the context is, obviously, that wrath that’s going to happen at the end of the age.We, I think, sometimes don’t have a construct in our minds to understand what this going to be like. God is a furious God. He’s a wrathful God. And there’s coming a time when His patience for planet earth as a whole is going to be up, and He’s going to unleash these judgments. So why would He want His precious bride to go through those type of horrific happenings that are going to come upon the earth? So, we’ll kind of touch back on some of these things, but I think that’s sort of an umbrella of kind of how we begin this discussion is yes, it’s important. Yes, it’s in the Bible. + +It is not just a doctrine of escapism, but a doctrine that is taught in the scripture. But, you know, Todd, people come up with a lot of other questions about the rapture that sometimes you think, “Well, does the Bible really address this and other objections that people have?” One of them is asking the question, “Will all believers go up in the rapture or just the Christians who are awake?” People will reference Matthew 25 and the 10 virgins and 5 were left behind, is that talking about people… Christians or whatever. So will Christians who are not living for Christ at the time, which at any given moment, a lot of Christians are not living for Christ, right? What about this partial rapture theory? You got any thoughts on that? + +Todd: Yeah. I mean, in one of the premier passages where Paul talked about the rapture, he said, “We shall all be changed.” All means all. And, like you mentioned earlier, our salvation is not based on our works, our effort. For most of us, I’ll speak for myself personally, after I became a Christian, I was a very immature Christian for many years. It took a long time for the Lord to really get ahold of me, to where I was fully dedicated to Him. If I would have looked at myself in those early years, I would have been like, “Well, he’s probably not getting caught up in the rapture.” But, thank God, it’s not based on our works. Ephesians 2:8-9. It’s not based on our works. None of us can boast that we’re more of a super Christian than somebody else. + +And, actually, you and I have talked about this before, just one-on-one, that the rapture is part of our salvation. We have been saved from the penalty of our sins right now as we live and try to grow in Christ, we’re being saved from the power of sin as we become more and more like Christ. But one day we will physically be saved from the presence of sin, and that’s when we get our new glorified, spiritual bodies that have no sin nature and we’re taken out of here, this sinful place. So, and that’s what you alluded to this earlier, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, that was Paul’s believers 101 class. Those were the earliest epistles in the New Testament, and he wrote it to some brand new Christians. And as you mentioned, he said, “Did I not tell you these things? You know full well.” He had talked to them in-depth about the rapture and the day of the Lord and that kind of thing as soon as they were believers. So it’s a very important part of our actual salvation. + +Jeff: Absolutely. And I love the verse you quoted from 1 Thess, oh, excuse me, 1 Corinthians 15 about we shall all be changed. How much more clear? If that’s the only verse we had, then that’s all we need. But he also says in 1 Thessalonians 4, he says that those who are dead in Christ obviously will rise first. Then it says, “We who are alive and remain, shall be caught up together.” He doesn’t say some of us who are alive and remain. I mean, there’s no indication in those verses that there’s anything but a full and complete rapture. There’s no hierarchy of salvation or of the rapture. + +And I think back to just, again, from just a doctrinal theological standpoint, Todd, back in Romans 8, I mean, there’s this chain of unbroken salvation. We see where it says in verse 30, it says, “Those whom He predestined, those He called. And those who He called, He also justified. And those He justified, He also glorified.” I mean, there’s no break in that. If you’re justified, meaning you’re saved, you’re going to be glorified, meaning you’re going to have your salvation complete. And so, yeah, there’s this unbroken chain of salvation from eternity past to eternity future, and God is so gracious to allow us to be a part of that. And I think that really is, I mean, hello? Aren’t we comforted by this? That’s the whole point of us knowing this doctrine is to not only be prepared, but also to be comforted. + +And I think that gives us kind of a great starting point. Gosh, there’s so much more we could talk about this. + +Todd: I was going to say, 20 minutes went by really quick. You know it. + +Jeff: It’s crazy. But here’s the thing. The thing that really… I think just inspires me, Todd, it’s just knowing that there are Christians across the world that are now, all of a sudden, beginning to turn pages in their Bibles. You hear those Bible pages turning and, all of a sudden, they’re starting to read books like mine and yours, and we’re getting emails from people saying, “I have never heard this in church before, ever.” And I think a lot of it has to do with just who the pastors are and that kind of thing, or maybe they’re not equipped, or maybe they’re afraid. Who knows? But right now is prime time to be studying these things because we need to be looking up and looking for the coming of the Lord. + +So we’re going to pick it back up in the next podcast because there’s so much more and, obviously, we’re not going to blast every question that there is about the rapture, but we’re going to cover some of the ones that we’ve been getting. But I want our listeners to know that this is meant to be a comfort and encouragement. It’s meant to build you up, to build your faith strong. + +And that’s why we’re here in the Prophecy Pros podcast to give you clarity, confidence, and courage, and hope as you move forward in the future. And Todd, I’m excited because God is, for whatever reason, God’s hand of favor is on this Prophecy Pros podcast ministry. And he is expanding that we’ve been getting tons of emails, people saying, “Hey, where’s season two? We’re missing you guys.” So here we are. We’ll get this thing blasted out to you, but also, and we’ll be telling you more about this in the future, but the Lord is planning some amazing things for the Prophecy Pros. Things that are going to get us out into America and plan some things for you out there, and some things that are going online, some video and stuff going on, but we’ll be telling you more about that in the future. + +But go to and make sure that you subscribe, and please share this with your friends. Tell them, “Hey, here’re two crazy guys that are talking about prophecy, but they’re really, they’re basing this stuff in scripture and it’s really allowing me to understand a lot more about God’s prophetic plan.” So,, and we’ll see you next time. It’s going to be more discussion on the rapture and why it’s so important for our lives today. + +Todd: Hey, thank you so much for listening. We’re really excited you found us. Make sure to subscribe if you have not done so already. And if you like what you heard, please let us know by leaving a review. That does us a huge favor and helps us out a lot. For more resources, or to ask questions, or find more about our ministries, go to and a major thank you, major shout out to Harvest House Publishers for helping us with this podcast. + diff --git a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E10 - Ron Rhodes A Conversation with a Real Prophecy b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E10 - Ron Rhodes A Conversation with a Real Prophecy index 7580b7e..e490d18 100644 --- a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E10 - Ron Rhodes A Conversation with a Real Prophecy +++ b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E10 - Ron Rhodes A Conversation with a Real Prophecy @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ URL: + ![[S2E10 - Ron Rhodes A Conversation with a Real Prophecy Pro.mp3]] *** diff --git a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E11 - Where is America in Bible b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E11 - Where is America in Bible index b43414e..6c5a31f 100644 --- a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E11 - Where is America in Bible +++ b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E11 - Where is America in Bible @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ URL: + ![[S2E11 - Where is America in Bible Prophecy.mp3]] *** diff --git a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E12 - Olivier Melnick Global Anti-Semitism and God’s Plan for b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E12 - Olivier Melnick Global Anti-Semitism and God’s Plan for new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68508a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E12 - Olivier Melnick Global Anti-Semitism and God’s Plan for @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +URL: + +![[S2E12 - Olivier Melnick Global Anti-Semitism and God’s Plan for Israel.mp3]] +*** + +Todd: Hey, Todd here, and you’re listening to the Prophecy Pros Podcast on the Edifi Podcast Network. Our guest today, Olivier Melnick, is the Northwest regional director of Chosen People Ministries, and he serves on the board of directors for Chosen People France. He’s an author and a speaker and a personal friend of ours. He’s an expert on the topic of antisemitism and Bible prophecy and how they intersect. Olivier, welcome to the Prophecy Pros Podcast. + +Olivier: Thank you, Todd and Jeff. I’m very happy to join you today. + +Todd: We really appreciate your time, brother. We’ve been looking forward to this. And most of our listeners probably have never heard of you before. So if you could, why don’t you to tell a little bit about you and your ministry and your background and that kind of thing? + +Olivier: I was born and raised in Paris, France in a Jewish family. My parents who are both gone now were war and Holocaust survivors. My mother actually was hidden in the South of France on a farm as a catholic girl during the last two years of the war. So I was brought up in a Jewish family but not really religious because as many Jews during the war, my parents lost any shred of faith in any kind of God after the Holocaust. So I was brought up Jewish but not religious. + +Moved to the United States after I got married to my American wive who led me to the Lord in 1985, by scaring me about the rapture and telling me that we would be separated if she was taken. And I thought this was crazy, but I believed. In 1983, she led me to the Lord in the summer of 1983. Came back to the States and started getting involved in church, bible studies, joined different ministries as a lay person. And eventually in 1998, we joined Chosen People Ministries, and we’ve been with them for almost 23 years now. And I currently, like you said, serve in the Northwest. + +I do a lot of travel, a lot of speaking on the topic of antisemitism. Started doing that in about 2000 and have written a civil books on the topic and many, many articles. And this is not a topic that I’ve chosen, this is a topic that God has kind of put on my lap. It gets very draining, very difficult to deal with this on a daily basis. But not that many people that are Jewish, who are believers in Yeshua, Jesus, do this. So, I keep doing it until God tells me that I’m going to have to do something else. + +Jeff: Amen. Well, Olivier, I first met you at a prophecy conference here about a year ago I think it was. Our tables were beside one another, and you gave me a copy of your book, End Times AntiSemitism: A New Chapter in the Longest Hatred. Brought that book home, I set it in my stack of books to read. And then I started writing a book, one of my books, and one of my chapters deals with antisemitism. But I just want to tell you that I read your book from cover to cover and you did such an incredible job of categorizing all of the antisemitism really all the way from biblical times up until now. + +And brother, you just did a fantastic job. I highly, highly recommended this book. I quote from you several times in my new book because you highlight the fact that there is a sub-current of antisemitism that has really run throughout history. Just speak on that for a second, and then tell us about how you see it on the rise right now in America with perhaps even some recent examples. + +Olivier: Well, in the book, which is my second book on the topic, I felt it necessary to go through history and give people, give Christians a history of antisemitism. When you look at the history of the Jewish people, and I just started to teach a Bible study online on that topic two weeks ago, when you look at the history of Jewish people, it’s easy to say that the history of Jewish people has been punctuated by acts of antisemitism. You look at how we look at Jewish people, and it actually is not uncommon to speak of Jewish history as pre-Holocaust and post-Holocaust. + +I wanted to document in that book the progression of antisemitism, which really started as theological anti-Judaism between the Christians and the Jews in the first couple of centuries after the closing of the Bible, closing of the Canon, the first, second century. And then it evolved and evolved and evolved to apex being the Holocaust. And then it morphed. I’m giving you a quick summary here, it morphed within 20 years, two decades after the Holocaust would become taboo. It was swept under the carpet. Early stages of political correctness so to speak. + +Then it came out again, it never really died, it came out again, and it was rebranded and reborn as the new antisemitism where the victims became the perpetrators and the perpetrators became the victim, a big shift in the way people look at antisemitism today. + +The bottom line is this friends, antisemitism is a creation of Satan who wants to destroy the Jews because he knows what’s happening at the end of times that God is going to use Israel for the return of Jesus, the Messiah. + +Todd: Amen. And I echo what Jeff said, this book is amazing. It’s a topic that honestly, most Christians I know have never really studied in depth, and your book lays it all out concretely and in a way that’s, literally, once you start reading, it just sucks you in, you don’t want to put the book down. And I think Olivier, honestly, I think that book has a potential to wake a lot of modern day believers up to the fact that antisemitism is on the rise today and the role that it’s played throughout church history and even before that. And unfortunately, how even so-called Christians have done some horrific things in church history against God’s chosen people. + +You hit on it a little bit, but where’s all that coming from both in terms of kind of an earthly view, what are the groups now that it’s rising from? Whether it’s Progressive’s and anarchists or Islamists or whatever, but also unpack a little bit more what you talked about with that ultimate source where antisemitism is coming from. + +Olivier: I believe that Satan is a very, very astute theologian. He does not like what the Bible has to say, especially when it has to say about him. And he really, really does not look forward to his retirement plan. So what’s happening is that he knows from scripture, he knows from Matthew and he knows from Zechariah chapter 12 and 13, that when the Jewish people say [Hebrew], when they call up on the one whom they’ve pierced and say, blessed is you who comes in the name of the Lord, that Yeshua, Jesus is going to return. The second coming is triggered by Israel corporately saying, we missed you the first time, please come, and calling them the Messiah. And he knows that this is going to start a series of event in the end times, or actually that will be towards the end of the events of the tribulation, but it’s going to start the beginning of the end for Satan. + +So he’s thinking in his narrow-minded mind that if he can stop the Jewish people from calling on Yeshua, then you will not come back, and then his career will go forever, even though he knows it’s not true. So he is the creator, he is the mastermind behind antisemitism. And what we’re seeing today, we’ve seen it throughout history, but we’ve seen it more today, and I would say more in the last 10 to 15 years, we see a tremendous irrationality. The word that I keep bringing up when I teach on the topic is that the current iteration of antisemitism is based on irrational thinking, because people are believing things that are completely irrational. + +When you look at the two extremes of the people that are actually going against the Jews today, you could look at the liberal left and radical Islam. What’s amazing about those two is if you put a proponent of the radical left and a proponent of radical Islam in the same room, pretty much, they will agree on nothing except the destruction of Israel. + +Jeff: It brings common ground to those two groups there. And it’s very interesting. Even recently, but since you’ve written this book, I mean, obviously there’s been many more incidences, but just in terms of kind of an undercurrent that’s going on, Olivier, like recently with the coronavirus, there were reports that, oh, Israel is to blame somehow for the coronavirus. And then they tried to blame the death of George Floyd on the Jews because turns out that the police departments were supposedly trained by IDF soldiers on take down techniques and arresting techniques. So it all goes back to the Jews. Blame the Jews has been this refrain that has been really parroted, like you said, not based on facts, but based on myth throughout the ages, but more recently. + +So as we begin to ramp up to revelation, let’s think about this for a second, tell our listeners, because I think most people have not really thought about, even those familiar with Bible prophecy, thought about how Israeli centric the tribulation period is. So, what’s going to happen to Israel at the beginning of the tribulation, and just take us through just an overview of how that affects the Jewish people? + +Olivier: I think what’s interesting on top of that, Jeff, is the fact that we are seeing right now some things taking place in the middle East. And I’m a very conservative Bible students so I really don’t like to have to backpedal, so I don’t make statements. I’m careful that way. But what I see with the middle East peace process right now, the peace that’s being signed between Bahrain and United Arab Emirates and possibly Saudi Arabia soon, and whatever other country that is untold but we knew is coming, is that it is setting the stage in Israel for Israel to drop her guard down because it’s like, now the Arab world all of a sudden is concerting together to say, hey, you know what, after all, the Jews are really not the problem, and we can get along, we don’t have to be enemies anymore. + +So this is setting the stage for this person that Jeff knows very well, not personally. + +Jeff: Barely. + +Olivier: Right, right, right. Exactly. Which is very funny because I’m in the process of writing a paper for Dallas Seminary right now on the person of the antichrist in Daniel. So, this is very fresh in my mind. But the antichrist is going to come, this person who is against Israel, he wants to replace Jesus and he wants to, he’s against Jesus and he wants to take his place, and he’s going to sign a covenant with Israel. So we’re looking at the seven year tribulation, he’s going to sign a covenant at the beginning of the tribulation and then break that covenant and make life, miserable is not even the word to use, basically bring death and destruction to whoever is left behind. Now, I’m a [inaudible] pre-trib, I believe that we’ll be gone during the rapture, before that. But the antichrist is going to do whatever he can to destroy Israel and the Jewish people. But first, that covenant has to be signed, which means that also a temple is going to be rebuilt. I’ve been to Israel many times. You go to the temple, they’re ready, they’ve got everything except for maybe the red heifer or the ashes of the red heifer. They’re ready to rebuild. And that temple is not condoned by God but it has to be rebuilt because the antichrist is going to desecrate it and call himself God. And in the process, he is determined to destroy the Jewish people. + +So there’s going to be a tremendous hardship against Israel during the tribulation. But there’s also, and I don’t know if you want me to go any further on that, but there’s also a very interesting passage in Matthew about the sheep and the goats. I find this to be very encouraging, to know that there will be people that will go through the terrible time of the tribulation but that will actually go out of their way to help Jewish people. And that’s not what’s going to get them saved because what gets them saved is by faith only, in Yeshua only. But because they are saved, they’re going to see that God has a special place for the Jews and they will go out of their way to help the Jews during the tribulation. That warms my heart because I see there’s still hope for some Jewish people during the tribulation. Mind you, it’s better to reach out to them before the rapture than after obviously. + +Jeff: Absolutely. Yeah, when you’ve done it to the least of these, you’ve done it to me, Jesus said, speaking of his Jewish brethren. + +Olivier: Exactly. + +Todd: I just love that the light that you’re bringing to that and the awareness that you bring into it. And with all that, what do you see all of this setting the stage for, in terms of what’s next biblically, prophetically speaking. We look at Ezekiel 38 and with these accords maybe sending Israel up to be in a place where they feel more at peace and let their guard down, like you said. What do you see as next that we should kind of keep our eyes on? + +Olivier: Well, I’d like to turn that question on its head a little bit. And not so much what’s next, because what’s next is basically what the Bible tells us what’s next, is going to be, I mean, technically the retro ridiculous in the middle of this podcast. + +Jeff: Yes. That’d be nice. + +Olivier: That would be nice. The rapture is imminent. It could happen anytime. There’s nothing that needs to happen before the rapture as of this point right now. We know that. So after that, we’ve got the seven year tribulation, and at the end of the tribulation, Israel recognizes that they missed the Messiah. But what I’d like to spend a moment discussing is that there is a need right now. That is the topic of my newest book, I don’t know if you guys have it or not, The Time is Now, which is a smaller booklet that I did. After 20 years of discussing about antisemitism [inaudible] how bad it is, I put this little book out together on seven steps Christians should take to help the Jewish people. + +I see a need right now for a group of people that I’m very familiar with that used to, they are called the righteous among the nations, and they were started in 1953 by Yad Vashem in Israel. They’re Gentiles who helped the Jews during the war at the risk of their own lives, not taking any money and really helping to hide and feed and send the Jews to a safe place. And they continue to be a group recognized from the second world war. But I see a need right now for Christians today to realize the gravity of what’s happening and what’s coming against the Jews globally from the right, from the left, from the church even, from radical Islam, from all angles. And be prepared to go out of their way, I call them the new righteous among the nations, I talk about them in that little booklet. + +And I think that we have a biblical mandate as Christians, especially Gentile Christians, to prepare to help the Jewish people, again, not to get saved, but get them protected and to eventually get them saved, as people have a chance to say, hey, listen, I want to reach out to you, I want to help Israel, I want to help the Jewish people because my Messiah is Jewish, because I have a relationship with the God of Israel, because he loves Israel so I love Israel. So, I think we need to wake up the Christian Church right now, we need to wake them up to the reality that they are going to need to take a stand for Israel even more so. + +And so, I look at Chapter 25 of Matthew, I look at that chapter, it’s going to take place in a tribulation but we can take the principle of helping the Jews because we love the God of the Jews. We can take the principle and do it today, even though that chapter speaks of something taking place in the tribulation. That’s what I like to concentrate on right now, trying to wake up the Christian church to the fact that Jews are going to need them. We really as a church failed 75 years ago. + +Todd: Really did. + +Jeff: Olivier, a couple of questions that just come to my mind is that, because I want to piggyback on that just a second a little bit more, but how do you think persecution, and just more of a, sometimes it’s hard to nail it down and to give specific examples, but sometimes it’s just in the air. How do you think that antisemitism across the world is really playing into God’s plan to drive Jewish people back to Israel? What’s the cause and effect relationship you see there? + +Olivier: I definitely see that’s part of the equation because we have seen a large number of Jewish people going back to Israel in the last maybe 10 years. I think it started with an event that took place in France in 2012, where a rabbi was killed at a school in the South of France. And then it kept going. And so maybe eight years, I document that in both my books. There’s definitely an increasing number of Jewish people moving to Israel in fear for their life, because Israel might not be a cakewalk, but it’s definitely a country that is not going to deny that the Jews need protection. And currently, there’s no place but Israel that is safe for the Jewish people. + +I get stuff constantly, I just got two different emails recently coming from France, where a long, long stretch of an avenue right next to the [inaudible] parallel to the Louvre museum, like an arcade, a series of arcades. And then on every single one of the pillar, somebody has spray-painted a swastika for hundreds of yards. And then two weeks prior, they went into a kosher restaurant, happens to be my nephew’s friend who has a kosher catering business, they destroyed the whole restaurant and said, Hitler was right, didn’t kill enough Jews. + +That happens all the time. A lot of it in France, a lot of it in different countries of the world. And in some cases, in places where people don’t even know a Jewish person, they’ve never met one. It’s based on the hearsay, it’s based on the false narrative. But it’s forcing Jewish people to go back to the land, which is something that is predicted in Ezekiel. So they’re going to go back in unbelief. This has been happening for a while now. The Jewish people are going back to the land in unbelief. So without being a sensationalist, we are really living in prophetic times because prophecy is being fulfilled in front of our very eyes. + +Jeff: Absolutely. + +Todd: A lot of people that I know when I try to talk to them about Bible prophecy and I want to introduce them to the relevance of Bible prophecy in our times, I always challenged them, I say, please, just go read Ezekiel 36 through 39, and you can see that has been filled since 1948, and it continues to be. And it reads in the exact chronological order of what we see. I highlight that. And also, I also remind people, Jesus is a Jewish savior. I hear people say Jesus was a Jewish carpenter. No, he still is Jewish. That’s one thing that I think a lot of believers don’t grasp and think of, he is Jewish. And in the end times, there’s going to be this beautiful culmination of the merge of the church and God’s chosen people. What can you share with us about that, kind of how all this ties in the end times? + +Olivier: Well, I was looking for that scripture, as you asked the question, actually on my iPad, I’m looking for that scripture, I think it’s in Zephaniah, I love that scripture when it talks about, in the millennial, 10 Gentiles would want to grab the hem of the garment of a Jewish person because they know God. The Jewish people at the end of the tribulation, those who corporately will all see that Messiah, [inaudible] Jesus is the Messiah and would recognize him and call him to return, which is what triggers the second coming of the Messiah. And so in the millennium, we have Jews and Gentiles who get along, antisemitism doesn’t exist anymore. And not only that, the head become the tail and the tail become the head. And the Jewish people will in a way lead under Messiah Yeshua. + +I love that scripture, I can’t find it right now because I’m talking and looking at the same time. But 10 men from the nations will follow, I’m paraphrasing the scripture, will follow a Jewish person and say, we want to go with you because we know that you know God. So that tells me two things. Number one, that the Jewish people in the millennial, of course you have to know, they have come to a saving knowledge of Yeshua. They’ll get into the millennium, they’ll survive the tribulation, those who will, of course. The Jewish believers will return with us at the second coming. But they will know Yeshua but also antisemitism will stop, the Gentiles will be in a good way jealous of the Jews, in a good way wanting to go with the Jews because the Jewish people will reflect the awesomeness of God at that time. + +Jeff: Well, and the ultimate irony of history is that every antisemite from Gentiles to radical Muslims will one day stand before a Jewish savior at the great white throne and be judged by him. That’s kind of one of those things that’s like the ultimate oops moment, when they finally realized that. Well, Olivier, I want to ask you this question here because many people that are listening here have Jewish friends. There are everything from complete atheists who are Jews in race only, but not in religion, all the way up to Orthodox Jews of varying forms. I was on the Ben Shapiro show once and he made that a point. I’m an Orthodox Jew, but I love your book, and that type of thing. People that are open, Jews that are open to truth, common ground as we talked about earlier. + +How would you suggest that people, if they have a burden for a Jewish friend, how do you open a conversation with someone who is either from the Jewish faith or raised in a Jewish household? + +Olivier: Jeff, this is not a good question for the last two minutes of a podcast. This is what I would like to do. I would like to invite myself at a later date to do a podcast on how to share Messiah with the Jewish people. + +Jeff: Oh perfect. + +Todd: That’d be awesome. + +Jeff: It also needs to be the topic of a follow-up book that you need to write. + +Olivier: We have those books, they exist. There are some basics on how to reach Jewish people with the good news of the Messiah. And it’s different on the spectrum from being very agnostic and anti-God to being ultra Orthodox. I could not do justice in giving you an answer in a minute. I think it would be really worth our time to discuss this at a later time, if you guys are interested. + +Jeff: Absolutely. No, I think that would be a highly listened to podcast. That would be great. Olivier, you are an incredible man and we appreciate you so much. We love your heart, we love your spirit. Just the love that flows from you for all people. It was just such a great joy to be able to meet you and to read your book, and to really hear where the path that God has chosen for you and the mission that God has given to you. And I know our listeners need to really check you out and talk about just the things that you have accomplished. Right now, tell our listeners where they can find out more information about you and your ministry. + +Olivier: I am part of Chosen People Ministry. So anything they want to know about, what the mission is doing to reach out Jewish people with the gospel of Jesus, they go to They’ll find what we do, the campaigns that we do. They can help prayer and support, and all the resources that we have, and we have a lot. My books and DVDs and various things are available on, But also, they’re also on Amazon if you look for them. One is called the time is now and the other one is called End Times Antisemitism, as you mentioned earlier. So, if you go to my website,, you can find those resources. And I’m always open. My email is there on the website, I’m always open to answer questions. If somebody has a Jewish friend who needs to know about Jesus, I’m an email away. + +Jeff: Cool. That’s great. Well, Olivier, again, thank you so much. On behalf of Todd and myself, we love you as a brother, but more than that, not more than that, in addition to that, we really do appreciate your ministry and pray God’s richest blessings on you as you penetrate the darkness with the message, the truth about our great God and savior Jesus Christ. + +You’ve been listening to the Prophecy Pros Podcast with our guest, Olivier Melnick. And we appreciate so much your tuning in and being able to join us on these podcasts. This has been a great journey, and we want to thank Harvest House Publishers for sponsoring our podcast. And we want to thank the Edifi Network for helping us get the message out there. But more than that, the message about Jesus Christ taking that light into the darkness is what we’re all about. So, thanks again for listening. Jeff Kinley, Todd Hampson saying thanks again from the Prophecy Pros Podcast. + diff --git a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E2 - Jan Markell Globalism, Lawlessness, and Delusional b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E2 - Jan Markell Globalism, Lawlessness, and Delusional index 032ab76..3b5d516 100644 --- a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E2 - Jan Markell Globalism, Lawlessness, and Delusional +++ b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E2 - Jan Markell Globalism, Lawlessness, and Delusional @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ URL: + ![[S2E2 - Jan Markell Globalism, Lawlessness, and Delusional Thinking.mp3]] *** diff --git a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E3 - Questions About the Rapture Pt. b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E3 - Questions About the Rapture Pt. index 95deb06..f101a37 100644 --- a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E3 - Questions About the Rapture Pt. +++ b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E3 - Questions About the Rapture Pt. @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ URL: + ![[S2E3 - Questions About the Rapture Pt. 2.mp3]] *** diff --git a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E4 - Donna VanLiere The End Times and The Younger b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E4 - Donna VanLiere The End Times and The Younger index f60a9e4..f889169 100644 --- a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E4 - Donna VanLiere The End Times and The Younger +++ b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E4 - Donna VanLiere The End Times and The Younger @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ URL: + ![[S2E4 - Donna VanLiere The End Times and The Younger Generation.mp3]] *** diff --git a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E5 - Living with Hope and Joy… Even Now!.md b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E5 - Living with Hope and Joy… Even Now!.md index 9eb9c09..3850408 100644 --- a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E5 - Living with Hope and Joy… Even Now!.md +++ b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E5 - Living with Hope and Joy… Even Now!.md @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ URL: + ![[S2E5 - Living with Hope and Joy… Even Now!.mp3]] *** diff --git a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E6 - Tom Hughes The Church and the Last b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E6 - Tom Hughes The Church and the Last index 23516d0..355b4df 100644 --- a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E6 - Tom Hughes The Church and the Last +++ b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E6 - Tom Hughes The Church and the Last @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ URL: + ![[S2E6 - Tom Hughes The Church and the Last Days.mp3]] *** diff --git a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E7 - Convergence Piecing Together the b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E7 - Convergence Piecing Together the index 9fad8eb..b65dad4 100644 --- a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E7 - Convergence Piecing Together the +++ b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E7 - Convergence Piecing Together the @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ URL: + ![[S2E7 - Convergence Piecing Together the Puzzle.mp3]] *** diff --git a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E8 - Spiritual Warfare in the End b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E8 - Spiritual Warfare in the End index c361a73..e9b4cf2 100644 --- a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E8 - Spiritual Warfare in the End +++ b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E8 - Spiritual Warfare in the End @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ URL: + ![[S2E8 - Spiritual Warfare in the End Times.mp3]] *** diff --git a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E9 - Technology of the b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E9 - Technology of the index 2e74438..840e400 100644 --- a/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E9 - Technology of the +++ b/Podcasts/Prophecy Pros/Season 2/S2E9 - Technology of the @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ URL: + ![[S2E9 - Technology of the Tribulation.mp3]] ***